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21世纪是一个创新的时代,积极开展大学生创新创业教育,既有利于解决大学生就业难的问题,也有利于促进学生全面发展和成才。本文通过结合包装工程专业对大学生创新与创业教育进行了分析,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

在对档案袋评价的方法和特点进行归纳总结的基础上,将其应用于我国大学生创业教育教学过程的可行性和必要性进行了分析,结果是档案袋评价的应用可以加强大学生创新创业教育的针对性,优化创新创业教育教学效果,提升大学生创业能力。同时,在创业教育教学过程中使用档案袋评价法时,需要根据不同的项目和教学要求进行共性个性相结合的设计,明确使用原则和使用方法,注意及时纠偏。该评价方法的使用在创业教育教学过程中有利有弊,但从长期发展趋势来看具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Engineering competences form a potential basis for entrepreneurship. There are pressures to find new approaches to entrepreneurship education (EE) in engineering education, as the traditional analytical logic of engineering does not match the modern view of entrepreneurship. Since the previous models do not give tangible enough tools on how to organise EE in practice, this article aims to develop a new framework for EE at the university level. We approach this aim by analysing existing scientific literature complemented by long-term practical observations, enabling a fruitful interplay between theory and practice. The developed framework recommends aspects in EE to be emphasised during each year of the study process. Action-based learning methods are highlighted in the beginning of studies to support students’ personal growth. Explicit business knowledge is to be gradually increased only when professional, field-specific knowledge has been adequately accumulated.  相似文献   

Greek engineering Schools have a high status and attract good students. However, we show that in the leading institution, the National Technical University of Athens, only 27% of the students admitted in 1992–2003 graduated after the nominal five years study: the median graduation time was 73 months (reaching 93 months in one School) and 12% are predicted never to graduate at all, most without withdrawing officially. Results differ between Schools, between routes of admission and by gender (females being better than males). Systematic study of reasons for not completing or delay in completing studies is urgently needed. Overall, 4% of the students withdraw officially during their first year. The percentage of withdrawals by School is negatively correlated with the percentage that gave that School as first choice in the entrance procedure, indicating problems in the admission system.  相似文献   

高等学校本科课程编制模式探讨   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
对国外高等学校课程编制模式的研究和使用情况加以介绍和归纳 ,对中小学课程编制理论如何与高等学校本科课程编制理论研究相结合进行探讨 ,将有助于我国高等学校课程编制的理论建设和实践探索  相似文献   

2003年3月,我校部分教师参加了安徽省教育厅专家组,赴部分地市对省级课改实验区课程改革工作情况展开评估工作,并就“近年来高师院校的师范专业毕业生是否适应新课程要求”进行调研。对高师教育面对新一轮基础教育课程改革暴露出来的问题进行了分析研究,并提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

创新的含义是建立一种新型的思维方式,创业则是代表一种新事业的产生,创业需要创兴精神和创新能力,创新的程度直接影响创业的成功性,因此二者之间教育彼此息息相关,创业教育只有建立在创新教育中才有发展的条件,创新教育通过创业教育来达到教育目标,两者极具耦合基础。本文则重点分析高职院校创新教育和创业教育的耦合机制。  相似文献   


Emotions are present in all learning processes, including those in entrepreneurship education. In this paper, we investigate which kinds of emotions exist in entrepreneurship education at university and in which contexts they occur, and show how the concept of liminal spaces – spaces of transformation in which students encounter high degrees of uncertainty, while their potential for learning is maximised – can be used in order to understand the role of negative emotions for entrepreneurship education. Providing examples from courses on entrepreneurship for Engineering and Business Administration students at a German university, we are able to confirm findings of existing literature on the type and sources of emotions. Moreover, our findings suggest that reflection of students on emotional processes that involve the endurance of uncertainty contribute significantly to the achievement of learning outcomes and that – within the limits of existing learning cultures and guidelines for assessment – teachers can facilitate such processes.  相似文献   

高校开展创业教育符合高等教育改革和发展的大趋势,有利于缓解当前大学生的就业压力,甚至可以吸收更多的劳动力实现就业。但是,我国现有的教育体系缺乏对学生实施创业的创新精神和技能的培养。通过建设合理、科学的创业教育课程体系和非课程体系,组织培养优秀的创业教育师资,创建大学生创业服务体系,有效推动我国高校创业教育的发展。  相似文献   

我国大学生创业教育模式探讨   总被引:73,自引:0,他引:73  
20世纪80年代以来,创业教育在国外已成为大学教育的重要组成部分。我国现有的教育体系缺乏对学生创业创新精神和技能的培养,大学创业教育普及程度低。当前推动我国大学创业教育发展的两个重心,一是建设合理的创业教育课程,以及包括创业课程、创业研究、创业论坛、创业竞赛和创业者联盟五个模块的创业教育体系。二是组织培养优秀的创业教育师资,通过培训、国际合作、引进短期海外教师以及聘请既有实际管理工作经验又有一定管理理论修养的企业家、咨询师、创业投资家、政府官员等担任兼职讲师等形式,加强创业教育师资队伍的建设。  相似文献   

大学生创业对大学生本人和社会发展都有非常重要的意义,应用型本科民办高校在支持大学生创业方面做了许多有益的工作,但其中也存在一些亟待解决的问题,诸如创业教育的定位目标过于单一功利,未建立完备的创业教育课程体系,“以赛代学”功利化色彩较重,创业教育的师资队伍薄弱等。在明确创业教育目标、创业教育课程体系、师资队伍、创业教育支...  相似文献   

