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Although current research in the area of counseling supervision has been getting more and more plentiful, there are few instruments available for use in directly assessing many of the variables that are important. In this article the author describes the development of an instrument that is designed to measure the areas of emphasis established by a supervisor with a trainee. The article includes the procedures used to establish the content, the basis for necessary revisions, and the statistical reliabilities that were obtained for each subscale and the total instrument. In addition, several suggestions for future research using the instrument are given.  相似文献   

This article discusses the revision of the Supervisor Emphasis Rating Form (SERF) into an ipsative instrument and suggests future research that could profitably be done with the new instrument.  相似文献   

The authors completed an exploratory factor analysis of the scores of 248 counselors‐in‐training on the Counselor Skills Personal Development Rating Form (CSPD‐RF; M. B. Wilbur, 1991). Participants' counseling program was accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs at a midsize western university. The authors of the CSPD‐RF hypothesized that the CSPD‐RF measured 2 factors: (a) personal development and (b) skills development. Factor analysis yielded 4 factors (Emotional Sensitivity, Basic Listening Skills, Multicultural Skills, and Influencing Skills), accounting for 58.4% of the total variance, thus providing some support for the construct validity of the CSPD‐RF.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare two measures of perceived counselor expertness, trustworthiness, and attractiveness: the Counselor Rating Form (CRF) and the Counselor Effectiveness Rating Scale (CERS).  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to add to the empirical data available on the Counselor Evaluation Rating Scale (CERS). Ratings on 404 students from approximately 35 different supervisors were factor-analyzed using an oblique solution with rotation to simple loadings. Six primary factors were found: general counseling performance (I), professional attitude (II), counseling behavior (III), counseling knowledge (IV), supervision attitude (V), and supervision behavior (VI). A subsequent analysis yielded two second-order factors; the first was composed of primary factors I, III, IV and the second of primary factors II, V, VI, which closely approximated the original counseling and supervision scales of the CERS. It was concluded that the CERS has generally achieved the purposes intended by its authors. Suggestions for minor changes in item-scale designations are provided.  相似文献   

A review of the literature reveals that little research has been conducted on the role of the State Supervisor of Guidance Services. More specifically, the literature review did not yield any factor analysis studies on this role. A questionnaire sent to 280 state directors and supervisors of guidance services in the 50 states was the instrument used to gather the data that was subsequently analyzed on an IBM 360, Model 50 computer. The factor analysis yielded three major categories: Promotion, Service, and Noninvolvement. Since this is the only factor study conducted to date on the role of the State Supervisor of Guidances, it should serve as a foundation for similar future studies.  相似文献   

Two hundred sixty-seven children from three ethnic samples (95 Caucasians, 95 African Americans, and 77 Hispanics) were rated by their teachers on the Devereux Behavior Rating Scale-School Form (DSF). The data were analyzed by univariate and multivariate ANOVAs, discriminant analysis, and sensitivity and specificity analysis. Results indicate the DSF has utility in screening children for serious emotional disturbance in the present sample. The findings also suggest that the criterion-related validity of the DSF found for the general population can be generalized to Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic children. In addition, the cutoff score of 1 SD above the mean on the DSF Total scale was found to yield the highest true positive and negative hit rates for the total and Caucasian samples. The optimum cutoff scores were slightly lower for the African American and Hispanic samples. Usefulness and limitation of the DSF as a screening instrument with school children are discussed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

在古汉语中,由于存在大量的形容词活用为使动词的情况,造成了一部分偏正结构(定心结构)与一部分动宾结构语言形式完全相同的问题。对这两种形同而实不同的结构,一些译释者产生了混淆。作者对此作出了纠正,并从理论高度,初步提出了对两种结构的辨析方法。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了芭蕾舞剧的起源及发展,并试着从芭蕾舞剧的舞蹈种类、技术规范和审美要求、哑剧成分及舞剧音乐等方面着手,简要探讨舞蹈欣赏课中,进行芭蕾舞剧鉴赏所应注意的问题。  相似文献   

谈汉语新词的内部结构形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究现代汉语新词的内部结构形式,可以揭示语言里词语之间的语义联系和语言词汇的系统性,进而寻求词汇发展的某些规律,有利于语言的纯洁、规范与发展。  相似文献   

自从上个世纪20年代,荷兰构成主义派、"风格派"代表人物杜斯柏格将构成教学带到设计学府包豪斯之时,世界的设计格局无可置疑的会产生翻天覆地的变化。而当我们在2004级建筑设计与城镇规划专业以及建筑装饰专业将构成课作为主要专业基础课程开设之时,我才真正理解构成作为现代设计最基础最重要的教学内容应该如何出现在我校的教学之中。  相似文献   

<幼儿园教育环境质量评价量表>是在借鉴ECERS-R和ECERS-E的结构形式的基础上,依据指导我国幼儿园教育实践的重要文件<幼儿园工作规程>和<幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)>编制的一份5级评定量表,包含物质环境创设、人际互动、生活活动和课程4个领域,共25个项目.研究表明,该量表具有较强的实践性和可操作性,内容适合中国幼儿园教育实践,能够反映并区分幼儿园教育环境质量的高低,具有较高的观察者内部一致性、内容效度和结构效度.  相似文献   

为简化伸缩变形计算过程,针对代数曲线和参数曲线,提出一种具有区域峰值的伸缩因子曲线变形方法。首先基于 Hermite 插值基函数构造一种多项式伸缩函数,然后建立带有伸缩参数的伸缩因子,最后将伸缩因子作用于曲线,促使曲线沿指定方向产生变形。在变形过程中,通过改变伸缩因子中的形状控制参数,实现曲线整体、局部以及周期变形效果。大量数值实例证明,该方法计算量小,便于理解和操作,可获得适用于不同设计要求的旋转曲面和外形轮廓线。与其它方法相比,该方法不仅可用于参数型曲线,还可用于隐式表示的代数曲线,丰富了隐式曲线的变形效果。  相似文献   

文中把心理学中的“原型启发”概念引入到数学教学之中,通过对数学问题形式特征、数据、变量之间特定关系的表征、联想、原型启发,激活原有的知识和经验,在新的一个知识层面上建构问题解决的新模型,探索问题解决的新途径,这种教学方法不仅能培养学生良好的观察能力和知识的综合运用能力,同时每一个问题的解决过程都是一次知识的重组和整合,对建构良好的认知结构有促进作用。  相似文献   

悬索结构作为大跨度空间结构的一种形式,有其独有的特点,而有关悬索结构的研究工作也已成为空间结构研究的重要领域之一。  相似文献   

“技术是手段不是目的”.但当前许多图书馆沉溺于技术的神话中而忽视对图书馆实践中“人”的因素的强调.只有在“以人为本”的理念下,借助现代的科技手段,才能促进图书事业的发展.  相似文献   

多数投资者在使用会计报表时,偏重于对企业净利润及每股收益的比较和分析,忽视现金流量所提供的信息,只有将现金流量表和资产负债表、利润表所提供的财务信息综合起来,注重现金流量的分析,才能够更好地了解企业的业绩,使利润分析包含有更多的重要信息,规避投资风险。  相似文献   

如何搞好开放教育导学主任的工作,对导学主任的主要工作做了分析,在对开放教育学员的服务与管理上,提出了一些建议和看法。  相似文献   

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