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为了解决基于启发式算法的资源分配和任务调度过程中由于没有考虑任务间的相互依赖关系而出现的任务死锁问题,提出了一种基于蚁群系统的改进算法.首先阐述了如何将分配调度问题映射到任务资源分配图的优化选择问题上和如何将信号量机制引入到最优任务资源分配图中来解决死锁问题.其次说明了基于蚁群系统如何利用网格信息素系统模型实现该算法,涉及任务资源分配图的构造,以及通过蚁群的正反馈和分布式并行计算机制优化任务资源分配图.最后模拟试验结果说明所提出的算法可以有效地解决网格中任务死锁问题.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWe study the problem of online scheduling on two identical parallel machines with a new feature that service requests from various customers are entitled to many different grade of service (GoS) levels. The goal is to minimize the makespan under the constraint that all requests are satisfied. This problem was first proposed by Hwang et al.(2004) and is motivated by the following scenario. In the service industry, the service providers often have special customers, such as, go…  相似文献   

高校选课制下自动排考系统的设计和实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对选课制环境下,上课和考试对象的动态化、个性化带来的各种复杂的考试安排问题,提出可描述的业务结构和基于自动布局的考试安排的概念、算法、实现方式,特别是具有人机协同架构的基于种子的成长式选优算法的设计和针对自动预案的评估、选择、调整的应用模式的实现,被实践证明取得令人满意的效果。作为实际使用的智能系统,对于高校自动化业务处理,在实用、易用、有效性等方面提供了成功的尝试。  相似文献   

In this paper,a fabrication scheduling problem concerning the production of components at a single manufacturing facility was studied,in which the manufactured components are subsequently assembled into a finite number of end products. Each product was assumed to comprise a common component to all jobs and a unique component to itself.Common operations were processed in batches and each batch required a setup time.A product is completed when both its two operations have been processed and are available.The optimality criterion considered was the minimization of weighted flow time.For this scheduling problem,the optimal schedules were described in a weignted shortest processing time first(WSPT)order and two algorithms were constructed corresponding to the batch availability and item availability,respectively.  相似文献   

为了判别作业车间调度问题的解的可行性,提出了一种基于图论的启发式判别算法,并通过实例验证了方法的正确性.提出了普适于作业车间调度问题的快速修补新算法,可以对于作业车间调度问题的不可行解进行修正使之变成可行解.判别算法和修补算法在最不利情形下的计算复杂性均为O(n),判别算法在最有利情形下的计算复杂性为O(2 |J|+|...  相似文献   

为了提高计算网格的服务质量(QoS),研究了包含多层调度器的分级分布式网格体系结构中的QoS-aware作业调度问题,提出了一种将计算网格本地调度器作业选择中所使用的作业优先级与全局调度器的作业分配策略相结合的QoS-aware作业调度综合控制策略.建立了一个具有2层调度器的计算网格的随机高级Petri网(SHLPN)模型,并且进行模型精化设计以降低模型求解的复杂性.使用基于SHLPN的性能分析技术进行系统性能评价.数值结果显示QoS-aware作业调度策略能够为高优先级的作业提供较QoS-unaware作业调度策略更好的QoS保证.  相似文献   

建立了学习遗忘作用与人员工效的关系模型。采用遗传算法进行调度求解,并在Matlab环境下完成了考虑学习遗忘作用的人员调度的软件开发,设计了相关实验,通过实验内容可以实现多任务人员的调度,并表明调度过程中的学习遗忘现象。通过对参数和约束条件的设置,模拟了不同生产类型,并产生人员在不同生产模式下的调度策略。  相似文献   

用水热法合成了柱撑粘土皂石,用羟基铝与其交联,并对其进行了表征.合成出的柱撑粘土皂石显示出较高的热稳定性,在结构上也与文献报道相符.  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课数字化教学资源库的建设对于促进高校思想政治课教学内容的革新、教学方式的变革和教学模式的创新具有重要意义。建设高校思想政治数字化资源库首先要了解资源库建设的内容并厘清其相互之间的关系,突出重点资源建设;其次,应认真研究如何发挥资源库建设在思想政治理论课教学中的作用。在上述基础上精心设计思想政治理论课数字化资源库建设的方案,为资源库研发、应用、管理提供理论上的支持。  相似文献   

