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当个体的职业生涯发展到某个阶段后,由于自身和外部的原因,人们会出现动力不足、情感枯竭、绩效降低和对未来缺乏信心等心理现象。中小学教师职业高原期的成因有个人、家庭、学校、社会等多方面的因素。他们要走出职业高原期,克服职业倦怠,教师、学校和社会都应早做预防、对症下药,不断寻求促使教师终身发展的良机与对策。  相似文献   

黎锦晖是近现代较早涉足儿童歌曲创作的音乐家,《小小画家》是其代表作,通过对《小小画家》的分析,可以发现其创作特点及平民化、大众化的时代意义和对学校音乐教育及社会的深刻影响。  相似文献   

试论小学学校教育与家庭教育的结合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育是一项包括家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育及教育者的自我教育的系统工程。教育学生,学校固然负有重要的责任,而家庭教育也是不可缺少的。客观地讲,学校教育和家庭教育各有优势,也各有局限性,特别是小学生,跟父母在一起的时间较多,如果家庭教育与学校教育配合不好,就会影响学校教育的质量和效果,从而影响孩子的健康成长。要使教育达到预期目的,教育工作者必须高度重视和认真研究学校教育与家庭教育的结合问题。  相似文献   

张之洞对子女修身教育的内容包括:德化教育、情怀教育、理想教育、品质教育、人格教育和情感教育。教育内容涵盖传统文化和当时社会诸多精华,可以指导子女修身励志,对现代家庭教育和学校教育也具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步和家庭结构的变化,一些儿童往往由于不能满足家长、学校的要求而形成自卑心理,如果我们不能及时帮助儿童认识自我,克服自卑心理,将会影响儿童的个性成长,最终导致儿童形成不良的人格.  相似文献   

Despite the powers that parents are endowed with regarding governance of schools in South Africa, they are not yet given sufficient room and space to deliberate on issues of school governance; instead they are still excluded by some teaching staff who deny them (explicitly or implicitly) from taking part in crucial decisions affecting education of their children. There are still issues excluding parents from participation in school governing bodies, namely: the lack of clear demarcation between the roles of the teaching staff and those of the school governing body (SGB), lack of time, lack of confidence from some parents, transport problems which result in non‐attendance of SGB meetings by some parents, poor communication of information, lack of training which results in lack of knowledge of the Act and roles and responsibilities, the language barrier, and the high turnover rate of governors as parents have to leave the SGB as soon as his/her child leaves the school. The findings of this research partly concur with Karlsson, who also found that SGBs perpetuate rather than prevent the apartheid‐era inequalities of race, gender and social class. Despite these discrepancies, the study found that SGBs operate according to the general intentions of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 and also help spread democracy in the school and to the wider society of South Africa.  相似文献   

论当代大学生的责任感教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人必然要追求有意义的人生。而追求意义人生,就要承担人生责任。文章从自我、家庭、职业、集体、他人、社会六个方面分析了当代大学生的责任感现状,在此基础上,提出了大学生责任感教育的对策:对个人来说,提高修养,树立正确的价值理想;对家庭、社会、学校来说,则要全力配合,突出教育重点内容,优化教育途径。  相似文献   

胡风人生与艺术追求的独特性首先可概括为一种"透彻的真实"。这种"透彻"来自于对现代中国最底层的富有质地的体验。这与其称之为"现实主义",还不如根据他坚守文学的社会介入需要,努力推动直面底层生存真实的追求,将之总结为文学上的"社会派"。胡风文学追求的成型在很大的程度上得益于他对鲁迅式的独特"社会派"文学传统的认同和体验,是这一文学的壮观景致让他从中汲取了巨大的力量。当然,较之于鲁迅本人,作为文学思想家的胡风似乎承受了更多的理论的压力,也依然存在着某种无奈的对真相的"牺牲"。  相似文献   

如今社会经济飞速发展,同时带来一系列的负面影响,思想的发展明显滞后于经济的发展,不良思想情绪,侵蚀着青少年的健康成长。心理素质的培养很重要,要从小做起,一个人只有拥有良好的心理素质,他才会在学习,工作,人际交往中正确地处理好各种问题,发挥自己的主观能动性,学以致用,真正地把自己的所学用到实处。心理素质的培养需要全社会来关注,家庭、学校和社会应创造一切有利条件让我们的孩子快乐健康的成长。  相似文献   

“现代性知识”如果没有“地方性知识”作为有力支撑,乡土社会的可持续发展能力就会遭受巨大威胁。以鄂西南小茅坡营村为例,探讨社会转型时期苗族学校教育的文化选择问题,认为学校教育应当在保持“乡土本色”的基础上,担负起传承民族文化和使学生适应现代主流社会的双重任务,从而促进民族社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

