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Artful Dodgers is an arts education project developed by two artists and delivered in two early years settings located in two areas of urban disadvantage. It is a music and visual arts programme designed and implemented with early years teachers of children aged 3–5 years. It explored whether the provision of high-quality arts experiences could enhance children’s emerging literacy and numeracy. A novel ‘artist in(formed) residency’ model was developed within a unique arts education research design. Piloting a tripartite relationship between researchers, artists and early years teachers, this study was situated within a qualitative action research paradigm, with both artists located in both services weekly over a 12-week period. The evaluation of the programme indicates changes in pedagogical planning and style in the early years teachers over the period of the artists’ residency. Their language became more reflective and their practice incorporated a wider and richer range of materials; there was greater evidence of more child-led activities and unstructured play opportunities over the duration of the study. The data suggest that children’s social, cooperative and communication skills were enhanced. Recommendations have implications for the professional development of artists and teachers working in early years settings.  相似文献   


Once the exclusive domain of teacher education, physical education in Australian tertiary institutions has during the last twenty years evolved into a series of discipline‐based fields concerned with human movement studies, leisure studies and sport science that have begun to feed new vocational opportunities in the sport, exercise and leisure industries. Concomitant with these changes in the social organization of knowledge in tertiary physical education has been a realignment of school physical education programmes, particularly in the senior school curriculum. Inevitably, the once sole focus of physical education in tertiary institutions on teacher education is now being forced to reinvent itself in light of these dynamic changes in the social organization of school and university knowledge. Following the work of Bernstein, Goodson and others, this article analyses current policy and practice in physical education teacher education and identifies several future scenarios. The first part of the article provides an historical overview of the emergence of new forms of tertiary knowledge in physical education from the mid‐1970s until the present. The second part provides a similar overview of developments in school physical education with a focus on senior school and matriculation physical education during the same period. The third part analyses the current state of affairs in the social organization of knowledge for physical education teacher education. In the fourth part, a series of questions is raised concerning relationships between knowledge in physical education teacher education, school physical education and university forms of the field through the presentation of several future scenarios. The article concludes with several proposals for policy development concerned with physical education teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

民间美术与高等美术教育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
民间美术是民俗文化的重要组成部分,是民族文化艺术宝藏中的精华。高等美术教育中应补上民间美术这一课。  相似文献   

The arts are often seen as peripheral to the ‘real business’ of school and schooling. While this has been the case for some time now, the increasing pressures of high-stakes testing and ever-more draconian public funding schemes (particularly in the wake of 9/11) have created something of a ‘perfect storm’ for those working in the arts. Arts proponents today live and operate within a culture of scarcity, having to justify their increasingly marginalized vocations while competing for continually shrinking resources. The result is an often deep-bodied sense of vulnerability, one which saturates the social field (both micro and macro) of arts education in ways not often publicly acknowledged. In this article, I explore this notion of ‘vulnerability’ as a framework for understanding qualitative data which emerged from a three-year arts and education project I conducted in a large, northeast city in the USA beginning in 2003. In so doing, I look to open up a broader discussion about the oft-ignored intersection(s) between the material and aesthetic in arts and education – a discussion which is sober about the future of such work in times of economic scarcity and conservative retrenchment.  相似文献   

普通高等学校艺术教育的误区与改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
艺术教育在促进大学生全面素质发展中具有重要作用。目前普通高校艺术教育存在着将艺术教育看作特长教育、补丁教育、点缀教育等典型的认识误区,严重影响了普通高校艺术教育的开展。必须正确认识艺术教育对学生素质发展的意义,在体制和机制上落实艺术教育的重要地位;要确立和坚持艺术教育平民化、普及化思想,坚持艺术教育与专业教育相结合,加大艺术教育师资队伍建设力度,探索适合大学生实际的艺术教育课程和教学方法。  相似文献   

