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关于采用“体验型”课型上好思想品德课的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等学校的思想品德课要想提高教育教学质量非常重要的一个问题就是要对传统的以“讲授型”为主的教学模式进行改革。围绕思想品德课的课型改革,人们在“讲授型”的基础上,又提出了诸如“研究型”、“辩论型”、“案例型”、“咨询型”、“体验型”等新的教学模式。笔者在思想品德课的教学实践中,选择“体验型”课型进行了实验与研究,现仅就教学中应注意的几个问题谈一点浅见。一、选择适当的体验方法,科学设计体验情境是上好“体验型”思想品德课的前提所谓“体验型”课型是指通过学生亲身经历的实践活动来认识周围事物的一种教学模式…  相似文献   

高校课改在计算机公共课中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现在的教学模式已经满足不了现今社会的人才需求,为了解决这一问题,提出了课改,而其中起主导作用的是课型的使用。在我省的课改中,课型主要指的是“研究型”、“体验型”、“咨询型”、“辩论型”、“案例型”和“参与型”这“六课型”。计算机公共课是学生在大学中必须学习的一门课程,而且在学生以后的工作中也有重要的作用,因此,如何教好这门课就是一个值得研究的问题。  相似文献   

体验型课型是通过实践来认识周围的事物、用亲身经历去理解和领会观点的正确与错误、在体验中学习和掌握知识技能的一种教学类型。运用体验型课型的意义在于转变教学观念,打破传统的课型模式,树立以学生为主体的教育理念,强调学生在体验中学习、理解和感悟,让学生在实践环节中学习知识、运用知识。体验型课型的运用,能够培养学生的参与意识,提高学生的学习积极性,使学生的学习变被动为主动;能够培养学生提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力,形成正确的世界观和方法论,从而提高教学质量和教学效率。  相似文献   

宋珊 《陕西教育》2021,(3):14-15
如何将高校文学课打造为“金课”是当前文学课课堂改革的一个难题。本文以外国文学史课改为例,从“有效设置课程内容”“合理安排教学方式”和“教师与学生互评”三方面强调,文学课程要遵循从基础知识普及到思辨性思维培养的目标,通过调动学生参与教学过程的积极性,滋养学生的美感与情感,触发和培养其基本的学术研究意识和诗意的文学灵性,以期为解决文学课“教什么”“怎么教”“教得如何”的问题提供一种思路。  相似文献   

语文课程具有丰富的人文内涵,通过语文教学活动中的体验,使学生进入文本的情感世界,身临其境地感受文本的精彩,从而激发和吸引学生主动学习。笔者就“快乐体验型识字教学、情境体验型阅读教学和探究体验型语文实践活动”等体验型课堂教学进行了初步的探索与实践。  相似文献   

中学语文文学课的教学,有一个根本宗旨是不能偏离的,即把文学课上得具有文学味。长期以来,中学课堂上的文学课没有将“文”和“道”的关系处理好,要么上成了“语文版”的政治课,成为“时代的传声简”;要么上成了生活课,成为“自然主义”的代言人,长此以往,让中学生鉴赏能力偏低,审美趣味偏淡,文学在学生心中卷不起波澜。  相似文献   

文学课区别于其它课程的独特性就在于其“文学性”,而我们目前的文学课教学普遍存在“文学性”缺失的现象。要改变这种教学状况,展现文学课的独特魅力,就必须充分张扬文学课“的文学性”。这就要求文学课教师:确立正确的教学目标;挖掘作品的人文内涵,并注重文本解读的多重性;投注感情,并引导学生进入审美境界。  相似文献   

黑龙江省探索创新教育提出“六课型”,即“参与型”、“研究型”、“辩论型”、“体验型”、“案例型”、“咨询型”六种授课形式,其中“参与型”是现代课堂教学经常使用的一种方法,它集中体现了以学生为本的教育理念,是高等教育教学研究的新课题。“参与型”教学课的研究应以新颖的课型为前提, 教师在教学中应强调学生主动学习的角色,鼓励其应用所学的知识,以及利用教学动态因素之间的互动, 促进合作学习,最终达到学生学会学习、学会应用、学会共处的目的,做到教法与学法相统一。  相似文献   

中学语文文学课的教学,有一个根本宗旨是不能偏离的,即把文学课上得具有文学味。长期以来,中学课堂上的文学课没有将“文”和“道”的关系处理好,要么上成了“语文版”的政治课,成为“时代的传声筒”;要么上成了生活课,成为“自然主义”的代言人,长此以往,让中学生鉴赏能力偏低,审美趣味偏淡,文学在学生心中卷不起波澜。20世纪60年代,语文界曾有过一次要不要把语文课教成文学课的大讨论。其中有一位叫洛寒的作者发表了一篇名为《不要把语文课教成文学课》的文章,文章强调了语文的工具性内涵,在当时影响很大。几十年过去了,教育观念也在不断…  相似文献   

