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明代言官以言为职,在履职时面临着双重风险:一是皇帝的威胁和摧抑,二是周边各种势力的打击报复。为保证言官尽职,明代确立了一些激励和保障机制,包括鼓励直言、慎选言官、畀以重权、给予重赏、严加考察以及相应的人身保护等。这些保障机制在一定程度上激励了言官不畏风险,恪尽职守,在明中期以前发挥了较好的作用。但由于专制体制下皇权决定一切,而明代皇帝素质又普遍低下,言官保障机制不断被破坏,言官的职业风险更为突出,致使言官群体在晚明时期不断分化蜕变,从一个侧面揭示了明代士大夫的悲剧命运。  相似文献   

研究生导师是研究生培养中的第一责任人,提升研究生培养质量的关键在于推进导师专业发展。研究生导师专业发展的素质标准是研究生导师专业发展的目标与方向。当前我国研究生导师专业发展素质标准包括导师入职标准和导师入职后的发展标准。科研水平是导师入职的主要标准,包括导师学历/学位、职称、科研经验、科研项目与经费等节点,是导师专业发展的前提条件;指导能力是导师入职后发展的主要标准,包括导师指导研究生的岗位职责、指导经验、课程与教学能力等节点,是导师专业发展素质的核心维度;师德修养是导师专业发展素质的基本要求,包括导师政治素质、职业道德、为人师表等节点;导师自我角色认知与管理能力是导师专业发展的基本维度,包括导师不断提升自己思想和业务素质、研究研究生教育等节点。推进我国研究生导师专业发展,不仅需要学校层面的导师专业发展机制,更需要导师自主、自觉地反思自己的指导实践。  相似文献   

This study sought to gain an understanding of the current statistical training and support needs for Australian Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students and their supervisors. The data reported herein are based on the survey responses of 191 (18.7%) eligible supervisors from a single Australian institution. The survey was composed of both forced-choice and open-ended items relating to supervisors’ background and experience, supervisors’ perceptions of their own statistical knowledge, the capabilities of their HDR students and supervisors’ attitudes towards the provision of statistical support for HDR students. Most supervisors described themselves as being at either an intermediate or advanced level of statistical experience (74.4%) and were moderately to very confident (72.3%) supervising students in relation to statistical matters. In contrast, supervisors identified a substantial discordance, or gap, between HDR students’ statistical knowledge, which they rated at an overall introductory or lower level (76.6%), and a requirement to have at least an intermediate level of statistical knowledge to complete their degree (74.5%). The findings suggest that supervisors perceive HDR students’ statistical knowledge to be underdeveloped, that both students and supervisors are likely to benefit from the provision of formal statistics training and that supervisors value access to statistical consultancy services.  相似文献   

明代言官以言为职,在履职时面临着双重风险:一是皇帝的威胁和摧抑,二是周边各种势力的打击报复。为保证言官尽职,明代确立了一些激励和保障机制,包括鼓励直言、慎选言官、畀以重权、给予重赏等六个方面。这些保障机制在一定程度上刺激了言官不畏风险,恪尽职守,在明中期以前发挥了较好的作用。但由于专制体制下皇权决定一切,而明代皇帝素质又普遍低下,言官保障机制不断被破坏,言官的职业风险更为突出,从而促使言官群体在晚明时期不断分化蜕变,这从一个侧面揭示了明代士大夫的悲剧命运。  相似文献   

In the current context of doctoral education students are required to develop a range of complex academic literacy skills to accomplish optimal performance in their academic communities of practice. This has led to increase the interest in research on doctoral writing. However, research on how supervisors contribute to doctoral writing has not been extensive. The purpose of this study is to analyze the supervisors’ perspectives on doctoral writing by addressing three questions: a) What role do supervisors attribute to writing in doctoral training? b) What type of writing support do supervisors intend to provide to their students? and c) What are the relations between the role supervisors attribute to writing and the type of writing support supervisors offer to their students? Participants were 61 supervisors in the social sciences and humanities with diverse levels of expertise. Using a cross-sectional interpretative design, we collected qualitative data using an open-ended survey. Categories based on content analysis were established (Miles and Huberman 1994). The results demonstrated that supervisors attributed different roles to doctoral writing, ranging from process- to product-oriented and focusing on 1) producing appropriate academic texts, 2) generating epistemic activity, and 3) promoting communication and socialization. A significant number of supervisors did not attribute any role to writing but acknowledged writing as an important and neglected activity. Three categories of writing support were identified based on the type of activities supervisors reported and their involvement: 1) telling the students what to do, 2) reviewing and editing students’ texts, and 3) collaboratively discussing students’ texts. The results suggest that there are complex relations between the role that supervisors’ attribute to writing and the type of writing support supervisors are able to offer. The relations appear to be mediated by supervisors’ awareness and resources concerning doctoral writing.  相似文献   

