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The purpose of this article is to justify and present a set of guidelines for the effective and ethical administration of counselor education and supervision training clinics. Responding directly to a call for creating guidelines, the authors address core issues surrounding their development. Benefits for clear and accessible guidelines and risks associated with their absence are covered. Drawing upon existing contributions from the field and related professions, guidelines are proposed along with a plan for their approval and implementation in counselor education training clinics.  相似文献   

儿童社会技能缺陷与教育对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
儿童社会技能表现为能在群体中正常完成合作、竞争、冲突和交友等交往活动。儿童社会技能缺陷分为社会性退缩和社会性攻击两类。合理设置交往空间、情感诊疗、行为模式训练、强化认知是弥补儿童社会技能缺陷的主要方法。  相似文献   

“法律诊所教育”对我国法学教育模式的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济社会的发展,传统的法学教育培养模式已不适应当前社会对法律人才的需求,探索新的教学改革模式已迫在眉睫。"法律诊所教育"区别于传统法学教育模式,其在培养法律实务人才方面具有重要的积极意义,很可能成为中国法律教育改革的突围性举措。我国的普通高等院校在未来的法律诊所教育改革中,应从硬件设施、规范化制度等七个方面做出努力。  相似文献   

Social skills training interventions have been used extensively for remediating interpersonal deficits of children and adolescents. These interventions represent an essential component of school curricula for at-risk and handicapped students, and have been incorporated into treatment programs for youngsters receiving services in psychiatric hospitals or clinics, residential facilities, and correctional institutions. As the degree of specialized knowledge necessary to effectively implement social skills training programs increases, the need for consultation services becomes more acute. Specific functional relationships among child characteristics, target behaviors, and interventions, for instance, must be analyzed with respect to ecological parameters and constraints. In this article, I discuss the use of consultation for conceptualizing and implementing social skills training with youngsters. Integrating consultation into social skills training requires developing a dynamic and collaborative relationship with practitioners. Current issues and misconceptions pertinent to social skills training are proffered in order to enhance consultant's role as problem solver and to ensure treatment integrity. This article also delineates the nexus among assessment information, target behavior selection, and intervention factors that are considered essential for providing comprehensive and effective social skills training.  相似文献   

To compare the effectiveness of an internet-based training series with a traditional live classroom session in preparing pharmacy students to oversee a diabetes management program in community settings. Two cohorts of students were identified that prepared by utilizing a recorded online training exclusively, and two separate cohorts of students prepared by receiving only live classroom instruction. All students in the four cohorts were given a survey to evaluate the training sessions, and results were analyzed using the analysis of variance statistical test (ANOVA). Preceptors at the sites who interacted with students in all four cohorts were surveyed to evaluate which students appeared more prepared; these data were compared using paired t tests. Final assessment data for students in all four cohorts were analyzed using ANOVA. There were statistical differences between the two live training groups, with the second group finding the training to be more beneficial for preparing them, feeling the training length was appropriate and preferring the live modality for delivery. The two internet training cohorts were similar except for perceptions regarding the length of the online training. Comparing responses from those students who received live training with those receiving internet instruction demonstrated a statistical difference with the live groups rating the trainings as more helpful in preparing them for the clinics, rating the training as necessary, and rating their confidence higher in seeing patients. Preceptors rated the live training statistically higher than online training in preparing students. There was no difference between groups on their final site assessments. Live classroom training appears to be superior to the recorded internet training in preparing pharmacy students to oversee a diabetes management program in community settings.  相似文献   

财经类高校法学教育的优势和侧重点是法学与经济学、管理学的相互渗透与支撑.财经类院校培养卓越法律人才应发挥经管法等诸学科交叉融合的优势,通过法律诊所等教育形式构建科学的经管法实践教学体系,并以教学模式的深化改革带动经管实践教学的有效实施.  相似文献   

In Bangladesh, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, through the Family Planning Association of Bangladesh, works to increase access to quality reproductive health (RH) care services among low- and medium-income groups in underserved outlying districts. The strategies being pursued are as follows: 1) expand RH services (with special emphasis on long-term methods) through special work units/upgraded clinics and mobile clinics; 2) develop and use information, education and communication materials for information and awareness raising; 3) hold community-based meetings for information dissemination, RH awareness and motivation, and clinical contraception; 4) conduct advocacy campaigns to increase demand for RH services; 5) organize adolescent school-based programs and peer group meetings on awareness raising and RH; 6) strengthen field units/local nongovernmental organizations and community based organizations through training and support; 7) promote inter-linkages with other RH information partners, government agencies and other nongovernmental organizations; and 8) establish a cost recovery process for sustainability. A summary of the main activities of the program is provided.  相似文献   

针对法学教育普遍存在的重理论、轻实践等问题,充分利用地方性大学的社会资源优势,构建符合应用型法律人才培养定位的实践教学体系,以社区法律诊所等为平台,强化实践教学成效,探索法学人才培养的新模式.  相似文献   

