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畅销书是这样打造的   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
畅销书的运作一直是业内人士谈论的热门话题,有人说畅销书是做出来的,是有章可循的;有人说畅销书是凭运气来的,是撞上去的。畅销书的运作到底有无规律可循,编者在阅读了一些同类杂志和有关评述后,摘编了几个典型的畅销书运作的实例,由作家出版社社长张胜友、华艺出版社副社长金丽红点评,以资同行借鉴。本文散摘于《中国图书评论》2002年第3期的《畅销书及其运作机制》,主持人陶铠。题目及小标题均为编者所加。———编者  相似文献   

以畅销书为文本,解链畅销书从诞生到消亡的运作过程,并分析是什么动因推动畅销书的流行,目的是寻找大众文化存在的后现代结构,探寻其良性发展趋向.  相似文献   

本书勾画了改革开放30年中国大陆畅销书现象的产生、发展、演进历程。立足畅销书的出版运作与市场营销攻略的进步,剖析30年来经典畅销书案例。同时,注重通过对中国大陆和同期港台、国外畅销书潮流的对比,解读30年来,特别是近几年来图书市场上的类型畅销书。  相似文献   

21世纪的出版业将迎来一个营销时代,图书的品牌将越来越受重视,图书市场的竞争也将空前激烈。在图书越来越强调市场与读者观念的时候,我国的一些出版社开始探索自己富有特色的“畅销书营销机制”,2000年全国书市上40多位名人、多达120余场的签名售书和讲座活动,反映出版社越来越重视图书的营销运作,特别是畅销书的营销。 国外畅销书动辄几百万销量让国内出版同行望“洋”兴叹,而2000年全国书市狂热签名售书场面说明中国缺的不是读者而是畅销书,或是先进的畅销书营销运作。面对越发激烈的市场竞争和国外出版业挑战,提高我国畅销书营销运作水平应摆上日程。  相似文献   

本文以军事类专业畅销书《百年航母》为例,阐述了该书的选题策划、组稿写作、编辑加工、市场营销出版运营案例,并通过这些案例总结运作专业畅销书的成功经验,探讨专业畅销书的经营规律.  相似文献   

本文从读者群体、写作群体、印刷技术、纸张生产、市场化运作等方面,主要分析了清代畅销书产生的历史条件,但是其又具有一定的历史局限性,可供当代出版业借鉴.  相似文献   

袁晖 《编辑之友》1999,(3):15-17
研究畅销书的概念与特点,有一定的宴际意义,即有助于我们深入认识畅销书,进而在出版实践中有助于畅销书的运作。  相似文献   

读者关心的是畅销书本身,内容好与坏,装幀简与精。书人则不同,不但要把畅销书找来彻底解剖,还要研究谁制造了畅销书,如何制造畅销书。畅销书的产生千奇百怪,偶然与自然。但据多年书业经验,畅销书的偶然因素更多一些。没有哪个策划人、编辑能够制作出本本畅销的佳作。是谁制造了畅销书?是作者、编辑、策划人、时势共同造就了畅销书。当然,人、出版机制是诸多因素中的决定性因素。  相似文献   

畅销书运作是与图书出版业市场化紧密联系在一起的出版现象和范式.本文以传播学效果研究的基础理论--"使用与满足"理论为观察视角,试图解码畅销书的某些运作规律,以消除出版者与读者在关系认识上的种种误区,使畅销书操作更趋科学化、规范化;同时本文还总结了几种基于读者心理而策划畅销书选题的方式.  相似文献   

畅销书的市场理论和实务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
畅销书各位并不陌生,或者是阅读过,或者是研究过、评论过,即使是你拒绝阅读它,本身也已经与畅销书发生了一种关系。这些都是指单本畅销书,而我今天要讲的则是畅销书群体、畅销书现象、畅销书机制以及畅销书运作中的一些商业行为。我们当中的一些人,有的曾经拥有过畅销书梦想,比如余秋雨写了一部《文化苦旅》,就有人想写一部《经济苦旅》,韩寒写了一部《零下一度》,就有人要写一部《零下二度》;有的则想过要投资文化产业中畅销书这一板块;还有的则想经营畅销书,因为畅销书是印钞机,在商业社会中能带来巨大利益。这些都是在畅销书的阅读环节或…  相似文献   

A brief summary report and highlights are presented for key topics and issues that have taken place in Germany’s Trade book industry during 2009. The Nobel Prize for Literature and other awards are described along with a review of the Best Seller List. The article concludes with a review of data for the book fairs and the economy in general.  相似文献   

