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使用与满足:一个标签化的理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用与满足是传播学最流行和最重要的理论之一。本文批判性地回顾了该理论的起源与发展,分析了该理论的潜在假设以及对该理论的批评。该理论在还没充分发展成系统的实证理论之前,已经制度化于传播学研究中。一方面它被当成是一个正式的理论而被广泛运用到对媒介采纳、选择、使用/接触的研究中,另一方面它越来越趋向于一个标签化的理论而非正式的系统的实证理论。  相似文献   

本文从使用与满足(Uses and Gratifications,U&G)理论的社会化视角出发,探讨社会性网络服务(So-cial Networking Service,SNS)用户从哪些特定使用能够获得社会化满足,分析他们与SNS用户的访问频率、使用时长之间的相关关系,进而把握SNS用户使用的激励因素与行为规律。作者选择本土领先的社会性网络服务——人人网用户为研究对象,通过问卷方法进行数据收集,并且对于模型进行实证检验与分析。实证结果表明:旧关系维持、信息分享是SNS用户社会化满足的两个重要来源,并且激励用户经常、长时间地访问社会性网络服务;自我展现也是SNS用户社会化满足的重要来源,会促使用户经常性访问,但是并不会占有用户太多时间;新关系建立并不会导致用户社会化满足,也并非实际使用的激励因素。  相似文献   

Internet news consumption is growing and television news viewership is decreasing; however, online news is not a substitute for television news. This study found motives for seeking political information from television and the Internet to be information-seeking, entertainment, civic duty, and social utility. In seeking political information, audiences use Internet and television in conjunction as supplements or complements, rather than as substitutes. Multiple regression analysis showed that information-seeking and social utility predicted television use, and information-seeking and civic duty predicted Internet use.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):385-405
Contemporary information seekers can acquire health information from an unprecedented variety of sources. The reported study applied and extended channel complementarity theory to explain the use of multiple information sources in the health-information-seeking process. Channel complementarity was extended to consider four characteristics (i.e., access to medical expertise, tailorability, anonymity, and convenience) of health-information sources. The information-seeking behavior of 3,392 respondents from the 2007–2008 Health Information National Trends Survey was analyzed to test study hypotheses. Results indicate that, sources were used complementarily based on tailorability and anonymity during health-information sources. Additionally, the likelihood of using complementary sources based on all four characteristics changed during the search process.  相似文献   

多媒体融合日渐深入、用户阅读习惯急剧变化以及突发疫情带来的办刊模式挑战,都要求科技期刊必须重视传播效率和质量,力争提高用户服务水平.本研究基于"使用与满足理论",从读者、作者、审稿人3类内核用户角度出发,针对其接触科技期刊的不同动机和需求,援引部分问卷调查数据,从扩大期刊在读者群体中的曝光率、拓展传播渠道,重视作者的感知体验、做好全程跟踪,建立审稿激励制度、做好初审工作等方面,探讨科技期刊提升用户服务水平的策略.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to conduct a bibliographic investigation and meta-analysis of the full body of social media scholarship produced over eight years, since the domain's emergence in 2004. A total of 610 journal and conference papers were carefully reviewed and subjected to bibliometric and meta-analysis techniques. A number of research questions pertaining to country, institutional, and individual productivity, as well as research design and data practices in the social media field, were proposed and answered. Our results reveal two main challenges faced by the field. First, the social media domain displays limited intellectual diversity in terms of productive and impactful actors—individual, institutions, and countries—as well as publications that have hitherto skewed the domain's focus in a limited direction. Second, the research design approaches and data practices characterizing the domain seem to reflect methodological singularity characterized by a strong tendency for cross-sectional, individual-level, survey or case-based studies. Furthermore, speculative and anecdotal evidence, based on personal opinions and armchair hypotheses, is extremely widespread and stand in the way of the domain's methodological and theoretical advancement. These challenges not only help to improve one's understanding of the identity and intellectual core of social media as a distinct scientific field but can also further prompt academic debate and careful (re)examination of the domain's scholarly practices and assumptions to ensure its future advancement in the most productive manner.  相似文献   

