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新世纪美国新闻学教育面临的挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
进入新世纪后 ,美国新闻学 /大众传播学教育面临诸多挑战 ,核心是如何组织、管理新闻学 /大众传播学教育 ,作者列出了美国新闻学 /大众传播学教育的几种主要模式 ,并认为新闻学 /大众传播学教育不会在美国消退  相似文献   

随着网络政治表达逐渐成为现代政治生活的常态,网络空间中的国家主义话语不仅是思维的表征,还具有显著的现实诉求和行为指向。对网络空间中国家主义意见领袖的话语分析表明,当前国家主义话语存在以理性看待国际交往为特征的“理性国家主义派”、以追求国家经济繁荣为特征的“当代新国家主义派”,及以注重意识形态建设为特征的“国家中心主义派”的分野,但三类聚群的意见领袖具有高度相似的用户画像。历时性的互动网络分析发现,随着时间推移,三个聚群间由“核心社群的高密度互动”转向“多社群的均质化互动”,不同聚群间呈现出话语层面区隔而互动层面融合的趋势。由此,网络空间中国家主义思潮的未来走向并不确定,一方面存在进一步话语融合的可能,另一方面也可能受情绪框架影响而走向极化。  相似文献   

社会学作为较早探索本土化知识体系的学科,由其肇始的本土化运动引发的论争影响了整个哲学社会科学领域。学者们从知识论、价值论、方法论等视角思考本土化议题,其间夹杂着“普遍主义”“特殊主义”“规范性”“本土性”“科学性”“人文性”等主张,在中国崛起、全球化发展的时空背景下,这些学术主张存在竞合关系。基于社会学本土化论争的观点与学理,中国特色社会主义新闻学从中受到的启发有:遵从历史逻辑,加强学科史建设,丰富学科话语资源;遵从实践逻辑,理论关联现实,以中国新闻实践作为目的与方法;遵从知识逻辑,在规范化与本土化间,寻找学术想象力;遵从理论逻辑,在多元普遍视野下寻求中国新闻学的世界贡献;遵从道路逻辑,引领中国特色社会主义新闻学走向人民新闻学。  相似文献   

<正>构建中国特色新闻学话语体系创新中国特色新闻学话语体系,打造易于为人们接受的新概念、新范畴、新表述,是我国新闻学术界的当务之急。实现中国特色新闻学话语体系构建上的突破,创新中国特色新闻学研究思路非常关键。第一,比较中西新闻学话语体系差异。中国特色新闻学与“西方新闻学”在话语体系上有诸多差异。在功能定位上,中国特色新闻学强调新闻媒体是党和人民的“耳目喉舌”,西方新闻学强调新闻媒体是“第四权力”;  相似文献   

蔡斐 《青年记者》2021,(22):15-16
习近平总书记在2016年哲学社会科学工作座谈会上指出,要加快构建中国特色哲学社会科学学科体系、学术体系、话语体系。其中,学科体系是加快构建中国特色哲学社会科学的基础,我今天也把学科作为讨论新闻学的逻辑起点。那么,中国的新闻学学科应该怎么走?第一,顺应跨学科化。  相似文献   

长期以来作为新闻理论研究焦点议题的“公共性”概念,由于长期被滥用误用以及其自身的逻辑矛盾,在当下中国特色新闻学的知识生产与实践阐释中面临着解释力不足的困境。不论是历史语境还是现实语境中的公共性,都是同“公意”紧密相关的理论话语。在公共性的话语逻辑中,由于无法真正调和公私矛盾,新闻媒体只能通过构造的方式形成“公意”,这便决定了公共性话语既无力完成自洽,也难以适用于中国的学术生产与社会实践。而中国特色新闻学理论话语体系中的核心概念“人民性”,将党性作为新闻媒体形成代表公意的前提,因而具有以理论转换方式弥补公共性话语缺陷、回应公共性理论困境的充分潜力。  相似文献   

