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The Engineering Industry Training Board of the United Kingdom has been heavily involved in special projects to increase the number of women in engineering careers in manufacturing industry, both at technician and professional level. The scope of these initiatives is outlined and the research carried out into their implementation and outcome is reviewed. The projects have had considerable success in themselves, in bringing young women into engineering careers in increasing numbers and have also been influential in changing the climate of opinion concerning the appropriateneness of professional and technician engineering careers for women. Research has thrown a great deal of light on to the issues still to be solved, if women are to enter the engineering field of employment in satisfactory numbers. Recently, the issue of how to help older women engineers cope with the dual roles of career and family, has been addressed and especially how to reduce the impact on careers which can result from breaks in full-time work due to family commitments.  相似文献   

This paper uses a gender perspective to problematise the connection between high educational achievement and a fulfilling professional career. Drawing data from an Australian study of women working as professional engineers in a range of locations, the paper investigates the ways in which the identities produced in the women’s educational experiences require further negotiation in dealing with the realities of their divergent workplaces. Through a deconstruction of the power relationships that form a key feature of the women’s reported workplace experience, the women are shown to engage in a range of tactics in the effort to achieve a degree of workplace acceptance and some professional recognition. The paper concludes by urging renewed attention to changing engineering education and workplace culture if the profession is to attract and retain able women.  相似文献   

How Middle Schoolers Draw Engineers and Scientists   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The perceptions young students have of engineers and scientists are often populated with misconceptions and stereotypes. Although the perceptions that young people have of engineers and of scientists have been investigated separately, they have not been systematically compared. The research reported in this paper explores the question “How are student perceptions of engineers and scientists similar and how are they different?” Approximately 1,600 middle school students from urban and suburban schools in the southeastern United States were asked to draw either an engineer or a scientist at work. Drawings included space for the students to explain what their person was doing in the picture. A checklist to code the drawings was developed and used by two raters. This paper discusses similarities and differences in middle school perceptions of scientists and engineers. Results reveal that the students involved in this study frequently perceive scientists as working indoors conducting experiments. A large fraction of the students have no perception of engineering. Others frequently perceive engineers as working outdoors in manual labor. The findings have implications for the development and implementation of engineering outreach efforts.  相似文献   

This paper reports some of the key findings of a large-scale study of the professional success of over 800 engineers and architects who graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne between 1946 and 1987. In the first phase of the project, a questionnaire was designed to elicit their responses with respect to the quality of their university training, the reasons they chose engineering as a field of study, their experience and activities at the university, their postgraduate training, their actual professional activities (relative importance and satisfaction), their work experience and conditions, their personal qualities, influence of important life events in their career, their defintion of professional success, as well as important demographic data (including status, income, number of subordinates, type of work, etc.). Data on their academic performance (mean grades in theoretical and practical subjects, overall Grade Point Average, etc.) while at the university were collected from the registrar's files. The results confirmed our hypotheses: grades are unrelated to professional success and internal satisfaction is more important than are external criteria in the definition of professional success. Post-diploma training, life events and especially personal qualities determine the engineers’ professional career. Many interesting findings also emerged with respect to their evaluation of their actual professional activities, their university training, choice of major and of their professional satisfaction.  相似文献   

Conclusion The Canada-wide survey of women engineers has provided a wealth of detailed information about a still small, but rapidly growing, minority within the profession. A major source of satisfaction of these women is the interest and variety of the work they do and for which they are financially rewarded on the same scale as men. Few wives earn salaries equivalent to those of their husbands, but women engineers do. This fact may account at least in part for the egalitarian nature of their marriages. With two professional salaries coming into the household, it is possible to engage competent and reliable assistants. The proportion of women engineers who have household employees, either full-time or on a part-time basis, is many times greater than for Canadian women in general. The ability of women engineers to divide their time between family and profession seems to maximize the satisfaction they derive from each. Their use of continuing education to maintain continuity of professional interests during their short periods out of full-time employment as engineers shows careful planning and individual ingenuity. In spite of occasional instances of unfairness or perceived discrimination by an individual, women engineers report a high level of satisfaction with the profession they have chosen. Many wrote at length about why they would recommendit to other women who want an interesting, challenging, and rewarding career. They say that engineering is a great profession—especially for a woman!  相似文献   

反应堆工程课程设计实践教学的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反应堆工程课程设计是普通高等学校核反应堆工程专业人才培养过程的重要实践性教学活动。缺乏核反应堆装置大型核设施是我国培养核反应堆工程人才高校开展实践教学所面临的主要困难。南华大学从选取实践教学硬件和软件、选题、教学过程、互动式指导、练习、成绩考核及总结等方面对反应堆工程课程设计教学进行了实践,初步探索出一种适合我国普通高等学校开展反应堆工程课程设计的实践教学模式。  相似文献   

