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徐立军 《视听界》2009,(6):116-116
近段时间,央视新闻频道《朝闻天下》、《东方时空》栏目先后对儿童版开心网《摩尔庄园》进行了报道,引发了网上小玩家们“组团爆吧”的强烈反击,抗议和要求央视道歉。他们无法理解主流媒体的大人们对《摩尔庄园》的抨击,反讽道:“关于网游,大人们说的健康游戏是扫雷。”《摩尔庄园》的开发商淘米网络科技有限公司称,《摩尔庄园》是一个针对7到12岁儿童的网络虚拟社区,并不是一款单纯的网络游戏,目前已经聚合了3000万儿童用户。  相似文献   

当全社会还在为成人网络游戏的存废争论不休时,摩尔庄园、奥比岛等一批专门为儿童服务的网络游戏网站已经开门揽客,且生意兴隆。在商业利益的驱动下,儿童网游在各地的圈地运动已经开始,一张无形的淘金大网正在孩子们的头上大举铺开。  相似文献   

李舒 《今传媒》2011,(6):67-68
目前对儿童社交网站市场的学术研究十分匮乏,本文以《摩尔庄园》为例,从战略角度分析其内部环境和外部环境,并相应地提出建设性意见。首先对国内儿童社交网站市场和《摩尔庄园》进行简单介绍,之后分别运用SWOT分析法与五力竞争模型分析儿童社交网站市场的内部和外部环境。  相似文献   

作为积极主动的媒介使用者,网民经常为了满足特定需求而参与论坛.本研究通过文献阅读与网络访谈相结合的方式,建立了网民论坛参与动机初始量表,并利用问卷调查所得的实证数据,运用探索性因子分析对初始量表进行优化,最终从外在动机和内在动机两方面挖掘出网民参与网络论坛的五大主要动机.其中,外在动机包括尊重动机、逃避现实动机和目的性动机,内在动机包括娱乐性动机和匿名性动机.  相似文献   

本文首先归纳出儿童展览阐释的四种表达方式,即用于参与的体验设计、用于参与的探索设计、用于感知的符号设计和用于观察的视觉设计,尔后挖掘影响表达方式选取的儿童认知特征,并试图深入解读认知特征背后的教育动机,即0~3岁儿童重感官教育,3~6、7岁儿童重感性教育,6、7~11、12岁儿童重具象逻辑教育,11、12岁儿童重抽象逻辑教育,通过反逻辑过程推演出不同年龄段教育动机指导下适用的表达方式,以提升儿童展览的专业性与有效性。  相似文献   

任何社会主体参与社会活动都受动机因素的影响。本文以认知心理学中的自我决定论为分析理论框架,通过对美国国家档案馆Citizen Archivist项目15位参与者的访谈,以及对参与笔者自建的档案资源开发平台“上大故事”平台资源开发的35位同学的问卷调查和访谈,发现公众参与数字档案资源社会化开发项目的动机是一个动态发展的过程:公众最初可能因为外在动机或内在动机参与,基于外在动机的参与行为也可能产生高质量的参与成果;在参与的过程中,参与者的动机会发生变化,造成参与动机变化的原因主要包括系统的功能可用性及参与主体所处群体的志愿者文化环境。了解公众参与数字档案资源社会化开发的动机,对确保数字档案资源社会化开发项目的可持续性发展至关重要。  相似文献   

在碎片化、娱乐化特征凸显的现代传播模式下,手机游戏作为一种新型的人际传播媒介,具有独特的人际传播特点。手游《摩尔庄园》以情怀延续为突破口,使得“打工人”在“慢生活”中重塑了网络人际关系。本文以《摩尔庄园》手游为例,分析了基于社交手游中网络人际传播的新场域、新特点,试从人际传播学的角度探讨社交手游对网络人际交往的正负面影响。  相似文献   