本文以专业主义研究的社会、认知和伦理三个维度为分析框架,以奥运会国际公用电视信号制作者群体与制作理念为分析对象,探索性地分析了体育电视专业主义指标框架的三个维度,识别出体育电视专业群体、强调体育精神的传播理念、保持角色中立,为体育精神服务等三个维度的11个指标。  相似文献   

Social networking sites are considered a valuable resource to maintain existing friendships even over considerable distances. The present study emphasizes tie strength as a crucial determinant for the use of interactive and passive features among 302 active Facebook users and friends of different relational closeness (close friends vs. casual friends vs. acquaintances) as well as a moderator for the impact of physical distance. As expected, tie strength affected direct interaction linearly, whereas social surveillance followed a quadratic trend. Furthermore, moderation analyses revealed less frequent direct interaction between close friends and stronger surveillance of casual friends’ profiles as physical distance increases. These results indicate different functions in relationship maintenance for both behaviors as direct interaction aims at nurturing current relationships, while surveillance serves as a catalyst for promising future communications. As a consequence, physical distance influences direct interaction adversely due to emerging constraints but also contains informational value encouraging information-seeking behaviors.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于使用与满足这一视角,对国外社交网络用户行为相关的文献进行系统的梳理与分析,以期对国内相关研究提供参考。[方法/过程]采用内容分析方法,遵循Webster和Watson的两阶段综述方法,共获取社交网络用户行为研究相关的实证类文献54篇;逐一阅读与分析这些文献,主要关注与分析每篇文献所应用的研究主题、理论基础、因变量、自变量与实证结果。[结果/结论]研究发现:已有研究通常整合多种理论来构建实证模型;认知需求、个人整合需求以及社会整合需求相关的影响因素被学者关注得最多;与此同时,情感需求与压力释放需求相关的影响因素也逐渐受到关注。后续研究需要关注不同层面的需求满足对社交网络用户行为产生的不同影响、不同代际的用户群体使用社交网络的行为以及社交网络沉迷行为这些日益浮现的重要议题。  相似文献   

This study examined the association between social network support and relationship quality of romantic partners among American and Korean college students. As predicted, findings indicated that Americans involve their family and friends more in their romantic relationships and, accordingly, get more support from them for their relationships than Koreans do. However, the results did not support the hypothesis that Koreans would perceive social network support as more important for their romantic relationships. Instead, network importance negatively mediated the effects of social network on relationship quality only for Americans. The positive associations between network support and relationship quality were not differential between the two samples. Implications for culture and close relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究借助活动理论解析社会化搜索行为的要素、系统与层级结构,以及认知和任务执行过程。从“静态—微观”的视角来看,第一,社会化搜索行为涉及主体、客体、社群、工具、规则/规范、分工六个要素,在其交互协同的作用下,最终完成任务并生成结果;第二,每相邻的三个社会化搜索行为要素组合,又构成共享、生产、交流和协作四个子系统,各个子系统之间紧密联系;第三,社会化搜索行为自上而下可分为搜索活动、搜索行动、搜索操作三个层级,分别受到搜索动机、搜索目标和搜索情境的影响。从“动态—宏观”的视角来看,首先,社会化搜索行为的主体与客体之间存在内化和外化的认知过程;其次,社会化搜索行为可以分解为搜索前、搜索中和搜索后三个任务执行阶段。本文研究结论有助于构筑和完善社会化搜索行为的概念体系和框架,并为后期社会化搜索的实证探索提供理论依据和行动范式。图7。表3。参考文献77。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):139-161
Scholars have devoted considerable attention to the concept of national identity. In a globalizing world, however, identity is increasingly shaped not only by one's own nation but also by foreign nations. With this in mind, this study theorizes international identity as a communicative process. We propose four features of international identity—that it is distinct, relational, contextual, and stratified—and examine these features in one crucial context: the modern American presidency. Our content analysis of every mention of a foreign entity in 74 years worth of presidential discourse—2480 mentions in all—supports our conception of international identity and begins to identify the parameters of this construct in American political communication.  相似文献   

为评价科技期刊的社会效果,提出了一个数量化的指标体系。对科技期刊的相对利用量、相对发行量、相对回收量、活跃度、综合社会效益值以及政治标准系数等六项评价指标,根据调查统计数据,分别用公式列表计算,进行综合评价,最后根据计算结果即可提出社会效果最佳科技期刊的排列名次。  相似文献   