明代言官与阁臣的关系经历了一个由和谐到恶化的过程。明前期,言官与阁臣素质较高,双方立公为国,和衷共济。嘉靖时期是二者关系的转折点,言官群体在与阁臣的对抗中,其制衡作用得到充分发挥。隆庆以后,门户日重,言官趋附阁臣,成为权力角逐的先锋。张居正去世后,言路势张,压制阁臣,言路与执政相水火,争斗不已,迄于明亡,晚明时期言官的制衡作用已走向反面。言官和阁臣都是明代皇权强化的产物,二者关系的演变,反映了明代政治逐步浊化的过程,揭示了专制体制下士大夫悲剧命运的必然性。  相似文献   

Growing interest in student research projects in higher education has led to an emphasis on research supervision. We focus in this study on novice supervisors’ approaches to research supervision as they explore their practices and experience difficulties supervising medicalstudents. Teacher noticing was used as a sensitising concept and relations with teacher dilemmas were explored in the research supervision context. To provide in-depth insights into supervisors’ practices and pedagogical choices, twelve stimulated recall interviews with supervisors were analysed. The supervisors were involved in individual undergraduate or master degree student research projects at a research-intensive university. Analysis revealed four kinds of dilemmas which may influence research supervision practices, namely questions regarding regulation, student needs, the student-supervisor relationship and supervisors’ professional identity. We explain the relationship between novice supervisors’ practices and dilemmas in detail. Implications are given to enhance initiatives for professional development of supervisors.  相似文献   

This article explores whether features associated with effective professional communities among K-12 teachers are relevant and sufficient for improving the practice of supervisors in teacher education programs. Interview and observational data from nineteen supervisors in one teacher education program illuminate what supervisors want in order to improve their professional practices and how their needs could be met through ongoing collaboration. The article proposes five features of professional communities that can help supervisors improve their work: norms promoting collaboration; trust and familiarity; activities deprivatizing practices; access to logistical information and shared expectations about the role of supervisors; and time for collaboration.  相似文献   

文化遗产旅游原真性包含遗产原真性和原真的遗产旅游体验。遗产管理者与旅游管理者并非道不同不相为谋,而是有着广泛的共识基础和利益诉求。在原真性的追求上,二者有着共同的责任。围绕原真性,努力作好遗产的保护、展示和解说工作,是实现遗产本体价值和社会价值统一的重要途径。文章对遗产旅游研究领域中的原真性概念演进略作铺陈,并以此观照海防遗址蒲壮所城的遗产管理与旅游开发工作,发现蒲壮所城在遗产保护、展示、解说和宣传等工作中存在的问题,指出其改进的主要路径及策略要点。  相似文献   

针对公司董事会权利日益扩大的趋势,监事会的监督职权日渐低落,影响了公司的稳健运营。为实现监事会在维护公司各利益关系主体的利益平衡功能,采用案例分析与规范分析的方法,分析了监事会行使监督职权的尴尬与无奈,提出了加强与完善监事会监督职权的建议与措施,期待能激励监事会正确有效地行使监督职权。  相似文献   

听课评价是高职院校实施督导的重要环节,排听课管理是高职院校教学质量监控中心每学期的常规工作.为了实现排听课管理的自动化,提高排听课管理的工作效率,研究设计一个功能齐全、使用方便、高效实用的排听课管理系统,使排听课管理工作更加准确、高效、灵活.  相似文献   

