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Research on trust in organizations shows that it facilitates relationships, cooperation between individuals and organizations, organizational commitment, and employees’ motivation to innovate. Organizational justice, which refers to perceptions of the fairness of workplace outcomes or processes, is often considered an antecedent to managerial and organizational trust. The current research sought to determine whether different types of justice relate to managerial and organizational trust in unique ways. Participants from numerous organizations representing two geographic regions were surveyed regarding their last performance appraisal. Results indicate that procedural justice was the strongest predictor of both organizational and managerial trust, distributive justice only predicted managerial trust, and interactional justice did not predict either type of trust.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that museums now operate in a distinctly different market to those of the past. Rottenberg [Rottenberg, B. (2002). Museums, information and the public sphere. Museum International, 54(4), 21-28] identifies the two major trends in museums in the latter years of the 20th century as being ‘the prevalence of a new market-orientated ideology that stressed the importance of revenue generation’ and ‘the introduction of new technologies that transfixed not only the museum profession, but also the world’. The main impact, which these and other changes have had is the revision of the museum into a setting for recreational experiences [Foley, M. and McPherson, G. (2000). Museums as leisure. International Journal of Heritage Studies 16(2), 161-174; Stephen, A. (2001). The contemporary museum and leisure: Recreation as a museum function. MuseumManagement and Curatorship 19(3), 297-308], rather than an educative one. This paper attempts to address some of these shifts in ideology and purpose.The main concern that museums face as they become more ‘recreation-focused’ is that they will lose what has long been believed to be their ‘integrity’, and thus stray from their original missions to preserve and educate, with critics suggesting that they may simply become arenas for pleasure rather than education.This paper concludes that in future, it seems inevitable that museums will become ‘hybrid places, combining recreation and learning, allowing visitors diversions from the intense stimuli of strolling through galleries and viewing multitudinous objects’ [Kotler, N. (2004). New ways of experiencing culture: the role of museums and marketing implications. Museum Management and Curatorship, 19(4), 417-425], with entertainment and education working together to fulfil the museum's mission. Museums need not be afraid of using entertainment, but should embrace it as a tool for learning, potentially attracting a wider and more diversified public.  相似文献   

The recording of cultural heritage objects' data and information is constructed throughout the registration of different media items, which function as an anchor of the original object in digital space. The article investigates the application of a theoretical framework for the organization of information related to the visual works, on the base of the identity of their single constituent elements. The framework is, then, used for the formalization of an ontology which is constructed as an extension of CIDOC-CRM. The result is tested with information gathered over the Asinou Church in Cyprus, expressed throughout an ontology for recording propositions over the iconographical attributes and the characteristic of images.  相似文献   

This study examined students’ perceptions of instructor interactional justice as a predictor of students’ self-reported likelihood of using teacher-owned resistance strategies. Interactional justice refers to the fairness and quality of interpersonal treatment students receive from their instructors. Results indicate that students’ perceptions of instructor interactional justice negatively predicted the student resistance strategies of Teacher Advice, Teacher Blame, Appeal to Powerful Others, and Modeling Teacher Affect. This study suggests that instructors use interactional justice as a possible means to reduce student resistance.  相似文献   

In this essay, the author ruminates on the relationship between collecting and archival appraisal. He argues that collecting does not necessarily equal appraisal, although society and even archivists value it as an important function. The author stresses that the critical need is for archivists to have a clear perspective, whether highly theoretical or immensely practical, of what it is they hope to accomplish in appraising and that they need to document this process so that future researchers and archivists can understand what archival appraisal meant. As it is, archives might become more valued as important cultural symbols than for the records they actually hold. The notion of an “end” of collecting is in the sense that collecting is appraising, but appraising elevated to a professional function requiring more care, deliberate thought, and self-evaluation.  相似文献   

