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目标设置理论对学生学习动机激发的启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目标设置理论是近年来研究最多、影响最大的一种激励理论,在管理学领域得到了广泛应用,该理论作为一种激励理论也可引入教育领域用来激发学生动机和指导学生的学习。目标设置在对学习动机激发方面有着前提指导的作用,教师与学生在对学习绩效目标的设置上各担负着不同的重要责任。  相似文献   

学习动力教育与课堂教学结构的优化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
学习动力教育是以激发学习学习动力为宗旨的教育。其主要内容包括学习目的观察教育、学习价值观教育、学习效能观教育和学习兴趣教育。开展学习动力教育,是素质教育实践的需要;是贯彻主体性教育思想的需要;也是完善学习心理结构,促进学生学习心理发展的需要。课堂教学是实施学习动力教育的主渠道,而课堂教学要切实发挥动力教育主渠道的作用,就必须构建优化的教学结构。  相似文献   

Although autonomy-supportive teaching has been linked with increased student performance, this contention has not yet been explored in an experimental study. This article presents a small, pre/post control group experimental study evaluating the effect of procedural and cognitive autonomy-supportive teaching on student learning and motivation during a 7th-grade reform-based science lesson on motion. In a 2 × 2 factorial design, the 4 treatment conditions featured high and low levels of procedural and cognitive autonomy support. As hypothesized, there was no effect of procedural autonomy support. However, to the authors’ surprise—and in contrast with their hypotheses—students in the low cognitive autonomy-supportive conditions learned significantly more, perceived significantly more choice, and rated instruction as more positive than did students in the high cognitive autonomy-supportive conditions. Results are framed in the context of achieving reform in science teaching.  相似文献   

论学生学习动机的功利化倾向   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
20世纪90年代以来,我国学生的内部学习动机有一种逐渐减弱而功利化学生动机又有逐步增强的倾向。虽然功利性的学习动机能在特定的情景中促进学生的学习,但它很难成为持久的学习动力,也难以使学生形成积极的学习态度。形成这种状况的原因是什么?它对学生的未来发展有什么影响?我们对学生的学习动机应该有什么样的态度?这是我们在教育改革过程中必须面对的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

Neuroscientific and developmental psychological research in imitation has yielded important insights into building teacher–student relationships and enhancing students' learning. This study investigated the effects of reciprocal imitation on teacher–student relationships and students' learning outcomes in one‐on‐one teacher–student interactions. In a within‐subjects design, participants learned eight English vocabulary words under two conditions: one condition paired with teacher's imitative behaviors and the other with teacher's random behaviors. Students' self‐rating surveys and quiz scores on new words were assessed. When the teacher imitated the students' behaviors in interactions, the students reported significantly higher perceptions of rapport, more confidence in and satisfaction with learning outcomes, and had significantly higher quiz scores. Results had important implications for teachers in using imitation as an effective teaching tool to build teacher–student relationships and enhance students' learning.  相似文献   

This article reports on the influence of learning strategy instruction on student teachers’ physics achievement, attitude towards physics, and achievement motivation. A pre-test/post-test quasi-experimental design with matching control group was used in the study. Two groups of student teachers (n = 75) who were enrolled in an introductory physics course participated in the study. In the experimental group, questioning, summarizing, and graphic organizers were taught. The control group did not receive any presentation on strategy learning. Data were collected via the pre- and post-administration of the Physics Course Achievement Test, the Scale of Attitudes towards Physics, and the Achievement Motivation Scale. Univariate and multivariate analyses of variance on the data revealed no significant differences in the attitude and achievement motivation between the strategy and control groups. However, the strategy group students were observed to have a tendency of more positive attitude and motivation than the control group students. Results also showed that explicit learning strategy instruction was more effective than traditional instruction in improving physics achievement of the participating students. The implications of these results for physics education are discussed.  相似文献   

Most formative assessments rely on the performance status of a student at a particular time point. However, such a method does not provide any information on the propensity of the student to achieve a predetermined target score or whether the student is performing as per the expectations from identical students with the same history of academic achievement. Although such a trend has been proposed via the use of the student growth percentiles (SGPs), most of the work associated with SGPs has focused mainly on teacher and school accountability. In this article, however, we illustrate examples in the use of SGPs and entry growth percentile scores to monitor students' learning progress. Monitoring students' learning trends, evaluated in the context of their SGPs and their propensity to achieve the target score, would likely yield meaningful differential information even for students with the same score at a particular point in time.  相似文献   

以湖北省27,769名初中生为调查对象,运用Mplus 8.3软件对学生的数学学习动机、数学失败归因、数学学习反思性及数学自我效能感之间的关系进行研究.结果表明:数学学习动机与数学学习反思性均对数学自我效能感有显著正向影响,数学失败归因对数学自我效能感有显著负向影响;数学学习动机对数学学习反思性有显著正向影响,数学失败归因对数学学习反思性有显著负向影响;数学学习动机对数学失败归因有显著负向影响;数学失败归因、数学学习反思性在数学学习动机与数学自我效能感的关系间有显著中介作用;数学失败归因、数学学习反思性在数学学习动机和数学自我效能感的关系间有显著的链式中介作用.为了调节学生的数学学习心理发展,学校和教师应合理创设数学问题,激发学生的学习动机;客观分析学情,鼓励学生积极归因;培养错题整理习惯,引导学生自主反思;正确建立阶段目标,提升学生自我效能感.  相似文献   