This paper takes as its principal theme barriers to the inclusion of pupils perceived as experiencing social and emotional behavioural difficulties (SEBD) and how these might be overcome. It draws upon an evaluative case study of an initiative, devised by the author, to support pupils – the Support Group Initiative (SGI) – which was conducted over a five‐year period in a Scottish Secondary School situated in an area of multiple deprivation. The central focus of the discussion is the range of variables that impacted upon pupil outcomes, illustrating the ways in which these variables acted as affordances or constraints in the pursuit of inclusive practice. The paper takes as its starting point the contested nature of inclusion and introduces, briefly, the Scottish policy context as it pertains to inclusion before exploring the nature of the problem – the barriers to the inclusion of and the difficulties presented by the inclusion of pupils perceived as having SEBD, as discussed in the literature. The findings of the study are discussed in relation to central themes – the ethos of the Support Group; the process of re‐signification through which pupils are enabled to effect improvement; the classroom context; and wider variables relating to school policy, practice, ethos and the management of change. The paper concludes by exploring what inclusion has meant to the pupils involved within the intervention, summarising the affordances and constraints to its realisation, before reflecting upon the significance of the study.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an analysis and a direct power control (DPC) design of a wind turbine driven doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) under unbalanced network voltage conditions. A DFIG model described in the positive and negative synchronous reference frames is presented. Variations of the stator output active and reactive powers are fully deduced in the presence of negative sequence supply voltage and rotor flux. An enhanced DPC scheme is proposed to eliminate stator active power oscillation during network unbalance. The proposed control scheme removes rotor current regulators and the decomposition processing of positive and negative sequence rotor currents. Simulation results using PSCAD/EMTDC are presented on a 2-MW DFIG wind power generation system to validate the feasibility of the proposed control scheme under balanced and unbalanced network conditions.  相似文献   

针对医学图像处理中的数据压缩预处理问题,提出了一种基于DSP的二维DCT和IDCT实现,并针对TMS320VC5402的特点优化了DCT算法,极大提高了运算速度.  相似文献   

在建筑设备监控的一些特定领域,串行通信总线的低速应用仍具有其实际优势与经济意义。但串行通信总线的低速率与应用系统的实时性及通用性要求之问存在矛盾。本文从常见的低速总线应用系统的特点出发,提出并实现了一种具有“通用性”与“实时性”的通信程序算法。  相似文献   

A grating eddy current displacement sensor (GECDS) can be used in a watertight electronic transducer to realize long range displacement or position measurement with high accuracy in difficult industry conditions. The parameters optimization of the sensor is essential for economic and efficient production. This paper proposes a method to combine an artificial neural network (ANN) and a genetic algorithm (GA) for the sensor parameters optimization. A neural network model is developed to map the complex relationship between design parameters and the nonlinearity error of the GECDS, and then a GA is used in the optimization process to determine the design parameter values, resulting in a desired minimal nonlinearity error of about 0.11%. The calculated nonlinearity error is 0.25%. These results show that the proposed method performs well for the parameters optimization of the GECDS.  相似文献   

以水热法合成了一个新的大环配合物LCo[Co(SCN)6]0.5.H2O(L为5,12-二甲基-7,14-二苯基-1,4,8,11-四氮杂环十四—4,11—二烯),经元素分析、红外光谱、电子光谱以及摩尔电导等对其结构进行了表征,其中钴(Ⅱ)离子为六配位的八面体构型。  相似文献   

