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This article reviews previous research and reports on a study relating to six factors relevant to achievement in learning a new language: motivation, language learning styles, language learning strategies, gender, course level, and previous experience in learning a foreign language. Although motivation, learning styles, gender, and learning strategy use were all found to be influential, motivation was the single most important predictor of success. The authors suggest that awareness and understanding of the influence and interaction of student characteristics on achievement will allow instructors to provide optimal learning opportunities for all students.  相似文献   

Children with general learning difficulties commonly show lower school success and have a slower rate of learning. They show limited and inefficient strategy use in all kinds of tasks. Efficient strategy use requires a certain degree of metacognitive knowledge and executive control. A sample of 16 children (ages 8 to 12) with learning difficulties participated in a 3-month metacognitive training intervention that alternated between curriculum-related and curriculum-unrelated tasks. The children were indirectly taught cognitive and metacognitive strategies by means of guided prompting. The application of the strategies and the children's metacognitive knowledge were evaluated through observation of their behavior and verbalizations. Children showed progress in strategy use and metacognitive knowledge in both types of tasks, but it was only in the more concrete strategies that a positive correlation was found between application and quality of reflection. It is hypothesized that children perceived these concrete strategies to be of most practical value and they were therefore able to reflect most accurately on their use.  相似文献   

In order to accomplish organizational goals within constraints, marketers need to develop and implement marketing strategies effectively and efficiently. Trainers equipped with human performance technology (HPT) skills and knowledge may contribute substantially to strategy development and implementation and eventually contribute to organizational success. In this article, we demonstrate how HPT improved retail sales performance in an organization in the Chinese telecom industry. The outcomes highlight the benefits of integrating HPT with marketing strategies and the importance of forming partnerships between training staff and marketing professionals.  相似文献   

本文调查了长沙理工大学非英语专业学生的英语学习策略使用情况。借助社会科学统计软件(SPSS for Windows10.0)对数据进行单向方差分析。本项调查为学习策略与英语成绩的关系提供了实证材料。不同水平的学生在 45 条学习策略的使用数量上有显著地区别。元认知策略和功能操练策略对外语学习的成功与否起决定性作用,学习策略使用与学习成绩有线性因果关系学生过多使用母语策略对外语水平的提高有负面作用。学生应注意母语策略的负面影响,尽量少用它。  相似文献   

经济全球化使服务业迎来了一个崭新的"全球服务时代"。在日趋激烈的市场竞争环境下,如何使顾客成为产品忠诚的消费者,是企业能否生存发展的重要因素。服务营销作为企业在认真分析消费者需求的前提下,为充分满足消费者需求在营销过程中所采取的一系列市场活动,便成为企业开展营销创新的主导方向。而在开展服务营销时,应当深刻认识其重要性,充分运用人员管理策略、顾客满意策略和服务创新策略,以促进服务营销发挥最好的效用。  相似文献   

This research originated from two major changes in Australian Federal Government Policy on higher education which resulted in Australian Institutions of higher education being thrust into the market place. The major problem in this study was to determine the effectivenes of a marketing orientation, and the degree of use and effectiveness of marketing techniques. The findings illustrated that: a marketing orientation was almost non-existent, there was evidence of a dichotomy between the Faculty and the Administration about marketing effectiveness, the most used marketing techniques were the least effective, and the least used were the most effective. Additionally, factor analysis results did not support a clear portrayal of five factors of marketing effectiveness as identified in the oversease research, but rather a single marketing effectiveness factor. Recommendations made concerned the development of an enrollment management model for international student marketing, strategies to facilitate an effective marketing orientation, and professional marketing training for University staff. Further research should investigate the development of new or modified marketing effectiveness instruments which are pertinent to Australian conditions.  相似文献   

回避策略是外语学习者或使用者在语言输出时采用的一种迂回方法。它是交际策略中策略能力的一个重要组成部分,能直接影响到外语交际的成败。本研究通过表示让步和因果关系的从句和短语的翻译练习,考察了回避策略的运用,分析了学习者使用回避策略的原因及回避策略的使用与学习者外语水平的相关性等问题。  相似文献   

近年来,计算机行业快速发展,电脑市场竞争逐渐白热化。计算机生产厂商已经很难仅仅依靠研发新产品获取更多的市场份额。在这种市场环境当中,合理的市场营销手段变得尤为重要。戴尔作为一个著名的计算机生产和销售厂商,有着丰富的市场营销经验。而神舟依靠有效的的市场营销策略取得了巨大的成功。因此,本文将会分析和对比戴尔和神舟这两个电脑生产厂商的市场营销战略,指出神舟的不足之处,然后给予一定的建议。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,电子商务对企业产品营销具有日益重要的促进作用。企业电子商务绩效体系的设计可以为我国企业电子商务战略的实施和加强提供有效的理论指导体系。企业电子商务体系包括营销管理、营销渠道、营销业绩和营销策略四个组成部分。因子分析可以对理论模型提供信度和效度检验,从而提高了理论模型的可靠性和有效性。  相似文献   

