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英国公共广播体制是在社会民主主义思潮的影响下形成的。英国社会民主主义的两个基本原则(公有制和民主)决定了公共广播的两个基本特征(非市场和非政府)。社会民主主义思潮还形塑了公共广播要为民主服务的广播理念。在探讨英国公共广播体制的起源时,只有从这一角度来看问题,才能真正理解英国公共广播的兴衰以及广播的公共服务理念的核心所在。  相似文献   

一向风平浪静的美国公共广播最近波澜骤起:先是在美国多家公共广播电视台热播的动画片<来自巴斯特的明信片>突然停播,直接原因是片中情节涉及了同性恋婚姻,美国政府中共和党保守派,尤其是刚刚就任教育部长的马格丽特(Margaret Spelling)对该片进行了公开批评.随后,美国公共广播(PBS)总裁派特(Pat Mitchell)宣布由于财务困境,她将在2006年合同到期后卸职离任.接连而至事件的背后实际上是美国公共广播面临的重重困境.美国媒体谑称公共广播遭遇了"巴斯特门"."巴斯特门"究竟说明了什么?美国公共广播是否能走过"巴斯特门"?  相似文献   

英国是广播电视公共服务的发祥地,不仅建构了世界上第一个公共广播电视机构-BBC,形成了公共广播电视体制,成为后来其他国家建立公共广播电视的范本。而且随着技术与社会的发展,英国公共广播电视发生了很大的变化,单一的公共资金(public fund)模式逐步被打破,从公共垄断到双头寡居,发展到现在的多元竞争格局。本文通过梳理自BBC成立以来英国政府发布的专家委员报告和白皮书等主要政策变迁,分析了英国公共广播电视理念的内涵及其变化历程。  相似文献   

李娜 《现代传播》2006,(3):165-167
当今社会充满变数。“我们有幸生活在一个制度变迁的时代,我们正亲眼看着猿变成人”。①在社会哲学层面,新自由主义思潮大行其道。新自由主义思潮的典型特征是,以市场价值为导向,主张自由市场经济取代一切规制。表现在传播领域,就是媒介的市场化改革。确切地说,媒介的市场化改革肇始于美国,并从上世纪80年代起席卷全球。媒介市场化改革的标志是:商业化、自由化、去规则化。美国学者麦克切斯尼认为,在过去的十多年里,广播电视发展最突出的特点就是公共广播在全球范围内的衰落②。笔者认为,与其说是公共广播在全球的衰落,毋宁说是公共广播作为…  相似文献   

随着商业化新技术的发展,媒介融合、全球化与解除管制成为近十年来传播领域的潮流,公共广播电视发展由盛转衰,并成为共同关注的焦点。以台湾公共电视为例,重点从资金、收视率和治理结构三个层面对商业环境主导下的公共电视的问题进行探讨,试图运用公共政策的相关理论并结合台湾媒介领域的专家深访,提出建设性的策略。希望对台湾公共电视的探讨不仅是对全球传媒版图的一个完整关照,更重要的是对处于国际化接轨和产业化转型期的我国大陆地区广播电视业的启示意义。  相似文献   

随着互联网应用技术的进步和用户生成内容(UGC)产业的迅速发展,版权权利人与UGC服务商之间的博弈成为网络版权法律制度所面临的重要问题.文章在分析和借鉴美国UGC规则基本内容的基础上,立足于传媒产业发展的经济视角,从网络自治和法律治理两个层面提出构建和完善我国UGC版权侵权治理机制的具体举措和对策建议.  相似文献   

(续上期 )(三 )电视传播艺术的界定电视本身融“非虚构”与“虚构”、“真”与“假”于一体 ,或融“新闻”与“艺术”、“信息”与“娱乐”为一体的独特性质 ,使得我们在对“电视传播艺术”进行界定之时 ,首先要同时考察电视所依托的两个系统———大众传媒系统与艺术系统。从大众传媒系统来看 ,报纸、杂志、广播、电影、电视等媒体各自都有其不同的传播方式、手段 ,也都各有其不同的传媒优势、局限 ,因而也都各自有其独特的传播艺术特征。从大众传媒系统各种传媒“传播艺术”的共性来看 ,都有传媒主体按照既定目标 ,对特定传播内容作“艺术…  相似文献   

李勇 《图书情报工作》2010,54(22):94-79
分析社会不同群体间互联网信息差距的三个细分层次及其内在关联;剖析我国互联网的发展模式与信息传播特征,阐述城市群体间互联网信息差距现状,从个体与社会两个层面分析差距的成因;在国家层面上,确定相关的治理政策视角,设定治理互联网信息差距的两个阶段性战略目标,具体提出各阶段的不同措施。  相似文献   

黄春平 《传媒》2010,(6):52-54
美国广电业主要由私营的商业广电系统和非营利的公共广电系统构成,此外还有官方广播电视台、宗教组织以及非政府组织的广播电视台等等.私营的商业广电系统一直占主导,而非营利的公共广电系统是商业性广播电视的-个重要补充. 公共广电系统一般由独立的非政府、非营利性组织公共广播电视协会(CPB)依法进行自主管制.而私营的商业广电系统则主要由联邦通讯委员会依法进行监管.  相似文献   

在数字化、融合化的时代里,公共广播电视和商业广播电视并存的二元体制不断地进行调整,公共广播电视在与商业广播电视的竞争中找寻生存空间.本文从英国、美国和法国的具体实际出发,对数字时代广播电视公商二元体制改革现状做出综述.  相似文献   