文章采用文献计量的方法,从论文增长与分布、作者分布以及研究热点与应用情况三个方面对国内外社会网络分析的相关研究情况进行比较分析,希望对社会网络分析的深入研究提供一些借鉴与指导.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):379-405
About 10% of the US population suffers from depression (NIMH, 2000/2001) affecting both the client and his/her family members. This study applies Inconsistent Nurturing as Control Theory (Le Poire, 1994) to romantic relationships with depressed individuals (N=68 couples) and examines types and patterns of attempts to curtail depression. Results from in-depth interviews of depressed individuals and their partners suggest partners change their communication strategies over time such that they use more negative strategies before they label depression problematic, actively help and encourage depressed individuals more after the labeling, and revert to a less consistent sequence of positive and negative strategies after the initial control strategies have proven unsuccessful. Implications for health challenges in romantic relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper provides a general overview of the way local governments use Twitter as a communication tool to engage with their citizens. More concretely, it tries to identify factors associated with both the channel activity and citizen engagement, to understand the relationship between media type and citizen engagement and to analyse whether different content generated different levels of engagement. A sample of the 29 most populated Andalusian local governments is examined. The results show that the majority of Andalusian local governments have an official corporate Twitter account with certain level of activity. There is no, however, a significant relationship between the population of a municipality and its citizen's engagement, and there is a significant negative relationship between audience and engagement and between activity and engagement. The findings of the study also show the particular media and content types generate higher engagement than others. This paper contributes to the literature on social media and has practical implications for local governments.  相似文献   

“社会记忆”理论为人文和社会学提供了新的视角,开辟了新领域,也对文化记忆机构(GLAMs)的理论和实践产生了深刻的影响。在由大数据、云计算、区块链、人工智能等新技术主导的数智时代,“数字记忆”成为社会记忆的新形态和新常态,数智技术将以记忆媒介作为研究证据的人文研究推向了“数字人文”时代,包括“数智证据”在内的“多重证据法”成为人文研究的新范式。文章通过梳理“社会记忆”理论的发展和对人文研究、文化记忆机构的影响,透视“数字记忆”的理论开拓和实践创新,分析“多重证据法”在数智时代的新内涵和对文化记忆机构提出的新需求,试图定义何为“数智证据”以及文化记忆机构如何构建数智时代的“多重证据参照体系”,来回应时代的呼唤,并进一步反思图书馆在其中的定位和责任。利用文献调研、需求分析、案例调研、实践验证等方法,突出“数智证据”作为数智时代数字人文研究范式对人文研究在理论和实践层面的重要贡献,并作出定义,同时构建了“多重证据参照体系”的技术框架,包括数据基础设施建设、算法基础设施建设和交流基础设施建设。以“上海记忆”为例,探索多重证据参照体系构建的方法和路径。从社会记忆的整体性、连续性和系统性来看,单个、单种文化记忆机构所保存和传播的文化记忆是不完整的、碎片化的,图书馆在作为“知识中介”提供服务的同时也不能忽略作为“记忆宫殿”的责任,而在借助数智技术将服务过程中的“交往记忆”固化为“文化记忆”方面,图书馆具有天然的优势。图5。参考文献39。  相似文献   

组织管理模式的选择会直接影响区域性文献传递网的运作流程和运作方式。以福建省文献传递协作网为例,分析其组织管理模式从原始模式、集中模式向分散模式的转变过程中面临的主要问题,并提出相应的应对措施,为其他区域性文献传递网在组织管理模式上的转型提供参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to further explore the drivers behind the decision of citizens to engage in social and political participation on the internet, since mixed empirical evidence has been found in the literature. Using data from the 2011 survey on the use of information and communications technologies by households and individuals in Spain, the following two types of e-participation are analyzed: reading/giving opinions about social/political issues and signing/taking part in online petitions/public consultations. Relying on an updated version of the resources approach, we investigate as to what extent e-participation is explained not only by traditional participation-related resources (i.e., socio-economic characteristics) but also by digital skills, social networks and the online development of public administrations. Results show that, while online participation is mainly associated with internet-related skills, there is a significant gender gap. Interestingly, the unemployed tend to engage socially and politically online more than the rest of the population.  相似文献   

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