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本文借用门槛理论模型,探讨建立谣言个体门槛预测模型相关问题,并应用于"和颐酒店事件"微博谣言的扩散数据的解释,通过研究个体门槛分布规律对微博谣言扩散的影响,完善谣言的门槛预测模型。本研究有三个显著发现:1.临界大多数点的存在性问题;2.低门槛值分布高度集中;3.谣言类型影响门槛分布的差异。这三个问题是个体门槛分布状态下呈现出的三个主要特征,在此分析基础上提出了影响个体门槛预测模型准确性的三个重要因素。  相似文献   

本研究对微信安全中心公众号"谣言过滤器"的206条微信谣言样本进行内容分析,通过微信谣言的内容类型、情绪类型、传播方式和标题使用,试图发现当下微信谣言传播的规律和特点。分析发现,失实报道类谣言比例最高;其次为科学常识和食品安全类;儿童走失类谣言最少。在微信谣言的情绪类型上恐惧型谣言最多,但善意型谣言和中立型谣言与恐惧型谣言相差不大,敌意型谣言比例最少。谣言传播方式较之前有明显变化,视频类谣言有了飞速的发展,这给谣言防控增加了难度。微信谣言标题一般比较短小,多是结论性语言,标点符号多使用感叹号以增加关注度。  相似文献   

黄俊  董小玉 《当代传播》2021,(5):45-47,81
本文在民族文化视角、区域文化视角及性别文化视角的谣言研究基础之上,创设代际文化视角的谣言研究路径,开拓一个新的研究空间.中国社交媒体空间的谣言具有鲜明的代际文化特征.在厘清代际内涵及划分标准的基础上,本文对中国网络空间谣言传播的代际现象做了分析,进而讨论谣言代际文化研究的意义与价值,为多角度多层次立体审视与治理谣言提供理论基础.  相似文献   

本文从谣言类型、地域传播、传播信源、传播形态等方面分析了网络热点谣言的传播特征,并在文献综述的基础上,从心理和技术两个角度分析网络热点谣言得以广泛流传的原因,以便对症下药,治理网络谣言。  相似文献   

韦守 《新闻世界》2020,(1):49-51
本文从谣言类型、地域传播、传播信源、传播形态等方面分析了网络热点谣言的传播特征,并在文献综述的基础上,从心理和技术两个角度分析网络热点谣言得以广泛流传的原因,以便对症下药,治理网络谣言。  相似文献   

微博谣言识别研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
指出微博在传播信息的同时,也夹杂着谣言等虚假消息、不实言论。针对微博谣言传播速度快、影响范围广等特点,深层挖掘微博中的隐含信息,提出符号特征、链接特征、关键词分布特征和时间差等新特征,将微博谣言识别形式化为分类问题,综合新提取的特征与微博文本特征、用户特征和传播特征构建多个特征模板,利用SVM分类学习方法对微博进行分类,识别结果可有效辅助人们更好、更快地识别谣言。实验结果表明,在基本特征的基础之上,新提出的特征能有效提高微博谣言识别的正确率。  相似文献   

微博在为人们带来丰富便捷讯息的同时,也夹杂着大量谣言,而网络大V已逐渐成为谣言传播推手。本文以网络大V为研究对象,通过案例分析揭示其如何推动网络谣言传播,分析其动机、影响及受众心理,剖析谣言易于传播的深层动因,在此基础上提出了规范网络大V言行、遏制网络谣言的建议。  相似文献   

