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This article considers the Radio Preservation Task Force’s (RPTF) recruitment efforts and current list of member archives, assessing its success in fulfilling its mandate from the Library of Congress’s National Recording Preservation Board to adequately inventory archival collections throughout the country and facilitate preservation of and educational access to materials within these collections. The RPTF’s membership, it argues, represents significant progress in overcoming initial favoritism toward collections of network broadcasting materials, enabling the creation of alternative forms of cultural memory and production of new histories that can speak to issues and constituencies neglected in traditional histories of radio broadcasting. At the same time, it proposes further attention to nonconventional archives that may not take radio or media as their focus, warns against privileging sound recordings at the expense of contextualizing paper documentation, and stresses the need to consider forms of radio content beyond broadcast programming and to actively preserve born-digital materials within the present as well as recordings from the past. While the RPTF has helped expand existing conceptions of the radio archive, significant challenges and opportunities remain for identifying and preserving the full range of American radio heritage for both current and future generations.  相似文献   

This article contends that researchers can and should be active participants in making sound archives more accessible. In fact, such advocacy can be consequential in setting up possibilities for creative research on race within radio history and sound studies. Using the example of NPR’s All Things Considered archive spanning from 1971–1983, I demonstrate how academics and archivists can work together to make possible the preservation and accessibility of sound archives. This particular collaboration offers an opportunity to take a cultural approach to understanding newsroom diversity, more specifically: the cultural constraints of linguistic norms and the emergent cultures that arise as aberrations from such norms. The article reflects on this project’s implications for other scholars who work with archives that wish to invest in sound archive preservation and use.  相似文献   

In the shift of scholarly publishing from the print environment to online, the preservation of the scholarly record has become more complex, difficult, and uncertain. Current efforts are not adequate. Core criteria and certification processes have been developed for digital preservation repositories. Broad library support is crucial to the sustainability of third-party preservation archives. Publisher participation in third-party archives has grown, but coverage is incomplete and uneven, leaving some categories of materials well-covered and others vulnerable. Preservation programs need to coordinate their efforts and view themselves as collaborators rather than competitors. The task of preserving the digital scholarly record cannot fall to libraries alone—it requires a social compact among all involved parties.  相似文献   

In 2004, Canada’s national library and national archives merged to form Library and Archives Canada (LAC). LAC has become more than the sum of its parts, creating synergies between library and archives collections and services, realizing efficiencies and satisfying user demands for seamless access to all holdings. LAC has already created and launched Fed Search, an online search tool that provides clients with single-search access to library, archives and online collections. LAC is in the process of building a Trusted Digital Repository that will combine ingest, preservation, management and dissemination services for archives and library collections.  相似文献   

Notable radio scholars including Christine Ehrick, Phylis A. Johnson, and Caroline Mitchell have explored critical challenges of gender and sexuality radio research and its importance in relation to communities. A major issue faced in studying the early years of women’s history in broadcast is the ephemeral nature of the medium as many of the voices are lost in the ether, unrecorded or once deemed inessential to archive. Web-based radio and podcast archives provide renewed avenues for listening to lesbian and queer women’s radio across transnational borders yet many long running shows in Canada such as The Lesbian Show on Vancouver Co-Op Radio have only recently begun to surface as digital collections. As personal and institutional archives of lesbian and queer women radio begin to reach a public audience, analysis of radio works across decades of LGBTQ2+ activism and feminisms must be traced to understand the role of radio and digital radiogenic media in creating space and identity for queer activism. A turn to the past brings forward questions of analog and digital futures for radio and podcasting space as place to construct and shape queer and especially lesbian communities and identities in the North American broadcasting industry. Through research of notable live and pre-produced content including Dykes on Mykes on CKUT 90.3 FM, and The Lesbian Show on Vancouver Co-Op Radio, this work offers an exploration of radio and radiogenic media’s role in creating sonic space for queer and feminist subjectivities.  相似文献   

李子林 《档案学研究》2018,32(6):138-144
21世纪以来,档案多元论逐渐走入档案界的视野。西方后现代主义思潮为档案多元现象及档案多元论研究提供了哲学和方法论指导。以美国为首的欧美国家历史、文化、社会学研究的开展对档案工作提出新要求,直接推动档案多元论观点的形成和发展。当前,国外档案多元论研究的主题包括:档案多元论视域下档案馆业务拓展、电子文件管理和长期保存、社会记忆及非主流社会群体文化构建、全球档案研究与教育活动的发展。档案多元论对我国档案馆业务工作革新、少数民族档案资源的保存与开发、档案学研究活动的多元化与社会化发展、档案教育及人才培养模式创新具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

基于RFID的实体档案管理研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
传统的实体档案管理存在着方式落后和效率低下等问题,RFID技术作为一种非接触的自动识别技术,其基本原理是利用射频信号和空间耦合传输特性实现对被识别物体的自动识别,具有高效性、低成本、抗污染等特点。本文在分析了传统的实体档案管理和RFID技术特点的基础上,阐述了基于RFID技术的实体档案管理的相关研究,并讨论了在档案管理中应用RFID技术的一些管理流程。  相似文献   

档案保护标准体系构建的研究,是档案保护可持续发展的重大问题之一。本文在对档案保护标准梳理的基础上,分析了现有档案保护标准的内容、范围、颁布实施及应用情况,根据档案保护全流程及主要工作,从预防性保护和治理性保护的角度,提出了今后档案保护标准建设基本框架和发展趋势。  相似文献   

