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高等职业教育已成为中国教育体系的一个重要组成部分,经过二十年的发展,中国的高等职业教育正在迎接二十一世界的挑战。面对世界经济和教育发展的现状,我们深切感到,我们的现代化建设,不仅需要不术型、研究型人才,也需要大批应用型、高级技艺型人才。而学习和借鉴国外的先进经验,对推动我国职业教育是十分必要的。  相似文献   

Equality in education in Eastern European countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The author outlines the profound and radical changes which the scientific and technical revolution has produced in the work processes of modern industry. These changes have led to an intellectualization of vocational education. On this premise he develops criteria for a vocational education focussed on general technical subjects and problems. The identification of these criteria is explained and supported by salient examples illustrating the relationship of vocational education to the three sectors of economy (industry, agriculture and services). In the final section the conceptual analysis is complemented by examples of current reforms in the educational system of the USSR.
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag umreist die tiefgreifenden und radikalen Veränderungen, die sich auf Grund der wissenschaftlich-technischen Revolution in den Arbeitsprozessen der modernen Industrie ergeben haben und eine Intellektualisierung der beruflichen Bildung bewirken. Auf dieser Grundlage werden die Kriterien eines berufsbildenden Unterrichts entwickelt, in dem allgemein-technische Fächer und Fragestellungen eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Diese Kriterienbestimmung wird erläutert und mit hervorstechenden Beispielen belegt, die das Verhältnis der beruflichen Bildung zu den drei ökonomischen Sektoren (Industrie, Landwirtschaft und Dienstleistung) verdeutlichen. Der letzte Abschnitt dient der Exemplifizierung der konzeptionellen Analyse durch eine Darlegung der gegenwärtigen Reformen im sowjetischen Bildungswesen.

Résumé L'auteur souligne les changements profonds, parfois radicaux que la révolution technique et scientifique a provoqués dans les procédés de travail de l'industrie moderne, entraînant une intellectualisation de l'enseignement professionnel. Partant de là, l'auteur expose les critères d'un enseignement professionnel axé sur des sujets et des problèmes techniques d'ordre général. Le choix de ces critères est expliqué et appuyé sur des exemples frappants qui illustrent le rapport entre l'enseignement professionnel et les trois secteurs de l'économie (industrie, agriculture et services). Dans la dernière partic l'auteur complète cette analyse conceptuelle en donnant des exemples de réformes actuellement en cours dans le système d'éducation soviétique.

PAT DAVIES 《比较教育学》1996,32(1):111-124
This paper explores a number of special alternative arrangements for adults to access higher education in England and Wales, France and Germany and examines the impact on these arrangements of the relationship between the state and higher education in the three countries. The similarities and differences are analysed along two key dimensions: complexity-simplicity and rigidity-flexibility and the absence of clear statistical data in all three countries is accounted for by the way in which the various stakeholders justify their actions. Finally, Weiler's theory of compensatory legitimation is drawn on to assess the effectiveness of the policy innovations and to explain why the noise around them has been louder than the numbers involved might warrant.  相似文献   

This paper analyses factors associated with resilience in an educational context. In this framework, resilient students are those able to achieve excellent academic results despite their disadvantaged socioeconomic background. Over the last decade, this topic has generated a growing interest among researchers in the field of education economics. However, most efforts to date have focused on secondary education. By contrast, this study examines the main determinants of this phenomenon in primary education by exploiting the information available in the latest two waves of the TIMSS (2015) and PIRLS (2016) databases for all participating European countries (18). The results show that the skills learned by students before starting school and the socioeconomic status of their classmates are the factors that contribute most to stimulating the academic achievement of more socioeconomically disadvantaged students.  相似文献   


Inclusive education is key to the development of civic democracy. Its role is to transform schools into platforms of excellence and equality for all students. This literature review aims to summarize the current state of inclusive education in Eastern European countries and former Soviet states and to identify conditions necessary for their educational systems to become more inclusive. The review: (a) discusses the concept of inclusive education as a platform for civic democracy; (b) conceptualizes how historical contexts affect societal attitudes and values towards difference and disability; (c) explores the extent to which available research captures the current state of inclusive education in Eastern Europe, and (d) describes the barriers to inclusive education implementation in these countries. The results of the review show the majority of studies examined attitudes toward inclusive education and people with disabilities. In this regard, although most of participants surveyed accept inclusive education initiatives in principle, they identify a range of barriers that need to be addressed to secure its meaningful implementation in the region. The review situates the possibility of inclusive education in the region’s historical context, identifies the structural and cultural barriers to its meaningful implementation, and suggests directions for future research.  相似文献   