新闻学研究中的逻辑谬误清华大学人文社会科学院教授刘建明思维的逻辑性孕育着新闻学的生机,通过逻辑格架构新闻理论将呈现学说的特色。理论表述缺少逻辑或违背逻辑,观点混乱或自相冲突,新闻学就很难成为一门科学。新闻学论著如果逻辑错误太多,很难说这些论著能跨入科...  相似文献   

作为“信息”的新闻与作为“科学”的新闻学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本论文致力于考察“信息”概念的话语变迁。在信息论的创始人香农那里,信息是一个用来研究信道传输能力的工程学概念;到了西方传播学中,信息概念更多与效果研究联系起来;在中国当代新闻学中,信息概念开始成为新闻的“本体”和新闻学研究的逻辑起点。这一概念在不同语境中的漂移和折变过程隐现了“科学主义”在新闻传播学领域强势化的进程。  相似文献   

我曾发表过《新闻学与历史学》一文,批评了不承认新闻学是社会科学的一门学科的说法。此文是那篇文章的续篇。我认为,学术界之所以有人瞧不起新闻学,原因是多方面的,其中之一是我们有一些新闻学论著的逻辑混乱,或者逻辑不严密。 逻辑是思维的规律、规则。逻辑学是研究正确思维的规律的科学。形式逻辑是研究正确思维的形式结  相似文献   

付晓晓 《新闻世界》2014,(7):266-269
中国大陆主流媒体在报道灾难事件时常采用英雄叙事的话语策略,塑造关于灾难的特定话语。不同历史时期的灾难话语因具体社会情境而变化,与意识形态密切勾连。在依附于意识形态的总体逻辑之下,灾难报道的英雄叙事可以起到遮蔽社会失序状态、动员社会大众的作用。  相似文献   

本文提出从孙中山的政治身份、政治理念与活动的框架内重新解读孙中山的新闻思想,认为孙中山新闻思想是由英美自由主义、觉醒的民族主义与其政治理念三者杂糅的一种旨在向社会灌输"三民主义"的政治传播理论。并对孙中山新闻思想的缺陷进行了探讨。  相似文献   

路鹏程 《新闻大学》2020,(1):53-71,126,127
民国时期的中外记者在新闻专业层面展开了广泛而深入的合作:协同采写新闻报道、共同抗争新闻审查、合力创办新闻教育、互助共建新闻职业团体,但是当他们在关涉国家民族利益的新闻议题上发生分歧和矛盾时,中外记者则都会强调民族主义至上,并就此展开尖锐的争论和激烈的博弈。中外记者的合作与竞争生动而深刻地反映出,中国报业在融入全球新闻传播过程中艰难地协调着专业主义与民族主义之间错综复杂的关系。  相似文献   

This special issue addresses a topic of journalism studies that has previously been somewhat neglected but which has gained increasing scholarly attention since the mid-2000s: the coverage and evaluation of art and culture, or what we term “cultural journalism and cultural critique.” In this introduction, we highlight three issues that serve to frame the study of cultural journalism and cultural critique more generally and the eight articles of this special issue more specifically: (1) the constant challenge of demarcating cultural journalism and cultural critique, including the interrelations of “journalism” and “critique”; (2) the dialectic of globalisation’s cultural homogenisation, on the one hand, and the specificity of local/national cultures, on the other; and (3) the digital media landscape seen in terms of the need to rethink, perhaps even redefine cultural journalism and cultural critique.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):404-420
The number of undergraduate journalism students in Britain has risen fivefold since 1994/95 as journalism education undergoes the rapid expansion previously seen in other countries. This study analyses this expansion in Britain, demonstrating that it has led to a growing proportion of journalism graduates in newsrooms, despite residual, industry concern that journalism is not the best first degree subject for would-be journalists. The study examines findings from a survey of British journalism undergraduates concerning what motivated them to become journalists. Its first phase was conducted when, or soon after, 661 students arrived at 10 British universities. Students were also asked about ambitions regarding specialisms in journalism. A similar questionnaire was administered to a “completion” sample of 234 students shortly before these university programmes ended. This asked why some had by then rejected journalism as a career. Findings are contextualised with international studies of journalism students.  相似文献   