Globally, neoliberal education policy touts youth entrepreneurship education as a solution for staggering youth unemployment, a means to bolster economically depressed regions, and solution to the ill-defined changing marketplace. Many jurisdictions have emphasized a need for K-12 entrepreneurial education for the general population, and targeted to youth labeled ‘at risk’. The Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative’s Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneurship Program (AYEP) has been enacted across Canada. This paper applies critical discourse analysis to a corpus of texts, exposing how colonial practices, deficit discourse, and discursive neoliberalism are embedded and perpetuated though entrepreneurial education targeted at Aboriginal students via AYEP.  相似文献   

创业是缓解高校毕业生就业压力的一个有效途径。特许经营课程的本质是创业教育,其特点使创业教学易于渗透,课程教学中自然贯通了创业教育的全部理念。该课程教学实施创业教育探索的途经为:案例教学;课堂教学内容设计;具体课程教学单元设计。  相似文献   

本文结合高职院校办学特点,探索开发了学校课程教育平台和社区教育实践平台的高职院校创业教育双平台体系,阐述了该体系的功能、建设途径和大学生创业风险管理的重要性和创业实施手段,并结合具体实例论述了创业教育双平台实践的可行性。  相似文献   

按照教育部《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》要求,对本科化学专业(师范类)的课程体系、课程内容、课程组织以及教学实施等进行重新设计。  相似文献   

Development of mechanical engineering curricula at the University of Minho   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The implementation of the Bologna protocol in the European Union has set new goals for the whole higher education system as: (a) a quality assessment for university courses; (b) a framework for the exchange of students and academics; and (c) an opportunity for changing the teaching/learning procedures and methodologies. Within the context, the mechanical engineering curricula at the University of Minho have been comprehensively formulated in order to meet these and future challenges and expectations. The whole process has been based upon various cornerstones: the legal framework for the higher education system; the introduction of new learning methodologies and an accurate survey and understanding of the existing strong and week points of the previous experience. For this purpose, a comprehensive evaluation has been carried out with former students and a detailed map has been formulated regarding their professional careers and experiences. Furthermore, a discussion has been carried out in order to define the mission of the graduate in mechanical engineering. In brief, such mission may be referred by his ability to participate in the wealth creation through technology based innovation. Within this context, the curriculum has been structured in order to meet such goals. In addition to strong foundations in physics and mathematics, new subjects are introduced into the curriculum. The whole education is based upon project development which stimulates the students' initiative, responsibility and their ability to integrate knowledge. Throughout the curriculum, students are enrolled into research projects developed in the department and it is expected that a few selected projects may be taken into a quasi industrial stage.  相似文献   

Sustainability, enhancement of personal skills, social aspects of technology, management and entrepreneurship are of increasing concern for engineers and therefore for engineering education. In 1996 at Delft University of Technology this led to the introduction of a subject on sustainable entrepreneurship and technology in the course programmes of Chemical Engineering and Materials Sciences Engineering. This subject combines lectures, project work in which a business plan is written, sustainability and presentation training. This paper shows that it has been possible to combine entrepreneurship, sustainability and project education successfully in a subject for undergraduate engineering students and describes background, assumptions, outline, results and recent adjustments of this subject. It includes a discussion on how to integrate sustainability and entrepreneurship in terms of triple P (People, Profit, Planet) and how to incorporate it pragmatically in the key elements of a business plan: (1) business idea, mission and strategy; (2) context, stakeholder and market analysis; (3) marketing; (4) production; (5) organisation and management; (6) finance and reporting. Attention is paid to results regarding the business plan, spin-off like start-ups and also to the learning results of both students and lecturers. It ends drawing some lessons derived from the subject’s results and the learning experiences of both students and lecturers.  相似文献   

针对人工智能技术发展及新工科建设背景下的新特征和新理念,该文分析了高校创新创业教育的新要求,讨论了人工智能、新工科与创新创业教育目标三者之间的关系,探讨了新背景下开展计算机类本科专业的创新创业教育的新途径,提出了以创新团队和创新实验室为基础,以竞赛、项目、企业实训等多途径相结合的"理实交融、学科交叉、阶段化、全过程"教...  相似文献   

创业对社会经济发展有重要的推动作用,创业者的核心素质可以通过创业教育来培养.高职教育作为当前中国高等教育的一种重要类型,要适应21世纪社会经济发展的需要,培养创新型经济人才,就必须实施好创业教育.在创业教育中,通过改革创新校园文化活动,实现育人功能的转变,促进创业教育,真正塑造有创新思维、创新意识、创业能力的综合型人才.  相似文献   

“课程思政”明确要求“课程门门有思政,教师人人讲育人”,每个专业建设好课程思政势在必行。专业课教师是影响大学生思想言行和道德发展的最大因素。工程管理教育与课程思政改革在育人目标、价值引领、教育理念方面存在内在契合的一致性,有利于教学双方的政治素养提升和道德人格养成。工程管理专业课程思政体系创新需做好五个方面的工作:设定专业思政目标、搭建课程思政平台、优化思政课堂教学、提高教师思政素养、提升思政教学管理。课程思政的终极追求,是勉励每名学生拒绝做“才胜德”的精致利己主义者,并终生做社会主义核心价值观的“燃灯者”。  相似文献   

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