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本文运用因子分析、聚类分析以及产业集聚指数对我国传媒产业区域非均衡发展的增长极进行了定量研究.研究发现,我国传媒产业区域非均衡发展增长极可以划分为成熟型增长极、成长型增长极以及潜在型增长极三种类型,目前以北京市为核心的京津冀地区的传媒产业已由区域非均衡发展阶段进入均衡发展阶段.但总体来看,我国传媒产业绝大多数地区处于快速成长阶段,并且增长极也仍处于成长阶段,而且我国传媒产业增长极的整体效应仍为极化效应大于扩散效应,对周边地区的推动作用并未展现出来.  相似文献   

传媒的区域化发展导致区域传媒产业集群乃至区域传媒集团的形成。合作竞争应当成为传媒区域化发展的战略。在传媒区域化充分发展的前提下,通过广泛的合作增强中心城市对区域的增长极扩散效应,形成传媒产业集群具有现实意义。  相似文献   

刘洁 《现代传播》2006,(3):153-155
中国媒介产业多年来按行政级次、行政区划分配资源,媒介产业布局形成了“井”字结构、平行结构和倾斜式结构。在经济、文化发达地区有数个媒介产业增长极,但增长极的极化效应远远大于扩散效应,没有起到对其他地区的带动作用。应采取“同中求异”的差别化战略和“异中求同”的重点突破战略,培育新的增长极,实现媒介产业区域联合,打通扩散通道,构建统一、开放、竞争、有序的现代文化市场体系。一、中国媒介产业布局结构1·“井”字结构:行政区划条块分割传统计划经济体制下的媒介产业布局,条块分割严重,形成“四纵”、“四横”组成的产业“井…  相似文献   

媒介产业增长极“孤岛现象”成因及解决路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国媒介产业布局形成了数个增长极,但增长极的极化效应远远大于扩散效应,出现了增长极"孤岛现象"。本文认为,媒介跨地区经营遭遇政策风险与产业链遭遇地区分割等所造成的扩散通道不畅是出现"孤岛现象"的主要原因。但是,媒介数字化与媒介联盟的出现也让我们看到了未来增长极和欠发展地区多层次、多形式协作的发展方向。  相似文献   

传媒产业集群通过发挥集聚效应、分工协作效应、竞争自强化效应、规模效应和区域品牌效应,可以形成竞争优势。广西传媒产业集群的形成,一方面是由于广西传媒业已具备一定的产业基础、品牌基础和人才基础,另一方面,也是传媒市场经济体制改革、实现规模经济和外部经济和形成传媒产业增长极等的客观要求。广西传媒产业集群在生成之后,应该通过将城市作为传媒产业集群的中心,强化和坚持传媒产业的根植性,不断完善传媒产业链等方式来进行优化,以形成强大、持久的产业竞争力。  相似文献   

建设媒体大数据平台,是传媒集团融合发展、转型发展的战略举措之一,也是传媒集团融合、转型发展的抓手,媒体大数据平台建设好、运营好将是传媒集团社会效益和经济效益的另一个增长极,也会推动传媒集团相关信息产业的快速发展。  相似文献   

在传媒产业化的初期,传媒作为产业的经济本质被理解为“影响力经济”,媒介所凝聚的受众的注意力资源是传媒经济的真正价值所在。这时,媒体仅仅作为信息媒介来产生文本效应,这时它只能通过一系列的活动策划来吸引眼球,再靠出售注意力资源、产生影响力来获得经济效益,  相似文献   

外资传媒的进入会对国内传媒业产生"溢出效应",主要包括:关联效应——拉动传媒业上下链条的经济增长;示范效应——其管理模式、运营机制、内容组合方式等被国内媒体学习和借鉴;竞争效应(鲶鱼效应)——激发国内传媒的活力,提高竞争力;人才培育效应——培养一批熟悉国际规则、具有全球化管理意识的高端人才.  相似文献   

编辑不要自己看不起自己■雷群明3.引导、鼓励传媒创造良好的社会效益,批评、抑制传媒产生不好的社会效应。一方面要把传媒的社会效应与经济效益联系起来,另一方面要提高受众的素质,使他们在传媒市场上作明智的选择,从而让新闻传媒在经济上也“善有善报,恶有恶报”...  相似文献   

打造城市电视台核心竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
业内人士认为,传媒核心竞争力是指该传媒在经营发展中胜过竞争对手的核心资源和能力总称。也就是该传媒的资源和能力具有价值,具有稀缺性、难以模仿性。城市电视台作为众多电视传媒中一支不可忽视的力量,所在城市人口几十万、甚至上百万,辐射周边若干县  相似文献   


Venture capital funding is an increasingly common yet understudied management model in the rapidly changing market of news media. Drawing on scholarship in media management and entrepreneurship, this study applies a community ecology framework to analyze the relationship between venture capital funding and digital news media firms. In doing so, this work explores the interaction between legacy news media firms and new entrants as they struggle for scarce resources and seek to grow in the face of rapid change. A dataset tracking funding activity of legacy and startup news media firms is used to analyze resource allocation within the digital news media ecosystem. Results of the analyses provide insights for news media management by furthering understanding regarding venture capital funding models and the generative mechanisms that help drive growth. Specifically, findings highlight the importance of cross-sector engagement and the tension between firm age and position for growth in the digital news media ecosystem.  相似文献   


