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专业选修课教学中存在的问题与几点建议   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
高校本科生选修课教学中在一些问题,集中反映在课程设置重复,学生对选修课的了解程度不够,学生对选修课的学习常抱有“混学分”的思想,由于就业压力的加大学生常常旷课等等。针对这些问题,应该从以下几个方面加强教学工作:加强选修课“教”与“学”调研,合理设置课程;设立综合性选修课,以多人授课代替一人承包;积极把科研成果引入课堂,提高学生学习兴趣;增强教学互动,提高学生课堂参与积极性。  相似文献   

在当前国内英语专业课程设置中,文学类课程的重要性正日益受到低估。本文将教学系统设计理论运用于文学阅读教学当中,试图建构一种文学类课程的有效教学模式。在借鉴ADDIE模型、布鲁姆教育目标分类学、加涅“九大教学事件”等教学设计理论的基础上,本文强调文学课程应制定明确的教学目标、采用整体性的教学策略、运用多元化的教学方法。本着“以学习者为中心”的理念,并结合文学阅读课程的特点,本文提出了文学类课程的“CREAM”教学模式,旨在提高学生的课堂学习体验。  相似文献   

本文介绍了孙爱群教授如何转变学生的思想,充分调动学生学习的积极性,从而使“要我学”转变到“我要学”和“我乐学”。充分尊重学生的主体地位与充分发挥老师的主导作用相结合,业务教学与思想教育相结合,理论教学与实践教学相结合,课堂教学与科学研究相结合,严谨的科学态度与和谐的教学艺术相结合。从而使教与学紧密结合,教学气氛融洽轻松,教学效果突出。  相似文献   

目前,高等职业教育的课程体系制订迫切需要变革观念。在课程门类的设置,仅用“加加减减”的传统做法达不到预定目标,必须“解构和重构”--彻底打破“学科”体系,重构“生产”体系。在课程结构的安排,仅用“翻新和调整”的传统做法达不到预定目标,必须“解构和重构”--彻底打破“三段”旧模式,重构“生产过程”新模式。在理论课程和实践课程的关系处理上,仅用“加减和调整”的传统做法达不到预定目标,必须“解构和重构”--彻底打破“分离”模式,重构“一体”模式。  相似文献   

大学生学术诚信研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自行编制“大学生学术诚信研究调查问卷”,并随机抽取某大学四年级150名学生进行调查,结果分析表明:排在学术欺骗行为前五位的是“作业直接从网上复制和粘贴”、“考试时夹带纸条”、“抄袭作业”、“同一份作业交给不同的老师”和“考试时传答案给同学”;男女大学生在“作业直接从网上复制和粘贴”、“提前获得考试题目”、“从网上直接下载论文交给老师”、“需独立完成作业时却与同学合作”、“同一份作业交给不同的老师”、“伪造学校档案(简历和证书等)”、“抄袭作业”等7个方面存在显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

周口店野外实践教学是我校海洋地质专业本科教育中的重要环节。本文以笔者的亲身带班为例,从强调“大海洋地质观”、野外路线中的引导、教学方法中的探索、室内总结报告中的强化等几方面论述了如何在周口店野外教学过程中突出“海洋地质”特色,认为要从教学思想、教学手段、教学内容等方面采取措施,全方位帮助学生建立“大海洋地质观”。  相似文献   

提高高等教育质量,本科教学是关键。中国地质大学(北京)以科学发展观统领本科教学工作。充分理解“第一要义是发展”的深刻内涵,牢固树立“核心是以人为本”的科学意识,努力实现“全面协调可持续”的基本要求,坚持遵循“统筹兼顾”的根本方法,全面推进本科教学质量与教学改革工程。  相似文献   

为提升互联网金融行业贷款人决策的直观性与层次性,提出一种信用分级模型。对历史样本的信用评价指标进行主成分分析,提取关键信息。利用 Logit 回归模型得到“是否违约”和“评价指标主成分”的关系,依据回归方程所得的“违约概率”对借款人进行信用分级。采用遗传模拟退火算法(GSAA)改进的 BP 神经网络,学习“等级”和“评价指标”间的映射规则。利用 Kaggle 网站信用数据集进行实验,结果表明,Logit 回归结果可信度高,“依概率分级”区分度高,GSAA 算法可有效提升 BP 神经网络的精准分级率。分级模型在测试样本上的可信度为 99.02%,优于二值分类和指标赋权模型,可有效降低贷款人资金风险,推动互联网金融行业高质量发展。  相似文献   