文学“元理论”,即文学学科理论,是一门以文学研究活动为主要研究对象的文学反恩性学科。在我国高等院校文学专业适当地开设文学“元理论”课程,可以优化文学课的课程结构,提高各门文学课的教学效率,并能够有效地促进学生文学能力的发展。开设文学“元理论”课程,可以采取以下三种模式:其一,在原有各门文学课课程之外,开设独立的文学“元理论”课程;其二,在原有每门文学课程中增补文学“元理论”的内容;其三,在作品选读课中增加反思性的内容,并进而与写作课相结合。  相似文献   

New instructional technologies have been increasingly incorporated into the medical school learning environment, including lecture video recordings as a substitute for live lecture attendance. The literature presents varying conclusions regarding how this alternative experience impacts students' academic success. Previously, a multi‐year study of the first‐year medical histology component at the University of Michigan found that live lecture attendance was positively correlated with learning success, while lecture video use was negatively correlated. Here, three cohorts of first‐year medical students (N = 439 respondents, 86.6% response rate) were surveyed in greater detail regarding lecture attendance and video usage, focusing on study behaviors that may influence histology learning outcomes. Students who reported always attending lectures or viewing lecture videos had higher average histology scores than students who employed an inconsistent strategy (i.e., mixing live attendance and video lectures). Several behaviors were negatively associated with histology performance. Students who engaged in “non‐lecture activities” (e.g., social media use), students who reported being interrupted while watching the lecture video, or feeling sleepy/losing focus had lower scores than their counterparts not engaging in these behaviors. This study suggests that interruptions and distractions during medical learning activities—whether live or recorded—can have an important impact on learning outcomes. Anat Sci Educ 11: 366–376. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to test the applicability of two American instruments designed to assess tertiary students' evaluations of teaching effectiveness with New Zealand students. The scales were found to have high internal consistency reliability coefficients, most of the items were seen to be appropriate, and every item was considered of importance by at least some of the students. In addition, all but the Workload/Difficulty items clearly differentiated between “good,” “average,” and “poor” lectures. Further analyses generally supported both the factor structure identified in earlier research and the convergent and discriminate validity of the scales from both instruments. This research has provided strong support for the applicability of these American instruments for evaluating effective teaching at a New Zealand university.  相似文献   

Institutes of higher learning are tending to reduce the amount of face-to-face teaching that they offer, and particularly through the traditional pedagogical method of lecturing. There is ongoing debate about the educational value of lectures as a teaching approach, in terms of both whether they facilitate understanding of subject material and whether they augment the student educational experience. In this study, student evaluation of teaching scores plus academic outcome (percentage of students who fail) was assessed for 236 course units offered by a science faculty at an Australian university over the course of one year. These measures were related to the degree to which lectures and other face-to-face teaching were used in these units, controlling for factors such as class size, school and year level. An information-theoretic model selection approach was employed to identify the best models and predictors of student assessments and fail rates. All the top models of student feedback included a measure reflecting amount of face-to-face teaching, with the evaluation of quality of teaching being higher in units with higher proportions of lectures. However, these models explained only 12–20% of the variation in student evaluation scores, suggesting that many other factors come into play. By contrast, units with fewer lectures have lower failure rates. These results suggest that moving away from lectures and face-to-face teaching may not harm, and indeed may improve the number of students who pass the subject, but that this may be incurred at the expense of greater dissatisfaction in students' learning experience.  相似文献   

韩贞是一个了不起的平民教育家。他一生从事平民教育,为教民化民作出了重要贡献。韩贞的教育方式非常独特,他把教学与生活结合起来,以日用指点为教;他把聚讲与游讲结合起来,以扁舟林聚为教;他把讲学与文学结合起来,以诗歌传唱为教。由于韩贞的教育方式很适合农村特点和农民要求,所以他的讲学普受百姓欢迎。  相似文献   

Two experimental procedures for positively modifying the attitudes of regular classroom children towards the handicapped were conducted. In both studies, curriculum and/or experiences with the handicapped were introduced to randomly selected groups of regular class elementary children. The curriculum consisted of literature, filmstrips, and lectures about handicapped children, while the experiences consisted of controlled integrational activities. The results indicated that the procedures were partially successful in modifying the attitudes of regular class children towards the handicapped. It was concluded that techniques must be developed systematically for achieving more positive attitudes in regular class children if “mainstreaming” is to become an effective educational concept.  相似文献   