This article focuses on PubMed''s Best Match sorting algorithm, presenting a simplified explanation of how it operates and highlighting how artificial intelligence affects search results in ways that are not seen by users. We further discuss user search behaviors and the ethical implications of algorithms, specifically for health care practitioners. PubMed recently began using artificial intelligence to improve the sorting of search results using a Best Match option. In 2020, PubMed deployed this algorithm as the default search method, necessitating serious discussion around the ethics of this and similar algorithms, as users do not always know when an algorithm uses artificial intelligence, what artificial intelligence is, and how it may impact their everyday tasks. These implications resonate strongly in health care, in which the speed and relevancy of search results is crucial but does not negate the importance of a lack of bias in how those search results are selected or presented to the user. As a health care provider will not often venture past the first few results in search of a clinical decision, will Best Match help them find the answers they need more quickly? Or will the algorithm bias their results, leading to the potential suppression of more recent or relevant results?  相似文献   

目前我国尚无专门的缴送法律,相应法规体系尚未完善,包括"最优版本"细则在内的一系列实施细则的缺失,导致缴送工作在实施过程中面临着很多现实而棘手的问题。参考借鉴国外相关经验,建议国家图书馆加强对缴送文献"最优版本"标准的研究论证,促动相关立法和政策提案,尽快出台各类型出版物法定缴送的"最优版本"标准,为我国法定缴送实践提供借鉴与解决方案。  相似文献   

在"2012美国最佳小图书馆"的评选中,堪萨斯独立城公共图书馆获得冠军,德克萨斯迪凯特公共图书馆、马萨诸塞多弗镇图书馆也入围最后的决赛。这些图书馆以社区服务为核心,非常重视自身宣传,努力提高图书馆形象,为适应时代需求改革管理与服务模式,大力开展丰富多样的活动,特别重视为少年儿童读者提供特色服务,注重与各机构及企业的合作,对我国图书馆服务有很好的启示作用。  相似文献   


This article reports on the “2019 Best Practices from World Libraries” Photo Gallery Project initiated by the International Connections Committee (ICC) of the International Relations Round Table (IRRT) at the American Library Association (ALA). The project was inspired by a 2018 ALA-IRRT Emerging Leader’s project, Toward Increasing Engagement of International New Professional Leaders in ALA Activities, which followed a survey study developed to explore IRRT’s ability to engage its international members. The article shares the project planning process and the key actions taken to build a virtual and physical gallery for the 2019 ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC, as well as highlights example programs from the project which demonstrate how libraries around the world are building stronger communities. Finally, the authors consider how the project may be improved upon and further developed in the future.  相似文献   

Wolfram Alpha是一个全新的、基于计算的知识搜索引擎,它将其创始人史蒂芬.沃尔弗拉姆开发的Mathematica和NKS技术应用到了互联网搜索中,为互联网用户提供了一种与传统搜索引擎截然不同的知识搜索和发现方式。凭借着独特的知识检索机制,它被《大众科学杂志》评为计算领域的2009年度最佳创新。本文介绍了Wolfram Alpha的一些基本情况,阐述了其理论背景和技术手段,并探讨了其知识检索机制和存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

Background: This article describes the potential role for National Health Service (NHS) libraries in supporting health research. The content is partly based on the proceedings of the ‘Best Information for Best Research for Best Health’ event at University of Leicester in November 2006. Objectives: With reference to the UK Department of Health's Research and Development (R&D) strategy, Best Research for Best Health and the Cooksey Review of public funding of health research, the article seeks to identify areas where NHS library and information staff can become involved in supporting the research process. Methods: The authors examined the challenges and opportunities that these reports offer and looked at two areas where library and information services (LIS) staff can potentially expand their services‐supporting researchers at every stage of the research process and transferring research into practice. Results: Staff in NHS libraries need to create an environment in which their role in the research process is recognized and valued. LIS staff can develop roles within the research process and thereby improve the robustness and validity of research outputs. Training and development of LIS staff is a key priority and can be taken forward despite the limitations of budgets and staffing levels. Conclusions: A proactive and assertive approach is needed to achieve a cultural shift within NHS library practice from supporting research from the outside, to being fully integrated within the research process.  相似文献   

系统而全面地回顾iPRES2007数字资源长期保存国际会议,从数字资源长期保存的战略计划与基础设施、相关管理问题、技术研究与实践、认证与评估、教育与培训5个方面介绍研究和实践的进展情况,深入分析并总结已有的经验和教训,并就面临的问题和下一步发展进行探讨。  相似文献   

This study examines the collective success and Best in the Nation status of Ohio public libraries as indicated by the Hennen American Public Library ratings (HAPLR), the “Star” libraries statistical rankings, and expert suppositions in the trade literature. This study is a phenomenological case study design that utilizes in-depth, semistructured interviews with a purposeful sample of former and current Ohio public librarians. The analysis indicates that equitable state-based funding and organized library autonomy are the overarching drivers in setting the Best in the Nation phenomenon for Ohio public libraries. This phenomenon is abetted by supportive public and professional communities within a hospitable geographic region. Altogether these qualities are the basis of a dynamic ecosystem of success for Ohio public libraries. The sharp funding reduction of 2009, however, has called the sustainability of the Best in the Nation library ecosystem into question. Additionally, the research revealed the specific nature of the phenomenon, which was not initially perceptible.  相似文献   

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