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大学各门学科地位差异的形成,源于不同主体建构的一整套评价标准。学者们按照专门化、规范化、理论化标准判定学科的学术地位;政府、大学和求学者等社会主体则根据各门学科对各自的功能意义对大学学科赋予不同的等级。在学科等级规范得到规定者和参与者的广泛认同后,等级标准遂演化为一种社会公意,控制着学科建设实践并将其制度化。  相似文献   

Within the context of illustrating three observational techniques: Ad Lib., Focal Child, and All Occurrences of Some Behaviors, verbal disciplinary techniques as used by a regular classroom teacher and a student teacher are compared. Managing, Threatening, and Describing behaviors were observed as these were used as desist attempts by the teachers to stop inappropriate behaviors, and, presumably, to return the children to on-task behaviors.Since discipline is frequently a student teacher's most difficult task, some modeling of the classroom teacher's behaviors were expected to occur. This was found for discipline directed at individual children, but not total group disciplinary attempts. While the regular teacher produced more desists and was more effective in returning the children to on-task behavior, when disruptive children's sequential patterns of behavior were examined the most frequent response was something other than on-task behaviors. Questions are raised about what should be modeled, and when in a sequence of behaviors a teacher should intervene.University of Illinois  相似文献   

安全工程专业实验教学体系的研究与探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文首先分析了目前安全工程专业实验教学中普遍存在的问题。结合国内部分高校实验教学经验,研究了安全工程专业实验教学体系,主要包括实验教学内容和方法、实验考核、实验教学环节和实验室安全管理,该实验教学体系既能突出安全工程专业特色,同时对于安全工程专业学生综合能力和素质的培养具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

研究性实验是一种重要的实验形式。机械学科具有鲜明的工程实践性,因此实验教学课程设计一定要立足工程实际。开展好该类型的实验,除了明晰研究性实验的诸多关键点,还要关注学科差异性。  相似文献   

针对工程训练成绩管理过程中的一些特点,开发出一套基于Internet成绩管理系统,该系统包括工程训练成绩的输入、汇总、查询等一系列功能,满足了工程训练成绩管理工作中的需要.  相似文献   

While experential learning has been increasingly explored and adopted by higher education institutions, few have researched the appropriate assessment methods that can be aligned with the learning outcomes of experential learning. A literature review on the diverse forms of assessment currently used for community service types of experiential learning in higher education is presented in this paper to review their appropriateness in assessing experential learning. The paper also describes the assessment framework of the University of Hong Kong Sichuan Reconstruction Community Service Project, which is incorporated into a multidisciplinary community service learning project. Feedback from students and teachers are reviewed to gauge their preferences towards these assessments, as well as their opinions on assigning academic credits to experential learning projects.  相似文献   

理论力学是农业水利工程专业的一门重要基础课,为适应知识经济对创新人才培养的要求,合理进行课程教学改革及提高教学质量势在必行。结合我国高等教育改革和新形势下的教学要求,分析山西农业大学理论力学课堂教学中存在的问题,并提出一套适合本专业的教学改革方案。  相似文献   

实验室建设是土木工程学科发展的基础和重要保障,为一流学科建设起到重要的支撑作用,而人才培养是一流学科的重要特征。该文针对土木工程学科,阐述了实验室对土木工程一流学科建设的必要性,指出了目前实验室在支撑土木工程一流学科建设中面临的问题,并在此基础上提出了实验室支撑一流学科建设的对策。  相似文献   

介绍了南京农业大学建设机械工程学科综合训练示范中心的做法。该中心以培养学生实践能力与创新能力为目标,以加强实验教师队伍建设为核心,以学科平台资源优化整合为手段,以实践教学文件体系建设为支撑,以信息化资源与管理建设为辅助,优化资源配置、加强内涵建设,实现了实践教学的提档升级。  相似文献   

按一级学科设置硕士研究生课程的探讨   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着招生规模的不断扩大,社会对研究生的需求产生多元化趋势,培养既有扎实基础理论和系统专业知识,又有广阔的相关领域知识的毕业研究生受到社会的欢迎。针对控制科学与工程学科的研究生,如何制订出合理、科学的培养体系,已成为本学科研究生培养工作的重点。笔者从社会对控制科学与工程学科硕士的需求、原有培养方案中课程体系的不足以及完善一级学科研究生培养制度等方面进行了探讨;提出了按一级学科设置硕士研究生课程的思路,并进行了实施;初步实施的效果表明了这一方案是切实可行的,为培养综合素质高、知识面宽和创新能力强的硕士研究生探索了一条新路。  相似文献   

