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本文从地志空间、社会空间和文本空间三个方面分析戴维.洛奇《换位》中的空间叙事艺术,指出对戴维.洛奇而言,"空间"已经成为一种被有意识地加以利用的技巧或手段,他不仅仅把空间看作故事发生的地点和叙事必不可少的场景,而且是利用空间来表达和深化主题、增强作品的艺术感染力、甚至利用空间来推动整个叙事进程。  相似文献   

Essentially, this is an account of my recent change of post within the world of education, from Head of English in a comprehensive school to Lecturer in English in Education in a university department of education. In reflecting on this change of places, I consider various aspects of both professions, including my own expectations, the nature of the teaching involved, educational research, partnerships in teacher education and differences in management. I attempt to draw tentative conclusions about the relationship between school life and that of teacher education and how each, through the sort of cross‐fertilisation which inevitably occurs when practitioners change places, may draw benefits from the other.  相似文献   

意大利西西里岛:好姑娘都喜欢坏男人,更何况意大利男人最会把谎言说成蜜语。  相似文献   

A learner's experience is in large measure determined by the situations it encounters in the problem space, and, for a challenging task, only a small fraction of that space can ever be visited. People's ability to learn to perform well on such tasks is therefore a clear indication that not all situations are equally relevant to learning. The primary contributions of this article are the notion of key nodes, situations particularly important to the development of expertise, the presentation of empirical evidence for their existence, and the design of a training method intended to capitalize on them. This article suggests why key nodes may be clustered in the search space and describes how a learner may arrive at a key node by chance, be drawn there by a choice the learner makes or be driven there by the actions of another agent. This article offers empirical evidence of substantial improvement in the quality of performance when a game-learning program is deliberately directed to clusters of key nodes, and considers several ways to do so. It also discusses the extension of these results to other domains and speculates on the significance of thee results for human learners.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an exploratory study of students’ knowledge about scientists and countries’ contributions to science, aiming at answering two research questions: “In which ways are students aware of the history of scientific development carried out by different people in different places of the world? What can be influencing and shaping their awareness?” Thus, this study aimed at depicting students’ knowledge about History of Science (HOS), focusing on what they know about science being done by people and communities from different parts of the world and on how this knowledge is constructed through their engagement with school science. An exploratory research was carried out at two multicultural state secondary schools in London, UK, involving 200 students aged 12–15 (58.5% girls, 41.5% boys) and five science teachers. The method involved an initial exploration of students’ knowledge about HOS through an open-ended survey, followed by classroom-based observations and semi-structured interviews with the participants. Results showed a disconnection between remembering scientists and knowing about their work and background, hinting at an emphasis on illustrative and decontextualised approaches towards HOS. Additionally, there was a lack of diversity in these students’ answers in terms of gender and ethnicity when talking about scientists and countries in science. These findings were further analysed in relation to their implications for school science and for the fields of HOS, science education and public perception of science.  相似文献   

Instructions:Read the clues (information that helps you to find the answers) and find the words they describe.The words can go any way,but the letters are always next to each other.The first clue is done for you.  相似文献   

英语形容词在句子中既能充当名词修饰语,又能充当主语补语和宾语补语。形容词作名词 修饰语的位置非常灵活,它可以前置,也可以后置。同样两个词,放置的位置不同,意思就不同。  相似文献   

邴照宇 《海外英语》2013,(8X):170-171
From the perspective of new criticism, this article attempts at a profound study of Robert Frost’s Desert Places so as to better understand the value, reveal the meaning and enjoy the charm of this works.  相似文献   

I travel a lot, and I find out different "styles" of directions every time I ask "How can I get to the post office?" Foreign tourists are often confused in Japan because most streets there don't have n...  相似文献   

集贸市场由于历史原因,不论从结构形式还是整体的规划建设已远不能满足消防安全的要求,集贸市场的火灾隐患十分突出,就保山集贸市场的消防安全现状及整改思路作出探讨。  相似文献   

海子虽非严格意义上的乡村田园诗人 ,但他与陶渊明相似 ,具有一种隐逸情怀。代表诗作《面朝大海春暖花开》就是海子诗歌隐逸情怀的集中体现 ,同时也体现了海子心灵的多重“撕裂”。  相似文献   

五彩缤纷的暑假又来了!今年暑假打算怎么过?是呆在家里一边吃冰淇淋一边享受冰爽的空调,还是到户外舒展筋骨?年轻有活力的你可不要浪费了外面灿烂的阳光哦。快来跟我们畅游天南地北吧!  相似文献   

归纳了兰州地名命名的主要方式,并分析了其命名的文化心理特征。  相似文献   

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