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This Retrospective seeks to provide a synopsis of the history and achievements of Macquarie University Special Education Centre (MUSEC) over its first 25 years (1975-2000). It was compiled by Freya Purnell under the supervision of Robyn Beaman (MUSEC) and in liaison with Megan Etheridge and Anne Stadler of Macquarie University's Public Relations Unit, who had the original idea for the Retrospective.  相似文献   

Partnerships between schools and teacher education institutions are now widely promoted as an effective pathway to the preparation of pre-service students. This paper examines the ways in which one form of school/tertiary partnership has attempted, over a 25 year period, to respond to the key questions on partnership: How do university lecturers share teacher education with their colleagues in schools? When and where does this occur? What can tertiary staff learn from the “new” teacher educators? What strategies are being considered to enhance the spirit of mutual respect which must underpin successful teamwork? How well are the vital roles of adviser, counsellor, guide, support and teacher understood and shared by school and tertiary staff as they work with pre-service students? Do the partners share similar understandings of the theory and practice of the program? The authors conclude, as a result of their own experiences in the Teacher Education Program at Macquarie University in Sydney, and as a result of recent research into the formation of specific links between school teachers and tertiary lecturers, that the success of new experiments with partnership will depend, ultimately, upon the success of the human rather than the structural relationships established.  相似文献   

高等学校安全教育浅议   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
高等学校体制改革的深化和结构布局的调整,校园社会化现象也日趋明显。在新的历史条件下,防范学生人身、财产受到侵害和其它安全事故的发生,高等学校应将大学生安全教育纳入教学计划,使大学生安全教育走向制度化、规范化、系统化。  相似文献   

在高校思想政治教育工作中,必须要对特殊学生群体有充分的关注.特殊学生群体更容易产生异常的思想和行为,不仅不利于他们自身发展,在一定程度上也影响了高等教育的质量,对高校的和谐、稳定和发展也产生了一些不利影响.  相似文献   

大学教育中学生主体性探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生是大学教育成果的最终体现者之一。学生应该是教育的主体,而实际上他们仅仅被当作受教育的对象。本文试图从教育体制和教学模式等方面找出学生主体性地位缺失的原因,并对落实学生主体性地位的途径作了探讨:创设一个比较宽松的环境,建立多元的评优标准,充分发挥教师的主导角色。  相似文献   

This paper examines the growth of special consideration requests for examinations at Macquarie University in Sydney between 1979 and 1993. There has been a disturbing increasing trend in recent years, particularly in the quantitative areas, and a profile of the type of student submitting such requests is undertaken. If requests are considered as a proportion of students enrolled, then the figures for 1993 suggest that there is a particular serious problem with students studying on overseas visas who tend to have a request rate up to triple that of local students while permanent residents also have a request rate up to 60% higher. Special consideration requests for examinations tend to be submitted by younger students who are studying full‐time and the rate for females is consistently higher than that for males.  相似文献   

对高等体育院校设立特殊教育专业的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述了高等体育院校开设特殊教育专业的意义,并对体育院校特殊教育专业的定位与培养目标、师资队伍建设、课程设置、培养模式等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

毕节地区的残疾人总数高于全国比例,而残疾人教育起步较晚,尤其是残疾人基础教育的师资培养较晚。2007年毕节学院开始筹建特殊教育专业,2008年招收专科学生,现已申办成功本科专业。从发展的角度看,办学理念需要进一步凝炼,办学思路需要进一步明确,学科建设需要进一步加强,师资队伍需要加大建设力度,培养目标和措施要切合实际,扎实推进,才能建设鲜明特色的重点学科。  相似文献   

多科性院校的教师教育现状中存在许多问题,针对其现存的问题诸如过分注重“学术性”、忽视“教育性”,对教师教育重视不够,教育专业素质训练不足,学科教育学师资短缺等进行分析,并提出几点思考。  相似文献   