This article offers an introduction to my current project that investigates transnational flows of mediated sexuality among sex museums and other exhibitions of explicitly erotic materials. The project expands a communication studies focus on electronic media to consider alternative sites of mediation, such as the museum, as richly communicative. I explore the embodied context of museums to shift our traditional focus on audiences toward the more expansive concept of publics. I also trace different types of mobility—of discourses, materials, and people—in the circulation of commodified sexuality. The goal for these explorations is to theorize how sexual publics and mobilities intersect to construct an urbane, cosmopolitan, citizen consumer.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the contribution of the 2003 ‘Declaration on the Importance and Value of Universal Museums’ to the debate on repatriation. The ‘Universalist’ approach taken by the Declaration is first considered, noting the implications of its emphasis on art, the heritage of museums and objects, along with its focus on the sculpture of ancient Greece and the enlightenment origin of museums such as the British Museum. It is argued that it reveals an essentialist approach that derives from a particular Western perspective, rather than being truly ‘universal’, and then considers whether a similar problem underlies many of the arguments advocating repatriation. The second part of the paper explores the opportunities offered by an approach which emphasises the ‘biography of objects’. This demonstrates how the tangled histories of objects and their many meanings can be considered. Repatriation is shown to be able to result in an increase in knowledge and understanding, rather than its destruction, and so meets the declared aim of the Declaration to ‘foster knowledge by a continuous process of reinterpretation’.  相似文献   

The current study explored a whole-network approach to measure the impact of institutional completeness at an individual-level with regards to [Kim, Y. (2001). Becoming intercultural: An integrative theory of communication and cross-cultural adaptation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.] a theoretical model of cross-cultural adaptation. A new construct of ‘ethnic entrainment’ was proposed as a way to bridge the different levels of theoretical constructs in the model. The analytical challenge of verifying the influence of institutional completeness (a group-level construct in the model) on individuals’ communication patterns was partially overcome in this study by measuring the degree of one's structural embeddedness in various ethnic community networks (i.e. information, emotional support, and tangible help exchange networks). A community member survey (N?=?172) was utilized to construct social networks of a Korean immigrant community. The research tested hypotheses generated from Kim's theorems on the relationships between ethnic group strength and host/ethnic interpersonal/mass communication. Three out of five hypotheses were supported through hierarchical regression analyses.  相似文献   

Student-run radio stations at colleges and universities have thrived for nearly a century, yet their stories have been largely excluded from broadcast histories outside the commonly cited and overly simplified “college radio” era in the 1980s. Offering a more accurate definition of college radio, this article demonstrates the need for broader methodologies to contextualize its history, and advocates for the preservation of unique materials containing the voices of generations of young broadcasters. Audiovisual archivists, scholars, and members of the college radio community must engage in collaborative, interdisciplinary efforts in order to save these materials and make them accessible for research.  相似文献   

新世纪一场关于图书馆精神的辩论,将平等服务的话题摆到图书馆人的面前。平等精神作为图书馆精神的核心理念,是理论家们的共识,但对平等的理解还存在着误区。本文对平等的实质内涵作了深入分析,比较了平等与公平、公正的关系,认为平等是公平的最高境界和追求,公正才是衡量社会正义的天平;图书馆的差异服务不能与不平等服务划等号,社会的差异是客观的存在,合理的差异服务符合公正原则,绝对平均主义是行不通的。  相似文献   

The recent convergence of digital cameras into mobile phones with Internet connectivity has provided the opportunity for individuals and organisations to adopt new image-making practices. The widespread use of photo-sharing and social networking platforms for sharing, accessing and storing digital photographs is presenting scholars in the social sciences with new areas of research that address the nature of digital photography. By examining the technological, social and cultural factors involved in contemporary image-making practices, scholars are presenting new concepts regarding the characteristics of digital photographs that impact archival activities aimed at managing and preserving trustworthy digital records. This article identifies and discusses the key concepts emerging from social science research on digital photography that are most relevant to the archival field. Analysis of the findings of these studies suggests that new technologies and social practices are changing how people use digital photographs and their expectations of permanence. Therefore, archivists need to be engaged in interdisciplinary discussions regarding the evolution of photographic practices and emerging characteristics of digital photographs in order to anticipate the management and preservation activities required to protect contemporary visual records for future use.  相似文献   

本文分析了全球科学中心和科技博物馆漫长且充满挑战性的演变过程。第一代科技博物馆以收藏“历史珍宝”、科学仪器、原创机械制品和技术设备为主;第二代科学中心和科技博物馆同时注重被动接受及互动性;第三代科学中心和科技博物馆变得更加充满活力,侧重于以参观者为中心,倡导互动体验。正在逐渐发展起来的第四代科学中心和科技博物馆则注重参与性、变革、跨学科、虚实结合,融科技、生态、人文及艺术为一体,推崇在一个有主动意识、注重参与、博学多识并具有科学素养的社区中围绕展品进行创造性的探究、实验、创新、讨论、学习以及举办活动。  相似文献   