本文依据课堂环境的"心理动力场理论"、"复杂系统理论"和翻转课堂的相关理念,对当下大学英语的教学模式、课堂形态、师生关系、评价体系进行了反思,并提出只有创立良好的课堂生态系统,加强职业英语教材建设,实施"概念型"英语教学法应对课堂危机。在教材、教法、评价、角色等各个环节增效、增能,保障实现学生真正自主、合作、探究式学习,才是解决课堂危机最根本的出路。  相似文献   

化学生态课堂是由教师、学生、课堂自然环境、课堂人文环境4个要素组成的动态平衡、开放有序的微观生态系统。构建化学生态课堂,要创设良好的生本学习环境;树立教师先进教学理念;建立和谐师生关系;丰富化学课程内容;综合运用教学方法;开展绿色化学实验;实施激励性教学评价。  相似文献   

传统的外语教学普遍比较强调学习的结果,自20世纪80年代开始,学者们认为教学不应该只注重学习的结果,还应重视学习的过程。但是学习是一个动态发展的过程,既不像结果那样显而易见,也会因受到教学对象、内容等因素的改变而发生变化,令人难以捉摸。因此,本文将从语言习得理论的基本原理出发,通过日语精读教学中对"情境化"、"TPR"、"VT法"等方法的具体运用实例,着重讨论三个方面的问题:1)在精读课的语法教学中如何增加"可理解输入"的"质"和"量";2)以精读的会话教学为例,讨论如何促使学生将外在的语言知识吸收内化并形成"自动化";3)以精读课入门阶段的发音教学为例,探讨如何降低学生的情感过滤从而提高教学效率;本文通过对教学实践的记录和反思,总结出基础阶段的日语精读课应遵循学生语言习得过程的规律与因势利导的教学方法和原则。  相似文献   


Teachers’ views about teaching, learning and school experiences are important considerations in education. As the central participants in classroom interactions, students and teachers naturally have strong views about what it takes to manage learning and surrounding behaviours effectively. With this in mind and because we believe that ignoring the thinking of either of these stakeholders would be to the detriment of teaching and teacher education, we focused on hearing and understanding teachers’ voices about teaching, learning and classroom management. Our aim was to further clarify teachers’ perspectives on how educators create quality learning environments as well as gathering their views of various disciplinary interventions, their perceptions of challenging students and their sense of efficacy for classroom management in order to inform both policy and practice in teacher education. A survey was conducted with 50 secondary school teachers to capture their views on their classroom experiences. Follow up interviews with teachers identified by students as effective in their classroom management provided consistent reports that effective classroom managers build positive relationships with their students, manage their classrooms by establishing clear boundaries and high expectations, and engage students in their learning.


随着信息技术的飞速发展和学生心智的日益成熟,"亲其师,信其道"、建立和谐师生关系、激励学生自主学习,是决定课堂教学质量、影响教学任务完成的重要因素,是摆在高校教师面前的重要课题。以"组织市场营销"课堂教学情境为例,教师要在情境认知学习理论和自主学习理论基础上,构建"师生互信、自主激励"的课堂教学情境——师生互信是基础、教师课堂激励是手段、学生自主学习是目的,通过尊重、赏识、关爱,激发学生自主学习的热情和能力。  相似文献   

赵治 《辽宁高职学报》2012,14(10):108-109
高职学生课堂学习的积极性问题历来受到广大高职教师的重视与思考。要想改变目前一些高职课堂上死气沉沉现状,提高高职学生课堂学习的效率,调动学生的学习积极性则是关键。教师应从学生学习兴趣、课堂学习氛围、师生关系等方面入手,调动高职学生课堂学习的积极性,以提高教学效果。  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was for students to express their views on teaching approaches delivered by two teachers under the perspectives of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) development, their preferences on learning material and learning activities. First year psychology students followed both the traditional and a flipped classroom approach delivered by two different teachers. One teacher introduced them to social and the other to clinical psychology. 81 students evaluated their experience on social psychology and 119 students on clinical psychology. Although all students had similar preferences on following either the traditional or the flipped classroom approach in both subject domains, a significant difference in students’ views related to the teachers’ contribution to teaching approach, students’ HOTS development and the choice of learning material was observed. This investigation concluded the importance of the intricate relationship between the choice of learning material and activities, and the teacher’s contribution to the flipped classroom approach and their expectation/behaviour toward technology.  相似文献   

This article provides an initial exploration of the impact of teachers’ involvement with classroom-based research projects on their professional learning. Interviews with classroom teachers are used to explore their experiences of working with Graham Nuthall and his research teams, who focused on finding out how students’ interactions with teaching events affected their learning. The aim was to investigate whether teacher involvement with research on and about their own classrooms contributed to their professional learning, changed their teaching practices, and made a difference to their professional career paths. This study draws on the literature around effective teacher learning and compares it with the impact of teacher involvement with the Nuthall classroom research projects.  相似文献   