This study analyses the contemporary work and potential contribution of university supervisors supporting preservice teachers´ during their practicum experiences in initial English language teacher preparation. The study draws on a complex data derived from surveys, interviews, and observations of university supervisors working in a diverse array of English language teacher education programmes across Chile. A cultural historical activity theory perspective is employed to explore and analyse the motives, activities, and actions that underpinned the work of these supervisors. Findings suggest that supervisors have to respond to often contradictory demands and an overemphasis towards quality assurance actions that are potentially detrimental to preservice teachers´ development. The work of supervisors is analysed to understand how potentially to re-envision their role and functions, toward proposing how to productive expand supervisory practices as an integral part of teacher education.  相似文献   

随着城市的蓬勃发展,泰州的城市水利工程建设也日新月异。在泰州城市水利工程建设过程中严格实行建设监理制,通过招标择优选择监理单位,委托其对工程进行建设管理,取得了较好的管理效果。项目法人如何加强对监理的管理,充分发挥监理的作用,这是项目法人必须认真考虑的问题。笔者通过这几年的工程实践认为:一是要选择优秀的监理单位和合适的监理人员,二是要适度委托和授权,三是要加强管理,方能充分发挥监理的作用。  相似文献   

主要探讨了监理高层建筑多专业交叉施工的协调要点和协调方法,认为:高层建筑多专业交叉施工时。监理单位要保证项目监理人员专业配套、人员到岗,按照规定程序认真履行职责;要了解先进的施工技术。认真做好各专业在不同施工阶段的协调工作。  相似文献   

Survey data from 222 student teachers at a small, liberal arts college were used to address the following three questions: Do university supervisors add value to the student teaching experience? Do student teachers distinguish between the roles played by supervisors and those played by cooperating teachers? How do student teachers characterise good supervision? Findings support the perspective that university supervisors serve a distinct and important function. Supervisors managed the experience, served as confidantes, and made evaluative judgments about performance. Cooperating teachers were viewed as instructional coaches who gave student teachers the physical and psychological space to try out strategies while supporting their efforts with feedback, modelling, and materials. As a result of this self-study, the unit looked for ways to elevate the role of supervisors and to engage supervisors in conversations about programme improvement.  相似文献   

Building on existing studies that ask doctoral supervisors how they understand their role, and what has influenced this understanding, this article explores invitations that are issued to supervisors to reflect in certain ways about the role of supervisor. The article calls into question the ways in which supervisors are invited to think about and represent supervision, by professional development courses, handbooks on supervision, and the questions that researchers pose about supervision. This discussion is situated in autoethnographic analysis of a valuable moment in the author's academic career for reflecting on these factors: the author is positioned directly between the role of doctoral supervisee and the role of doctoral supervisor. Through autoethnographic engagement with doctoral supervision literature, the article argues that professional development for supervisors would benefit from more critical analysis of the invitations which are issued to supervisors to reflect on the transition from supervisee to supervisor.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the relationships between subordinates' perceptions of their supervisors' involvement in organizational politics and subordinates' perceptions of supervisory work facilitation, satisfaction with supervision, and openness in superior‐subordinate communication. Results suggest that subordinates who perceive their supervisors as highly involved in politics are less open in communication and less satisfied with their supervisors than subordinates who perceive their supervisors as moderately or minimally involved in politics.  相似文献   

文章站在经济学的角度分析了博士后的劳动供给和合作导师的劳动及投资供给,阐述了经济收入对提高博士后和合作导师工作积极性、激励合作导师加大投资力度的重要意义,提出了提高博士后培养质量的政策建议:提高博士后待遇水平,按权利与义务对应原则建立科学的分配制度,将博士后与合作导师视为一个整体打造责任共同体和利益共同体,促进博士后与...  相似文献   

在"以学生为中心"的理念下,基于2019年Nature全球博士生调查数据,文章探讨了全球博士生师生关系满意度现状,并运用多元线性回归方法分析了其影响因素。研究结论如下。第一,总体上,全球博士生师生关系满意度水平良好,但中国博士生师生关系满意度水平低于全球平均水平。第二,博士生的个体特征对其满意度的影响显著,男性、在本国学习以及独立程度高的博士生满意度更高。第三,导师的学术指导、培养条件支持及情感支持均对博士生满意度的影响显著;导师提供的学术指导越多、学术能力支持越大、科研控制支持越大、心理健康支持越大、越认同学生的研究,则博士生对师生关系就越满意。第四,导师认可是影响博士生师生关系满意度最为重要的因素。  相似文献   

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