Drafted a decade after the publication of our inaugural collectively authored essay, the members of the Prison Communication, Activism, Research, and Education collective (PCARE) reflect in this article on recent shifts in criminal justice policy and public discourse regarding the carceral state. Noting a growing consensus regarding the need to reduce national incarceration rates, as well as proliferating discussion regarding police brutality and other forms of state violence, the members of PCARE advocate an orientation of nonreformist reformism when addressing the current climate. Noting that many contemporary developments regarding prisons and policing are promising, we also argue that the prison–industrial complex remains a powerful and violent force in civil society. We begin by describing the complex coalitions that have emerged around prison reform in recent years, claiming that we should temper our enthusiasm for these developments with skepticism informed by a commitment to prison abolition. We then proceed to describe recent developments and tensions related to prison pedagogy, race, and the carceral state, and the gendered politics of policing and mass incarceration. We conclude with a call for critical communication scholars to engage in communication activism with a spirit of nonreformist reform and to humbly learn from the voices and experiences of those communities most directly impacted by the prison–industrial complex. We follow this essay with a response essay drafted by a collective of incarcerated individuals.  相似文献   

分析媒体融合背景下学术期刊面临的机遇和挑战,并探讨学术期刊在媒体融合时代的发展对策.认为组建学术期刊新媒体产业联盟是学术期刊在媒体融合时代发展的一条新思路.还探讨学术期刊新媒体产业联盟的组成要素、运行特点以及组建的影响因素.  相似文献   

Use of information technology—such as electronic document filing, computerized databases, optical disks, electronic mail, electronic remote printing, and electronic bulletin boards—could revolutionize the public information functions of the Federal government. Technology is providing many new opportunities for Federal information collection, maintenance, and dissemination, but is also raising new issues, as well as exacerbating old ones, such as equity of access to Federal public information, the private sector role in Federal electronic information activities, and institutional responsibility for Federal information collection and dissemination.Two congressional committees have asked the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) to study relevant technology and policy issues, including possible future roles for the Government Printing Office, Federal executive agencies, libraries, and private firms. The OTA study process includes in-depth research and extensive outreach, and provides several opportunities for the participation of individuals and organizations interested in these topics.  相似文献   

Conservators who work with contemporary materials are experiencing a paradigm shift that affects not only their role, but also the decision-making process associated with each unique work. Importantly, such actions sometimes contradict established preservation doctrine. This paper describes the challenging preservation efforts associated with a large-scale sculpture/installation produced in 2004 by Gu Dexin. Those efforts contradicted many of the standards and ethics of conservation, particularly considerations related to compromising the life of a given work. Ultimately, the decision made in this case led to the demise of that object. This paper will include information obtained from the various stakeholders — including the donor and the artist — and a compendium of the exhaustive considerations that facilitated the final decision.  相似文献   

本文提出了开展面向知识管理的国家科研项目集成化文件管理体系构建研究的设想及其理论模型,以支持具有跨部门和跨系统管理特点,多元化和多层次服务特征的国家科研项目知识积累、共享、交流和创新:为科研项目全生命期的知识资产动态捕获、增值保存和有效复用,文件流、知识流和和科研工作流无缝集成提供理论与应用支持,以完善我国国家科技创新体系,提高基于证据的国家科研项目治理水平。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how communication research can be strategically applied to address environmental problems in modern societies. To accomplish this goal, this research advances an integrated communication model based on psychological reactance theory and the theory of planned behavior to explain negative attitude change that can occur when people are exposed to water conservation campaigns [Liang, Y. J., Henderson, L.K., & Kee, K. F. (2017). Running out of water! Developing a message typology and evaluating message effects on attitude toward water conservation. Environmental Communication. doi:10.1080/17524032.2017.1288648]. The data fit the hypothesized model, synthesizing message-, social-, and individual-based processes to predict their effects on behavioral intention towards water conservation. Interestingly, data show that (1) combinations of message strategies affect reactance differently, and (2) subjective norm and perceived behavioral control negatively correlated with threat to freedom. These results point to the practical implication that environmental communication to promote voluntary water conservation are effective when campaign messages are designed to reduce threat to freedom, induce social norms, and increase self-efficacy. We call the documented research process strategic environmental communication, which focuses on the joint application of evidence and theory towards addressing environmentally motivated problems.  相似文献   

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