Teaching is often characterized as an isolated activity, yet opportunities for teachers to work and learn together in schools are increasing. Underlying this shift is the view that as teachers work on new practices and teaching challenges together, they will express varied perspectives, reveal different teaching styles and experiences, and stimulate reflection and professional growth. Despite strong research interest in teacher learning groups, few studies have looked at the relationship between teachers' conversations and collaboration outside the classroom and their actual classroom teaching. Drawing on data from a larger study of literacy instruction with middle‐school teachers, this article describes how three teachers participated in an ongoing literacy program with a research group. Two were seventh‐ and eighth‐grade language‐arts teachers, the third was a special‐education teacher who taught a substantially separate class of cognitively delayed and learning‐disabled students. Case studies of each teacher draw on meeting observations, classroom observations and interviews to describe how each participated in after‐school meetings, how they used the work of the group in the classroom, and how they brought teaching successes and challenges back to the group. Although each of the teachers participated actively in the teacher learning group and changed their practice, the teachers with the most advanced teaching of literacy practices did not bring that expertise into the teacher group as fully as they might have. The analysis raises questions about how teachers participate and learn and how to structure teacher groups to maximize teacher learning.  相似文献   

Responsive teaching occurs when teachers take up and respond to their students’ ideas during instruction (J. L. Pierson, 2008). Although responsive teaching is gaining recognition as an effective strategy for encouraging student learning, few methods of analysis are capable of characterizing the different ways in which teachers take up their students’ ideas in the moment. This article presents and exemplifies a new methodological construct, the redirection, which provides researchers with a means of detecting nuanced differences in how teachers respond to their students’ thinking. The redirection construct emerged via systematic discourse analysis of 1 science teacher’s classroom discussions during 3 implementations of an inquiry-based module on the water cycle. Redirections are defined as instances when a teacher invites students to shift or redirect their attention to a new locus. Such shifts reflect different types of teacher responsiveness and, as such, can be used to capture the different ways in which teachers take up their students’ ideas. This article presents a comprehensive coding scheme for the redirection, in addition to segments of classroom discourse to exemplify each redirection coding category. A comparison of 3 5th-grade teachers using the construct provides an illustrative example of the type of analysis such a coding scheme affords learning sciences researchers.  相似文献   


Behavior management in the classroom is well known for being a challenge and a source of stress for preservice and experienced teachers alike. This means it may not only impact teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, but teachers’ efficacy perceived by their students too, engendering effects on the social learning environment and vice-versa. This article aims at taking a step towards a better understanding of which aspects of the social learning environment preservice teachers and their students take into account when positioning themselves on behavior management efficacy. It then goes onto exploring how students’ perception of teacher efficacy in behavior management varies across classes and how it interacts with the social learning environment through a two-level model analysis. Results showed that the social learning environment’s dimensions are associated with the perception of teacher efficacy by students. On one hand, students perceive that efficacy in behavior management is linked to the social learning environment and therefore expect that an efficient teacher in this area will be able to create a healthy relationship with appropriate rules and class organization. On the other, when it comes to preservice teachers, findings seem to show the importance of the training program and how it supports self-efficacy beliefs throughout first teaching experiences as results go in the direction of confirming that these beliefs stabilize fairly early on, because unlike the students, the preservice teachers seem to take other aspects than the learning environment into account while evaluating their self-efficacy regarding behavior management. Finally, this research adds yet another element to the observation that effective behavior management within the classroom requires a positive relationship between teachers and their students. In addition, the way rules and organization are taken into account by students demonstrates the need for a proactive approach in which teachers’ expectations are clear.


This research examined how students in foundation English classes perceive their Thai and native‐speaking teachers. The researchers surveyed students at five universities and compared a group of 600 students studying with native‐speaking teachers with another group of 600 students studying with Thai teachers in order to investigate three areas: (1) students’ previous background in English‐language learning, (2) students’ general opinions and preferences for studying English with Thai or native‐speaking teachers, and (3) student perceptions of studying with their current English teachers. Overall, most students had similar backgrounds and thought positively about their classroom teachers. However, there were differences in students’ teacher preferences for studying English; students more commonly preferred the type of teacher that was presently teaching them. This suggests that the type of teacher in the classroom does have some effect on students’ preferences and should be considered a factor when analysing research related to native‐speaking and nonnative‐speaking English teachers.  相似文献   

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