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在传统印刷媒介的发展空间接近饱和、新兴数字媒介又蓬勃发展的态势下,女性阅读品牌如何创新产品内容、形成核心竞争力;如何更新营销管理理念,借助与新媒体在渠道和内容方面的融合保有自身的生命力;如何传播女性文化,帮助女性提升自身素质和社会地位,将成为女性阅读品牌可持续发展的关键问题。  相似文献   

女性媒介主要是以女性为阅读视听对象的媒介,是反映女性生存状态并服务于女性生活的媒介。女性媒介影响着女性的生活方式和行为方式。世界上最早的女性媒介是18世纪英国的《淑女使者》、《旁观者》和《妇女周刊》等。中国的女性媒介发端于“五四”时期。当时的女性媒介包括女性杂志和女性报纸,主要有《新妇女》、《妇女评论》、《妇女声》、《妇女周报》等,  相似文献   

余晓艳 《今传媒》2023,(3):129-132
党政领导干部媒介形象传播的意义重大。本文立足女性主义视角,以女性主义媒介批评为突破点,对媒介传播女性领导干部形象的现状进行了分析和阐释,提出了媒介在构建女性领导干部形象中存在的问题以及应对措施。即通过加强对媒介工作者的培训,提高媒介工作者的性别平等意识;建立媒介监管体系,为女性领导干部媒介形象建构营造良好环境;推动传统媒体与新媒体的融合发展;激励女性领导干部不断加强自身能力建设,提升媒介素养,多角度地重构女性领导干部多元化的媒介形象。  相似文献   

凌菁  陈雨曦 《新闻世界》2012,(8):201-202
媒介素养是一个现代公民应具备的基本素质和修养,探讨农村女性的媒介素养问题关系到我国整个女性群体的发展,是衡量女性群体主体意识提高的一个重要指标。本文通过对贵州省毕节市林口镇的农村女性媒介素养的调查,了解目前农村女性媒介素养的现状和问题,并从拓展媒介渠道、加强电视节目内容的建设、培养农村女性意见领袖以及开展多样化的媒介素养教育活动等方面来提高农村女性的媒介素养。  相似文献   

赵红 《新闻知识》2008,(4):39-40
"媒介女性形象"是指媒介对客观世界中女性群体的再现和呈现。一方面,它表现为社会对女性群体特性的主观性态度认知,这种认知即对女性"形象"建构过程与大众传媒密切相关;另一方面,"媒介女性形象"也是高度情景化的、与客观世界中女性群体  相似文献   

随着西方女性主义的出现和发展,女性主义媒介批评理论逐渐形成。媒介和女性主义的研究受到人们的关注。大众传媒与女性主义之间有着紧密的联系。媒介通过其传播内容间接地表达对女性的观点,而女性在媒介中的形象、媒介女性、女性受众在媒介传播过程中受到了社会各方因素的影响,隐蔽地呈现出边缘化的特性。  相似文献   

在互联网发展如此迅猛的今天,我们的传统媒介已经到了救亡图存的境地。大多数的传统媒介都对目前的困境表现出无可奈何的焦虑,一个重要的原因就是,我们对于今天互联网的理解过于浅表化。互联网是一种"高维"媒介,传统媒介的"低维"方式无法有效地管理和运作"高维"媒介的事务,精英化的生产方式已不能满足人们日益增长的多样化需求。未来基于互联网逻辑的媒介发展的主流模式一定是具备开放、激活、整合和服务属性的"平台型媒体"。  相似文献   

薄媛慧 《今传媒》2014,(1):50-51
媒介中的女性形象再现一直是"媒介与女性"研究聚焦的重点,广告中关于女性形象再现的研究已形成一套成熟的理论体系。少女,更成为广告商钟爱的尤物。然而,在网络新媒体与消费主义盛行的当下,广告中的少女形象越发呈现物化及商品化的特点,极易误导涉世未深的青少年。因而,客观分析、理性看待此类现象,分清现实与虚拟,是年轻一代应当具备的能力与素养。  相似文献   

杨晓青 《大观周刊》2011,(37):40-40
我们于历史书中很少能看到女性出场。因为在政治、经济及战争领域,女性的参与较少或极少。可是在形形色色的媒介中,女性却频频亮相。女性往往是媒介创作、描绘和表现的主要对象。那么是否可以说,在媒介领域,由于女性的频频出场,女性就与男性取得了平等的地位?从古至今,社会总是以某种标尺类型化地规定美女形象,尤其是当今令人眼花缭乱的社会媒介。对于生活在多媒体的社会语境中的现代人而言,历来媒介对于美女形象建构出的刻板印象,所反映出的性别陈规和性别歧视深深地影响着人们的社会认知和生活。  相似文献   

张文鸯 《新闻界》2014,(2):29-32
建构女性话语权,是男女平等的重要标志之一,女性媒介话语权就是女性利用传播资源表达自我主体意识的权力。新媒体时代,女性媒介话语权不仅缺失,而且还存在异化现象。女性媒介话语权建构的路径主要有:增强社会性别平等观念,唤起女性自我主体意识觉醒;提高媒介素养,完善媒介监测机制;培养女性意见领袖作用,提升女性参与网络公共领域的主动性。  相似文献   

