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以北京市W区H小学一对师徒为个案,通过深度访谈和资料分析描述了当前教师教育变革理念下我国本土师徒教师学习新态势。研究发现,师徒教师学习呈现出建构式学习模式的总体特征,具体表现在多重性师徒关系图谱、全景式的师徒学习阈限、连续性的师徒学习过程以及支持性的师徒学习环境。  相似文献   

文章对一位正在某教育学院进行汉语学习的维吾尔族女教师汉语学习历程进行跟踪探查,以此探究改革开放三十年来新疆推行双语教育的效果.研究发现,三十年来新疆少数民族教师汉语水平不断提高,尤其是近五年来,中华民族通用语的学习氛围更加浓厚,少数民族教师汉语也不同程度地有了提高.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to explore the empirical fit of two PLC models, using Singapore as a case. Insights emerged from documentary analyses and interviews with state-affiliated agents from the Academy of Singapore Teachers. The proposed DuFour–Fullan model, despite policy aspirations, remains largely DuFour-predominant in practice. Aspirations for a Fullan-inspired approach are evident, but still rest in the stage of conceptualization.  相似文献   

The use of electronic portfolios is increasingly becoming popular in teacher education programs. The electronic portfolio allows learners to express their work and take ownership over their own ability to plan and assess and reflect upon their learning during a specific period of time. While many teacher education programs have adopted electronic portfolios in order to meet accreditation requirements, others use electronic portfolios to develop and improve on students’ technology skills—train students on how to better use technology in instruction and student assessment. Irrespective of the reasons for adoption, there is the need to assess students’ perceptions of electronic portfolios, and especially to explore the benefits and challenges students face in using electronic portfolios in their course work. Using a qualitative research design, the current study explored teacher candidates’ attitudes toward electronic portfolios and the differences that electronic portfolios bring to their profession. Such a study is necessary to help administrators identify students’ needs to ensure that they are gaining the maximum benefits from the use of electronic portfolios in their programs of study.  相似文献   

Mentoring, as an arrangement for academic and professional development in higher education, is a relatively recent innovation. Planned and structured collegial support has been seen to serve two functions, these being of a compensatory and nurturant kind. The case study, reported here, is distinctive in that it discusses research mentoring in an institution undergoing significant academic restructuring. The nature of the project was one in which the mentor/mentees relationship was developed in recognition of the participants being peers but having experienced different academic histories. The process was seen to be a generative one which passed through four stages: initiation; cultivation; separation and redefinition. The study is coauthored by all participants in the process and can be represented as reflexive inquiry as it captures the growing awareness and insightfulness of each person playing out his or her roles. In this sense, then, the paper is a reflective evaluation of the process rather than an account of research in progress.  相似文献   

正网络学习资源建设必须强调以学生为中心,使学生从外部信息的被动接受者转变为信息加工的主体,从学习资源的接受者转变为学习资源建设的主体,通过学习情境的创设和体验,激发学生学习的主动性和积极性。上海电视大学在人力资源管理课程的网络学习资源的建设过程中遵循这一思想,运用多媒体和网  相似文献   


Teachers should have the necessary assessment knowledge and skills to contribute to students’ learning. This study provides insight into how a professional development program for teachers contributed to the achievement of higher mastery levels of assessment literacy. This study used Xu and Brown's TALiP (Teacher Assessment Literacy in Practice) framework to achieve these higher levels. To evaluate the extent to which teachers demonstrated professional growth regarding their assessment literacy, teachers’ practices were evaluated through a content analysis of summative assessments. Potential changes in teachers’ knowledge, skills, and beliefs were measured through questionnaires and interviews. The outcomes showed that reflection on educational goals and on teachers’ beliefs, collaborative practice, and peer feedback played an important role in fostering higher mastery levels in assessment literacy. The outcomes of this study support the value of the TALiP framework and support the idea that professional growth could be fostered via diverse growth pathways.  相似文献   