This empirical study examines potential size effects in the US media and communications industry. Motivated by investors’ demand for continuous profit growth, media and communications executives attempt to leverage size effects, be it by growing the core business or by diversifying into other media segments, thereby exploiting cross‐media synergies. However, contrary to conventional wisdom, the authors could not find a general correlation between size and diversification on the one hand and performance on the other hand. The authors’ reason that exploiting size effects in the media and communications industry is far from simplistic and cross‐media synergies may take more time and effort to leverage than assumed. Therefore, research is recommended to focus on the operational level of size effects and their development over time. For media managers, the findings imply that more emphasis should be placed on strategy implementation and operational effectiveness, rather than on sophisticated M&A and growth initiatives.  相似文献   

裴永刚 《编辑之友》2018,(5):101-106,112
英国在脱欧后经济发展的不确定性增强,波及传媒产业,尤其是电影业.相对于传统媒体,移动互联网快速发展,智能手机超越笔记本成为主要的上网工具,移动广告支出年增长率超过50%;英国脱欧后传媒产业面临欧盟资助锐减、产业链重构和人才流失等问题;对于英国传媒产业的未来发展,数字化成为传媒产业发展最重要的驱动力、媒介规制程度将会加深、智能手机作为最重要的上网工具占比将达到50%、媒介使用的代际和性别差异会更显著、用户总媒介使用时间会继续增长、数字媒体商业模式从广告转变到用户支付、用户数据管理成为新媒体时代的财富储备、人工智能日益受到传媒业界关注.  相似文献   

Using democratic participant theory as a framework to explain media performance, this article examines the implications of ownership concentration and diversity on democracy and analyzes the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority's (PEMRA) endeavors to implement the principle of diversity as espoused in its mandate. It finds that though PEMRA accelerated the growth of electronic media in Pakistan, it failed to promote local and diverse media as PEMRA policies supported diagonal integration and lead to concentration of ownership. PEMRA was also criticized for suppressing independent media when it was brought under the control of Ministry of Information in 2007. The study concludes that regulatory mechanisms in developing countries like Pakistan are still a tool in the hands of the government to control media, and development of a participatory and diverse media is a normative ideal not yet translated into reality.  相似文献   

Although much of the world basks in the glory of the Internet and availability of competitive media outlets, Africa's media landscape remains bleak. Radio, newspapers, and television continue to be government controlled: Radio's power to reach the masses suggests that many governments may never fully privatize the electronic media. Zambia has experienced growth of private media. Private radio stations in Lusaka have attracted nearly half of the listening audience away from government radio. Listeners rate radio as their most important source for news and the medium is highly regarded for accuracy and fairness. Yet these few private stations lack national coverage and political and economic clout to challenge government broadcasting.  相似文献   

The annual report captures the rapid growth over the past 5 years with a focus on the past 2 year of the digital publishing industry in China. The growth is evaluated in relation to new revenues generated, the size of the market segments represented by e-journals, eBooks, digital newspapers, blogs, online music and games. The leading companies in each of these sectors are identified as there is still a reluctance of traditional publishes to move more aggressively into the new media publishing. Finally, a review of the challenges that the lack of copyright present to the industry as legal systems have not caught up with the rapid developments of the media or online information industries.  相似文献   

贺予飞 《出版科学》2018,26(3):49-54
网络类型写作现象的持续发酵产生了网络类型文学,它的崛起与媒介大有关联.数字化传媒技术加速网络文学的类型化进程.影视、动漫、游戏改编将网络类型文学推向大众,引爆全民阅读与娱乐的潮流热点.在媒介特性下,类型文本共性应运而生."传媒话语"演绎着市场经济衍生的"消费逻辑",逐步构建和影响文学格局,同时又颠覆传统文学场的法则与秩序.商品属性的强化、伪个性化类型的滋长、读者的精神迷途与官能退化、写手生存焦虑的增长等成为网络类型文学的发展症结.  相似文献   

With the increasing penetration of mobile phones and the internet in India, citizen journalism has experienced a steady growth in recent years. This paper adds to the growing scholarship on citizen journalism by exploring the motivations of Indian citizen journalists to produce online news content. Through a Web-based survey of citizen journalists (N?=?134) contributing to the leading news portals in India, this study addresses the role of traditional media experience among citizen journalists’ reporting practices. One of the key findings of this study is that, unlike American citizen journalists, Indian citizen journalists who have not worked in traditional media are less likely to work collaboratively than those with traditional media experience.  相似文献   


Research on media substitution theory has examined substitutional and/or complementary relationships between new and existing media. This study focuses on the growth of mobile platforms and investigates the relationship between mobile devices and personal computers. Using Nielsen’s panel data that provide electronically recorded media usage (N = 2,396), this study analyzes yearly changes in time allocation to mobile devices and PCs at total and content-specific usage levels during mobile 4G transition. Results suggest a complementarity dynamic between mobile devices and PCs; however, the patterns were more nuanced in light of the role of individual and structural factors when determining media choice.  相似文献   

The concept of the citizen author is defined and explored within the publishing industry. In order to understand what positions the citizen author currently, and potentially could, hold it begins with a historical view of their rise, including concepts of their eighteenth century antecedents. But the focus of this research is on their growth alongside that of social media platforms. This allows for drawing out relationships between genre fiction, publishers, and the citizen author, which provides a more full understanding of the power dynamics involved when publishers, social media, and the citizen authors mix in the current industry climate.  相似文献   

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