This study analyzes how a female candidate was presented in the news media and on her campaign website, in order to compare the politics of gender representation in news coverage and campaign communication. Content analysis of news coverage of a Korean female candidate and the candidate's website shows that the female candidate was differently portrayed in the two media in presentations of personal trait frames, the linkage between issues and personal traits, and other gender-related characteristics, although the quantity of issue frames did not differ significantly. The findings suggest that although the news coverage still tends to reinforce gender stereotypes regarding a female candidate, the candidate used or articulated gender identities in her campaign website to oppose framing stereotypes in the traditional news media.  相似文献   

As a contribution to the historiography of female criminality, this article charts the discursive contours of media representations of female habitual criminals. The discussion is based on analysis of the ways in which the late Victorian and Edwardian newspaper press in New Zealand reported cases of female criminals through the gendered and classed trope of ‘the adventuress’. The specific focus is on how concepts of class were implicated in the ways in which competing representations of female fraudsters, swindlers and thieves were portrayed in syndicated international articles and local news media. It is argued that representations of adventuresses sensationalised as headline-making anomalies in the news media need to be understood within the context of changing constructions of the thief. Newspaper reporting of their ‘exploits’ operated as implicit cautionary moral tales that reinforced normative constructions of feminine respectability.  相似文献   

The 1996 Olympic games, billed as "the gender equity Olympics," held out promise for better media coverage of female athletes; during the games, women's sport and its audience reached record levels. However, did the success for women's sports during the Olympics translate to significant changes in sports media? This study examines post-1996 editorial photographs in SI for Kids (SIK) to determine whether post-Olympic female athletes received more favorable coverage than in the magazine's inaugural issues.  相似文献   

Findings indicated that the mass media exposure significantly associated with body image dissatisfaction [Chen & Jackson, 2012. Gender and age group differences in mass media and interpersonal influences on body dissatisfaction among Chinese adolescents. Sex Roles, 66(1-2), 3–20; Field et al., 2005. Exposure to the mass media, body shape concerns, and use of supplements to improve weight and shape among male and female adolescents. Pediatrics, 116(2), e214–e220]. However, limited studies have examined the effect of social media on body image concerns. In regard to this, this paper aims to explore how appearance presentation and appearance interaction on social networking sites influence young adults’ body image dissatisfaction in the Chinese patriarchal society. It proposes that internalization, social comparison and body surveillance may be potential mediators of SNS influences from appearance presentation and appearance interaction on female’s and male’s body dissatisfaction. A survey of 181 males and 203 females indicated that online appearance interaction was significantly associated with female’s body dissatisfaction. In addition, its effect was partially mediated by body surveillance. Besides, body surveillance also mediated the effect of appearance presentation on female’s body dissatisfaction. In male’s case, the influence of online appearance interaction on body dissatisfaction was mediated by internalization and social comparison.  相似文献   

Despite the growth of sports media, female athletes and sports reporters continue to struggle for recognition. This study builds on existing research that has documented the extent to which women are sidelined in sports media with an investigation of why this marginalization occurs. Interviews with student newspaper staff members suggest that, while intentional sexism and discrimination are uncommon, the male-dominated culture of sports and sports journalism continue to perpetuate the status quo and make meaningful change difficult.  相似文献   

The way female politicians are discussed in traditional and new media may contribute to the way individuals evaluate those candidates. Objectification theory suggests that framing individuals in a way that reduces them to their physical characteristics is detrimental to perceived agency. To that end, an experiment was designed to determine the impact of objectifying comments on the evaluation of female candidates. Researchers created two Facebook feeds discussing a hypothetical female candidate. For both feeds, the discussion focused on the candidate’s policy credentials, with one feed containing commentary on the female candidate’s body. Aspects of credibility and suitability for office were impacted by objectifying commentary, implying the need for future research directed at the specific impact objectification has on candidate evaluation.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
This study investigated Division I female athletes' exposure to 2 types of media-entertainment and sports-and looked for possible associations with body image distortion and eating disorders. Sports participation and interest in sports media were important control factors for this study. Exposure to "thin ideal" television content was a significant predictor of 4 dimensions of disordered eating for women of all races. However, sports media exposure was only marginally related to lower degrees of disordered-eating symptomatology.  相似文献   

This study explored connections between media use and college students' attitudes of acceptance towards homosexuality (AATH). Data were collected from 1,761 undergraduates (62.7% female, MAge = 19 years). Results varied by the gender, ethnicity, and religiosity of the participants. Overall, greater media consumption among men and those who are highly religious was associated with greater AATH, whereas the reverse was true among women and those who are less religious. Although the associations were modest, the results support evidence of a mainstreaming effect, whereby increased media exposure may draw groups with disparate attitudes towards a more similar viewpoint on homosexuality.  相似文献   

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