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报道本位与宣传本位是两种不同的新闻报道观,分别在西方和中国几十年来的新闻报道中占主导地位。以突发事件的报道为例分析这两种新闻报道观及其传播效果;指出以报道本位报道突发事件是新闻规律的要求,是取得更好的传播效果的要求;我国当前正处于宣传本位向报道本位转变的时期。  相似文献   

受众本位VS传播者本位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
受众研究是上世纪80年代以来我国传播学研究中逐渐兴起的。尽管人们目前对受众本位的提法还有争论,但大多数理论和实际工作者最终还是认为,从功能的单一到功能的多样化;从传播者本位到受众本位;从宣传本位到新闻本位;从仅仅把新闻事业视为上层建筑意识形态到承认新闻事业的产业性并将市场机制引入传播领域,这是我国大众传播业发展的历史轨迹和趋势。电视业要想获得大的发展,就必须加强受众研究。  相似文献   

舆论的主体是公众,是大多数人的意见,媒介并不总是代表舆论。在近代中国,媒介仍然只是少数上层阶级的讨论平台,以党见、派见为本位,政治动员的舆论建构部分依赖于意见领袖与人际传播。清末民初是中国社会由传统向现代转型的时期,白话文运动在这一社会环境下发生有其历史必然性。媒介语言的变化使得"在特定阶层内部的信息流动,借助白话文和报刊,向社会普罗大众扩散",对媒介功能由党见本位转向民意、舆论本位起到了重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

文章认为,新时期以来,中国文学期刊经历了1985年之前的文学外部功能取向上的读者本位回归和之后的文学艺术技巧取向上的艺术本位回归两大阶段,这两次回归对文学期刊自身的命运和当代文学的发展均产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

中央电视台《新闻联播》于1978年元旦正式开播。当年底,中国开始了改革开放的新进程。在新的历史条件下,纵观《新闻联播》30年的发展,显现出一种隐约、渐进的变化线索,即向“以新闻为本位”靠拢。  相似文献   

五四时期是中国社会由旧民主主义革命向新民主主义革命过渡的时期,中国新闻事业发生了重大的转变,新闻思想和新闻实践有了很大的提升,以邵飘萍为代表的新闻前辈提出了新闻本位思想并身体力行.新闻本位思想在新闻观念、办报理念、报刊经营等方面都有所体现,对当时和后来的新闻理论和新闻实践产生了很大的影响.本文拟从新闻本位思想的内容表现、产生背景、对后来的影响以及对当下的意义等方面进行探讨和分析.  相似文献   

朱思鹤 《大观周刊》2012,(23):83-84
根据民法的私法性,确立其私主体权利本位,对于制定民法典具有重要意义。但是在市场经济条件下,民法应坚持何种本位,私主体本位说以及权利本位说较为获得较多支持。本文认为民法应当坚持私主体权利本位说。在分析各种观点的基础上,阐释应当坚持私主体权利本位的原因及意义。  相似文献   

刘沛恺 《青年记者》2022,(15):107-108
“新闻本位”观念20世纪20年代在我国萌发,其内涵在与“政论本位”“营业本位”“社会本位”“宣传本位”等多元话语的竞争与互动中不断丰富,从重视新闻与事实而非言论的编辑方针,发展为强调为读者、社会提供新闻而不将营利视为根本的经营方针。随着国难的加重,“新闻本位”作为与“宣传本位”的对应观念逐渐式微。  相似文献   

近年来,我国新闻业有了较快的发展,然而在可喜的成绩背后存在一个让人担忧的现象:媒介片面追求"眼球"效应,出现媚俗的趋向.媚俗对受众和社会不利,也不利于我国新闻事业的健康发展.究其原因,除了受到经济利益的刺激一味追求巨额利润之外,主要是因为媒介对受众本位意识的理解出现了一个很严重的偏差:在建立为受众服务的观念的时候,忽略甚至放弃了社会责任这个非常关键的前提和基础.  相似文献   

论档案鉴定的本位原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据中国档案鉴定长期以来主要集中于档案室的归档阶段及档案鉴定理论研究苍白的这一实际 ,提出本位原则的鉴定理论 ,探讨了本位原则的内涵、根据及运用标准 ,并呼吁对中国档案鉴定进行总结建立中国特色的档案鉴定理论  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):789-808
By developing model-based news articles and presenting them to audience focus groups, this research gauges reader response to “test stories” based on four models of science journalism: science literacy, contextual, lay-expertise, and public participation. This approach allows investigation of how to tie journalism theory to practice to audience reception, and back again. The results show how journalists and readers differently engage with various models of science journalism and used them to gain different knowledge and understanding. These differences show the need to articulate more clearly hybrid models of science journalism that make use of the overlapping positive features of the models investigated. Such hybrid science journalism models could provide new educational tools aimed at showing how to better understand who “the audience” is and exemplifying how to position audiences as active members in stories and as stakeholders in the scientific process.  相似文献   

This article presents a comparison of two journalism models: development journalism and public journalism. The experience of development journalism in the Philippines is critiqued in order to inform and make predictions about public journalism, which is swiftly evolving in the United States. The paper traces the history and efficacy of both models, and highlights the resistance by journalists towards either system.

