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多元文化主义作为"一种思想,一种哲学观点,一种价值取向,一种教育改造行动",对当代世界尤其是教育领域产生了重大影响,并直接导致了多元文化教育观。随着多元社会的发展,多元文化教育理论在教育实践中被付诸实施,其中尤以对少数民族和移民的教育政策影响最为突出。比较西方多元文化教育和我国少数民族教育,西方多元文化教育理论对我国民族教育政策的制定可以提供一定的借鉴。从我国现有民族教育政策的发展需要来看,多元文化教育理论可有助于完善我国的民族教育政策。  相似文献   

曹迪 《教育学术月刊》2015,(3):55-60,74
加拿大作为多民族、多语言、多文化国家,在语言教育政策领域秉承多元文化主义的治国理念,以语言教育认同观和语言教育权利观作为政策指导观,制定了多元文化主义语言教育政策。该政策为实现加拿大"多元一体"的社会格局奠定了和谐的语言基础;为加拿大各族群享有平等的语言教育权利提供了政策保证;为推动加拿大民族语言教育的新发展提供了政策支持。  相似文献   

多元文化课程是多元文化教育理论的集中体现。多元文化主义催生了多元文化课程的萌芽,多元文化政策促进了多元文化课程的发展;到了20世纪80年代,多元文化课程理论形成并得以丰富;到了90年代,多元文化课程理论面对种种诘难进行了反思。  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代起,多元文化主义一度成为世界主要发达国家整合少数族群的政策取向,多元文化教育也随之兴起.但20世纪90年代以来,多元文化主义无论作为理论还是政策实践都受到批评,由此逐渐衰退.多元文化主义的衰退对教育产生了重要影响:文化多样性教育的目标由此转变为培养适应多元文化社会的公民,公民教育相应加强,跨文化能力的培养则成为文化多样性教育的核心内容.  相似文献   

美国多元文化主义艺术教育思想探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,美国"多元文化主义艺术教育思想"日益受到人们的关注,我们应该如何理解多元文化主义艺术教育?本文从多元文化主义视角审视多元文化主义艺术教育研究,梳理多元文化主义艺术教育领域中的多学科艺术教育的学术谱系,将有利于现代艺术教育的重构和发展,也标志着当代世界艺术教育领域中的一种新传播理念的拓展与形成.  相似文献   

多元种族、多元宗教、多元信仰和多元文化的特点,决定了新加坡一切都具有“多元性”。为适应多元文化社会的发展,新加坡制定了和谐的教育政策,主要体现在以下几方面。  相似文献   

多元文化教育:加拿大的经验及启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
加拿大联邦和政府的多元文化教育政策和措施主要包括:文化保存计划、官方语言教育计划、多元文化教育和反种族主义教育。其多元文化教育是全方位的教育,实施多元文化教育是社会、学校和家庭共同的义务和责任。这种全方位的多元文化教育政策大大地推动了各民族教育的发展,尤其是土著印第安人教育的发展;调整和缓和了民族矛盾、保证了国家的安定和繁荣。其经验值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   

多元文化主义教育自20世纪60年代成为了英国少数族群教育政策的主流思想。英国少数族群多元文化主义教育历经了四个阶段的发展:20世纪六七十年代把多元文化教育解读为单纯地提升少数族群儿童的教育成绩,20世纪80年代在多元文化教育政策中强调消除种族主义,20世纪90年代多元文化教育关注深层的社会文化关系中认同的研究,进入21世纪,随着英国多起骚乱的发生,英国政府宣告英国多元文化主义失败,转而提倡国民教育、国家认同和英国共同价值观的建立。  相似文献   

