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如果把萨义德作为侨易个体进行研究,其理论建构则可以视作精神质变现象,“东方主义”与“理论旅行”就是其中的“主概念”和“辅概念”。运用观侨取象与察变寻异的方法可以发现萨义德的理论建构与其本人的侨易经验密切相关,侨易条件的语境因素以及重要的侨易事件也起到推波助澜的作用。以萨义德VS·亨廷顿为例,追问其背后“文明冲突”、“权力话语”的问题症结所在,凸显“观念侨易”的思路,进而消解主体,显示二元三维的整体结构观。  相似文献   

萨义德在20世纪文化研究史上,有着举足轻重的地位。其学术思想中生长着一种具有强大批判性乃至颠覆性的力量。在当下的后现代语境中,萨义德以独到的眼光,审视东西文化交往的过去,为文学和文化研究提供了独特的洞见和启示。  相似文献   

雷蒙德·威廉斯是伯明翰学派最早研究大众传媒的学者。他的媒介批评理论,建立在文化唯物主义原则之上。大众传播媒介,是现代文化的主要实践方式,其发生与扩张同社会意向密切相关,隐匿着经济与权力关系。媒介文化的多样性和独特性,表征于报刊、电影、电视、广告等具体形式之中。民主式传播体制,更具协调、组织功能,对形构平等基础上的人类共同文化至关重要。  相似文献   

雷蒙德·威廉斯的戏剧理论研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷蒙德.威廉斯对“最具社会性的戏剧”的研究历经了一个继承、僭越和颠覆传统以及试图建构新的传统的过程。他的戏剧研究主要覆盖了如情感结构和“惯用手法”的关系、整体戏剧的概念和新的记录系统、悲剧的概念、戏剧的生活化和生活的戏剧化等等。根据这些批评和理论成就的发生和发展过程,本文把他的戏剧研究划分为三个阶段:革新传统、文化转向和社会学转向。  相似文献   

后殖民文化理论是一种重要的文化政治批评理论 ,本文通过《东方学》和《文化与帝国主义》这两本里程碑式著作 ,分析了美国学者赛义德有关“东方主义”和“文化批评”的理论 ,认为赛义德的理论建树奠定了后殖民文化理论的基础 ,但也存在一些理论上的“盲见” ,因此不能忽视其理论中缺乏一致性和启示性的地方。  相似文献   

雷蒙·威廉斯是英国著名的文化研究学者、文化批评家、思想文化史家。作为战后英国最重要的知识分子之一,其学术研究在不同时期曾受到学界的不同程度的关注。学界对威廉斯的研究日益加强,并呈现如下特征:注重文本解读,表现了强烈的现实关怀,史学界的关注显得不够等等。因而,在战后英国社会政治变动与文化变迁的历史情境中,学界应不再满足于某单独领域对威廉斯的个案研究,而是将其纳入到20世纪中后期英国马克思主义发展史、马克思主义文论与美学理论传统以及英国文化研究等多种知识源流之中进行跨学科、多角度、全方位的审视,这或许是日后威廉斯研究发展的方向。  相似文献   

从威廉斯到默多克:交锋中推进的英国文化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在从“远观”的角度勾勒英国“文化研究”的理论源流,对几位英国马克思主义文化批评理论家涉 及“文化研究”的两场论争———雷蒙德·威廉斯与特里·伊格尔顿的“文化主义”与“结构主义”之争、斯图亚特· 霍尔与格雷厄姆·默多克的“文化研究”与“传播政治经济学”之争———进行简略梳理。“文化研究”、“西方马克思 主义”以及西方现代美学文艺学三个层次上显示的“合题”状态启示我们,应该从理论逻辑、历史发展和基本范畴上 把握“文化研究”的批判本质、“文学性”和根本目标。  相似文献   

This article suggests that part of the task of the teacher educator is functioning simultaneously as both researcher and practitioner. However, there are sharply diverging viewpoints about the worth of this kind of research. On the one hand, there is now more research about teacher education being conducted by teacher educators themselves than at any previous time. On the other hand, in certain contexts, this research is discounted because it is judged not rigorous or because it does not generalize across contexts. The article considers the deliberations about practitioner research by the AERA Panel on Research and Teacher Education as an illustration of how these competing viewpoints can play out.  相似文献   

A qualitative study was undertaken of 25 teachers who have taken time away from schools or early childhood centres to work on short-term contracts in a university college of education preservice teacher education programme. The study considers their perceptions of the experience and how this might impact on the partnerships between colleges and schools or early childhood centres. Findings suggest that there are benefits and difficulties associated with short-term contracts. However, overall participants found that teaching in a preservice teacher education programme was a very valuable professional experience and that it enhanced their ability to support student teachers more effectively.  相似文献   