范冠艳 《档案学研究》2018,32(5):129-134
数字档案管理系统是基于实体档案馆信息化的数字档案馆建设的核心内容。目前关于此类档案馆的理论研究集中在顶层设计、基础框架、技术路线等策略层面,在具体执行中缺乏可操作性;同时中小规模的地方档案馆在现实中面临基础设施落后、业务经费有限、系统检索低效、电子文件管理混乱等问题,如何能从自身需求出发以较低的成本建设高效的数字档案馆系统是中小档案馆数字化实践中的关键问题。温哥华数字档案馆经济高效的建设方式有一定启发。本文基于对温哥华档案馆的实地调研,分析了其数字档案馆系统的建设过程,总结了促成其系统经济高效运作的4个因素,最后探讨了其建设方式对解决我国中小档案馆实践问题的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

程长源是我国早期档案学家,他参与了20世纪30年代民国地方政府的档案工作改革,首次提出了档案十进分类法,并在档案编目、档案行政、档案保管、档案人员等方面提出了独到的见解。程长源的档案学思想是近代中国档案学思想体系的一个重要组成部分,对当前的档案学理论研究和实践工作仍具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Student-run radio stations at colleges and universities have thrived for nearly a century, yet their stories have been largely excluded from broadcast histories outside the commonly cited and overly simplified “college radio” era in the 1980s. Offering a more accurate definition of college radio, this article demonstrates the need for broader methodologies to contextualize its history, and advocates for the preservation of unique materials containing the voices of generations of young broadcasters. Audiovisual archivists, scholars, and members of the college radio community must engage in collaborative, interdisciplinary efforts in order to save these materials and make them accessible for research.  相似文献   

保存数字文献的责任与制度   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
数字文献的保存已成为图书情报界极为焦虑的问题,许多国际组织和机构正在进行各种前瞻性的研究,力求制定出相关的战略和规范。OAIS模式正逐渐成为国际标准并被各国图书情报部门采用,其中有4项计划比较引人注目,它们是:CEDARS计划、NEDLIB计划、PANDORA计划和PRESERV计划。  相似文献   

民生档案工作发展迅速,民生档案利用已经成为档案利用的主体。但民生档案的收集、管理和利用中存在着侵犯个人信息权利的风险,其主要原因在于国家相关法律法规不够完善、档案管理体制存在欠缺、档案利用程序不够规范、公民个人信息保护意识薄弱。因此,要保护好公民个人信息权利,必须完善国家法律法规、建立科学的档案管理规范、强化保护个人信息权利的行业自律意识。  相似文献   

王昀 《兰台世界》2020,(5):54-56
随着网络的迅猛发展,信息的数字化和服务的网络化使得数字信息可以长期保存。同时由于数字档案信息有其自身动态性、技术更新快、开放性以及对载体的依赖性等特点,从而使得数字档案信息保存利用遇到了挑战。本文通过对数字档案信息保存的介绍,分析当前数字档案信息长期保存所存在的主要问题,从而核查出种种弊端,据此进行修改完善,为档案部门的数字档案长期保存工作提供建议和意见,提出合适的保存策略。  相似文献   

University records constitute an integral element of an academic institution’s corporate memory. This business information needs to be well managed throughout its life cycle for the purpose of accountability, transparency, good governance and for reference purposes. This paper reports on a qualitative study that was undertaken at the University of Fort Hare in South Africa by examining an exhibition developed to mark the institution’s centenary. The purpose of the study was to evaluate and trace the provenance of the collections on display to gain an overall assessment of the extent of archival development at the UFH. It cannot be over-emphasized that organizations often struggle to write their centenary history due to lack of supporting documentation as the information is either incomplete, missing or misfiled, rendering it unusable. One of the key findings emanating from this study was that much of the material used for the displays is copyrighted to sister heritage institutions and private individuals, demonstrating the consequences of lack of development and preservation by the UFH of its own archives. Consequently, the need to revamp the institution’s records and archives management systems is mandatory. An encouraging development is that in 2018 there are plans to appoint a records manager, an institutional archivist and a manager of student records. The centenary exhibition has therefore been an opportunity to demonstrate the value of archives to the University of Fort Hare.  相似文献   

The southernmost area of Texas, known as the Rio Grande Valley, is largely absent from histories of early radio. The social, political, and economic history of the Valley from 1848 to the 1950s prompts the authors to approach the region’s broadcast history from the context of rural and farm radio. The papers of broadcaster Bradford Smith, housed at the Margaret H. McAllen Memorial Archives at the Museum of South Texas History, provide an entryway for Valley radio to become part of the larger body of rural and farm radio scholarship. Smith’s radio reports emphasize the centrality of localism for remote communities, and they provide competing narratives about the region’s modern identity and its Mexican roots.  相似文献   

文书档案连锁法并不是简单的“三个统一”,而是民国时期文书档案改革的深化,其目标设计有实现文书处理与档案管理的双重意义,不仅要满足于行政效率的提高,更要促进行政事务的发展,所以既有分类、登记、编号和归档的改变,更有档案随文附送服务的设想与努力.文书档案连锁法确立的原则、方向和价值影响深远,这种探索精神散发出永恒的魅力.  相似文献   

杨文 《档案学研究》2019,33(2):4-12
深化对改革开放以来中国档案事业发展模式的认识,是准确把握和做好新时代档案工作的必然要求。过去四十年里,我国档案事业在探索式发展中经历了由国家模式向社会模式的转变、由政府主导向社会协同的转变、由被动作为向主动变革的转变,并逐渐形成了政策与行政主导模式、教育与研究驱动模式、实践与技术倒逼模式、经济与社会培育模式等比较稳定的发展遵循。四种发展模式共同促进了中国档案事业体系的健全与完善、巩固了中国档案事业多元协同共建格局、增强了中国档案事业对国家治理的贡献、提升了中国档案事业的国际地位和影响。  相似文献   

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