战后三次大规模的移民迁入浪潮,不仅使联邦德国出现了严重的移民融入问题,也滋生了少数德国人的狭隘民族主义和排外主义倾向。为了应对移民所带来的日益严重的社会问题,德国逐渐形成了文化多元主义价值观,即要求保护移民文化的多样性,又强调构建以《基本法》为核心的社会共同价值标准。以文化多元主义价值观为基础,德国发展出针对移民社会的"存异求同"教育理念与政策,一方面承认当今德国多元文化并存的事实,教育学会尊重、包容异文化,学会与拥有不同文化背景的人和谐相处,保护移民非主流文化和社会文化多样性;另一方面又引导学生认同一种社会共同价值观,倡导融入主流文化,实现文化的繁荣和社会的稳定。移民社会的教育理念与政策从入学要求、课程设置与标准、毕业资格考试、师资培养等方面对德国传统的学校教育构成了冲击。以"一体多元、存异求同"为主要特征的教育有利于德国构建文化多元性和谐社会的历史经验,给我们以有益启示。  相似文献   

联合国多元文化教育政策的研究包括多元文化教育理论、基于法理角度的政策文本分析、基于教育学角度的政策文本分析、联合国教育政策的研究、联合国与文化多样性的研究、联合国其他教育的研究等方面。对联合国多元文化教育政策的研究进行综述,有利于促进我国民族教育政策的研究、促进民族教育研究国际化、积累联合国研究的相关文献。  相似文献   

From a multicultural perspective, this research investigated to what extent Korean mathematics textbooks use history of mathematics. The results show even though educational use of history presented in Korean mathematics textbooks may provide a rich outlook, it does not encourage a fundamental change in the educational practice of school mathematics that has traditionally been entrenched in the Eurocentric narrative of mathematics. This suggests that the mathematics textbooks were not organized effectively to promote students’ understanding of diversity. Based on the results, we discuss the implications for the development of mathematics textbook from multicultural perspectives.  相似文献   

The idea of cosmopolitanism is emerging as an explicit aim of the Korean educational system. Over the course of its 5,000-year history, Korea has been characterized by a largely homogeneous population. In recent years, however, it has begun to face the challenges of a multicultural society, and thus the notion of cosmopolitanism plays an important role in providing a vision for the reinterpretation of Korean identity. The purpose of this study is to explore how cosmopolitan perspectives have been reflected in recent changes to the Korean national curriculum. To achieve this aim, the study analyses national curriculum documents put in place after the mid-1990s, when great debates over educational reform emerged in the wake of globalization. In particular, the study focuses on two aspects of the manifestation of cosmopolitan perspectives: the policies associated with the Korean national curriculum, and the contents of the social studies and moral education curricula. The study concludes with a discussion of the conflicts surrounding the idea of cosmopolitanism in the Korean national curriculum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore USA educators' resistance toward cultural awareness for Korean students and families in the New York metropolitan area. The authors aim to challenge teachers' color-blindness that is widely spread among USA educators. Guided by critical race theory, the authors show that the perceived fairness of color-blindness could cause struggles for Korean parents and students in American schools. The authors posit USA teachers need to thoroughly understand that if a teacher does not see color, then s/he does not really see children. This study, hopefully, will help educators recognize the necessity of understanding diverse ethnic parents' perspectives and needs. Also, this study will provide an opportunity for educators to rethink assumptions that are embedded in color-blindness, and advance muiticultural education that is more culturally relevant and responsive for different ethnic/racial groups' needs.  相似文献   

Multicultural policy in South Korea faces variants of challenges endemic to multiculturalism. These challenges are “dilemmas of difference,” “variable terms of inclusion,” and “legitimacy.” In Korea, these challenges arise in a setting in which ethnic diversity is of relatively recent origin, an ideology of ethnic homogeneity is prevalent, and official multicultural policy is limited in its reach to those who are designated as “multicultural families,” that is families in which one spouse is Korean and the other an immigrant, usually the wife, and their offspring. The exclusion of migrant workers and their families from Korea’s multicultural framework poses a core contradiction in Korean multicultural policies. This contradiction must be resolved if multiculturalism in education and other spheres is to promote equality and provide a foundation for national integration on terms that are equitable to the diverse constituents of Korean society. Inevitably, this will require a redefinition of what it means to “be Korean.” Even if multicultural policies fall short in their immediate effects on those toward whom they are directed, multiculturalism represents a significant shift in the discourse of Korean identity and will be terrain on which the status of diverse groups in Korea will be contested.  相似文献   