欧英男 《今传媒》2011,(7):50-51
谣言,一种缺乏理性的社会活动形式,一种普遍存在的社会现象。谣言的传播扩散具有一定的生命周期,从谣言进入传播渠道开始,便经历了滋生期、蔓延期、消弭期三个阶段,每一个阶段都对传者以及受者有着不同的心理映射。谣言是社会舆论的背后推手,是对政府公信力的挑衅,如何疏散谣言,疏散规避不利信息的传播,是一个需要不断持续研究的新课题。本文将以抢盐风潮为例,分析谣言传播扩散的生命周期,以期掌握规律提出应对谣言传播的建设性意见。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对社交媒体中的健康谣言相关研究进行系统剖析,有助于拓展健康信息学的研究视野,为健康谣言的科学治理提供参考借鉴。[研究设计/方法]将文献计量与内容分析相结合,在对健康谣言及其相关概念进行辨析的基础上,以SSCI、SCI、PubMed、CSSCI、CSCD以及北大核心期刊相关数据库作为数据来源,对2022年4月14日前发表的213篇文献进行综述,梳理和总结社交媒体健康谣言特征、传播和治理等方面研究。[结论/发现]研究揭示了社交媒体健康谣言的特征、传播要素以及识别方法,最终构建出社交媒体健康谣言多主体协同治理框架。在此基础上,从构建健康谣言公共语料库、关注多模态健康谣言研究、重视“真实性被证实不为假”的健康谣言、揭示不同媒介健康谣言传播特性的差异、结合图情领域特色与优势的健康谣言研究等角度,对未来社交媒体健康谣言研究进行展望。[创新/价值]在实施“健康中国”战略以及构建中国特色网络治理体系的背景下,通过对国内外社交媒体健康谣言研究进行梳理,厘清了社交媒体健康谣言的研究脉络与发展趋势,提出了未来社交媒体健康谣言研究的方向。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]衍生性网络健康谣言生成门槛低,周期性强,危害影响深远,是网络健康谣言识别与治理中需要优先解决的重点问题之一,也是重要突破口。[方法/过程]借助深度语义表征和聚合方法,探索衍生性网络健康谣言文本内容的六要素特征;通过结合网络健康谣言的分布式语义特征预训练模型,构建包括六个类别、6287个词汇的网络健康谣言文本内容要素词库;在将健康谣言标题特征、内容文本六要素特征以及主体内容文本特征进行统一的向量空间表示与融合后,构建面向多源文本特征融合的网络健康谣言识别模型。[结果/结论]模型的实证研究表明:与已有的对照模型相比,本文所提出的文本特征融合模型使衍生性网络健康谣言识别的准确率有较好的提升,且丰富的可拓展健康谣言要素词库可为后续的研究提供较好的资源支持。  相似文献   

A survey of 273 children in grades 3, 6, and 9, and their parents investigated parental mediation effects on a child's message interpretation process both from a child's and from a parent's perspective. The study found that children's reports of positive mediation (parental reinforcement of media messages) were significantly higher than parents' reports. Parents and children agreed more closely on reports of negative mediation (counter-reinforcement of media messages). Only the children's reports predicted variables influencing their decision-making for drinking alcohol. The results suggest that children's reports are probably more useful than parents' reports for predicting a child's cognition and behavior.  相似文献   

Because they do not rank highly in the hierarchy of evidence and are not frequently cited, case reports describing the clinical circumstances of single patients are seldom published by medical journals. However, many clinicians argue that case reports have significant educational value, advance medical knowledge, and complement evidence-based medicine. Over the last several years, a vast number (∼160) of new peer-reviewed journals have emerged that focus on publishing case reports. These journals are typically open access and have relatively high acceptance rates. However, approximately half of the publishers of case reports journals engage in questionable or “predatory” publishing practices. Authors of case reports may benefit from greater awareness of these new publication venues as well as an ability to discriminate between reputable and non-reputable journal publishers.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对美国公共图书馆年度报告内容和形式的研究,以加强我国公共图书馆对年度报告规划和编写工作的重视程度,促进公共图书馆年度报告制度的规范化和标准化,从而完善我公共图书馆的信息公开服务制度,更好地推广和普及公共图书馆的服务,促进公共图书馆事业的发展。[方法/过程]利用网络调研方法对美国9所公共图书馆网站进行研究,挖掘其年度报告的目标、构成要素、篇幅、发布时间、发布渠道以及报告形式等内容。[结果/结论]当代美国公共图书馆年度报告的类型表现为主题式、贺卡式、海报式、组合式、单一式,年度报告呈现出内容具有共通性,但也有侧重点;可以多份组合;注重财务信息与数据公开;编写形式多样化等特征,并向着多主题、多类型、重图表、重数据的趋势发展。  相似文献   