Despite extensive experience teaching residents, surgeons are an untapped resource for educating medical students. We hypothesized that by involving surgeons as teachers earlier in the medical school curriculum, medical students' interest in surgery will increase and their opinions of surgeons will improve. Five programs designed to involve surgeons as educators in the medical school curriculum were implemented. The first program, started in 2008, introduced surgical faculty into the first-year medical student anatomy dissection laboratories. Other programs initiated in 2008 included: Surgical Clinical Correlates in Anatomy, which involved faculty teaching through cadaver surgery; Clinical Pathologic Conferences in Anatomy, a surgeon-led conference based on clinical cases; and a women's faculty-student mentorship program. Table Rounds, a surgeon-led anatomy review that used clinical scenarios to quiz students was begun in 2009. All five programs were successfully integrated into the medical school curriculum. While student opinion of surgeons as educators improved, there were no significant changes in student interest in surgery as a career nor change in performance on written examinations over the Anatomy content covered by the surgeons. Surgical faculty and trainees can be integrated into the medical school curriculum. Involving surgeons as educators earlier in the medical school curriculum may have longer term effects than could be observed in this study. At a minimum, the experience improved student opinion of surgeons as educators.  相似文献   

This essay provides an overview of the papers contained in this issue of the Peabody Journal of Education. In it, the author notes for policymakers especially issues and concerns that emerge from the use of formative assessments geared towards education improvement. While the intent of such assessments is lead to improved overall instruction and improved outcomes, he stresses that this is not a passive act that rests solely on testing children, providing their teachers and school leaders with data, and then hoping improvement will occur.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a combined university–school research project involving three associate teachers from the pre-service teacher education degree at the University of Otago, New Zealand in the examination of their literacy teaching practice. The provision of resources for this collaborative study allowed the teachers to design the project in response to the learning needs of the children in their classrooms. The paper specifically analyses the research experience for the teachers as they theorized their classroom literacy practice and utilized the research findings to inform the content and processes of teaching at both the primary and tertiary classroom levels.  相似文献   

The decision by the Northern Territory Department of Health to employ Aboriginal health workers has supposedly resulted ina shift in emphasis for non Aboriginal rural health nurses from clinical work to education and consultation. This paper examines the gap between the rhetoric and the reality of this claim by applying, with modifications, Burton Clark's (1958) theory of the marginality of adult education to an educational innovation. In 1981 rural health nurses were requested to implement an educational program that included teaching Aboriginal health workers literacy and numeracy along with clinical skills. The results of an evaluation research of this innovation conducted over the period 1982‐3 show that this activity was avoided by nurses because of its marginal status. Those who took up the innovation also risked sharing in this marginality. It is also argued that while Clark's theory is applied to only one case, i.e. the teaching of literacy, it points the way to a formal theory for explaining the difficulties experienced by rural health nurses who wish to take up any formal educational activities on Aboriginal settlements.  相似文献   

Teacher educators arguably fulfil several roles in their professional context: they can be seen as role models or teachers of teachers, and have additionally been characterised as researchers, mentors, gatekeepers, brokers, and curriculum developers. To address a perceived gap in the literature on the latter role, a quantitative and qualitative exploratory study into educators’ own perceptions of their role as curriculum developers was conducted at a large teacher education department in the Netherlands. Seventy-five educators completed a digital questionnaire. Their responses reveal that the participants generally consider themselves to be curriculum developers, are aware of the responsibilities this professional role entails, and can pinpoint concrete practices in which the role becomes visible. The findings furthermore suggest that educators have been prepared for and develop professionally in this role in a variety of ways, mostly through informal learning with their colleagues at the workplace. Based on these findings, recommendations are made to inform educational practice, policy, and research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine ways that a multicultural perspective using critical literacy practices engaged practicing teachers to rethink and re-vision oppressive hegemonic structures and attitudes regarding immigrant students and their families and helped them to develop as critical educators. In the context of a professional development master’s program, 57 teachers experienced a curriculum strand focused on immigration issues and provided extensive feedback responding to the curriculum. The data were analyzed to assess in what ways using current and controversial issues helped teachers to develop their capacities to understand and critique the world in more complex ways and what impact these experiences had on their teaching practice. Evidence suggests that the majority of teachers were receptive to the curriculum although some teachers exhibited resistance. Resistance appeared to be minimized and teachers’ development supported using curricular experiences that “put a face to the issue,” that put learners “in others’ shoes,” that engaged teachers’ emotions, and that made clear how policies, practices, and attitudes directly and indirectly impact the lives of children and their families.  相似文献   

Men can play a significant role in teaching their children about sexuality but fathers’ practices and perceptions in this domain remain under explored. This study presents an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of eight fathers’ perceptions and practices in educating their ten-year-old children about physical maturation, reproduction and relationships. A Foucauldian analysis with a focus on governmentality and biopower revealed tensions and contradictions between the fathers’ aspirations and their realities, which appeared to be underpinned by the dynamic, contradictory, shifting, plural nature of fatherhood identities. Whilst fathers wished to adhere to the cultural imperative for father–child emotional closeness, a disparity between their ambitions and their conduct emerged. Care appeared to be a deeply gendered concept for the fathers and despite their aspirations for an intimate relationship with their children, gendered norms for motherhood and fatherhood prevailed resulting in passivity in their role as sexuality educators. The study concludes by arguing that challenges to structures and subcultural contexts, which may deter fathers from fully engaging with their sons and daughters in this aspect of communication are required.  相似文献   

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