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做好节日报道不仅能为节日增添色彩,丰富读者节假生活,而且对提升报纸声誉与关注度具有重要意义。本文以《中国青年报》2009年到2013年的节日报道为例,尝试对其节日报道进行分析,探求其报道特色,并找出其现存缺陷,在此基础上提出改进方案,以期为同类报道提供经验和启示。  相似文献   

李晔 《新闻传播》2023,(15):46-48
节日文化是中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,媒体有责任、有义务担负新的文化使命,做好节日报道,弘扬中华优秀传统文化。要明确报道主题,挖掘节日文化的丰富内涵;要丰富报道内容,彰显节日文化的时代价值;要践行“四力”要求,结合本地实际,使新闻报道更具烟火气。  相似文献   

近年来,国人过的节日越来越多。据不完全统计,在中国要宣传报道的节目近100个。连绵不断的节日电视新闻报道让记者难以分身,节日电视新闻报道更是屡试不爽而又难以突破的课题。  相似文献   

周永豪 《今传媒》2010,(7):84-85
近年来,国人过的节日越来越多。据不完全统计,在中国要宣传报道的节日近100个。连绵不断的节日电视新闻报道让记者难以分身,节日电视  相似文献   

朱群 《中国记者》2012,(5):93-94
中国传统节日形式多样,内涵丰富,是中华民族悠久文化的精华积淀。但类似节日民俗新闻报道年年做,家家做,年年岁岁话相似,媒体家家文雷同,如何从新角度报道出新意蕴?本文通过分析近一年传统节日期间部分主流媒体的报道,对这一命题做了一点儿分析和探索。以期对眼下的节日报道以及未来更多节假日报道有所启示。  相似文献   

金毅 《新闻实践》2009,(1):33-37
只要细刨深挖,节日里不难发现大量具有特点的新闻资源,因此,节日出现"稿荒"不能怨天,只能从我们新闻人自己身上找原因.而要做到这一点,惟一的原则是,以一以贯之的职业精神与职业能力,去面对每一个节日的每一篇报道. 前些日子做改革开放30年回顾报道,其中有个专题就是"节日的变迁".  相似文献   

这里谈的既不是重大政治事件的报道,也未涉及外事采访,只是零零碎碎谈些日常的政治报道。忙与闲有些从事政治报道的同志认为,政治记者的采访任务,不外是报道外事活动、节日活动和政治事件等。除此之外,好像再难找到有关政治报道的题材了。由于这种认识的支配,不免在政治报道上就出现了忙一阵、闲一阵的情况。节日来临或发生了什么重要的政治事件,这是政治记者采访活动最繁忙的时候;节日  相似文献   

今年的春节报道,和往年大不相同。整个报道给人的印象是:题材多样而新鲜,内容丰富而生动。春节,是我国人民传统的民族节日,这个节日由于它所特有强烈的的生活气息,常常是产生许多富有兴味的新闻题材的良好时机。今年的春节报道,从题材的广泛性和深刻性来说,也许可以把它看成是对  相似文献   

张芬芳  黄晓慧 《新闻界》2007,(4):56-57,65
本文分别选取中央与地方两份典型报纸,试图通过对传统节日期间相关报道的内容统计分析,探讨报纸在传承节日文化中应起到的作用,从而更为清晰地认知报纸媒介在文化传承中的角色与责任定位,进一步推动整个社会重视并建立节日文化体系,最终使节日文化得以继承和发展。  相似文献   

春节是中华民族的传统节日。也是所有节日中最受人关注、最为隆重的一个节日。春节年年过,新闻报道年年搞。如何出新意、有创意?笔者认为。应通过精心策划.打破春节报道的“贺年体”:突出服务。强化春节报道的实用性:深入挖掘,增强报道的文化味。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(49-50):135-145
The purpose of this chapter is to address the issues of information seeking behavior within a context of an information poor life style. Several factors can be attributed to an information poor world. For example, it is one in which the mass media are not viewed as providers of useful information. Moreover, this is a world in which there is a parsimony of helpful interpersonal channels. Thus, both formal and personal sources are devoid of everyday practical information of the kind that is needed by poor people. In addressing reasons to explain this phenomenon, knowledge gap theory is examined. The conclusion drawn from this analysis is that, although the mass media are perceived as sources of information for some (the "media rich"), they do not respond to the needs of the poor. Unfortunately, the role that interpersonal sources might play in this process, have not been adequately addressed by knowledge gap researchers.  相似文献   

