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教师的人文素养   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
人文素养是以人文知识、人文态度和人文精神为其构成要素的人的素养,教师的人文素养出于教师的社会角色的需要,是教师专业发展的一个目标,也是教育人文性的决定性因素。  相似文献   

认为激发成就动机是激励的极致,并提出了有效激发成就动机的三种方法,即科学设立目标、领导者行为激励、奖励成就行为。  相似文献   

哲学修养是艺术欣赏、特别是成功的艺术欣赏的必备条件之一。艺术涉及到美,涉及到哲学性质的学科——美学。艺术创作受哲学影响,艺术作品包蕴着哲学意味。  相似文献   

Recent emphasis on raising attainment has focused attention onto the ‘gender gap’ in school attainment levels. Using data from the Scottish School Leavers Survey, the article examines factors related to high attainment and asks whether these differ for males and females. A strong relationship is established between social advantage and high attainment within each gender. There is no evidence of differential progression rates for males and females between the ages of 16 and 18. The only factor which offers any explanation for gender differences in attainment is the evidence that girls took school more seriously than boys. This supports theories that girls and boys experience different peer pressures which influence their school attainment. Other factors have also been shown to influence gender differences in performance in the research literature. Factors affecting gender differences were found equally in all schools, suggesting that wider cultural factors are also influential in creating gender differences.  相似文献   

This study quantifies one part of the return to U.S. public investment in college education, namely, the fiscal benefits associated with greater college attainment. College graduates pay much more taxes than those not going to college. Government expenditures are also much less for college graduates than for those without a college education. Indeed, over an average lifetime, total government spending per college degree is negative. That is, direct savings in post-college government expenditures (conservatively, about 85,000 per four-year-equivalent degree over an average lifetime) are greater than government expenditures on higher education (generously, about85,000 per four-year-equivalent degree over an average lifetime) are greater than government expenditures on higher education (generously, about 74,500 per degree). Plus, the direct extra tax revenues from college graduates alone (roughly $471,000 per degree over a lifetime) are more than six times the gross government cost per college degree. The average real fiscal internal rate of return on government investment in college students is conservatively estimated to be 10.3%.  相似文献   

分析了人文素养的涵义,指出人文素养在人的成长中居于基础地位。结合工作实际,对电大开放教育中如何培养学生的人文素养进行了阐述,对教师和学生分别提出了要求和建议。  相似文献   

中学地理素养教育探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪以来,全球性人口、资源、环境等问题日渐突出,地理学在解决这些问题上又显现出很大优势,这就迫切需要提高公民的地理素养。目前,中学地理素养教育已把培养具有地理素养的人作为基本价值取向。  相似文献   

职业指导人员就是为求职者就业、职业发展和单位合理用人提供咨询、指导及帮助的人员,职业指导是一项极为复杂,并具有较强科学性和艺术性的工作.文章通过分析职业指导人员职业素养的现状,概述职业指导人员职业素养内容,即思想素质、心理素质和知识、能力体系,从而探索培养职业指导人员职业素养的途径.  相似文献   

从当前医科大学生人文素养现状入手,分析了医学生人文素养不高的原因以及塑造医学生人文素养的意义,着重从教育观念的转变、校园网络文化的建设、人文实践活动的加强、临床实习教育环节的规范等四个方面论述了提高医学生人文素养的途径。  相似文献   

魏臣波 《培训与研究》2008,25(10):27-29
写作活动是一项综合性的脑力劳动,写作水平最终是通过能力反映出来。智力是影响能力的一个重要方面,但是写作主体的智力因素并不是决定写作能力的唯一因素。在写作过程中写作主体的兴趣和意志力及其思想修养、情感因素同样也作用和影响着能力的形成。因此,在写作教学中需重视写作主体非智力素养的构建。  相似文献   

Kyöstiö, O. K. (1970). Attainment in Coeducational and Segregated Schools. An inquiry into the prediction of secondary school final success. Scand. J. Educ. Res. 14,113‐170. The problems of this study concerned on one hand the scholastic results of mixed versus segregated education, and on the other the predictiveness of the selection system in Finnish secondary schools. The study was a follow‐up type. The age, social status, and ability of the students were held constant by matching the different groups. The results show that an assumed null‐hypothesis, which concerned the attainment of students in the examined subjects of the matriculation examination in different types of schools, could not be approved. Girls in segregated schools showed themselves to be significantly better than the other groups in total point value. They were also best in most subjects. Only boys from mixed schools were equal to them in mathematics and in general subjects. The correlation coefficient between the sum variable of the entrance selection and the total point value of the matriculation exam variable was significant, showing that the selection had positive predictive value, as was assumed. A regression analysis showed that only the total sum variable of the selection procedure had a significantly predictive value on all success variables, except mathematics. Another regression analysis without sum variables indicated the significant influence of the single determinants too, but in both analyses the variances they could explain were very small. The influence of the continuous and strong selection (high dropout rate) may weaken the generalization of the results.  相似文献   

教师信息素养及其培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在信息时代.教师信息素养越来越受到关注。无论从教师职业的特性,还是从教师面临的形势,抑或教师信息素养的现状看.教师信息素养培养都是摆在我们面前的一项紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

训练创新是竞技体育持续发展的力量源泉。训练创新的主体是常年工作在训练一线的教练员,教练员的创新能力、创新意识受多种因素的影响和制约。通过对信息素养和训练创新内涵的认识,阐述了教练员的信息素养与训练创新的内在联系;通过对教练员信息素养现状的调查分析,提出了培养教练员信息素养、增强训练创新能力的对策,为新时期教练员队伍建设开阔视野、拓宽思路,提供理论支持和实践指导。  相似文献   

21世纪是一个充满挑战和竞争的时代,21世纪的迫切需要具有开拓精神和创新能力的人才,21世纪的教育要解决大最重要的问题就是如何造就这样的人才,这就需要广泛地开展创新教育,创新教育需要教师更新教育观念,需要教师具有创新的意识。因此,教师的教育思想素养水平直接影响创新教育的实施,教师良好的教育思想素养是开展创新教育的前提。  相似文献   

明代开封周藩的宗室学者朱睦以其经学造诣之深,藏书之富及创作之丰而闻名于当世。而在其经学体系中,又尤以《易》学见长。通过《易学识疑》与《授经图义例》等代表性著作,朱睦形成了由辨析《周易》文本,到解释经传大义,进而阐发易学思想,总结《易》学传承史的学术体系。其超越宋儒成说,回归汉学以及象数、义理兼采的学术特点也由此体现。  相似文献   

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