Prior to the First World War many obstacles stood in the way of French Women who wished to pursue studies in technical fields. Largely due to the shortage of suitable male candidates, a considerable number of higher technological institutes opened their doors to women students during or after the First World War. However, women engineers working in France before the 1930's were a very small pioneering band. Between the two World Wars the number of women engineers grew slowly, but it was only after 1945 that opportunities opened up more swiftly. By the early 1970's even the most prestigious of the Grandes Ecoles were beginning to take in women students

As a result of these changes the number of qualified women engineers grew from around 3000 in 1960 to more than 20,000 in 1985. The article discusses the changes in the school level education system which aided this development. Also discussed are the career prospects and achievements of French Women Engineers with special reference to the establishment of a study circle of women engineers in 1958 and its development through the 1960's and 1970's. The Association of French Women Engineers was founded in 1982 and symbolises the secure position of women engineers in France in the 1980's. The work of the Association is outlined with special reference to its educational role and the development of a slide-based information package about women in engineering aimed at school girls.  相似文献   

根据“卓越工程师教育培养计划”对学生掌握专业知识提出的新要求,在我校推广“模块化”课程改革之际针对土建专业隧道工程进行了教学改革的研究。基于隧道工程教学现存的问题,开展了隧道工程的教学改革思路研究,通过改善学生学习兴趣及专业知识实用性,为学生日后的工程实践打下坚实的基础,也为我校培养应用技术型的一线卓越工程师做出了积极探索。  相似文献   

This study investigates the status of women engineers in the Middle East, considering women engineers in Lebanon as a case study. The author investigated the following questions: What are the influences behind females’ decisions to choose engineering as their major course of study? What are the motives behind this decision? What are the perceptions of females regarding the essential skills for a successful engineering career? An online survey consisting of Likert-scale items was completed by 327 female engineers who graduated from universities in Lebanon and now work in various locations around the world. A genuine interest in the field appeared to be the main influence in the participants’ decisions to choose engineering profession. The potential for professional growth was the leading motivator for choosing engineering. Although participants reported that they possessed adequate theoretical knowledge and technical skills before graduation, in the actual practice of engineering, they noted weaknesses in creativity and innovation.  相似文献   

快速变化的全球工作环境对工程师在解决复杂工程问题能力、多学科整合与创新能力以及合作与多元文化交流能力等方面提出了需求。能力建设为继续工程教育人才培养提供了新思路,即以学习者为中心,注重能力建设,从宏观政策支持、职业生涯规划、学习成果认定、执业资格培训、专业能力提升以及融合实践学习等六个方面全方位构建继续工程教育人才培养框架,并从政府、行业、企业、学校、个人等不同利益相关者的角度科学合理地设计其实现路径,以满足社会经济发展对工程师知识更新和能力提升的需要。  相似文献   


This research explored the extent that working engineers were satisfied with their ability to help or serve people and/or society through their jobs. Over 450 engineering graduates responded to an online survey, including alumni recently transitioning to the workforce from 16 U.S. institutions and professional volunteers with Engineers Without Borders-U.S.A. Only 18% of the respondents currently working in engineering jobs had some level of dissatisfaction with helping others through their job; this differed by job sector and discipline but not gender or between recent alumni and service-active engineers. Forty per cent cited dissatisfaction with service aspects of their work as a contributing factor for leaving an engineering job. A few seemed to have left engineering careers due to dissatisfaction with their ability to help others. The results point to the importance of aligning personal goals for helping people/society with engineering careers; employers facilitating these connections may reap benefits in employee retention.  相似文献   

Utilizing data from the 20-year record of the Longitudinal Study of American Youth (LSAY), this analysis uses a set of variables to predict employment in engineering for a national sample of adults aged 34 to 37. The LSAY is one of the longest longitudinal studies of the impact of secondary education and postsecondary education conducted in the United States. A structural equation model found that mathematics is a primary gateway to an engineering career, beginning with algebra track placement in Grades 7 and 8 and continuing through high school and college calculus courses. Home and family factors such as parent education and parent encouragement of science and mathematics during secondary school also enhanced the likelihood of a young adult becoming a professional engineer. In addition, young men were substantially more likely to become professional engineers than young women. Considering each of these factors, this article seeks to understand the varied pathways available to students interested in engineering careers.  相似文献   

