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In this essay, I reflect on the challenges faced by professors teaching Jewish studies in a Catholic university system. The essay records my experiences teaching two courses, “Judaism and the Holocaust” and “American Judaism: Thought and Culture,” at Santa Clara University as an adjunct lecturer during the academic year 1994‐95. The essay touches on broader questions concerning “the dialectics of difference” that inform cross‐cultural education and exchange. Teach‐ ing Jewish studies in any Gentile space (Catholic, Protestant, or secular) entails a constructive tension between trust and suspicion, candor and reserve.  相似文献   

Jacob Neusner's critique of my original essay, “Teaching Jewish Studies in a Radically Gentile Space: Some Personal Reflections,” fails to recognize it as a piece of self‐referential reflection that does not represent how the course was actually taught. That said, Neusner and I pursue conflicting interpretations of Judaism, with Neusner preferring to emphasize the pure over my emphasis on the impure  相似文献   

Zachary Braiterman's essay, “Teaching Jewish Studies in a Radically Gentile Space: Some Personal Reflections,” demonstrates the cost of pursuing a secular, postmodernist agendum rather than teaching about a discipline‐‐Judaism‐‐under auspices of the academic study of religion. Braiterman's students did not learn about the richness of Judaic thought, but rather learned about their own opinions. Braiterman's position demands revision.  相似文献   

散文是一种相对自由的文体,很多经验和感受是作家在写作实践中探索出来的,融入了个人的审美体会,具有独特性和创造性,其中的奥妙难以化成简单的教条来传授?然而,教学虽“不能使人巧”,却“能与人规矩”,“怎样写散文”是可教可学的。本文从散文写作实践出发,重点解析散文的构思、赋形、选技,探寻散文的写作路径。  相似文献   

In this essay Justin Pack responds to Vine Deloria, Jr., and Daniel Wildcat's call to “indigenize education” by exploring what that entails both in his own life and for his teaching. Recognizing the power of place in Native American metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics is essential to the project of indigenizing education, according to Pack. He recounts how reading Deloria and Wildcat's Power and Place: Indian Education in America as a graduate student radically changed his perception of and relation to place, instilling in him the insight that knowing the history of a place is key to gaining a sense of one's connection to place. This realization, in turn, influenced Pack's approach to teaching. He came to understand that passing his changed perception and experience of place along to his students helped their development of critical thinking skills by exposing them to a metaphysics radically different from Western epistemology and ethics and by opening a path for them to recover a deeper sense of what it means to be in a place. Ultimately, Pack's aim in the essay is to demonstrate the potential for teaching Native American philosophy to function as a disruptive force in the classroom.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Jim Garrison explores the emerging scholarship establishing a Hegelian continuity in John Dewey's thought from his earliest publications to the work published in the last decade of his life. The primary goals of this study are, first, to introduce this new scholarship to philosophers of education and, second, to extend this analysis to new domains, including Dewey's theory of inquiry, universals, and creative action. Ultimately, Garrison's analysis also refutes the traditional account that claims that William James converted Dewey from Hegelian idealism, after which Charles Sanders Peirce inspired him to rebuild his instrumentalism along radically different lines.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, John Ambrosio examines the role of ascetic writing practices in Michel Foucault's conception of ethical self-formation. Ambrosio argues for an interpretation of Foucault's later writings as representative of both an extension, and a dramatic break, from his previous writings — from demolishing the subject to embracing the notion of an autonomous and reflexive subject. Ambrosio further contends that Foucault's notion of ethical self-formation cannot be divorced from his genealogical method, and that his primary preoccupation near the end of his life was to counterbalance his strong notion of a disciplinary society with the recognition of a subject able to make ethical choices and thus to transform itself. Finally, Ambrosio examines the implications of this for educators and argues that Foucault's conception of ethical self-formation through ascetic writing practices provides a powerful tool for teachers who seek to improve and transform their pedagogy.  相似文献   

马修·阿诺德是维多利亚时期最伟大的文化批评家之一,其文化批评理论开一代文化批评之先河。他的文化观念与政治关系密切,将政治放到文化语境中来理解。基于他对英国社会的阶级划分和批判,阐释他对中产阶级的文化改造;通过与柯尔律治和葛兰西的对照,指出他对于国家的文化性理解;分析了他对于自由主义的认识,指出他力图通过文化的手段引导和提升自由的发展。  相似文献   

晚明散文家王思任借鉴八股文技法写作序文 ,创立了序文的变格 ;他的谐谑个性和悍烈气骨 ,更使其序文风格别开生面。同时 ,其序文结构有复制之嫌 ,内容亦趋轻灵  相似文献   