新闻美学论纲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从新闻美学的美学观基础、新闻美学的方法论基础、新闻美的内容凝聚与形式积淀等三个方面,对新闻美学这门集美学理论和新闻学理论于一体的新闻学应用学科进行论述和阐释,以期提供建立新闻美学演绎体系的基础理论,并使之胜任引导新闻事业走向更高层次发展的美学使命奠定基础。  相似文献   

This article contends that not only journalism but also journalism studies can benefit from a stronger commitment to the public. While the bodies of literature on “popular journalism”, “public journalism” and “citizen/participatory journalism” have, in different contexts and from different angles, made a strong case in favour of a public-oriented approach to journalism, it is remarkable how few of the empirical studies on journalism are based on user research. As the control of media institutions over the news process is in decline, we should take the “news audience” more seriously and try to improve our understanding of (changing) news use patterns. Besides this rather obvious theoretical point, there are also societal and methodological arguments for a more user-oriented take on the study of journalism. Starting from a reflection on the key trends in news use in the digital age—participation, cross-mediality and mobility—this article attempts to show the theoretical and societal relevance of a radical user perspective on journalism and journalism research alike. Furthermore, we look at new methodological opportunities for news user research and elaborate on our arguments by way of an empirical study on changing news practices. The study uses Q-sort methodology to expose the impact a medium's affordances can have on the way we experience news in a converged and mobile media environment. The article concludes by discussing what the benefits of a radical user perspective can be both for journalism studies as for journalism.  相似文献   

美国的公民新闻事业   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
李青藜 《国际新闻界》2004,(1):35-38,74
本文系统地介绍了发端于 2 0世纪 90年代初美国新闻界的“公民新闻事业” ;它具有迥异于传统新闻事业的 5个特点 ,在美国新闻界发展势头良好 ,在国外新闻实践中也有追随者 ,对美国社会和新闻界产生了深远的影响 ,同时也引发了多方争议。  相似文献   

This article explores how nine Swedish cultural editors and managers in mainstream media institutions define cultural journalism and its political dimensions during times of increased digitization and media convergence. Swedish cultural journalism is aesthetic and political critique applied to subject areas (music, literature, etc.) and contemporary societal and ethical issues. Drawing on Zelizer we ask whether there is a common interpretive community of cultural journalists in different media regarding: (1) how they define their scope, (2) how they understand “the political” in cultural journalism and its implications for democracy, and (3) how they view media convergence and digitalization. We find that although editors/managers from different media share a basic understanding of cultural journalism as an alternative perspective to news, “the political” in cultural journalism is approached differently in the press and the public service broadcast media. Furthermore, due in part to structural conditions, they also see the effects of digitization differently, forming sub-communities on two counts. This study thus contributes new knowledge to a field previously focused almost exclusively on newspapers.  相似文献   

This five-country study examined the extent to which the news coverage of the Iraq war by newspapers from India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Philippines and by one news agency from Pakistan is framed according to the principles of war/peace journalism outlined by Johan Galtung. The findings, based on a content analysis of 442 stories from eight newspapers, suggest a slight peace journalism framing. Two important factors shaping the news framing of the conflict and support for the war and for the protagonists in the war (Americans/British vs. Iraqis) are religion and sourcing. Newspapers from the non-Muslim countries, except the Philippines, have a stronger war journalism framing, and are more supportive of the war and of the Americans/British than the newspapers from the Muslim countries, which are more supportive of the Iraqis. Stories produced by foreign wire services have a stronger war journalism framing, and show more support for the war and for the Americans/British than stories written by the newspapers’ own correspondents.  相似文献   

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