国外多元文化课程开发模式的演进及其启示   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
国外多元文化教育在近半个世纪的发展历程中,逐渐成为西方社会一种政治或教育的理念,一项教育改革的运动和一个连续不断发展的过程。多元文化课程目标也经历了单一种族取向、多元种族取向、多元文化教育取向,多元文化教育重建取向的发展历程。以此为背景,国外多元文化课程开发模式由平行式向整合式再向拓展式演进,为我们解决在国家主流文化的基础上如何体现文化的多元化提供了可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

麦克莱伦的多元文化教育观强调培养学生的批判意识与实践能力,并以学生的自由与解放为根本旨归。他以社会批判理论、后现代主义、马克思主义、弗莱雷和吉鲁的文化研究等为理论来源,对多元文化教育的教育目标、教育内容、教育方法、教师角色做了深刻阐释。  相似文献   


As new media spaces expand opportunities for engagement with geographically distant people and places, this article examines how communication practices within such spaces may construct cultural differences. The study’s data source was a website on which people posted, watched, and discussed Asian dramas. Qualitative data included writing, visual images, and interactions created within the site’s Korean dramas forum. Analyses of user-generated discussions revealed discourses about Korean distinctiveness. The forum functions as a virtual multicultural learning community where youth who lived outside of Korea imagined and negotiated an understanding of Korean culture. As these youth participated in Hallyu (the Korean Wave) through their engagements with its media, their discourses on Korean distinctiveness reinscribe Koreans as a global Other. Implications of this study include ways that online transnational engagements with Korean dramas in particular, and Hallyu media in general, shape current learning about Korea, as well as the possibilities and challenges of new media affordances for Internet-mediated multicultural learning.  相似文献   

The main goal of multicultural education is to transform the structural factors in the educational system in order to redress inequalities and inequities for historically underprivileged populations (Banks 1997). This article addresses theories and practices that frame multicultural education in teaching and learning contexts. How do teachers interpret the purpose of multicultural education? I suggest that educators are more likely to interpret multicultural education using the functionalist meta-theoretical framework (Burell and Morgan 1979) and the positivistic epistemology (Turner 2006). Ironically this kind of interpretation subverts the original goals of multicultural education as a transformative movement. The process of transforming curriculum and instruction in learning contexts encounters what I would call a “double jeopardy.” On one hand, curriculum processes run into political impediments that are often pervasive, complex, and invisible, whereas on the other hand they encounter a positivistic epistemology that reduces complex phenomena to simplistic, neutral, objective, and universal standards. I make a case for a radical humanist paradigm that privileges the investigation of social and political relations of power and places critical consciousness at the center of educational structures and pedagogy. I attempt to make critical consciousness visible and to show how it can be employed to change schooling opportunities and the lives of those who fall in the “Other” category of social theory.  相似文献   

国外的多元文化教育在近半个世纪的发展历程中,逐渐成为西方社会的一种教育理念。西方国家多元文化教育的兴起,既有人口、教育上的因素,也有文化、政治方面的原因。为了实现多元文化教育的目标,多元文化教育的倡导者提出从师资、课程、教学以及评价等方面对学校教育全面加以改革。多元文化教育在倡导民主观念、种族平等、尊重文化差异等方面取得了一定的进展,使教育能更多地考虑到了不同文化背景的学生的实际情况,但是也有一些人对多元文化教育提出了异议,使其面临新的挑战。  相似文献   

国外的多元文化教育在近半个世纪的发展历程中,逐渐成为西方社会的一种教育理念。西方国家多元文化教育的兴起,既有人口、教育上的因素,也有文化、政治方面的原因。为了实现多元文化教育的目标,多元文化教育的倡导者提出从师资、课程、教学以及评价等方面对学校教育全面加以改革。多元文化教育在倡导民主观念、种族平等、尊重文化差异等方面取得了一定的进展,使教育能更多地考虑到了不同文化背景的学生的实际情况,但是也有一些人对多元文化教育提出了异议,使其面临新的挑战。  相似文献   

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