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学生评教是国内外高校开展教学质量监控最普遍、最典型和最重要的抓手,其科学性和有效性一直倍受教育界关注。当前,我国高校开展学生评教工作普遍存在思想理念落后、组织管理粗放、制度导向错位等问题,在指标设计的科学性、评价数据的可靠性、结果利用的合理性等方面面临诸多困惑。"以学生为中心"为改进学生评教提供了明确导向,要求学生评教指标设计符合学生认知、评教组织方式利于学生参与、评教制度设计引入学生决策、评教结果聚焦学生发展。新时期,高校在学生评教工作中应认真落实"以学生为中心",以学生诉求为根据科学研制学生评教指标体系,以方便学生为原则全面改进评教组织管理工作,以学生发展为本位全面优化学生评教制度设计,切实提高学生评教工作的科学性和有效性。  相似文献   

学生评教与以学评教   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育评价是20世纪30年代在美国兴起,60年代兴盛于西方世界并传入我国。这些学科虽然在我国发展已有20余年,但理论研究的进展不大,学科的成熟度不高,与我国广泛开展的教育评价活动很不适应,教育的本质决定了师生关系的最基本方面只能是教师教,学生学。说学生是主体,那是说学生是学的主体,是自我教育、自我体验、自我管理、自我约束的主体,而不是说学生是教的主体。教学须调动学生的能动性,考虑学生的兴趣,都不意味着学生是教学过程的主体。应该实行以学评教为主,即以测验学生的成绩高低来评价教师教得好不好。  相似文献   

文章以台湾地区的两所高水平大学为案例,分析了高校的学生评教改革如何通过制度设计与系统建构实践“以学生为中心”的理念。结合理论架构与案例分析发现,实践“以学生为中心”的学生评教制度改革主要体现在三个维度上:在学习成效维度上,主要表现为从“孤立”到“系统”的外部结构转变;在学习过程维度上,主要表现为从“制式化”到“多样化”的内部结构转变;在学习发展维度上,主要表现为从“绩效控制”到“教学改善”的功能定位转变。  相似文献   

“以学生为本”创新高职教学质量评价方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职教育创新教学质量评价方法具体表现在以下三方面:一要体现"以学生为本"的教学评价理念;二要构建完善的教学质量监控系统;三要改革教学质量评价指标设计方案。  相似文献   

学生“评教”是为了从学生的角度检查教师的工作情况,达到“以评促教,以评促改”的目的。学生评教制度运用得当,可以产生激发教师工作积极性的正能量。然而,时至今日,学生评教制度如何实施才能产生应有的作用,仍困扰着众多的教育教学工作者。  相似文献   

尹锦华 《生活教育》2014,(9):103-104
伴随新课改步伐,"学生评教"作为一种教师评价方式日益流行,但在实际推行中却存在诸多争议,笔者认为对学生评教的出发点和实效性须深加审视,必须端正学生评教的价值导向,权衡个中利弊、正视其评价方式的局限———才会有效开展学生评教工作,对教师发展起到良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

浅析“学生评教”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生评教是教育教学评价的一种方式,是教学质量评估的一个重要方面,也是教学管理过程中不可缺少的、环节。学生评教工作时于促进师生间信息交流,促进教学相长,促进教师度教学管理人员及时调整教学行为从而为学生提供优质的教育服务具有深远的意义。但是,教与学的基本矛盾决定了学生评教的局限性,学生评教只有和教师自评、同行互评、专家点评等结合起来才能取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

浅析“学生评教”   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
学生评教是教育教学评价的一种方式,是教学质量评估的一个重要方面,也是教学管理过程中不可缺少的环节。作为教学工作的主体、教育服务的消费者,对教学工作做出评价是学生应该享有的权利;同时,公平、公正、客观地评教也是学生应尽的义务。学生评教工作对于促进师生间信息交流,促进教学相长,促进教师及教学管理人员及时调整教学行为从而为学生提供优质的教育服务具有深远的意义。但是,教与学的基本矛盾决定了学生评教的局限性。学生评教只有和教师自评、同行互评、专家点评等结合起来才能取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

通过对我国高校学生评教存在问题的分析,比较美国高校学生评教指标体系,取长补短,构建适合我国高校"以学生为中心"的学生评教体系。通过实证研究,取得了较好的结果,也为进一步完善学生评教体系找出了方向。  相似文献   

离群数据检测是找出与正常数据不一致的数据。学生评教中由于某种原因,会出现一些评教噪声数据。针对学生评教中噪声数据的特征,提出了一个基于熵值距离的离群点检测算法,该算法通过比较每个数据点所对应的熵值和整个数据集的熵值,来判断数据点的离群程度。仿真结果表明该算法对学生评教中出现的噪声数据具有较好的过滤效果。  相似文献   

高校学生评教探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韦巧燕 《高教论坛》2007,(2):149-150,174
学生评教在实际的教学过程中发挥着积极的作用。本文论述了学生评教的内涵、作用与功能、学生评教应遵循的原则及应注意的事项。  相似文献   