《美国新闻与世界报道》是美国三大新闻周刊之一 ,在美国社会有着较大的影响。本文分析了该周刊 2 0 0 0年的 3 5篇涉华报道 ,并与以往的涉华报道和该杂志对其他国家如日本和俄罗斯的报道进行比较 ,试图找到该杂志以及美国主流媒体在涉华报道上的议题设置、报道用词与技巧 ,及其最近的一些新变化。这些变化有助于我们正确认识美国媒体及其涉华报道的态度和方法。  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy and its predecessor agencies have been involved in various depository programs for their technical reports for over 40 years. An online service on the World Wide Web, called the DOE Information Bridge, has recently replaced distribution of physical paper reports. The Information Bridge also serves as an archive for electronic copies of DOE-sponsored technical reports. This article explores the capabilities of the new site and examines its implications for users and librarians.  相似文献   

This study attempts to determine how and from whom authors of journal articles citing technical reports learned of those reports and how and from whom they obtained copies. There also was an attempt to find out how reports were used in the research reported and what kind and level of use was made of them. A questionnaire was sent to 100 authors of recent research articles appearing in four research journals in the area of water resources in the 10 months ending in April 1992. There was an 82 percent return rate of the research instrument. Colleagues were, as expected, the primary sources of reports and information about reports. Indexing services were used by only two reserachers to identify the cited reports, which consisted of U.S. Geological Survey open-file reports, technical research reports, and reports of water investigations. Libraries and librarians played only minor roles in researchers' awareness of technical reports or their availability. If librarians are to serve the needs of researchers, greater efforts need to be made to ensure the availability and use of this relatively obscure publication type.  相似文献   

The Library of Congress last published Popular Names of U.S. Government Reports in 1984. In its appendix this helpful reference work lists 108 unidentified reports. This article discusses sources and methods used to identify some of these reports, emphasizing the benefits of using standard reference sources in conjunction with more specialized tools and electronic databases to verify the existence, location and correct citation of government publications. For those reports the authors have further identified, they provide bibliographic information and notes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how text analysis and classification techniques can be used to enhance e-government, typically law enforcement agencies' efficiency and effectiveness by analyzing text reports automatically and provide timely supporting information to decision makers. With an increasing number of anonymous crime reports being filed and digitized, it is generally difficult for crime analysts to process and analyze crime reports efficiently. Complicating the problem is that the information has not been filtered or guided in a detective-led interview resulting in much irrelevant information. We are developing a decision support system (DSS), combining natural language processing (NLP) techniques, similarity measures, and machine learning, i.e., a Naïve Bayes' classifier, to support crime analysis and classify which crime reports discuss the same and different crime. We report on an algorithm essential to the DSS and its evaluations. Two studies with small and big datasets were conducted to compare the system with a human expert's performance. The first study includes 10 sets of crime reports discussing 2 to 5 crimes. The highest algorithm accuracy was found by using binary logistic regression (89%) while Naive Bayes' classifier was only slightly lower (87%). The expert achieved still better performance (96%) when given sufficient time. The second study includes two datasets with 40 and 60 crime reports discussing 16 different types of crimes for each dataset. The results show that our system achieved the highest classification accuracy (94.82%), while the crime analyst's classification accuracy (93.74%) is slightly lower.  相似文献   

This study investigated intergenerational transmissions of conversation orientations, conformity orientations, and depressive symptoms among 235 (N = 470) mother–child dyads. The analysis revealed that mothers’ reports of conformity orientation in her family of origin positively predicted her child’s report of conformity orientation and conversation orientation. Moreover, maternal depressive symptoms predicted child reports of family communication climates, which in turn predicted child depressive symptoms. A mediation analysis showed a significant indirect effect from maternal depressive symptoms to child depressive symptoms through child reports of conformity orientation. Implications for transgenerational patterns of family communication climates and depressive symptoms are discussed.  相似文献   

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