毛泽东农民社会主义教育问题论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙海 《许昌学院学报》2005,24(3):114-117
在中国,要建设和发展社会主义事业,就必须对占人口绝大多数的农民进行社会主义教育以不断提高他们的社会主义觉悟,发展马克思主义的国家意识形态。毛泽东在思想上高度重视农民的社会主义教育问题,并在建国后的不同历史时期始终不渝地坚持开展这项工作。但由于他错误地把极端或过火的阶级斗争观念及教育模式引入了农民社会主义教育工作中,从而使这项事关社会主义发展全局的工作经历了一个十分曲折的发展过程。  相似文献   

This paper outlines the Western models of university development with its accompanying Eurocentric knowledge systems adopted by Third World countries. It discusses the various productive and counterproductive effects of these alien features to Third World universities, their research institutions and the knowledge output of their academic communities. It goes on to discuss the possible contributions that can be made within the ambit of South-South educational interchange for the development of a self-reliant higher education system among Third World nation states accompanied by an interdependent and more equitable world knowledge order. The final part of the paper examines the prospect of a self-reliant higher education and knowledge-generation system, developing in Third World countries, in the light of rapidly growing information technology which is dividing the world into information-rich and information-poor countries.This article is a revised and expanded version of a paper presented by the author at the 20th Annual Conference of the British Comparative and International Education Society held at the University of Hull in September 1985. The author acknowledges the critical comments and useful suggestions offered by S. Gopinathan, S.N.R. Kazmi and Peter Worsley on earlier drafts.  相似文献   

Economic and social constraints in the '50s and '60s resulted in an increasing interest in educational matters. As a response it was felt that a more professional and scientific approach in education was needed. Thus the educational specialist entered the labour market and institutional frameworks for educational support developed. Despite the common societal context, each country acquired its own unique educational support system. It will be argued that national pecularities in educational support systems are related to educational traditions. In order to clarify this, educational support agencies in some European countries are defined in terms of: the institutional level at which educational support agencies operate; and the functions and roles of support agencies in the education systems concerned.
Zusammenfassung Wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Einschränkungen führten in den fünfziger und sechziger Jahren zu steigendem Interesse an Bildungsfragen. Man spürte, daß ein beruflich und wissenschaftlich verstärkter Ansatz zur Bildung notwendig wäre. Demzufolge betrat der Bildungsspezialist den Arbeitsmarkt, und institutionelle Rahmen für Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung der Bildung wurden geschaffen. Trotz des gemeinsamen gesellschaftlichen Kontextes entwarf jedes Land sein eigenes System zur Unterstützung der Bildung. Es wird hier argumentiert, daß die nationalen Eigenheiten dieser Systeme der jeweiligen Bildungstradition Rechnung tragen. Um diese Frage zu klären, werden Institutionen zur Unterstützung der Bildung in einigen europäischen Ländern anhand folgender Kriterien beschrieben: das institutionelle Niveau ihrer Tätigkeit; die Funktionen und Rollen der in Frage kommenden Institutionen innerhalb der betreffenden Bildungssysteme.

Résumé Les contraintes économiques et sociales des années 50 et 60 onto suscité un intérêt accrû pour les questions d'éducation. On s'est alors rendu compte qu'une approche professionnelle et scientifique de celle-ci était nécessaire. Les spécialistes de l'éducation sont allés sur le marché du travail et les institutions pour promouvoir le soutien à l'éducation se sont développées. Malgré un contexte social commun, un système unique de soutien éducatif se développa dans chaque pays. On affirme que les particularités nationales notées dans ces systèmes se rapportent aux traditions éducatives. Pour éclaircir cette assertion, on définit les organismes de soutien à l'éducation dans certains pays en fonction du niveau institutionnel auquel ils opèrent et d'après les fonctions et rôles qui leur sont attribués dans les systèmes d'éducation concernés.

Teaching quality has been observed in large representative samples from Flanders (Belgium), Lower Saxony (Germany), the Slovak Republic, and The Netherlands. This study reveals that measures of “creating a safe and stimulating climate”, “clear and activating instruction”, and “teaching learning strategies” were reliable and fully or at least partially scalar equivalent across these countries. Flemish teachers score higher, on average, on measures related to creating a safe and stimulating learning climate than do teachers in Lower Saxony, the Slovak Republic, or The Netherlands. With regard to the provision of clear and activating instruction, no significant differences arose in average scores across the 4 countries. Dutch teachers scored significantly higher on teaching learning strategies than teachers in Flanders and Lower Saxony but did not differ significantly from teachers in the Slovak Republic. Flemish and Slovak teachers earned higher average scores on teaching learning strategies than teachers in Lower Saxony.  相似文献   

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