Also presented is the summary of a series of interviews conducted with Filipino journalists on their attitudes towards development journalism, conducted at a time when the practise of this model was at its height.  相似文献   

"众包"模式最早出现在商业领域,在引入新闻实践领域后,被认为是促进"公民新闻"发展的又一契机。本文将探讨在"公民新闻"一度遭遇发展困境时,"众包"模式出现的原因,并以相关媒体的尝试作为实例来论述其特点和引发的变化,分析"众包"模式是如何促使"公民新闻"向"专业的业余新闻"转变的。  相似文献   

新世纪美国新闻学教育面临的挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
进入新世纪后 ,美国新闻学 /大众传播学教育面临诸多挑战 ,核心是如何组织、管理新闻学 /大众传播学教育 ,作者列出了美国新闻学 /大众传播学教育的几种主要模式 ,并认为新闻学 /大众传播学教育不会在美国消退  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):20-32
In attempt to define a methodology, journalism scholars use the term “reflective” as a way to distinguish their critical study of journalism from that of a non-practitioner. The phrase “reflective practice in journalism” is now also used widely in higher education course literature and increasingly it is emerging in discourses relating to journalism research. However, the use of the term “reflective” in both cases has not been anchored in meaning. This paper will propose a number of definitions, and will discuss a number of potential approaches that seek to move towards a synthesis of journalism practice and theory. It will start by outlining the current scholarly context for undertaking journalism research, focusing on the rise of “journalist-academics” and the desire for recognition of the value and status of practice within the academy. It will then examine a number of critical models which may shed helpful light on how journalism might be viewed as “research-in-practice”.  相似文献   

张昆 《新闻大学》2020,(1):113-123,129
中国当代新闻教育蔚为大观,不同类型、不同层次的高校竞相创办新闻传播类专业,其教育模式也异彩纷呈。其中,华中科技大学作为非综合性大学最早设立新闻专业的高校,领专业性高校新闻教育的风气之先,并形成了独特的新闻教育模式--"华科大模式"。其核心内涵是:自主办学,学者治院;以人为本,教学相长;文工交叉,应用见长;物质强基,文化铸魂。这一模式对同类高校的新闻教育不无启发、借鉴意义。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):46-63
This paper examines structural changes to Chinese news organisations in the new millennium and their impact on journalism practice, with a particular focus on the Xinhua News Agency. The paper attempts to understand the complexity of these changes and their implications for journalism, media and communications studies.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):497-512
As pressure grows on journalism academics to publish scholarly outputs and attract external research income, many express frustration over the uncertain status of journalism practice in relation to the requirement for making a contribution to knowledge (Harcup, 2011). Simultaneously, work in education theory has highlighted contextual shifts in arts and humanities education that signify a pressing need for journalism studies as well as other disciplines to define their position regarding practice within research. Recent reflections on practice and research within journalism education (Niblock, 2007) suggest the discipline is seeking forms of scholarship that cohere better with its industry-facing character. This paper seeks to originate both a methodological framework and an epistemological perspective that acknowledges practitioner perspectives as accumulated knowledge. Drawing on concepts of reflexivity and habitus, it will negotiate and evaluate a range of potential models of practice as research, and discuss their implications for furthering the profile of journalism scholarship.  相似文献   

Digitization has resulted in great uncertainty for journalism, leading to disruption of business models, revenue streams, media distinctions, and production practices. This uncertainty has led to many articles, reports, blog posts, and general commentary discussing the future of both journalism and the skills required by journalists to succeed in this environment. This essay analyzes these discourses, focusing specifically on the nature of technology as the sole determiner of journalism’s future, with interventions aimed at journalism education and the structure of newswork. An idealized notion of the technologically adept journalist, ready to usher in digital stability, emerges as the object of these debates and, thanks in large part to the limited scope and ahistorical character of digital discourse, obscures more persistent, systemic critiques of technology and journalism.  相似文献   

方延明 《新闻界》2007,22(4):3-6
新闻文化与数学文化具有一种天然的一致性。本文在数学思维的视野下,概要分析了新闻文化中的诸多数学观念,特别是从模型意义,审美结构与内容,尤其是简洁美、对称美、奇异美,以及求极值、重证明等方面,提出了一些值得新闻文化借鉴的重要内容和方法。  相似文献   

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