After correcting errors in our paper ([Bifulco and Bretschneider, 2001]), [Ruggiero, 2003]) finds that efficiency estimates provided by DEA and COLS have higher correlations with true efficiency values than indicated in our analysis. However, because Ruggiero only considers cases without measurement error, his analysis leaves the primary question of our study unanswered. Using the corrected data generation process proposed by Ruggiero, we find that the presence of measurement error substantially reduces the correlations between estimates of efficiency provided by DEA and COLS and true efficiency. Thus, the primary conclusions of our original study remain. If the administrative data sets used in school accountability programs have significant amounts of measurement error, and if the methods used to estimate efficiency require exogenous inputs, than measures of school efficiency can be quite misleading.  相似文献   

从政治社会化理论来看,影响胡适民主政治思想形成的主要因素是学校、社区和家庭。由此,胡适确立了作为一个知识分子对社会应有的责任感,并以美国民主政治作为反观中国社会、评判中国政治的参照系。  相似文献   

据统计,当前青少年刑事案件中,农村"留守儿童"犯罪案件占有较大比例。如何做好农村"留守儿童"教育工作,使其健康成长,需要社会、教育部门等认真思考、科学谋划。文章以两个典型犯罪案例引入,从家庭教育、学校教育和社会环境三方面深入剖析了农村"留守儿童"犯罪的成因,并提出了完善家庭的教育功能、加强和改进学校的教育职能、充分发挥社区教育的作用、政府要营造良好关爱环境等策略。  相似文献   

Christensen, O.Ø., “Practice and theory in teaching practice,” Revue ATEE Journal 3 (1980) 43‐48.

The thesis of this word for student teachers on their way to acquire school‐based experience is that there is no direct link between the theory of teacher education and the practice of the school. It is pointed out that, just like the school, teacher education has its own theory and practice. During teaching practice a synthesis is established between the theory‐practice relation of teacher education and that of the school. That is why it is extremely important that the teaching practice tutor should be able to: (a) give justification of his own practice when teaching children; and (b) to function as an adult educator who can argue for his own contribution towards widening the student teacher's growing perception of the teacher's role in society.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,单亲家庭日益增多,单亲家庭儿童社会化问题凸现。单亲家庭教养方式的错位,学校教育的误区,社会关爱的不足,导致单亲家庭儿童社会化中健全人格缺失。对此,家庭、学校和社会应形成合力,共同促进单亲家庭儿童的身心健康发展。  相似文献   

农村留守儿童教育问题成因与对策的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
留守儿童教育问题已成为一个严重的社会问题。产生这个问题的原因是多方面的,有家庭、政府、学校和社会的众多原因。教育者所关心的是如何减少留守儿童教育问题,家庭、政府、学校和社会都有不可推卸的责任。各方要从自身在留守儿童方面存在的问题入手,逐一解决,逐渐构筑起面向留守儿童的一整套完备的社会化服务体系。  相似文献   

最望是晚清的一位学者,汉宋学兼采,不专主一家。他对汉学和宋学都有所继承和批判。汉学、宋学于他都是为了拿来挽救当时破致不堪的社会。本文斌就截望的汉学和宋学做一简单梳理,从中体会戴望用学术来经世的良苦用心。  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基以独树一帜的人道主义教育理念和毕生的精力将乌克兰一所普通农村学校--帕夫雷什学校打造成世界著名的教育实验学校.几十年后的今天,这所学校依然坚持践行苏霍姆林斯基全面和谐发展的教育教学思想,并适应时代进步需要在具体的教育活动中将其不断丰富、扩展.  相似文献   

透过晓庄学校在目的共享、责任共担以及教育教学方法等方面的特征可以发现,陶行知强调的“学校是共同生活场所”的观念,体现的是一种“共同体”学校观。陶行知之所以强调学校应当成为共同生活的场所,与其“生活教育观”以及“社会即学校观”紧密关联。这也使其学校观不仅有助于我们思考“共同生活”这一学校共同体构建的途径,也提醒我们从“学校与社会关系”这一更宽广的视角考虑学校共同体的建设。  相似文献   

How late nineteenth‐ and early twentieth‐century Protestant children supported and interacted with foreign missions is still a relatively undeveloped field of scholarly research. Missionary societies actively recruited children’s money, energy and sensibilities for the missionary cause. Sunday school pedagogy and rhetoric focused on cultivating a lifelong interest in missions. Children became a significant sector of support for ongoing missionary work. This article provides an introductory overview of how this process was played out in one particular British settler‐society context: that of New Zealand. In turn it begins to tease out the ways in which notions of imperial citizenship were entwined in the religious pedagogy and rhetoric associated with the missionary movement. The intention is to provide an introductory case‐study that builds a platform for a further comparative analysis of children, religious pedagogy and imperialism across British world settler societies such as New Zealand and Canada.  相似文献   

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