Based on cognitive theories of motivation it is argued that, in the absence of computer anxiety, computer assisted learning can enhance several types of intrinsic student motivation because it allows for highly individualized learning.  相似文献   

“Deep learning” represents student engagement in approaches to learning that emphasize integration, synthesis, and reflection. Because learning is a shared responsibility between students and faculty, it is important to determine whether faculty members emphasize deep approaches to learning and to assess how much students employ these approaches. This study examines the effect of discipline on student use of and faculty members’ emphasis on deep approaches to learning as well as on the relationships between deep approaches to learning and selected educational outcomes. Using data from over 80,000 seniors and 10,000 faculty members we found that deep approaches to learning were more prevalent in Biglan’s soft, pure, and life fields compared to their counterparts. The differences were largest between soft and hard fields. We also found that seniors who engage more frequently in deep learning behaviors report greater educational gains, higher grades, and greater satisfaction with college, and that the strength of these relationships is relatively consistent across disciplinary categories.  相似文献   

Because of accreditation, budget, and accountability pressures at the institutional and program levels, technical and professional communication faculty are more than ever involved in assessment-based activities. Using assessment to identify a program's strengths and weaknesses allows faculty to work toward continuous improvement based on their articulation of learning and behavioral goals and outcomes for their graduates. This article describes the processes of program assessment based on pedagogical goals, pointing out options and opportunities that will lead to a meaningful and manageable experience for technical communication faculty, and concludes with a view of how the larger academic body of technical communication programs can benefit from such work. As ATTW members take a careful look at the state of the profession from the academic perspective, we can use assessment to further direct our programs to meet professional expectations and, far more importantly, to help us meet the needs of the well-educated technical communicator.  相似文献   

Because of accreditation, budget, and accountability pressures at the institutional and program levels, technical and professional communication faculty are more than ever involved in assessment-based activities. Using assessment to identify a program's strengths and weaknesses allows faculty to work toward continuous improvement based on their articulation of learning and behavioral goals and outcomes for their graduates. This article describes the processes of program assessment based on pedagogical goals, pointing out options and opportunities that will lead to a meaningful and manageable experience for technical communication faculty, and concludes with a view of how the larger academic body of technical communication programs can benefit from such work. As ATTW members take a careful look at the state of the profession from the academic perspective, we can use assessment to further direct our programs to meet professional expectations and, far more importantly, to help us meet the needs of the well-educated technical communicator.  相似文献   

远程学习中交互策略对激发和维持学习动机的作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
远程学习中存在学习者学习动机不足、学习孤独等现象。笔者基于"对外汉语可视化教学管理平台项目"的调研数据,借助ARCS动机设计模型分析了交互策略能激发和维持学习动机的原因,并主要探讨了交互策略在学习动机激发和维持中的作用。  相似文献   

This research explores the impact of Taiwan's university multiple-channel entrance policy on student learning outcomes, using quantitative research to look for differences in the learning experiences of third-year students who were admitted via different methods (examination and placement, application for admission, recommendation and selection, and gifted aptitude selection) and who were at different types of institutions (public universities, public vocational/technical schools, private universities, and private vocational/technical schools). The source data for this research was a 2005 national survey of third-year university students by the National Taiwan Normal University Center for Educational Research and Evaluation. The data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and found that among students at public universities and vocational/technical schools, those who applied for admission had a better learning experience, while those selected for gifted aptitude had a poorer learning experience. Among students at private schools, those admitted through examination and placement or application for admission had a significantly better learning experience than students admitted through selection. Overall, the learning experience of screened students was generally poor, so it is worth considering a review of this admission method.  相似文献   

本科生写作活动及其对学习收获的影响是高等教育评估的重要方面,高校如何提升本科生写作能力,本科生如何改善写作实践、综合发展,是本研究价值意义所在。研究采用独立样本t检验、单因素方差分析、相关分析、回归分析等方法研究本科生写作活动现状及其对学习收获的影响。结果表明,当前本科生写作活动状况较差,女生、担任学生干部、有读研意愿、高年级、城市生源、“双一流”建设高校和部属高校学生的写作活动状况表现更好。同时,写作活动与学习收获呈显著正相关关系,各项写作活动影响了不同维度的学习收获。基于此,高校应重视学生写作活动的价值性,改革写作课程与教学,提升人才培养质量;本科生自身更要树立写作的价值意识,提高写作活动的自我投入。  相似文献   

Over the last two decades online technology and digital media have provided space for students to participate and express their voices. This paper further explores how new digital technologies, such as humanoid robots and wearable electronics, can be used to offer additional spaces where students' voices are heard. In these spaces, young students are invited to shape the design of digital tools and artifacts through the inclusion of their unique perspectives. The authors argue that involving youth in the design and use of tools contributes not only to the creation of meaningful learning experiences but also to the future potential of youth as producers of digital learning technologies.  相似文献   

采用调查问卷的方式,对专科和本科大学生进行调查.结果表明:专科学生在学习倦怠方面高于本科生,在学习动机和学业延迟满足方面的表现低于本科生.无论本科还是专科,女生在学习动机和学业延迟满足方面的表现优于男生,并且在学习倦怠方面低于男生.学习动机、学习倦怠与学业延迟满足,三者环环相扣,互相影响.  相似文献   

新课程强调以改变学生的学习方式促进学生的发展,地理课堂教学中选用具有真实性、针对性和探究性的学习材料,结合有效的教学策略引导学生探究学习,能促使学生学习方式发生改变。  相似文献   

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