探讨了实现大学英语素质教育所应克服的困难和解决的问题,提出了实施素质教育的关键在于尽快形成一套高效低耗适合中国国情的大学英语教学法。  相似文献   

作为一所基督教大学,哈町大学十分重视学生的宗教教育,将宗教与大学教学、生活融为一体,以此培养他们对上帝的信仰。陈国海教授于2009年访问哈町大学期间,就哈町大学的宗教教育对Burks校长、James副校长和Milo主任进行了访谈。该校领导认为宗教教育和对上帝的信仰在帮助学生建立正确的人生观、价值观和培养学生的良好品质方面起到了至关重要的作用。学生在哈町大学不仅要学习知识和技能,更要养成良好的习惯,学会帮助他人、感激他人。这一切不仅有助于完善学生人格,使学生懂得如何去追求美好的人生,更有助于学生为构建和谐美好的校园、国家和社会做出贡献。  相似文献   

美国哈町大学始建于1924年,是美国南部著名的综合性大学,连续12年被美国权威部门评选为南部顶级大学综合排名前20位,其工商管理学院的教学模式尤具特色。陈国海教授于2009年3-4月访问哈町大学期间,就哈町大学的MBA教育对Behel教授和Metheny主任进行了访谈。访谈内容主要涉及哈町大学的工商管理教育,特别是MBA教育在质量保障体系、道德与完人教育、宗教教育、文件夹作业及其评审、在线课程教学等方面的主要特点。  相似文献   

师范教育中的特殊教育与特殊教育学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
教育不等于教育学。师范院校的教育专业不等于教育学专业。对于特殊教育来说 ,特殊教育学专业同样也不能代替聋校语文、聋校数学、聋校外语、聋校体育等面向具体学科的专业。学科特点与教育学相通的特殊教育学只是应该设置的面向特殊教育的专业中的一个部分。师范院校设置的有关特殊教育的专业中 ,除了应该包括特殊教育学专业之外 ,还应该包括其他面向基层特殊学校特定课程的各种专业。  相似文献   


This paper will argue that academic programmes which emphasise personal and/or professional growth create a ‘responsibility’ on their part to continue to support learners’ development following graduation.

The paper will present preliminary evidence gathered from recently graduated Master of Business Administration (MBA) learners which reveals that unless support is continued, in time learners will revert back to previous practices of learning and behaviour in the course of their work, thus undoing the benefits that the programme has sought to introduce.  相似文献   

泉州师院开设特殊体育教育专业的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
残疾人数量的上升和残疾人事业的长足发展,对以残疾人为主体的特殊教育工作提出了新要求.当前,具备条件的高等院校扩大对特殊教育师资力量的培养,已成为残疾人教育事业发展的关键.该研究认为,泉州师院体育学院开设特殊体育教育专业方向符合残疾人教育事业发展的时代要求,具备师资、校内资源、区域优势等诸多有利条件,体育学院开设特殊体育教育专业方向符合学院专业优化要求,是切实可行的.  相似文献   

伟大的教育家孔子以其"学而不厌,诲人不倦"的精神,投身教育事业长达四十余年,给我们留下了宝贵的精神财富和博大精神的教育思想。《论语》一书,最集中的反映了他的教育思想,也为后世所传诵。作为教育类专业的学生,既学孔子,其教育思想是重中之重,努力的汲取孔子教育思想的精华,以更好的为当今的教育服务是很有必要的。文章从孔子对教育、对学生、对教师的见解与观点三个方面,并结合亲身经历来解读孔子的教育思想,对比并分析当今大学教育之弊病。  相似文献   

The paper deals with studies of engineering programmes in foreign languages at Vilnius Technical University (VTU), Lithuania. In order to organize studies in foreign languages, an International Studies Centre was established in 1992. The following aims were pursued: integrating into the systems of university education of European countries and promoting international exchange of students and staff. BSc studies (architecture, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and electronic engineering programmes) are organized in English, French and German. Over 150 undergraduate students from Lithuania and foreign countries are studying at the centre. About 150 students are enrolled for the next academic year.  相似文献   

特师在职培训要走终身教育之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国特教师资队伍存在着学历偏低、数量不足、专业技术薄弱等问题,开展在职特教教师的终身教育十分必要。从政策上给予一定的扶持,进行按需施教,分类培训,发挥高等特教学院的办学职能,积极开展远程教育等,是加强我国在职特教教师终身教育的有效措施。  相似文献   

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