Children (n = 122) and adults (n = 200) with dyslexia completed rapid automatic naming (RAN) letters, rapid automatic switching (RAS) letters and numbers, executive function (inhibition, verbal fluency), and phonological working memory tasks. Typically developing 3rd (n = 117) and 5th (n = 103) graders completed the RAS task. Instead of analyzing RAN/RAS results the usual way (total time), growth mixture modeling assessed trajectories of successive times for naming 10 symbols in each of five rows. For all three samples and both RAN and RAS, two latent classes were identified. The “faster” class performed slowly on the first row and increased time by small increments on subsequent rows. The “slower” latent class performed more slowly on the first row, and children, but not adults, increased time by larger increments on subsequent rows. For children, both the initial row (automaticity index) and slope (sustained controlled processing index) of the trajectory differentiated the classes. For adults, only the initial row separated the classes. The longest time was on row 3 for RAN and row 4 for RAS. For the typically developing 5th graders, close in age to the children with dyslexia, the trajectories were flatter than for children with dyslexia and only the slower class (4%) showed the peak on row 4. For children with dyslexia, inhibition predicted RAN slope within the slower latent class and phonological working memory predicted RAS slope for both latent classes. For adults with dyslexia, inhibition and phonological working memory differentiated both latent classes on RAN intercept and RAS slope. Taken together, RAN, which may assess the phonological loop of working memory, and RAS, which may assess the central executive in working memory, may explain the timing deficit in dyslexia in sustaining coordinated orthographic-phonological processing over time. This research was supported by Grant Ns. P50 33812 and R01 HD25858 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Virginia W. Berninger, PI.  相似文献   

Feng  Lei  Zhou  Daizhan  Luo  Chenqi  Shen  Junhui  Wang  Wenzhe  Lu  Yifei  Wu  Jian  Yao  Ke 《Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B》2021,22(6):504-511
The prompt detection and proper evaluation of necrotic retinal region are especially important for the diagnosis and treatment of acute retinal necrosis(ARN). The potential application of artificial intelligence(AI) algorithms in these areas of clinical research has not been reported previously. The present study aims to create a computational algorithm for the automated detection and evaluation of retinal necrosis from retinal fundus photographs. A total of 149 wide-angle fundus photographs from40 eyes of 32 ARN patients were collected, and the U-Net method was used to construct the AI algorithm. Thereby, a novel algorithm based on deep machine learning in detection and evaluation of retinal necrosis was constructed for the first time. This algorithm had an area under the receiver operating curve of 0.92, with 86% sensitivity and 88% specificity in the detection of retinal necrosis. For the purpose of retinal necrosis evaluation, necrotic areas calculated by the AI algorithm were significantly positively correlated with viral load in aqueous humor samples(R2=0.7444, P0.0001) and therapeutic response of ARN(R2=0.999, P0.0001). Therefore, our AI algorithm has a potential application in the clinical aided diagnosis of ARN, evaluation of ARN severity, and treatment response monitoring.  相似文献   

The behavior of schools of zebrafish (Danio rerio) was studied in acute toxicity environments. Behavioral features were extracted and a method for water quality assessment using support vector machine (SVM) was developed. The behavioral parameters of fish were recorded and analyzed during one hour in an environment of a 24-h half-lethal concentration (LC50) of a pollutant. The data were used to develop a method to evaluate water quality, so as to give an early indication of toxicity. Four kinds of metal ions (Cu2+, Hg2+, Cr6+, and Cd2+) were used for toxicity testing. To enhance the efficiency and accuracy of assessment, a method combining SVM and a genetic algorithm (GA) was used. The results showed that the average prediction accuracy of the method was over 80% and the time cost was acceptable. The method gave satisfactory results for a variety of metal pollutants, demonstrating that this is an effective approach to the classification of water quality.  相似文献   

作为语言学习的重要组成部分之一,发音学习是人与人之间互相交流的基础。该文分析了传统语音教学及其评价方式的不足,以梅尔频率倒谱系数作为参数进行特征提取,用隐马尔可夫声学模型和音素后验概率算法将测试语音与标准语音进行比对,从而找出二者之间的差异程度,通过评分机制得到分数。实验结果表明,该系统能提高说话者学习语音的积极性,其评分结果与教师的主观感觉相一致,具有一定的实用性和可操作性。  相似文献   

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