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Introduction Materials development is both a field of study and a practical undertaking. As a field it studies the principles and procedures of the design, implementation and evaluation and adaptation of language teaching materials, by teachers for their own classrooms and by materials writers for sale or distribution. Ideally these two aspects of materials development are interactive in that the theoretical studies inform and are informed by the development and use of classroom materials (e. g. Tomlinson 1998c).  相似文献   

The building of canals bridge, and roads was carried out by speciallytrained civil engineers as early as the middle of the 18th century. With theadvent of steam power at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in thelast part of the 18th century, mechanical engineers started to develop en-gines, locomotives, and various other machines. The automatic knittingmachine was probably the most advanced. Originally steam was used  相似文献   

本文主要从交际功能的角度把句子划分为两个语义组成部分:主位(theme)和述位(rheme),并举例说明主位推进程序的几种常见模式,以及这种模式在英语教学当中的应用。  相似文献   

李慧 《海外英语》2013,(21):299-300
In modern society,the competition has become increasingly fierce.Organizations pay close attention to their manage ment in order to gain the priority.Under this context,entrepreneurship has been attached great importance to.Entrepreneurship has played an indispensable role in organizations.Compare to those short-lived companies,powerful organizations,such as Google,IBM and P&G has gain great progress in the last decades.Therefore,it is essential to study how the powerful organiza tion could always be innovative.This paper aims to study the role that entrepreneurship plays in the organizations and take Google as an example.It provides some previous lessons that Chinese organizations could draw from.  相似文献   

Ever since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, great attention has been attached tothe development of sport in the country. As a result, great achievements have been made in both masssports as well as competitive sports.More than 560 thousand sports facilities of various types have been built since 1949. At present, 400million Chinese people are regularly taking part in physieal exercises.  相似文献   

Creativity(创造性)isthekeytoabrighterfuture,sayeducationandbusinessexperts.Hereishowschoolsandparentscanencouragethisim-portantskillinchildren.IfDickDrewhadlistenedtohisbossin1925,wemightnothaveaproductthatwenowthinkofasofgreatimportance:anewtypeoftape.DrewworkedfortheMin-nesotaMiningCompany.Atworkhedevel-opedakindofmaterialstrongenoughtoholdthingstogether.Buthisbosstoldhimnottothinkmoreabouttheidea.Finally,usinghisowntime,Drewim-provedthetape,whichnowisusedeverywherebymanypeople.Andhisfor…  相似文献   

The advancement of human society and the development of economy and modern science and technologyhas shortenedthedlstancebetween us and confronted us with chilllenges and probkinB Ofthlltllallty Of Wb1Ch edllCat1Ofl  相似文献   

It is ironical that developments in the field of education call for teachers to differentiate instruction as a pre-requisite for effective learning,while teacher education and continuing professional development adhere to a one-size-fits-all philos- ophy. In general,professional development initiatives are part of'reform packages'with decisions about what,when,and  相似文献   

The comparison/contrast shows the reader of the similarities and differences of two persons or things to help the reader understand or evaluate them, and adds powerful persuasion and effectiveness to the essay. A comparison/contrast essay usually follows one of these two patterns: the subject-by-subject pattern or the point-by-point pattern; or a combination of the two. The two items being compared/contrasted should be balanced and given equal treatment.  相似文献   

Recent years it has an explosive development of IT technologies. However, the problem of natural integration of modern technologies in teaching and learning mathematics is far from its final solution. In teaching mathematics at universities, these capabilities either are ignored or have extremely limited applications. In our study, we consider animation as one of the tools that could increase students' motivation, curiosity and understanding. In order to evaluate the perception about using animation in the study of calculus, a brief survey was conducted in University Utara Malaysia (UUM). The survey consisted of 17 lecturers and 25 students from UUM. The survey also conducted in UPM (University Putra Malaysia) and UniKL (University Kuala Lumpur), which comprised of 82 students and 49 students respectively. At the same time, we are interested in whether or not the perception of students differs by factors like gender, age group, entry qualification, program of study and previous grades. This survey was conducted in UPM comprised of 160 students. In this paper, we describe our data and report our findings, make a comparison between students' perception in UPM, UUM and UniKL. Further a comparison is also made regarding perception of UniKL students from two different programmes of study. To evaluate the performance of students, a simple comparative experiment between Computer Aided Learning Method (CALM) and the Traditional Learning Method (TLM) conducted in UUM and UPM and we report our preliminary findings in this paper.  相似文献   

The process of development occurs according to the pattern established by the genetic potential and also by the influence of environmental factors. The aim of the present study was to focus on the main environmental factors affecting motor development. The review of the literature revealed that family features, such as socioeconomic status, mother’s educational level, and the existence of siblings can affect children’s motor competence. Preschool centers have also become important for children’s development, due to the large amount of time children spend at them nowadays. Moreover, the social cultural context in which a child is reared forms certain demands for his/her motor behavior, favoring specific aspects of motor development and impairing others. A very influential factor (and consequently a very significant educational means) is the use of intervention movement programs. A developmentally adequate movement program can enhance motor development, thus preventing the long term negative consequences that an unfavorable influence of several genetic or the aforementioned environmental factors may have.  相似文献   