总结开发、运行慕课《鲁迅十二讲》的经验得失,以下三点是值得注意的。第一,好的慕课,需要坚实的科研基础。慕课《鲁迅十二讲》第一期的线上学员对课程内容的极大肯定是与课程优异的科研基础分不开的。第二,好的慕课需要精良、丰富、即时的线上“教→←学”互动。精心运行的线上“教→←学”互动,是慕课《鲁迅十二讲》深受好评的另一大原因。第三,慕课教学对高校的教学管理也提出了新的要求,这涉及到慕课主讲教授的选择、课程业绩的认定,以及同步spoc课程线上线下的课时分配等。  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of using laboratory photomicrography as a motivational technique in the teaching-learning processes involved in the study of microbiology in Nigerian secondary schools. This was done by comparing the posttest scores and the questionnaire responses made by three equal groups of randomly sampled and assigned students taught the same microbiology content material by lectures and photomicrography used as an adjunct to the laboratory, lectures, and laboratory activities and lectures alone. Each group was taught by a different microbiology teacher. The results of this study, as shown in Tables I through V permitted the conclusion that students taught microbiology by lectures with photomicrography activities achieved the highest posttest mean score and expressed the opinion that they were highly motivated by this teaching method. Students taught microbiology by lectures with laboratory activities achieved lower mean posttest score and expressed the opinion that they were only fairly motivated by this teaching approach. Students taught microbiology by lectures alone achieved the lowest mean posttest score and expressed the opinion that they were least motivated by this teaching approach.  相似文献   

听评课具有美学的维度,教育鉴赏与教育批评能为听评课美学维度的回归提供有益的视角。在该视角下,听评课旨在意义的追寻,体现感性与理性的融合;立足于美感鉴赏,揭示并改进教学的问题;注重经验完整性,评鉴框架兼顾课堂内外;体现主体间性,强调自由与民主的合作。基于这4种特征,可以以"学习"为抓手把美学取向的听评课分为课中与课后两大方面,其中课中评鉴主要围绕学习目标、学习评价、学习体验、学习文化、学习节奏5个维度展开,课后评鉴则由学生问卷调查和教师教学满意度调查组成。  相似文献   

When a computerized adaptive testing (CAT) version of a test co-exists with its paper-and-pencil (P&P) version, it is important for scores from the CAT version to be comparable to scores from its P&P version. The CAT version may require multiple item pools for test security reasons, and CAT scores based on alternate pools also need to be comparable to each other. In this paper, we review research literature on CAT comparability issues and synthesize issues specific to these two settings. A framework of criteria for evaluating comparability was developed that contains the following three categories of criteria: validity criterion, psychometric property/reliability criterion, and statistical assumption/test administration condition criterion. Methods for evaluating comparability under these criteria as well as various algorithms for improving comparability are described and discussed. Focusing on the psychometric property/reliability criterion, an example using an item pool of ACT Assessment Mathematics items is provided to demonstrate a process for developing comparable CAT versions and for evaluating comparability. This example illustrates how simulations can be used to improve comparability at the early stages of the development of a CAT. The effects of different specifications of practical constraints, such as content balancing and item exposure rate control, and the effects of using alternate item pools are examined. One interesting finding from this study is that a large part of incomparability may be due to the change from number-correct score-based scoring to IRT ability estimation-based scoring. In addition, changes in components of a CAT, such as exposure rate control, content balancing, test length, and item pool size were found to result in different levels of comparability in test scores.  相似文献   

This article discusses an alternative approach to lecturing: the interactive lecture. In the literature, interactive teaching is forwarded as a means to increase the effectiveness of lectures. Members of lecturing staff still seem, however, reluctant to incorporate interactive teaching in their classes,as interaction reduces the time they can devote to explaining subject matter. Lecturers often voice the concern that they will not get enough material across in interactive lectures and that this consequently will negatively affect student learning. In order to establish whether or not the concerns of lecturers could be empirically verified, an experimental study was conducted. This study examined the effects of interactive teaching in lectures, using an interactive voting system and peer instruction, on: the attainment of learning objectives; student motivation; and student perception of the instruction offered. From the results a complex picture emerges. Results suggest that students may learn as much in interactive lectures compared with traditional lectures, but a traditional lecture may also result in active student involvement. The study indicated that interactive teaching will not automatically result in students who are more activated, and provided additional insight into conditions for successful interactive teaching. Finally, interactive teaching was shown to influence positively student motivation.  相似文献   

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