论公共图书馆法人治理结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法人治理结构源于对企业的生产经营活动进行科学组织的需要,其应用范围现在已扩展至公益服务领域.法人治理结构一般由决策层、执行层和监督层3个方面的相互协调、相互制衡关系构成,公共图书馆的法人治理结构也是由这3个方面的协调与制衡关系构成.组建图书馆理事会是图书馆实施法人治理结构的根本标志.美国、英国等发达国家大都建立有较完善...  相似文献   

本文讨论的是美国民营公共电视机构所处的法律环境,以及欧盟各国对公共电视发展的法律支持,旨在提供对国外公营广电的基本了解。  相似文献   

In the past few years, American public broadcasting has faced severe pressures from conservative politicians, the challenge of preparing for new technologies, and fickle audiences. Yet it may be as well-off today as it ever has been, in part because public broadcasting has always been on the margins of American broadcasting. It has been in more parlous circumstances and in fact has certain advantages at this point. Public broadcasting in the United States is not essentially a public service broadcaster, although it sometimes acts as one. It thus has a certain flexibility in a time of great change. American public broadcasting is not a unified structure, but an ad hoc assemblage of stations united both by the fluctuating patronage of the institutions that fund them and in their cultivating the capricious support of the audiences they serve.  相似文献   

丁明春 《图书馆》2021,(1):11-17
公共图书馆治理法治化是促进公共文化服务高质量发展的必然要求,也是改善公共图书馆治理机制的有效方式,对于实现公共图书馆事业的稳定与可持续发展具有重要意义。当前,我国公共图书馆治理法治化进程中还存在着一些现实问题,可以通过增强治理主体的法治观念与意识、完善依法治理的制度与规则体系、基于管办分离原则转变治理模式、扩大公民参与以及健全依法治理的监督与问责机制等路径,全面深入地推进公共图书馆治理的法治化进程。  相似文献   

The new competitive environment of radio broadcasting in the Nordic countries consists of three sectors: (1) public service radio channels, (2) commercial radio stations and networks, and (3) community radio. Commercial radio represents the latest phase in a long process of transformation that started with decentralization inside the national broadcasting corporations in the 1960s and continued with introduction of noncommercial forms of local and community radio since the late 1970s. In the 1990s, commercial radio represents a hegemonic cultural form whose values and meanings penetrate to all sectors of radio. As a response to commercialization, the public service broadcasting tradition is undergoing a serious rearticulation. In contrast with the radical liberalism of the 1980s, there seems to be a growing political will to safeguard a balanced dualism of noncommercial and commercial forms of broadcasting.  相似文献   

The development of radio news broadcasting in Canada, as in the United States, was delayed by bitter conflict between newspaper and radio interests. This paper looks at news broadcasting in Canada between 1932 and 1936, during the era of the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC), Canada's first public broadcasting body. It focuses mainly on authority, advertisers, and audiences with respect to the news broadcasting policy and practices of the CRBC itself, but it places these issues in the context of the mixed public/ private and Canadian/American environment in which the Commission operated and raises questions about the narrow margins of maneuver available to the public broadcaster then and now.  相似文献   

Following the end of the Second World War, the ideals of public service broadcasting that had first been exemplified by the BBC came to lay the groundwork for a new type of broadcasting system in Northern Germany. This led to intensive discussions between British Military Officers and their German counterparts about the principles of public service broadcasting. Repatriated Germans came to play a crucial role. Having worked for the BBC German Service during their years of exile, some of them helped to nurture a new generation of democratic journalists. Focusing on these men, this article reveals the difficulties in transferring and adapting public service ideals. Making use of a wide range of sources, we highlight the multifaceted roles of the repatriated Germans, as both intermediaries and transmitters of public service broadcasting. We show how many of them came to play a pivotal role in resisting pressure from conservative forces in West German society.  相似文献   

This article attempts to explain the key points of the new financing reform of public service broadcasting in Spain. The following questions are analyzed: controversial points; the new law, private broadcasting, and the telecommunications sector; and the future of public service broadcasting in Spain. Deliberative discussion with 80 participants was conducted evaluating their views regarding public media. The central problem was the role that people feel the RTVE Corporation should play in the future. With that role in mind, participants were asked to evaluate the financial situation of public broadcasting in Spain. The new Financing Law of the RTVE Corporation, based on the immediate cessation of advertising, was passed in August 2009. According to the law, for every new service provided by RTVE, it should be assigned additional funding. It is not clear yet how this process will work in the future.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数据治理是实现大数据驱动公共安全治理模式变革的基础,构建体现领域特殊性与敏感性的公共安全数据治理体系为开展科学研究与治理实践提供理论框架指导。[方法/过程]从交叉学科视角出发,对公共安全数据治理的概念进行溯源,并剖析其发展的学科理论基础和驱动力;在此基础上解析代表性文献,梳理公共安全数据治理的解决问题、治理主体、客体、工具和目标五个关键要素的内容范畴与核心内涵,进而构建涵盖多要素、不同维度的数据治理体系逻辑框架。[结果/结论]该框架以数据流为连接点凸显学科之间的知识交叉融合,统筹各关键要素并指出公共安全数据治理的关键议题包括应用情境搭建、数据资源体系建设、主体决策机制建设以及治理工具选择。  相似文献   

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