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通过理论分析、现实分析和比较分析,探索性地提出了贵州少数民族地区人才资源开发的发展趋势,目的是试图构建贵州少数民族地区科学的人才资源开发模式,为政府及有关部门提供决策参考和实践运用,促进贵州少数民族地区社会经济的跨越式发展以及和谐社会的全面实现。  相似文献   

In this second part of a two‐part series, a panel of experts indicated that human performance technology (HPT) research is being adequately conducted but not properly used in practice. They stressed a need for more applied research and more extensive use of case studies. They also provided their perspectives about the influences of other fields on HPT, suggesting the need for HPT to align more closely with other disciplines that address issues of human and organizational performance.  相似文献   

“博洛尼亚进程”的背景、历程及发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
"博洛尼亚进程"是在欧洲政治经济的一体化、世界高等教育国际化和欧洲跨文化学习和研究的背景中产生的,也是20世纪60年代以来最重要、涉及面最广的高等教育改革,是欧洲高等教育一体化的进程。其前期准备、初步探索、正式启动三个阶段以及布拉格会议、柏林会议、卑尔根会议以及"伦敦公报"等历程显示,"博洛尼亚进程"的发展趋势是进一步完善三级学位制度、加强高等教育质量保障、促进学历学位相互承认,力争在2010年建立欧洲高等教育区,实现欧洲高等教育的国际化。  相似文献   

Current debates about whether schools which are not secular should be supported by the State within a society which is secular demand clarity about the distinction between the secular and the non-secular. It is argued that the notions of a secular society and of a secular polity help to illuminate the nature of a secular school. More substantively, it is suggested that we have reason to support a form of polity which allows both secular and non-secular contributions into the public, forum, without privileging either; and that there is at least a case to be made that a non-secular school may more adequately prepare its pupils for participation in such a polity.  相似文献   

This chapter examines how the convergence of four trends that have dominated the education landscape over the last three decades is giving rise to six issues that will largely define the educational landscape of the next. Reconciling the simultaneous but conflicting pressures to contain costs, raise school quality, further decentralize management, and incorporate technology represents the central challenge.  相似文献   

在中国,马克思主义的发展,直接与儒学相关涉.从"本土化"、"世俗化"角度分析了马克思主义长期对儒家文化的拒斥和批判,不仅有悖人类文化进步及自身之理,而且也碍于战斗品性的发挥,损害大矣.并进一步阐述了儒学回归"世俗化",张扬质朴的世俗情怀和虔诚的亲和秉性之必要,以及儒学精神对现代化"毒素"的自然抗解、对马克思主义的丰溢与超越层面的文化功能.说到底,两者的价值并不在过去,全取决于在未来文化体系建构中的活力!智慧的中国人民,自会把握时机,坚持和发展马克思主义,弘扬传统,不负使命.  相似文献   

贵阳市人口发展现状及趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用贵阳市相关统计资料,对贵阳市人口发展现状及趋势进行研究。结果表明,贵阳市人口发展的现状是人口持续增长、控制型生育模式、老年型人口年龄结构、人口文化素质提高较快、人口城镇化速度快、人口分布不均、贵州省人口主要流入区和集聚区,今后贵阳市人口总数将保持增长态势,人口年龄结构呈现“中间大,两头小”的结构,进入人口红利期,且人口城镇化水平稳步增长。针对贵阳市人口发展现状及趋势,提出贵阳市人口发展的建议。  相似文献   

人才是信息时代企业发展的动力之源,员工重于利润,人力资源将是企业制胜的关键。谁能掌握越多的人才,谁就能脱颖而出,独领风骚。21世纪,将是人力资源管理再造的世纪。  相似文献   

在大学生创业活动发展的同时,有关创业教育的研究越来越受到社会各方面的重视与关注,各高校也开始着手进行创业教育的尝试.创业教育必将成为今后高校教育的重中之重.  相似文献   

冯强  梁峰 《石家庄学院学报》2011,13(4):67-74,128
阎连科长篇小说《受活》的吊诡之处在于它同时提供了未来和过去两个时间取向。从两种不同的时间意识来观察,《受活》的时间经验是分裂性的。从伊利亚德关于神圣时间乃其他时间结构之原型的论述出发,从神圣、世俗与世俗的仿真三个角度对《受活》进行分析,可以看出:神圣时间作为其他时间结构的原型,在社会历史结构中的逐步扩散以及最终狂欢式的蔓延;神圣、世俗与世俗的仿真只是想呈现出历史地貌中的某种真实状态,它们之间并不构成截然的对立;它们共同分享了我们这样一个暧昧的时代。  相似文献   

A programme of City Academies was announced by the Secretary of State for Education for England in 2000. These schools would be independent of local government control, have voluntary and private sector sponsors, and would break the cycle of failing inner‐city schools. The first three Academies opened in 2002, and this paper considers how they have fared so far in terms of changes to their student intake and improvements in examination outcomes. Using figures from 1997 to 2003–2004 from the annual school census and from the DfES Standards site, the paper shows that there is no evidence that these schools are, in general, performing any better for equivalent students than the schools they replaced. Although the programme is at a very early stage, this finding is important because it contradicts the claims of the DfES and of the Academies themselves and the determination of the government (at time of writing) to expand the programme to 200 schools.  相似文献   

当前世界经济的主要发展趋势及特征是经济全球化。随着经济全球化的深入和发展,在近几十年全球经济一体化进程中,跨国公司始终处于核心地位。经济全球化推进了跨国公司的发展。而在当前经济全球化快速发展的情况下,跨国公司又有新的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Gender earnings differentials in China during the course of development in the post-reform period were examined. The analysis showed that the female–male earnings ratio increased over time in all regions. The region with relatively rapid economic reforms had the highest female–male earnings ratio. Decomposition of the gender earnings differential revealed that in the more developed region a lower percentage of the differential could be explained by gender differences in productive characteristics. Changes in the discriminatory component of the differential by region over time suggested that both the “competition” effect proposed by Becker [The Economics of Discrimination, 1971] and the effects of wage decentralization during economic reforms played a different role in the eastern and central regions versus their role in the western region. Further examination of the sub-components of the explained component of the differential highlighted the minor role of education in explaining the gender earnings differentials.  相似文献   

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