彭涛  杨勉  李荣华 《新闻与传播研究》2022,(2):75-96+127-128
随着新媒介技术的快速发展,身体与传播的关系变得越来越具有张力,身体问题成为传播学者关注的重点,然而,新媒介环境中新的身体在场与缺席到底如何发生,却鲜有研究。为此,本研究试图以身体实践几乎不在场下云养猫为何能流行为核心论题,考察云养猫者的参与动机、考量因素、云养方式以及所获满足,希望理清身体从在场到缺席的转变过程与其中关键。研究结果显示:云养者的参与动机共有6项,依据各动机之间的逻辑联系,本文建立起云养猫参与动机的理论模型,并对动机产生的内在机理进行分析,发现云养猫流行的原因在于新媒介对“猫”的概念进行了改造,并以此重构猫与人之间的身体实践关系。这在很大程度上扩展了人们对新媒介运用所能带来的改变的认知。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 大学生志愿者参与阅读推广服务已成为扩展推广人力资源、提升推广活动绩效的重要途径。[方法/过程] 通过探索性因子分析与验证性因子分析,研究大学生志愿者参与阅读推广服务的内在动机及其与参与服务行为、参与满意度之间的关联关系。[结果/结论] 大学生志愿者参与阅读推广服务的动机包括"自我发展"质量控制"社会认同"社会遵从"社会交往"5个因素。5个动机因素对参与行为与满意度的作用各不相同。"质量控制"社会认同"社会遵从"社会交往"4个因素对志愿者参与阅读推广服务的行为起到正向积极影响,"自我发展"质量控制"社会认同"3个因素则与志愿者参与阅读服务的满意度形成了正向关联。  相似文献   

从网络游戏中,往往能悟出一些人生哲理。有关方面应针对这种现象,对玩家尤其是青少年善加引导,以切实发挥网络游戏的正能量。 随着网络游戏的发展,它在娱乐、文化、经济等方面所发挥的作用越来越突出,逐渐成为一个重要的文化传播载体。通过用户的体验与参与,网络游戏的内涵获得广泛传播,网民在潜移默化中接受游戏中或正面或负面的文化。党的十八大对我国文化事业与文化产业的发展,  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that media featuring exemplars of specific altruistic motivations can make those motivations more accessible in viewers’ minds. The present study extends this research to also examine egoistic motivations. We (a) developed a coding scheme to examine how frequently exemplars of altruistic and egoistic motivations appear in media content, (b) developed an intuitive motivation-affect misattribution procedure to measure the accessibility of altruistic and egoistic motivations, and (c) examined whether exposure to media content portraying specific motivations makes those motivations more accessible in audiences. The findings are discussed in terms of the model of intuitive morality and exemplars.  相似文献   

影响作者投稿动机的因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析影响作者投稿动机的内外因素.认为:作者自我实现需要的目标设定与内在动机密切相关;作者在投稿行为实施过程中,反馈信息的获得、期望价值的实现、潜在能力的开发、情绪的体验均影响其投稿动机;信息性科研激励因素对作者投稿动机产生积极影响,而控制性激励因素对作者的投稿动机产生消极影响.提出了优化作者投稿动机的几项措施.  相似文献   

Although the rise of nationalistic activism in the Chinese online sphere has drawn much scholarly attention, few studies have examined how nationalism, usages, and motivations of the Internet affect nationalistic actions among general Internet users in China. Using Sino-Japanese diplomatic disputes as a testing ground, this study investigates the effects of news use from traditional and new media, nationalistic attitudes, and motivations for Internet use on anti-Japanese political behaviors such as boycotting and protest participation. Analyses of online survey data revealed that nationalism is positively correlated with information-seeking and social-interaction motivations for Internet use regarding Sino-Japanese disputes. Results also showed that the stronger the motivation for using the Internet to discuss topics associated with Sino-Japanese disputes, the more likely respondents engaged in anti-Japanese behaviors. This study indicates that nationalistic attitudes and motivations involved in the use of new media technologies have significant effects on mobilizing supporters for anti-Japanese actions.  相似文献   