Student diversity in classrooms is on the rise and with it, a need for teachers who recognize the needs of diverse student populations. Teacher retention is a national crisis, with teachers of color at especially high risk for leaving the teaching profession early. This case study describes a collaborative mentoring approach used by a primary grades Latina teacher and two university professors. This approach focused on reflective discussion of classroom events and addressed the challenges of teaching for understanding in an age of accountability and changing demographics. Findings indicate that the beginning teacher’s enthusiasm combined with the expertise of teacher educators benefited the teacher, the students, other teachers in the school, and the participating university professors. Implications of this case study point towards the need to mentor diverse educators in the early years.  相似文献   

In this article, we report a research project on web-based case instruction that was developed and implemented to allow prospective early childhood teachers to be exposed to various dilemmas faced by practicing teachers. The goal of this project was to design an instructional tool and method that could help prospective teachers expand their notion of classroom management beyond a set of techniques. We collected 23 prospective teachers’ pre and postessays before and after the 3-week implementation of the web-based case instruction, along with surveys and a focus group interview data. The initial data analysis results indicated that this instructional method was effective for (a) promoting prospective teachers’ awareness of multiple perspectives, (b) encouraging them to explore diverse ways of problem solving, and (c) articulating their justification based on a sense of moral responsibility and affective engagement. We conclude with implications for future research and early childhood teacher education.
Kyunghwa LeeEmail:

Early Career Teacher Professional Learning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Becoming a teacher requires not only the development of a professional identity but the construction of professional knowledge and practice through continued professional learning. This study tracked a sample group of 16 early career teachers through their first year of teaching. The participants were encouraged to write about their experiences in journals and undertake an interview in an attempt to provide an understanding of the central tasks of learning to teach required by early career teachers during their induction into teaching together with the factors which support or hinder their professional learning. This paper makes use of a continuum developed by Feiman‐Nemser which identifies Central Tasks in Learning to Teach (CTLT) as a Framework for analysis of participant data. Conclusions indicate developing a professional identity and enacting a beginning repertoire to be the most challenging aspects of professional learning for these teachers. Learning support in the traditional form of formal induction programs and mentoring were recognized as useful; however, collaborative, informal, unplanned learning from colleagues and former peers was also reported as a most significant and valuable source of support. Conversely, participants felt additional responsibilities, difficult classes and unrealistic teaching expectations together with lack of status and professional feedback hindered their professional learning.  相似文献   

This study is an examination of early childhood preservice teachers' kindergarten internship experiences to identify the supportive and challenging conditions for their learning and explore in what ways those conditions are productive or unproductive for them, based on ecological perspective as a theoretical framework. Qualitative data were collected from weekly seminar notes and field notes by the researchers, a focus group with the preservice teachers, and course evaluation feedback. Through a constant comparative analysis approach, the findings indicate that both supportive and challenging learning conditions were created by collaborating teachers, preservice teachers, and the university supervisors. The findings illuminate the complex responsibilities of early childhood teacher educators to develop horizontal expertise for both themselves and preservice teachers so they can negotiate the best practices from research and the reality of school contexts.  相似文献   

一位成功的随班就读数学教师的个案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以质性研究的方法,通过与教师、家长、随班就读工作管理者的7次深度访谈,并结合资料采集、分析,对一位成功的随班就读教师进行个案研究。揭示了随班就读教师的心路历程,并从成功的随班就读教师特征,随班就读教师取得成功的外因,有效的教学策略,有效的班级管理策略等方面展示了成功的随班就读教师所具有的能力,还揭示了随班就读教师面临的压力与当前随班就读工作存在的问题。  相似文献   

A case study approach was used to document the literacy experiences of 25 fathers and their children who participated in a family literacy program. It explored the effects of a literacy intervention that was designed to assist fathers of five-year-old children to develop their children’s literacy learning in a family environment. The findings indicated that the fathers promoted their children’s literacy development when they learned literacy strategies and activities in the program. Although all fathers were provided with the same literacy content, they differed in their use of literacy strategies. Themes were identified and described based on the literacy strategies, interactions, materials, and activities that the fathers used.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide documentation of a one year Pilot Mentoring Program (PMP) that was implemented within a department at a school of education within a private university. PMP was tied to the culture and specific needs of the department. It included seven newly hired faculty members and their mentor who were from various programs within the department. Even though PMP evolved over the course of an academic year, and was labeled a formal mentoring program, it was restricted to a trial basis. As PMP evolved, an exploratory qualitative action-research study was conducted.  相似文献   

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