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Family literacy has come of age during the past quarter of a century. This article provides a brief review of family literacy history and components. Pedagogical implications for teachers of primary grade students are considered, and suggestions given for increasing home–school literacy involvement through the following types of initiatives: sharing information, increasing access to materials, and implementing strategies that invite family involvement.  相似文献   

本文从古希腊哲学的第一个命题“水是万物的始基”着手,透视古希腊哲学的精神:注重自然本性和崇尚理性思辨。正是这两种精神,使古希腊哲学表现出无限的生命力,推动着西方哲学不断发展和深入。  相似文献   

Carole Silva 《Literacy》1997,31(2):36-37
There are lots of opportunities in a classroom day for the development of literacy. Reading aloud to children is one of the most important of these. Carole Silva here reminds us of the potential of this activity and gives several practical suggestions for working with children.  相似文献   

Kenneth Sterck is a member of the U.K. Editorial Committee forCLE. He has previously contributed articles on the work of Kenneth Grahame and A. A. Milne.  相似文献   

The measure G, the universal gravitational constant, is attributed to Henry Cavendish. Nevertheless, the intention of the English physicist was to measure the density of the earth, which at that time was necessary in order to decide between different theories about the composition of this planet. G was measured much later. In this article I will try to explain how Cavendish accomplished the famous experiment and what his results were. Likewise, I will consider the problems that can arise in the scientific training of students from maintaining anachronisms such as this.  相似文献   

从文本所张扬和称赞的根本内容看,《水浒传》带有明显的尚侠思想倾向。此种尚侠并非简单重复中国古代文学中那种歌颂和褒赞侠行为与侠品格的惯常做法,而是对侠的精神气质的新内容,甚至是与传统侠精神相对立的内容加以褒扬。在这个意义上,《水浒传》的根本思想倾向是尚侠思想的遗传和变异:其遗传主要表现在塑造了一系列游侠形象、表现了侠的率真乐观心态、以夸张想象塑造人物的侠品格;其变异则体现在该书让许多率性而为的侠遵从儒家伦理道德,让个体活动的游侠服从群体的意志。  相似文献   

In this article we focus on how the language of developmental psychology shapes our conceptualisations and understandings of childrearing and of the parent‐child relationship. By analysing some examples of contemporary research, policy and popular literature on parenting and parenting support in the UK and Flanders, we explore some of the ways in which normative assumptions about parenthood and upbringing are imported into these areas through the language of developmental psychology. We go on to address the particular attraction of developmental psychology in the field of parenting and upbringing within our current cultural context. Drawing on the work of (among others) Zygmunt Bauman, we will show how developmental psychology, as one of the instruments that contributes to a breaking down of our existential condition into a series of well‐defined, and thus apparently manageable, tasks and categories, displaces rather than confronts the possibly limitless depth of the enormity of the reality of ‘being a parent’.  相似文献   

长治市是山西省能源、重化工建设基地之一。建国以来工矿业发展迅速 ,随着城市建设规模的扩大 ,人口的增长和近年来环境意识的增强 ,对本区地壳稳定性的评价已成为一个人们日益关注 ,在城市建设中急待解决的研究课题。本文试图从分析和研究长治盆地及其周边地质构造特征入手对该区地壳稳定性作一初步估计  相似文献   


We assessed whether the level of time-pressure reported by a school’s teachers is predictive of student bullying perpetration. We combined data from two surveys conducted in 129 schools in 2016: the Stockholm School Survey performed among students in grades 9 and 11 (n?=?10,668), and the Stockholm Teacher Survey carried out among senior level (grades 7–9) and upper secondary school (grades 10–12) teachers (n?=?2259). Multilevel path analyses showed that teachers’ stress and time-pressure increased with declining school leadership functioning. Teachers’ level of time-pressure was, in turn, positively associated with student traditional and cyberbullying behaviour, through its effect on the school staff’s tendency (not) to intervene against bullying, but not through the teachers’ stress level. We conclude that schools with leadership that provides opportunities for the teachers to focus on their main mission can counteract bullying among the students and therefore indirectly also to promote student health.  相似文献   

“三个代表”重要思想坚持和发展了邓小平关系社会主义的本的基本观点,与“三个有利于”标准是一脉相承的。二都坚持了马克思主义唯物史观的基本立场和观点-把生产力作为社会发展与进步的根本物质力量,共同的核心就是人民群众的利益高于一切。较之“三个有利于”标准,“三个代表”对社会主义的化特征有了更全面,更深刻的认识与把握。  相似文献   

Science literacy for all is the central goal of science education reforms, and there is a growing importance of the language arts in science. Furthermore, there are strong calls for teacher professionalism and self-directed professional learning that involve evidence-based best practices. This raises questions about whether science teaching journals?? recommendations are anchored to high-quality evidence. We found that (a) most National Science Teacher Association journals?? science literacy recommendations have weak or no evidence base and (b) those with evidence reference teaching journals, teacher resource books, and literacy education more often than science education research. We concluded that all participants in the knowledge production cycle and transfer process??authors, editors, and reviewers??need to encourage evidence-based practices anchored to ongoing reforms and to literacy and science education research.  相似文献   

本文总结了“地球上生命的起源”的教学设计:在教学中引导学生驳斥“神创论”、“自然发生说”,重点介绍了“化学起源说”.并引导学生收集和分析资料,了解其他假说及生命起源的最新进展。  相似文献   

Categories of Environmental Print: All Logos are Not Created Equal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this research was to investigate whether different kinds of environmental print logos were known more frequently by young children than other kinds. Sixty-one 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds were assessed on 20 full-context color pictures of environmental print logos. These 20 logos were divided into three categories: community (signs prevalent in the local community; e.g., McDonald’s, Kroger), household (items found in many American homes: e.g., Doritos, Crest), and child (items associated with children rather than adults; e.g., Toy Story 2, Lego). Chi-squares were run to determine whether, as hypothesized, the child logos would be better known than the community and household logos within: (1) the whole sample, (2) each of the three age groups, and (3) both genders. As expected, child logos were the best known by all age groups and both boys and girls. However, the differences between the three categories were not significant for the 3-year-olds. This paper concludes with advice to teachers of young children on how to use child related environmental print logos in their classrooms.  相似文献   

采用结构意识识字教学干预,对小学一、二年级的学生(实验班23人/27人,控制班19人/30人)进行为期一个半月的现场教学干预,研究结构意识识字教学对于不同识字水平儿童的识字成绩以及结构意识的影响。结果表明:(1)实验班的识字成绩明显好于控制班,其中实验班的识字困难儿童的成绩提高更为显著;(2)教学干预对于结构意识中形旁意识的作用尤为明显,对于声旁意识作用不明显。由此推论,在小学低年级的识字教学中,强调汉字构成规则的结构意识识字教学相对于常规的识字教学更有利于提高学生的识字能力。  相似文献   

教育迎评评价是对教育评价对象评价准备工作和接受评价过程行为的系统描述,是一种不同于教育评价和教育元评价的特殊的评价活动。开展教育迎评评价研究,建立教育迎评监督机制,有利于在教育评价实践中端正迎评指导思想、规范迎评行为、提高评价效益。  相似文献   

对创新教育本质的再认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
华党生 《教育探索》2005,6(3):10-11
在创新教育体系构建的过程中,应首先明确对创新教育本质的认识:创新教育的本性是人的内在精神的提升,创新教育的追求是受教育的人生幸福和生命质量的提高,创新教育的选择是创新型人才的自我实现.创新教育的策略是受教育在知识创新中学会生存。  相似文献   

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