This study compares the tendencies and motivations of the traditional sport fan (who consumes sport to see if his or her favorite teams/players are victorious) and the relatively newer fantasy sport fan (who consumes with the added variable of wanting to see certain players do well in order to secure personal fantasy team victories). A total of 1,261 traditional and fantasy sport consumers were surveyed, with results indicating that fantasy sport users had elevated levels of enjoyment, entertainment, passing time, social interaction, and surveillance motivations when compared to traditional fans. No significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of arousal, whereas traditional fans scored higher regarding escape motivations. In addition, all motivation behaviors increased significantly based on the amount of fantasy sport involvement, leading to the conclusion that fantasy sport participants have many of the same fanship motivations as traditional nonplaying fans, albeit at higher and often significantly higher levels. Theoretical and applied conclusions are extrapolated as well.  相似文献   

The model of intuitive morality and exemplars is an organizational framework that was created to incorporate theories of basic human motivations with both micro- and macrolevel media research. Thus far, literature has integrated a framework of basic moral intuitions (here labeled altruistic motivations) with the model but has yet to integrate a framework of basic egoistic motivations. The current study integrates frameworks for both altruistic and egoistic motivations with the model in order to examine depictions of motivational incongruities (e.g., moral dilemmas) in television content for young audiences. Findings suggest that the frequency of depicted motivational incongruities increases as audience target-age increases. In addition, findings show that most motivational incongruities involve both egoistic motives versus altruistic ones, rather than just egoistic or altruistic motives alone. Discussion centers on implications for research on media and morality as well as entertainment theory.  相似文献   

This study examines audience uses of three types of interactivity, user motivations for visiting an online newspaper, and the relationship between user motivations and use of the different types of interactive features. There are three types of interactivity on a continuum: medium, human/medium, and human interactivity. In an online survey of 542 respondents, results indicate that medium interactive features were used most frequently and human interactive features used the least. Three motivations for using online newspapers emerged—information seeking/surveillance, socialization, and entertainment. In addition, further analysis found that although all three motivations were predictors of use of medium interactive features, the information seeking/surveillance motivation was not a significant predictor of use of human/medium and human interactive features.  相似文献   

To learn more about demographic characteristics, play behaviors, and motivations of massively multiplayer online gamers over the age of 50, researchers administered a questionnaire to 32,261 Wizard101 subscribers. Cross-referencing responses with behavioral data recorded by game servers, researchers found that older players were significantly more likely to be women. Older players played longer and underestimated their playtime, they were less likely to play on console and hand-held systems, and they were less likely to cite social, achievement, and player versus player combat motivations. However, older online gamers were more likely to cite self-growth and learning motivations for game play than those under 50.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]鉴于当前对于引用动机的研究缺乏一致性的总结和归类,对于不同的引用动机之间的相互影响关系也缺乏研究,根据前人的研究成果归纳出5个重要的引用动机,在将引用动机的类型分为内在引用动机和外在引用动机两类的基础上,检验引用动机对引用行为以及不同的引用动机间的影响关系.[方法/过程]利用量表式问卷对科研人员进行调查,通过结构方程建模的方法对所回收调查问卷进行分析.[结果/结论]科研人员的论文引用行为会受到"知识主张"、"价值感知"、"信息源便利性"、"引用输出"和"引用重要性"等引用动机的影响.从引用动机间的相互影响关系看,内在引用动机--"知识主张"会影响科研人员对"信息源便利性"、"引用输出"和"引用重要性"的感知程度;另一个内在引用动机--"价值感知"会影响科研人员对"引用输出"和"引用重要性"的感知程度.  相似文献   

A content analysis of children’s television examined the frequency with which behaviors were (a) driven by altruistic versus egoistic motivations, (b) performed by affable/surly characters, (c) rewarded/punished, and (d) present in content popular among different age groups (2–5, 6–11, and 12–17 years old). We found that portrayal patterns stressed the importance of egoistic motivations (particularly competence, autonomy, and relatedness) for older children. The findings are interpreted in line with logic underlying the model of intuitive morality and exemplars (MIME; Tamborini, 2013), suggesting that media representations can influence the motivations of their viewers.  相似文献   

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