Dementia is a major public health concern. Educating health-care providers about dementia warning signs, diagnosis, and management is paramount to fostering clinical competence and improving patient outcomes. The objective of this project was to describe and identify educational and training needs of staff at community-based outpatient clinics related to treating and managing veterans with dementia. Health professionals took an online survey consisting of questions related to general knowledge and skills in working with veterans with dementia and their families, staff training, and attitudes toward people with dementia. Most participants considered knowledge of dementia important; however, few reported having received training in dementia care within the past year. Furthermore, over half of participants considered themselves beginners in terms of knowledge and skills in dementia care. Regarding training needs, topics that could improve the overall care of veterans with dementia and their caregivers were most often cited. Participants reported being most satisfied with in-person training. Physicians rated their dementia knowledge and skill as greater than nurses'/other medical professionals’ and support staff's. Compared with support staff, nurses/other medical professionals held more positive attitudes toward persons with dementia. Survey results suggest that staff are interested in improving knowledge of, and skills for, working with persons with dementia, and that job classification is associated with differences in attitudes.  相似文献   

Competing demands of school and home can thrust adolescent mothers into stressful situations. Meeting the requirements to achieve academically can be a challenge, especially for students previously identified as "slow learners." These students may conclude that academic achievement is an impossibility. How can special educators and service providers help? What environmental variables affect these young mothers' learning capabilities? This study used a case study research approach to study 10 African-American adolescent mothers who were already at risk of dropping out of school programs. Successful strategies to keep these students in school include school-based clinics, teacher training, sex education, and school-community support.  相似文献   

随着自闭症儿童数量的增加和相应的试验研究的涌现,美国发布了对自闭症实行"基于证据的实践"的干预指南与标准,以使自闭症干预质量可控并专业化。在标准的框架下,博鲁克曼等人在社区心理健康中心对自闭症儿童的干预进行了基于证据的试验,得出了父母高度参与、治疗师参与培训、提高家长干预能力、建立家长—治疗师联盟等一系列经验和结论,为我国在专业标准、诊断、培训、干预系统设计、干预策略等方面提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

高校卫生服务模式之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场经济的进一步发展,建立于计划经济时代的卫生愈来愈显不能适应市场经济的发展和社会的需求。高校卫生服务也与社会上的医院,诊所一样,同样存在一些不如人意,与人们利益相冲突,与社会发展不相适应的地方。高校卫生服务在其服务,资金投入和回收,服务职能,医疗保险,人事制度与教育培训及服务监督和财务管理方面有其自身的特点。因此,寻求新形势下的高校卫生服务模式很有必要。  相似文献   

The Force of Ideas describes a little‐known aspect of both educational history and Viennese psychoanalysis during the interwar years: the movement for psychoanalytic pedagogy. The author traces her father’s own story, beginning with his application to the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society for training as a psychoanalytic pedagogue, as a way to follow this now‐forgotten movement. Psychoanalytic pedagogues saw themselves as part of building a democratic socialism in Austria by bringing a psychoanalytic understanding of themselves and others to teaching. The movement was cut short by the Anschluss, as psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic pedagogues, most of whom were Jews, escaped Austria. Although some of the ideas developed during the interwar years continued as émigrés worked in clinics, child welfare organizations, and schools, in the face of survival and assimilation in postwar US, an identifiable theory and practice of psychoanalytic pedagogy were largely lost.  相似文献   

Young people aged 15–24 constitute about one quarter of the population in Egypt. Recent survey findings provide evidence to advocate for the improvement of the number and quality of services targeting young people's needs. This study focused on the role of youth-friendly clinics in addressing young people's sexual and reproductive health. The study methodology included desk review, in-depth interviews with physicians and peer educators, and focus group discussions with young people of both sexes, including clinic beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. The overall environment for sex education and service provision has improved in recent years. Pilot government and non-government youth-friendly clinics have been established but their coverage and use remain limited, with the majority of service users being married women rather than single men and women. The role of youth-friendly clinics in addressing youth sexual and reproductive health needs remains restricted due to societal reluctance to address these issues and cultural and religious sensitivities. Government commitment is required to scale up pilot clinics into a national programme to improve the welfare of all young people.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to discuss how university–community partnerships can be utilized to provide affordable and accessible health care for the elderly at community health clinics. A review of community health clinics, usage data from 2013 to 2014 by a sample of aging individuals will be described along with faculty perspectives about the usefulness of the university partnership and suggestions for improving future partnerships. Recommendations for future university–community partnerships are discussed.  相似文献   