是否取消文理分科与对学生进行综合教育,全面提高学生综合素质并无绝对关联,结合知识和教学的特性以及我国教学现实,在文理分科的模式下进行综合教育是最好的过渡性选择。它需要从创生教学内容、优化教学方法、建立综合评价体系等方面入手,从源头、过程和结果上保证分科模式下综合教育的顺利进行,这需要高素质的综合型教师的有效参与。  相似文献   

Home education, or home schooling, is a rapidly growing global educational phenomenon. Given the emphasis that educators, policy makers and researchers have placed upon the arts as an important element in a holistic education, the ways in which the growing home education community are facilitating arts learning warrants consideration. Facilitating quality arts learning has been found to be extremely challenging, especially for generalist classroom teachers who may not possess background learning across the range of arts subjects represented in most arts curricula. Revelations from this study on Australian home educating parents identifies a similar dilemma with the facilitation of arts learning in home contexts, and a significant proportion of the home educating participants acknowledged little to no educational or artistic training. In this project, an online survey was conducted to develop insights into the ways Australian home educators (n = 193) approach arts education, the challenges associated with facilitating arts learning and the strategies they employ in light of these challenges. The research highlights that, while home education is pedagogically unique and distinct from traditional classroom education, the challenges participants expressed regarding teaching in the arts aligned closely with those expressed by classroom teachers in wider research; however, the uniqueness of home education contexts means that support structures for classroom teachers are less helpful for home educators. Implications arising from the research are thus beneficial in understanding the nature of support that might be tailored for arts learning in home education.  相似文献   

中华传统武术文化在西方强势体育文化的"笼罩"下迷失了方向。武术教育也主动趋附于西方体育教育思想,陷入了重竞技武术轻传统武术,重技术轻理论,重套路轻攻防,重知识轻理念的困惑境地。本文以传统文化为视角,剖析造成武术教育现实困境的深层原因,探索武术教育的应然走向,旨在回归武术之本质,促进中华民族传统文化的繁荣发展。  相似文献   

在对古代数学教育与我国当前数学教育现状分析的基础上 ,得到了对我国文科数学教育的几点启示 :1、培养逻辑思维能力 ;2、激发学生对数学的美感 ;3、主动性学习的培养。  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that ideas related to special education could influence the way arts education is performed and motivated in schools. Further investigation is therefore required in order to raise awareness of how perspectives on inclusion can serve as a starting point for arts education, and vice versa. This article takes it starting point in an ethnographic double case study of arts education practices. Data were collected during the school year 2013/2014 in two Scandinavian schools (for pupils aged 6–13) with an articulated commitment to the arts. The methods used for data collection were observation and interviews. The material was analysed from a phenomenological point of view, and the analysis showed a predominantly holistic view of inclusion in the two schools. Five dimensions of inclusion were identified through the analysis: providing arts education for all, being connected to something larger, allowing access to different forms of expression and communication, establishing preconditions for holistic inclusion, and developing special arts education. The results indicate that these schools have made considerable progress in developing an inclusive arts learning environment. Results also suggest that a holistic inclusive view of education encourages a functional and vivid arts education for ‘all’, both inside and outside the classroom.  相似文献   

This article reports on recent case-study research that examined teacher- and student-level processes in nine Australian arts classrooms. The selected classrooms, based on the results of a connected longitudinal study, demonstrated strong positive links between arts participation and academic motivation, engagement and achievement. The focus here is on how teachers supported their students to conceive, shape and present imaginative work. Although different approaches were apparent in the dance, drama, film, music and visual arts classrooms, patterns were detected in the processes used to transform imaginative ideas into a creative work. The research indicated that important skills were being developed as the students encountered the ambiguity of the creative process. Furthermore, insights were gained into how work drawing on the imagination can be initiated and sustained through the highs and lows of development to become both a work of art and a learning experience that will augment future creative work.  相似文献   