能源与动力工程专业卓越工程师的培养将通过校企合作形成完整的培养流程,参与卓越计划的学生,专业设计能力、实践能力、创新能力、社会适应能力、团队合作能力、国际视野等各方面综合素质将得到显著增强;将进一步在具体方面逐步落实"卓越工程师计划",不断完善综合培养方案,将理论知识学习与专业实践相结合,同时将严格学生及导师考核制度,从而保证培养计划的顺利进行,为国家培养更多的卓越的工程型人才。  相似文献   

Technology is changing rapidly and industry needs to adapt continuously. Based on demands expressed by industry, Brunei University in the U.K. has developed a new and challenging undergraduate engineering programme. The programme is designed to address the two major concerns revealed by collaborating companies concerning the education and training of university engineering graduates. Firstly, there is a great need for environmentally aware engineers to help industry to cope with the increasing environmental pressures. Secondly, all engineers need to possess transferable skills, be capable of lifelong learning and of using a flexible approach to problem-solving. Personal as well as professional maturity are seen as the keys to success as a professional engineer. The new programme called Special Environmental Engineering (SEE) employs project-based learning in the educational process. This paper summarizes lessons learned from project-based learning using the SEE Local Company Project as an example.  相似文献   

以电气工程及其自动化专业卓越计划中实践教学环节为研究对象,构建了"校内教学型专业实践和企业工程培养"相结合的实践教学体系,提出了该教学体系的具体实现方式,充分锻炼了学生的工程实践能力和创新能力,教学效果良好。  相似文献   

Recognition at the full professional level of engineers coming from two different countries with totally different systems is a very difficult task. However, in the context of globalization of all human activities, particularly engineering services, it is essential that well-developed countries take very serious efforts using an open-minded approach to establish the parameters that will permit the ultimate objective of international recognition to be achieved. While there are many ways to move toward this objective, one recognized method of making very important steps is certainly the signature of mutual recognition agreements by major players in the trade of engineering services. In this context, this paper presents the features of a bilateral agreement that has been signed between France and Canada for the recognition of engineers at the full professional level from both countries. This agreement is the first of its kind for Canada. Many features of the agreement are worthy of note for others trying to identify the parameters to achieve an agreement between two countries having very different systems. How this success was achieved is explained, giving full attention to those factors that contributed to the conclusion of this agreement.  相似文献   

论述了高等工程专科学校欲培养高质量人才须做到的几点:必须以培养专业技术应用能力为主线,构建理论教学和实践教学体系;必须坚持学校与社会相沟通,教学与生产、科研相结合;必须建立配套的校内工程实践教学基地,构建良好的工程环境:必须建立一支具有较高的教学水平和较强工程实践能力的教师队伍。  相似文献   

The under-representation of women in engineering is an issue of concern for policy-makers. While much of the existing literature has focussed on understanding reasons for women's under-representation in engineering and related technical fields, there is a paucity of research that examines why women who are already in engineering persist. This study aims to answer the question, why do women engineers in academe persist in a discipline that is generally perceived to be inhospitable to women. Three main challenges, namely gender discrimination, lack of institutional and disciplinary support, and the rigid nature of the workplace, emerged as key impediments to women engineers in the private sector. In contrast, women engineers in the academy identified the flexibility offered by academic environments, the presence of personal support networks, and a passion for teaching and students as critical factors that influenced their decision to remain in academia.  相似文献   

This paper reviews literature that explores the role of judgement in professional practice. It discusses how workplace decisions, work activities and reflection on these activities may contribute to the development of wise judgements, or ‘wisdom’, and how workplaces can leverage these activities for induction and transition to work programmes. This review of the literature is prompted by survey results inviting engineering graduates and professionals to identify the capabilities they believe are most significant to success in the engineering workplace. The requirement for sound professional judgement resonates in participant responses. The paper summarises views of expertise, the relationship between experience and the development of professional judgement and the broader contribution of expansive and participatory learning environments to developing professional judgement. It concludes that the organisation of work and job design can facilitate the articulation of new engineers to professional practice, and that organisational learning programmes can leverage workplace activities to foster wise judgement in graduate engineers.  相似文献   


Many have argued for increased continuing education for working engineers, but relatively little research has been done on how to most effectively teach that group. Many have also recommended using learner characteristics to enhance learning, but relatively little is known about the learner characteristics of working engineers. In the study reported here, 116 engineers at a medium-sized US manufacturing company were surveyed to determine their verbal-visual preferences as defined by the Verbal-Visual Learning Style Rating instrument. There was a much higher percentage of visualisers in the engineering sample compared to the general population. This suggests that instructional designs for continuing engineering education should be highly visual.  相似文献   

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