The effective use of reading strategies has been recognized as an important way to increase reading comprehension in hypermedia environments. The purpose of the study was to explore whether metacognitive strategy use and access to hypermedia annotations facilitated reading comprehension based on English as a foreign language students’ proficiency levels. The primary investigation finding revealed that the strategies used the most were problem-solving strategies, followed by global strategies, whereas support strategies were used the least. The specific strategy of guessing content was used much more frequently which was reliably predicted by their comprehension scores; on the contrary, reading slowly might hinder hypermedia reading comprehension. Regarding the frequency of access to annotations, background information was viewed the most frequently, while word glossary was identified as least frequently; no significant relationship, however, was observed among proficiency levels, frequency of annotation use, and reading strategies. Based on further think-aloud investigation results, limitations and future research are discussed and presented.  相似文献   

企业广告是企业的主要促销方式。为了达到理想的宣传效果,企业广告必须采用适当的诉求策略。广告诉求是商品的广告宣传中所要强调的内容,是广告成败的关键。由于受众的不同文化背景,中西企业广告的诉求必须考虑到文化因素。文章对中西企业不同的广告诉求策略进行对比,并分析其背景后更深层次的文化因素,为企业广告取得经济与社会效益的双赢提出建设性意见。  相似文献   

酒店营销策略应针对我国酒店营销存在的问题和借鉴国外酒店营销的成功经验,实施内部营销策略、文化营销、无线网络营销、关系营销和细节营销策略。  相似文献   

楼盘广告是房地产开发商加大房产销售的重要手段之一,有无好的广告创意则是楼盘广告设计过程中应考虑的核心内容之一。因此提高楼盘平面广告设计师的创意能力显得尤为重要。文章从现阶段我国楼盘平面广告创意中存在的普遍问题做出分析,探讨不足原因及改进措施等内容,给楼盘平面广告设计师以启示。  相似文献   

基于Markov模型的贵重商品销售策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对贵重商品的销售特点,提出三种销售策略,并对这三种销售策略进行比较研究,分别计算出了在每种策略下失去销售机会的概率,并对所得结果的敏感性进行分析。结果表明具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

新经济的发展对营销提出了新的要求,文化营销成为了营销策略中的焦点。本文在对文化营销的概念进行分析的基础上,指出了文化营销的两大功能,并具体分析了文化营销的三个具体策略:文化产品策略、文化商标策略和文化广告策略,同时对文化营销的在经济发展的新形势下的趋势进行了预测和探讨。  相似文献   

Recent studies on student learning in higher education have paid attention to the relationships between characteristics of the learning environment and students' study orientations and study success. The purpose of the present paper is to examine these relationships in university level engineering education. The data were collected from Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, by means of an Internet survey (n=394). Grade point average, credits per semester and students' qualitative evaluation of their learning outcomes were used as indicators of study success. The findings of the study indicate that students' perceptions of their learning environment were related to their study orientations which, in turn, were related to study success. Having a deep study strategy was the most important predictor of study success. Having a surface strategy, doubt about one's abilities and lack of regulation were factors negatively related to study success. Meaning-oriented and self-regulated students using a deep strategy showed the best success in their studies and externally regulated students using a surface strategy the worst. The findings of the study suggest that the learning environments in Lappeenranta University of Technology encourage deep learning.  相似文献   

房地产全程营销,是营销理念贯穿于房地产开发、经营、销售、管理全过程的一种企业战略。其中每一环节都是房地产商的最终产品增值的价值活动。营销策划,是房地产商项目开发得失成败的关键,是形成房地产企业竞争优势的核心来源。文章主要从“房地产市场营销价格策略、广告策略、销售策略”等环节采论述房地产全程营销中的市场营销策略。  相似文献   

学校教育沟通的影响因素及其干预性策略   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
改善沟通环境、减少教育者和受教育者之间的沟通障碍 ,已成为教育理论和实践最关心的课题之一。影响教育沟通的因素很多 ,这些因素并不必然导致沟通障碍 ,其结果有多种可能。问题的关键是怎样运用这些因素 ,发挥其积极影响。合乎伦理的人为教育干预对于改善学校沟通环境 ,避免无效教育有重要作用。干预性策略包括权变策略、赢得权威策略和小组讨论策略等  相似文献   

Many struggling readers, students with English as a second language, and children with disabilities do not engage in the strategies that good readers use when reading for understanding. Reading comprehension depends upon the students’ ability to successfully use strategies to monitor and control their own comprehension. Teachers need to help students develop skills that will aid in reading comprehension. The think-aloud is one strategy that can help struggling readers improve fluency and comprehension. One of the most important components to determine the success of the think-aloud is the teacher’s ability to model and facilitate the think-aloud procedure. The teacher needs to have a basic understanding of what is meant to be accomplished using this method. This article profiles how three teachers model and facilitate a think-aloud with three struggling readers.  相似文献   

A major problem facing science education in the United States today is its failure to produce enough well-educated minority students in the natural sciences and engineering. In most cases, the early difficulties encountered by these students in middle schools persists for years and prevent majority of them from pursuing advanced degrees and careers in the sciences and engineering. Thus, the need for new teaching approaches that will motivate and channel these students, who represent the fastest growing segment of our society into science and engineering. A number of factors contribute to this underrepresentation, amongst which are perception, exclusion, and instructional strategies. Here, we report on some important factors and teaching strategies, which, when proper considered, would influence the success of minority students in the sciences. Transitional strategies are techniques that facilitators may use to help underprepared students to learn to bridge or relate different parts or situations to one common idea, fact, or skill. It is hoped that when this strategy is infused with content, along with study skills, learning styles, and sequence as well as students' personal inventories, minority performance in science and mathematics will improve.  相似文献   

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