Educational psychology has seen rapid growth as an academic discipline in recent years. The current study reviewed research articles published in Asia Pacific Education Review (APER), a journal that has been gaining greater international recognition, to reveal recent trends in educational psychology research in Asia Pacific. Specifically, the study reviewed general (country, research methods and academic subject) and topical trends among 84 articles published in APER from 2005 to 2013. Findings of the study revealed that studies on diverse age groups were conducted in various countries. Although quantitative research greatly outnumbered qualitative research, qualitative research appeared to be increasingly accepted. Topics from special education and counseling were actively studied, with the greatest focus on learner characteristics highlighting individual differences. Outlined research trends and related discussions in this study may be useful for educational psychology researchers in East Asia.  相似文献   

生物医学工程是一门交叉性很强的学科。我校在该领域的科研优势主要在于生物医用材料及医疗器械方面。以此为基础,2003年建立了生物医学工程本科专业。为使学生通过本科阶段的学习,既能掌握该专业的综合知识,又具有较好的创新能力,我校结合自身科研优势,对建立有特色的实验教学体系进行了初步的研究和探索。该文介绍了此实验教学体系的目标和特色,介绍了实验教学内容和实验室的设置以及实验教师的配备情况。实验内容强调基础知识,注重交叉学科特点和体现自身特色。设置了生物医学实验室、生物电子实验室和医疗器械实验室。编写了相应的实验教材。  相似文献   

文章认为军队院校较为单一的学科结构已不能适应新型军事人才培养和科学技术发展的需要,院校合并、自我发展和建立虚拟学科结构是院校学科结构优化的三种方式,进而分析了军队院校采用虚拟学科结构方式优化学科结构的可行性.  相似文献   


A case study of an experienced professor's comments on a design report in a first‐year engineering class was conducted over the period of an academic year. When compared with the commenting styles of technical writing teachers, the engineering professor's comments were found to be highly directive, and thus at odds with the preference for facilitative comments that prevails in composition studies. However, differences in genre conventions explain much of the discrepancy.  相似文献   

“学科”考辨   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
对学科概念的认识可分为教学科目说、创新活动说、知识门类说、科学分支说和双重形态说。现代大学所强调的学科建设有两种不同语义上的指谓,一是作为知识体系的学科的不断发展和完善,即一门门学科在知识上的增进;二是作为不同学科要素构成的组织的建设,即作为知识劳动组织的学科建设。因此,可以从“作为知识分类体系”和“作为知识劳动组织”两层语义上来甄别学科。  相似文献   

In an increasingly complex sociotechnical world, collective practices are more and more important for accomplishing the work that needs to be done. Small-group interactions are key sites for building communities in which knowledge is a collective goal. This study investigated the nature of small group interactions among Grade 4–5 students and between these students and their teachers. From an extensive data source which includes videotaped lessons, formal and informal interviews with students and teachers, ethnographic observations, and children-produced artifacts, two case studies were constructed to illustrate general patterns representative for the interactional structures in this classroom. The study provides evidence for the interactive flexibility of students, the construction of culture, power, and norms in each interaction, and the distributed nature of students' artifacts which exceeds social construction. Traditional resources for data interpretation such as power or attention deficit disorder were not useful to predict student interactions and work. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34: 273–302, 1997.  相似文献   

抓好学科规划与建设创建"人民满意、世界一流"大学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抓好学科规划与建设是建设世界一流大学的基础性工作,因为一流学科是创建世界一流大学的必要条件,多学科的架构是创建一流大学的基础。当前在我国高校学科规划与建设中必须解决将创建一流大学等同于一流学科、学科规划与学科建设相脱节、学科规划与建设缺乏整体眼光和中国思路以及盲目追求学科门类齐全、学科设置同质化等问题。中国人民大学为创建“人民满意,世界一流”大学,对学科规划和建设工作做了几点深入思考。  相似文献   

以我校2013届药学、药物制剂专业本科生就业方向相关数据进行统计对比,分析我校药学类本科生的就业趋势,并且针对存在的问题提出改进意见,以对药学类专业学生科学开展就业指导工作提供一些参考。  相似文献   

推进学科基地建设 支撑学科创新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产学研结合是学科基地建设的重要推动力量,学科基地是学科创新发展的基础和平台。南京工业大学积极推进产学研互动,打造出"三个层次"、"三种模式"的规模化、多元化学科基地,增强了学科实力,在取得重大学术成果的同时,加速了科技成果转化,推动了社会经济发展。  相似文献   

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