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教育知识从研究者到实践者的转化是五种因素共同作用的过程。这五种因素是:教育知识的提供者、教育知识的接受者、教育知识本身、教育知识的提供者和实践者的关系以及教育知识转化的环境。文章在分析影响教育知识向实践者转化的各因素特点的基础上提出了促进教育知识转化的两个策略。  相似文献   

The current preference for alternative assessment has been partly stimulated by recent evidence on learning which points to the importance of students’ active engagement in the learning process. While alternative assessment may well fulfil the aims of formative assessment, its value in the summative assessment required in higher education is more problematic. If alternative assessment devices are to be used for summative purposes, the validity of alternative assessment has to be considered. The paper argues that task specification and marking consistency in alternative ­assessment can make comparability of performance difficult to effect, thereby leaving alternative assessment a less than convincing form for use in higher education.  相似文献   

This article reflects on the experience of applying a person-centred approach to promote organisational change in an educational context. A detailed example is drawn from a Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) process with a group of school staff. The article considers existing research into person-centred approaches and explores key factors that may help or hinder the effectiveness of these approaches. A number of implications for professional practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Research agenda setting is a critical dimension in the creation of knowledge since it represents the starting point of a process that embeds individual researchers’ (and the communities that they identify themselves with) interest for shedding light on topical unknowns, intrinsic and extrinsic factors underpinning that motivation, and the ambition and scope of what a research endeavor can bring. This article aims to better understand the setting of individual research agendas in the field of higher education. It does so by means of a recently developed framework on research agenda setting that uses cluster analysis and linear modeling. The findings identify two main clusters defining individual research agenda setting—cohesive and trailblazing—each with a different set of determining characteristics. Further analysis by cross-validation through means of sub-sampling shows that these clusters are consistent for both new and established researchers, and for frequent and “part-time” contributors to the field of higher education. Implications for the field of higher education research are discussed, including the relevance that each research agendas cluster has for the advancement of knowledge in the field.  相似文献   

优化我国高等教育投资资源配置的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从高等教育准公共产品的属性和目前我国高等教育所处的发展阶段来看,我国高等教育应选择计划与市场相结合的投资资源配置方式。应打破原有计划方式下政府包揽高等教育的单一投资体制,尽快建立起适应社会主义市场经济体制要求的,国家、个人、社会三者结构合理的多元化投资机制。  相似文献   

This paper is a reflection on the current policy moment in educational research in Australia in the context of globalisation. Set against a consideration of the emergent structure of feeling, the paper draws on three case studies of research to draw out some lessons for educational researchers and the research community. The argument is put that the dangerous ‘we’ of AARE needs to support increased funding for education and for educational research and, for the latter, to support a range of funding sources, types of research, methodologies and dissemination approaches. Increasingly there are pressures upon such eclecticism because of governmental attempts to ‘instrumentalise’ relationships between educational research and practitioner needs as perceived by governments. While such research is necessary, there is also a need within a democratic polity for research framed by agendas set by researchers that critiques government-directed developments. The paper argues there is a complex relationship amongst researchers and educational policy and pedagogical practitioners and as such the concept of ‘impact’ as applied to educational research requires substantial theorising. Contemporary research policy has tended to inhibit the dissemination of academic research to educational practitioners, while educational policy has tended, inappropriately in the argument of the paper, to construct teachers as the mere recipients of policy and research done elsewhere.  相似文献   

Assessment is an important cornerstone of education. A world trend in staying abreast of the latest developments in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) has led to an increased demand for electronic assessment in education circles. The critical need and responsibility for higher education to stay on par with the latest techniques regarding assessment subsequently led the University of Johannesburg (UJ) to implement electronic assessment in some departments in 2004. Several challenges led to this exploration into the use of one e‐assessment tool within the University.  相似文献   

要推动我国高等教育创新,就必须高度重视并积极推进高等教育科学研究的创新。当前,既要克服高等教育研究脱离高等教育实践的倾向,也要克服高等教育实际工作者远离高等教育科学研究的局面。而加强院校研究是促进高等教育研究与实际有机结合的可行方法。  相似文献   