加西亚.马尔克斯不仅用长篇小说《百年孤独》叩开了诺贝尔文学奖的大门,其短篇小说创作也是异彩纷呈。文章从整体上理出一条贯穿加西亚.马尔克斯中短篇小说创作的主线,并大体上概括出涵盖其大部分作品的特点。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Clayton Pierce examines the epistemological standpoints of Intelligent Design (ID) and evolutionary science education, focusing specifically on the pedagogical question of how ID and modern science-based education fail to promote democratic relations in how students learn, think, and associate with science and technology in society. Pierce explores the debate in education between ID and traditional science education that centers on the epistemological assumptions embodied in the modern scientific model. Turning to Bruno Latour's recent work in the field of science studies, Pierce develops his argument that both expressions of knowledge fail to deliver an adequate theoretical and practical democratic framework for teaching and learning about knowledge systems and technologies in their social, political, and cultural environments.  相似文献   

In memory of Professor Ted Windt, this essay considers his significant contributions to rhetorical scholarship and pedagogy. It examines his unique contributions to our understandings of American presidential and protest rhetoric of the late 20th century, highlighting his application of Greek cynicism as explanatory schema for American protest rhetoric and then recounting Windt's framework for analyzing “crisis” rhetoric as appropriated by recent American presidents to advance their agendas. The essay then considers Windt's pedagogical perspectives and argues that Windt's teaching itself was acclaimed because it was rooted in the rhetorical and oratorical excellence. In conclusion, it is argued that Ted Windt was a unique and important rhetorical scholar and critic whose life and work provide lasting scholarly contributions and a robust model for achieving excellence in the college classroom.  相似文献   

明清八大家之一的曾国藩作为桐城派中兴大将,传承古代文学理论“文气说”,创造性地提出“为文全在气盛”的观点,并认为“气”或指先天的气质,或指人的精神力量,更多是指文章的气势神韵。曾氏在古文创作中,开拓“气盛”途径,通过声调铿锵、排偶句式、倔强个性、文章内容显现出来。曾国藩把“气盛说”扩展为“众艺相通说”,再扩大为“四象说”,超越方苞“义法说”,无怪乎成为桐城派“中兴之明主”。  相似文献   

仁宗朝殿中侍御史赵与知谏院范镇因对于弹劾宰相陈执中杀婢一事的主张不同,引发一场激烈的争论。本文对这一争论进行了深入的考查,并对其中反映出来的台、谏关系、台谏风气做了初步的探讨和剖析。  相似文献   

本文借鉴“成功学”的培训方法,结合笔者的教学经验,提出了“情景行为教学法”的概念,阐述了该方法在《马克思主义哲学原理》课中的运用有其依据,并就其教学的优点和成败的关键进行了探讨。  相似文献   

丰子恺散文在中国现代散文中独具特色,究其原因在于其艺术创作与对童真的追求、对佛理与艺术的探求密不可分,其中又以"童心"为最根本之要素.丰子恺屡屡自称"儿童崇拜者"、"老儿童",因此应从童真之心入手分析其散文创作的艺术风格及其成因.丰子恺对童真的向往深受佛禅追究本性本心的感染,继而与他作为"现代最象艺术家的艺术家"对艺术"真"的追求相契合,最终形成其散文真淳自然的艺术风格及真即善即美的审美内涵.  相似文献   

In his 1960 speech to the Houston Ministerial Association, John F. Kennedy convinced many voters that, as a Catholic president, he would act independently of the Catholic Church in such matters as federal aid to schools, human reproduction, and religious tolerance. Through detailed analysis of the schemes used by Kennedy in this address, this essay explains how he used arguments from division to distance himself from the Vatican, inclusion to align himself with the liberal American Catholic view, the rule of justice to urge equal treatment, and reciprocity to argue for religious tolerance. Because of its capacity to reveal a text's hidden agenda, the nature of its response to other texts, and the mechanisms by which it shapes audience perceptions, analysis of schemes offers an invaluable resource for rhetorical criticism.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay Christiane Thompson discusses the systematic outcomes of Theodor Adorno's philosophical work for a reworked theory of Bildung (an important term in the German tradition of philosophy and history of education). In his essay "Theory of Halbbildung ," Adorno revealed the inevitable failure of Bildung , on the one hand, and the necessity of Bildung (in view of a critique of society), on the other. After having exposed this contradiction, Thompson seeks to analyze Bildung 's systematic role by turning to Adorno's reflections on art and metaphysics. Adorno's concept of aesthetic experience hints at the possibility of a more genuine approach to Bildung and culture, one that makes the borders of our experience visible and, as a result, suggests a different relation to ourselves and to the world. She concludes by examining the critical dimensions of this different Bildung as well as its pedagogical relevance.  相似文献   

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