The authors examined whether feedback from student ratings of instruction not augmented with consultation helps college teachers to improve their student ratings on a long-term basis. The study reported was conducted in an institution where no previous teaching-effectiveness evaluations had taken place. At the end of each of four consecutive semesters, student ratings were assessed and teachers were provided with feedback. Data from 3122 questionnaires evaluating 12 teachers were analyzed using polynomial and piecewise random coefficient models. Results revealed that student ratings increased from the no-feedback baseline semester to the second semester and then gradually decreased from the second to the fourth semester, although feedback was provided after each semester. The findings suggest that student ratings not augmented with consultation are far less effective than typically assumed when considered from a long-term perspective.  相似文献   

An unresolved issue in student evaluations of teaching effectiveness (SETE) literature is what type of overall evaluation of teaching effectiveness should be used in personnel decisions. The objective of this study is to compare the merits of: (a) an overall evaluation made by students, (b) a weighted average overall evaluation with the weights determined by students, (c) a weighted average overall evaluation with the weights being determined by the individual instructors teaching their respective classes, (d) an unweighted average overall evaluation, and (e) a second-order factor that proxies for an overall evaluation. Our results indicate that: (a) all of these overall evaluations were very highly intercorrelated, (b) the unweighted and weighted average overall evaluations measured virtually the same thing, and (c) the second-order factor that served as an overall evaluation was most highly correlated with the other overall evaluations and had the advantage of being most understandable to the faculty.  相似文献   

This study tested the Systematic Distortion Hypothesis by examining the factorial validity of student ratings of university teaching. Factorial validity is defined as the degree to which covariance among judged traits resembles the actual or true covariation of observable behaviors underlying these traits. Although many studies have examined the factorial validity of ratings, results are inconsistent. The present study used a more complete methodology to address some of the limitations of previous studies. Student ratings of teaching and measurements of actual teaching behaviors were obtained for 32 instructors. Student ratings were compared to frequency counts of actual teaching behaviors obtained from videotape and to students’ similarity judgments of teacher characteristics. It was found, first, that the structure of student ratings showed a moderately strong relation to the structure of actual behaviors, and a somewhat stronger relation to the structure of conceptual associations; and second, that the effects of systematic distortion were more pronounced for low-inference student ratings than for high-inference ratings.  相似文献   

学生评教是高校改进教师教学和教学管理工作的重要手段,也是近年来高等教育研究者关注的一个焦点.介绍了国内外学生评教的发展历程,系统地梳理了学生评教的研究重点,即对学生评教的可靠性、有效性、影响因素、指标体系的研究,分析了学生评教实践中存在的诸多问题,得出对学生评教实践的启示,以促进学生评教工作的良性发展.  相似文献   

在思想品德课的教学中,学生的参与是提高课堂教学效果的有效策略,教师可采取多种方式增强学生的参与意识,提高学生学习的积极性,如:通过加强师生交流以建立平等的师生关系;通过适时提出问题、组织实践活动、巧设乐学情境等方式,激发学生的学习兴趣;以及及时反馈、适度评价等方式提高思想品德课的课堂有效性。  相似文献   


Sponsored by a Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology(PT3) grant, we participated in various activities designed to help us learn to infuse technology in our teacher education courses. The purpose of this paper is to describe the specific impact of the PT3 project activities on our change process-including the formation, evolution, and efforts of our curriculum design team-and to share the activities and products that we developed through participation in the grant activities.  相似文献   

Student ratings of problem-based tutors at Harvard Medical School in 1987–1988 indicated that tutors were seen by first year students as most helpful in encouraging critical appraisal of information, questioning and probing the reasoning process, and balancing basic science and clinical discussions. Narrative comments about the best tutors further indicated that such tutors were most helpful in balancing student-directedness with guidance and sharing professional expertise without lecturing. A concurrent survey of faculty tutors indicated that tutors rated these same skills as important. Comparing students' ratings of helpfulness with tutors' ratings of importance, two discrepancies emerged. Tutors rated student direction as more important than students rated its helpfulness. On the other hand, tutors rated the ability to balance clinical and basic science discussion as the least important skill while students' ratings indicated that it was extremely helpful. These disparities suggest points of discussion and skill building for faculty development programming.  相似文献   

Based on the review of student ratings myths by Aleamoni (1987, 1999), a survey research design was used to analyse differences between college students' (n = 968) and faculty's (n = 34) perceptions. Generally, students held stronger beliefs in these myths, in that they believed faculty with excellent publication records were better qualified to evaluate teaching and that student ratings on single general items are accurate measures of teaching effectiveness. On the other hand, faculty believed that student ratings were invalid and unreliable. Further examination of student characteristics revealed that male students held stronger beliefs in these myths. Finally, students' beliefs in these myths were correlated with their actual ratings of nine dimensions of the Student Evaluation of Educational Quality. A discussion as well as suggestions for using student ratings is provided.  相似文献   

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