This study investigates key educational experiences in higher education. Key experiences are short and intense instructional episodes that students remember to have had a decisive effect on their lives. Data comes from a sample of 3045 key educational experiences, focusing on the 11.6% that relate to higher education. The paper uses a qualitative analysis to describe different features of key experiences in higher education. The results suggest that key experiences involve a process of self-discovery where students find features about themselves they knew nothing of previously. They also help to characterize three main contexts for self-discovery in higher education. First, key experiences take place in academically challenging circumstances that get students to embark on identity adventures. Second, challenging circumstances also provided ripe ground for sage advice that professors provided their students with. These words of wisdom became leitmotifs for students’ lives henceforth. Finally, the results indicate the importance of second chance opportunities for self-discovery and identity rehabilitation in higher education.  相似文献   

诊所法律教育在我国高校的引入已近10年,其实施效果受到各界赞许,实施的必要性毋庸置疑.但是在我国法科教育中占绝对数量的普通高校实施情况却并不理想,其中诊所法律教育路径选择上的偏差是一个重要的原因.笔者认为,普通高校应当从法律教育的定位出发,树立培养法科学生职业能力和职业伦理的双重价值目标,积极创造诊所法律教育的运行条件,通过构建多元化诊所法律教育的运作模式、选择合理有效的诊所法律教育教学方法、设计科学配套的评价体系,通过诊所法律教育路径的科学选择,实现应用型高级法科人才的培养目标.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this paper is to examine the objectives of higher education provision in Britain. The perspective of ‘educationists’ are compared with those of ‘economists’. In particular, the paper argues that the Department of Education and Science (DES) has moved substantially in the direction of the economists' approach to educational resource allocation. The paper also argues that the partticular characteristics of higher education (HE), where it is state-provided and free at the point of consumption, imbue it with the properties of a Niskanen-type bureau. This paper suggests that the current DES policy with its considerable implications for HE resource allocation can be rationalised in terms of the human capital approach and the problems of managing a bureau.“A professor was supposed to be a venerable kind of person, with snow-white whiskers reaching to his stomach. He was expected to moon around the campus oblivious of the world around him. If you nodded to him he failed to see you. Of money he knew nothing; of business far less. He was, as his trustees were proud to say of him, ‘a child’.On the other hand, he contained within him a reservoir of learning of such depth as to be practically bottomless. None of this learning was supposed to be of any material or commercial benefit to anybody. Its use was in saving the soul and enlarging the mind” (Leacock, 1922).  相似文献   

The paper examines aspects of the relationship between teaching and research in higher education in social science research methods, with particular reference to the subject area of Education. There are three main themes: reflections on how social science research methods should be (or are) taught; a review of current debates about the relationship between teaching and research, both in higher education and for school teachers; and finally, reporting how a group of educational practitioners (mainly school teachers) studying at Masters level experience learned about research methods. The paper is illustrated by qualitative data from a case study of student experiences of research methods teaching on a Masters degree in Education in a research-intensive UK university. It is suggested that studying the journey embarked upon by taught postgraduate students inexperienced in research is helpful in understanding how learning about research methods takes place, which in turn can assist future research methods teaching.  相似文献   

从抓住机遇,加快发展,走全面、和谐、健康发展之路;围绕中心,服务全局,努力提高高等教育对经济建设的贡献力度;深化改革,坚持创新,不断增添高等教育发展的活力和动力;把握方向,凝聚人心,切实加强高校党的建设和思想政治工作等四方面,论述了江西省高等教育在实施“科教兴赣、人才强省”战略、实现在我国中部地区崛起的目标中所确定的发展思路和重要举措。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):201-218

The balance between the cost and value of access programmes is a concern in higher education. The function of access programmes is to provide support and additional time for under-prepared students to cope with the academic workload during the first year. This article aims to indicate the value students place on participation in an access programme. In this qualitative study, group interviews were conducted and the findings indicate that Engineering students attribute their success in the mainstream to the way in which participation in an access programme had integrated them academically into the university and exposed them to discipline related experiences in a non-threatening environment. The findings of this study indicate what aspects of the access programme students considered helpful for perseverance in mainstream studies. It is recommended that institutions that offer access programmes should not only be aware of the reciprocal influence of the cognitive and non-cognitive factors that affect students' success, but also purposefully combine these factors in the design of their access programmes.  相似文献   

利用军校教育资源,促进高等教育大众化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军队院校是高等院校的一个重要组成部分,拥有相当数量的教育资源。在地方院校办学条件难以全面适应高校扩招需要的情况下,通过多种途径,充分利用军队院校教育资源,将对我军高等教育大众化的实现起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

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