美国文理综合本科学院及文理教育探微   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国理综合本科学院及理教育的发展历史和现状表明,该类高校是美国高等教育的一个重要组成部分,它不仅为更高层次的研究型大学培养了大批后备人才,而且美国理综合本科学院及其教育形式对全面提高美国的国民素质也有着重要意义。  相似文献   

美术教育是实施素质教育的重要途径之一,它与学生的素质全面提高之间具有非常密切的关系。美术教育在培养学生的道德修养、审美情趣和创新精神等现代社会生存必备的人才素质方面有着十分重要的地位和作用。  相似文献   

美术教育是实施素质教育的重要途径之一, 它与人的素质全面提高之间具有非常密切的关系。美术教育在培养人的道德修养、审美情趣和创新精神等现代社会生存必备的人才素质方面有着十分重要的地位和作用。  相似文献   

我国高等美术教育事业危机出现的根本原因在于美术教育角色定位的偏差,而美术教育角色定位的偏差从根本又是由于人文精神的缺失。我国高等美术教育事业如欲突破长期以来的发展瓶颈,必须要引入符合美术事业发展规律的指导思想,即人文精神,在教育体制、培养目标和教学内容上实现人文精神的全面渗透。  相似文献   

澳大利亚的大学除了8所联盟大学(G8)为研究型大学外,其余大学多属于研究与教学型大学,主要培养应用型人才。澳大利亚的广告专业起源和发展都离不开产业发展,对学生和教师进行职业化培养是澳大利亚广告教育的突出特点。在教学上具有以教师为中心的集中授大课和以学生为中心分组讨论小课相结合、详细的评分体系及先进的教学设备和教学辅助手段等特色。这些办学特色对于我国的本科大学广告专业建设具有借鉴作用。如可以考虑构建有广告行业公司和行业学(协)会参与的广告类人才培养机制、进行多学科综合背景下的广告人才培养和重视教师职业的培养  相似文献   

Amidst major new initiatives in research that are beginning to address the pedagogic dimension of building capacity in social science research methods, this paper makes the first move to apply the lens of inclusive pedagogy to research methods pedagogy. The paper explores the ways in which learning social science research methods is hard and may be anxiety-provoking, which has sometimes led to a deficit discourse in which learners are positioned as ill-prepared and fearful. Learners can then be blamed for being hard to teach when an inclusive pedagogical lens would support a more asset-based discourse. Nonetheless, the authors argue that without traditional deficit-based solutions of the remedial class, special needs label or special teacher within the methods learning environment, methods teachers have developed their own responses. These pedagogic responses, elicited from the authors’ research using methods of expert interviews, focus groups and video-stimulated dialogue, address challenges associated with the learner, the learning material and the teacher’s context. The paper differentiates between practical solution-focused strategies and more holistic approaches. The authors illustrate how methods teachers reach out to diverse learners and they conclude that data and standpoints are used in inclusive teaching to make connections and to support learning.  相似文献   

甘南藏族自治州是多民族聚居地区之一,由于种种主客观原因,美术教育发展缓慢,跟不上时代的需要。随着时代与社会的发展,人们对美术教育的功能与目的的认识也日益深化,发挥美术的功能作用,才能促进学生素质的全面发展,才能促进民族地区教育发展,提高民族地区学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

在阐述武术教育传承我国传统体育文化必要性与紧迫性的基础上,指出武术具有内涵丰富、表现形式多样;开展较为普及,具有较好的群众基础和在我国传统体育中占有主导地位等传承传统体育文化的优势;提出武术教育在履行文化责任时应注意扬长避短,博采众长;有效统筹健身功能、教育功能与文化功能以及充分发挥武术对其他民族传统体育的引领作用等问题。  相似文献   

近些年的美术课本既保持了各自的地方特色,但又在总体上体现了大纲的精神,注意到了美术的基础文化教育作用,涉及造型艺术的各个领域,又突出了审美教育的主线。  相似文献   

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