Treatment expectancies and outcome have been robustly associated, although these constructs are understudied within college mental health populations. This is partially because of the lack of psychometrically sound expectancy measures for campus clinics. This study examined the validity, reliability, and clinical utility of a novel expectancy measure developed for use in campus clinics. The measure was found to have sound psychometric properties and may prospectively identify pretreatment expectancies that adversely affect treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, as in the United States, the introduction of the concept of ‘mental health’ in education is closely related to the development of a network of child guidance clinics. The first of these was established in Amsterdam in 1928. However, a substantial movement to actively promote mental health did not come into existence until after the Second World War. Unlike in the USA, at the time in the Netherlands the school was considered of only little importance in the crusade for the prevention of mental illness. Teachers and school physicians alike were at the same time recognized as helping forces in the promotion of mental strength and conceived of as inadequately equipped to diagnose problem children. The tradition of labelling the school as a sick‐making institution appears to have been an important asset for the child guidance clinics’ lobby to successfully discredit the institution. Parents’ educational competence was likewise undermined by the infiltration of child‐psychiatric theory, concepts and categories of discourse. The mental health movement promoted an attitude towards the family that was even more disturbingly ambiguous. On the one hand the family was considered a most powerful medicine against what was consistently diagnosed as the moral crisis of society. On the other hand contemporary child‐psychiatric theory pointed at parenting as the prime seedbed of neurosis. Inspired by Sol Cohen’s new cultural history of education the author traces the origins and the initial success of the child guidance approach as part of a larger process of ‘medicalization’, accompanied by ‘neurotization’ as an effect of the growing influence of psychoanalysis. She argues that these processes created the conditions for the Dutch child guidance clinics to monopolize the care, treatment and knowledge of problem children. After discussing the growing ambiguity as to parents’ and the school’s competence in preventing mental illness, the establishment and early development of the Dutch child guidance clinics are described. Finally, an analysis is given of the clinics’ diagnoses and treatment of ‘difficult’ children at the height of the mental health movement’s success, immediately after the war. The child guidance clinics’ work was presented as a blessing for individuals, for society and for the public purse. The self‐image of the institution emphasized its role in the prevention of adult crime and psychiatric treatment. Moreover, the clinics were supposed to prevent much more expensive hospitalization of children in reformatories and children’s homes. In reality, however, they selected for treatment primarily those cases that fitted their approach. In doing so, they could further promote the belief in the mental health movement’s central idea of mental illness as a widespread disease. The child guidance clinics’ lobby succeeded in providing itself with a key role in the theatre of children’s mental health, the expert answer to what was conceived of as a serious crisis in society. Moreover, the lobby claimed to be the solution to the existing ambiguities as to the family and the school as child‐rearing milieux. Therefore, the way the child guidance clinics succeeded in promoting their own approach at the expense of the status and competence of other educational professions and institutions was both enabled by medicalization and neurotization and was itself another step in these processes.  相似文献   

South Africa is a multicultural, ethnically diverse society, the vast majority (over 80%) of whose members have been oppressed by the white minority under the apartheid system. A model which takes into account the sociopolitical context and is sensitive to culture and class would provide a useful theoretical framework for the formulation of clinical interventions here. Pedersen's Triad Model is considered to constitute such an approach. There have been no known attempts to introduce this model into South African clinics or training centres. Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate the perceptions of the Triad Model's potential effectiveness held by trainers in family counselling. A role-play of a family counselling session was constructed, using a procounsellor and an anticounsellor Triad design, respectively. This was sent to family counselling trainers, together with an evaluation questionnaire. Of the 16 university- and 25 clinic-based trainers approached, 12 returned the questionnaire. Results reflected a significant and consistent preference for the procounsellor over the anticounsellor Triad design, and for the anticounsellor design over conventional family counselling. The findings provide encouragement for the feasibility of the Triad Model's further investigation and adoption in South Africa.  相似文献   


Purpose: This study developed a framework for quality assessment of diagnoses and advice given at plant clinics.

Design/methodology/approach: Clinic registers from five plant clinics in Uganda (2006–2010) were used to develop quality assessment protocols for diagnoses and advice given by plant doctors. Assessment of quality of diagnoses was based on five validation criteria applied on the ten most common crops. Quality of advice was assessed for the four major problems considering efficacy and feasibility.

Findings: The quality of diagnoses varied between crops, from 68% completely validated in maize to 1% in tomato. Complete and partially validated diagnoses were 44% of all queries. The remaining 56% were rejected. Several basic weaknesses were found in data recording and symptom recognition. A greater consistency and precision in naming diseases would increase the number of completely validated diagnoses. The majority of recommendations (82%) were assessed ‘partially effective’. ‘Best practice’ was recommended for 10% and ineffective advice was given in 8% of the cases with considerable variation between diseases.

Practical implications: Plant doctors need more training in symptom recognition, pest management and record keeping as well as better technical backstopping to solve unknown problems. Common standards and procedures for clinic data collection and analysis should be established, and roles and responsibilities clearly defined.

Originality/value: This is the first time plant clinic registers have been used to systematically assess quality of plant clinic services. Apart from being a valuable tool for quality assessment of extension, the plant clinic registers constitute a novel source of regular information about pests, diseases and farmer demand that can help improve decision-making of extension service providers, researchers, plant health authorities as well as information and technology providers.  相似文献   

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