Providing Time for School‐Based Curriculum Development   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper reports the evaluation of teacher appraisal in schools within one local education authority. The study is based on interviews conducted with 40 teachers during the period November 1993 to March 1994. These interviews paint a positive picture of teacher appraisal. The overwhelming majority of the teachers interviewed felt they had been well trained to take part in the appraisal process, and that their experience of appraisal had been positive and valuable. In general, their comments indicated that they were well satisfied with the processes and procedures that took place regarding the conduct of appraisal. At the same time, several teachers did remark on the time‐consuming nature of appraisal, and wondered whether the benefits of appraisal justified the costs involved.  相似文献   

ThereexistsanincreasingtendencyintheELTfieldthatteachingisreferredasaprofession,whichisratherprestigiousandencounying.Ontheotherban4ifapersonchoosestobeaEnglishlanguageteacher,she/hemustmeetthechallengeOfbeingprofessional.Inotherwords,she/heneedstotakeeveryOPPOrtunitytOdevelopprofessionally.Inthispaper,IwilldiscussanapProaCh,inwhichrefleCtioniSinvolved,aswadasitssignificanceinpromotingteacher'sprofessionalism.Inourworkingsetting,we,asEnglishteachers,tendtotakethreelayersofrolesatthesame…  相似文献   

Science & Education - The purpose of this study is twofold: first, to delve into professional development (PD) of science teachers’ views about nature of science (NOS) throughout...  相似文献   

This essay through discussing the development of sonnet focus on the delight and pleasure of poetry. In great poetry the form is a living organism which grows from the civilization surrounding the poet as well as from his individual talent, and poetry puts more emphasis on the musical properties of language. So a study of poetic form and rhythms is significant. Sonnet is one of the most ubiquitous of Enghsh fixed forms, although it is not the native form of English poetry. Sonnet has a neat form and a rigid rhyme scheme which undergoes changes in its development.  相似文献   

There is one account in the literature of the application of a solution‐focused approach to individual teaching development at university level (Devlin, 2003 Devlin, M. 2003. A solution‐focused model for improving individual university teaching. International Journal for Academic Development, 8(1/2): 7789.  [Google Scholar]). The solution‐focused approach is based on solution‐focused brief therapy (SFBT). The current paper elaborates on the existing account, further outlining and illustrating the techniques that make up the solution‐focused approach to academic development. The central tenets of SFBT‐based academic development and the core components of solution‐focused work are articulated. Current research in this area is outlined.

Il existe, au sein de la documentation, un exemple de l’approche centrée sur la solution appliquée au domaine du développement pédagogique individuel à l’université (Devlin). L’approche centrée sur la solution se base sur la notion de solution‐focused brief therapy (SFBT) (thérapie brève orientée vers la solution). Le présent article décrit, explique et illustre les techniques qui font partie de l’approche centrée sur la solution appliquée au développement pédagogique. Les principes centraux du développement pédagogique inspiré de la SFBT, de même que les éléments au c?ur d’une démarche centrée sur la solution sont décrits en détail, ainsi que les recherches actuellement entreprises dans ce domaine.  相似文献   

Listening is considered to be one of the most difficult skills in English learning.And it is obvious that the learners do not have enough and effective listening practice in a scientific way.This thesis will focus on listening.The author mainly analyzes how to develop the listening strategies to improve the ability of listening comprehension.  相似文献   

This paper presents and analyses data gathered from a survey of teachers in a range of secondary school English departments. It seeks to establish the ways in which teachers perceive their subject knowledge Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs and the ways in which they would like to engage with Higher Education (HE) English as part of their CPD. It also explores teachers’ reasons for wishing to undertake such study, and the ways in which they believe such studies could contribute to their development. Finally, it goes on to consider some of the constraints on CPD and the possible implications of this for Higher Education Institutions. The interface between schools and HE has, historically, been limited. However, engagement in CPD is one of the most significant ways in which dialogue between secondary and HE teachers of English can be fruitfully established.  相似文献   

A prototype treatment developed to significantly reduce symptoms of stress among inservice teachers was tested in this experiment. Thirty participants selected for high stress levels were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups. They were assessed on environmental, personality, and emotional variables, using self-report and expert-judge measures, at both pre- and posttreatment. The experimental treatment was holistic, incorporating all processes previously found to be related to reducing teacher stress. At posttreatment, the treatment group averaged 1.02 standard deviations lower on the stress measures than the control group. Significant differences in the posttest means, favoring the experimental group, were found for 23 of the 39 variables measured on the three self-report instruments. As a group, the participants demonstrated substantially lower stress levels than the control group after the treatment, with a substantial decrease from their pretreatment stress levels. Since the control group received no treatment, some of the difference may be due to Hawthorne effect.  相似文献   

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