进入知识经济时代,以电子传媒为首的大众传播媒介大规模侵入公众生活,成为公众生活的直接背景和现实,面对大众传播的传媒角色呈现出新的特点和现象,我们应该如何看待这些问题?  相似文献   

人文视野中的电视谈话节目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张霆 《新闻界》2008,(3):125-126
让节目内容回归生活真实,将人际交流的意趣与大众传播手段巧妙结合,贴近受众生活以及以主持人为"核心"的人本化的节目特质,是电视谈话节目吸引受众的重要人文内核。  相似文献   

大众媒介的飞速发展使人类社会步入媒介化时代.如今,媒介已经成为人们社会政治生活和日常生活中不可缺少的东西,人们对大众传媒的依赖性越来越大.大众媒介具有巨大的影响,它缔造了人们所处的大众文化环境,制约了人们的认知与行为,这种无形的影响力被认为是产生媒介化的主要原因.伴随着媒介对社会无孔不入的渗透,受众对媒介的依赖也愈发增强,突出地表现为人对媒介的工具性依赖和内容依赖.  相似文献   


When Stuart Hall and his Birmingham School colleagues argued that media technologies were essential to the production of moral panics, they focused on the relationship between mass media and the state. Because new technologies have altered our cultures of ostracism and punishment, we offer a revised analysis of this relationship that examines the role of online shaming in current moral panics. Not only do we analyze the new technological affordances of digital media, we argue that our current shaming culture is symptomatic of a deep-seated political disenfranchisement that leaves subjects grasping to “do something.” Contributing to a social media-driven panic culture that punishes and ostracizes deviants thus stands in for meaningful political participation. Ultimately, we argue that the evolving orientation to public life fostered by these new technologies has created a culture of shaming whereby citizens often prosecute their own discrete moral panics amid the more sustained sense of political crisis that characterizes contemporary life.  相似文献   

The introduction and diffusion of the videocassette recorder (VCR) coincided with an increase in consumer spending on mass media as a proportion of gross national product. This article attempts to explain this apparent aberration to the principle of relative constancy by analyzing both the pattern of consumer expenditures on all mass media and the functionality of the VCR in relation to other media. An examination of audience needs and uses of the VCR suggests that the VCR offers a range of functions that implicate both mass communication and interpersonal communication. Thus, the VCR is both a functional competitor and a functional complement to existing mass media. The implications for the study of new media include a suggestion that functional analysis of media may provide an additional explanatory power for the mechanism of consumer spending on mass media.  相似文献   

Given the assumption that mass media reflect the cultural values of a society, this study investigates the effects of American and Korean mass media on Korean immigrants' acculturation process. Structural equation modeling and hierarchical regression modeling were used to evaluate how exposure to mass media is related to the acculturation process. The survey results from the two different analyses were consistent with each other, in that exposure to American mass media was a significant positive predictor for the acceptance of American cultural values and a significant negative predictor of the affinity for Korean cultural identity. However, exposure to Korean mass media was related to neither immigrant's affinity for Korean cultural identity nor acceptance of American cultural values. Thus, we surmise that even though Korean immigrants are frequently exposed to both American and Korean mass media, they tend to be Americanized instead of bicultural due to the strong effects of the American media.  相似文献   

Common wisdom holds that graphic media violence leads to antisocial outcomes. This common wisdom is reflected in the Society for Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics. However, theory and research regarding moral emotions’ ability to increase moral sensitivity suggests that this type of negative content may be capable of yielding prosocial responses. This article describes this logic and tests its predictions in two experimental studies utilizing news footage of a mass execution conducted by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Results corroborate claims that graphic media violence can serve as a moral motivator. Higher levels of graphic violence led to stronger anger and disgust responses, which in turn predicted higher levels of (a) moral sensitivity, (b) desires for anti-ISIS interventions (including military and humanitarian efforts), and (c) eudaimonic motivations (i.e., seeking meaning in life). Important to note, no increases in negative attitudes toward Arab Muslims were observed. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper aims to highlight the medical and medial relationships that were established and negotiated through the mass X-ray surveys for tuberculosis in Sweden from the early 1940s to 1970. In particular it focuses on three interrelated aspects. Firstly, it shows how mass miniature radiography was developed through the pairing of old X-ray technology with new photographic technology. Secondly, it demonstrates how the survey campaigns enabled connections between medical and media institutions and professional groups. Thirdly, it discusses how the mass surveys helped to create and mediate relations between doctors and patients, experts and lay people, sick and healthy people, participants and objectors. In conclusion, it argues that these three aspects together are crucial if we wish to understand the mediatisation of the medical sphere as well as the medicalisation of everyday life during the twentieth century.  相似文献   

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