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近年来,我国大学生的英语总体水平有了显著提高,但他们的写作能力相对滞后。为有效开展写作教学,切实提高大学生的英语写作能力,笔者对我国西北地区两所高校107名在校大学生的写作需求进行了调查。结果表明,目前的大学英语写作教学在教学内容、教学手段、反馈方式、教师作用等方面有待改进。最后,作者根据调查结果提出了改革大学英语写作教学的具体建议。  相似文献   

The origins and structure of the administrative officer’s course (AOC) at the Southern Police Institute at the University of Louisville is presented. The focus is upon combining the teaching and research functions faced by criminal justice professors. Published research findings conducted on the assignments of AOC police manager students are reviewed and presented.  相似文献   

Surveillance practices are becoming increasingly insidious, finding their way into nearly every aspect of public and private life in the United States. Surveillance by state policing agencies have particularly targeted and criminalized communities of color. Such practices are not simply a new context, but are part of a broader carceral state, structuring all aspects of social life. Drawing upon a year and a half of ethnographic fieldwork with Muslim youth in New York City, I attempt to engage in a practice of “uncomfortable reflexivity” to ask how living within a carceral state that actively surveils Muslim communities affected the ways in which Muslim youth engaged me, a social researcher, and the tools I used to collect data. This research recognizes that youth are not simply there for researchers to take knowledge from, even if “insider” researchers have meaningful relationships with them. Rather, this research depicts that young people are carefully engaged in thoughtful and creative ways to ensure their own safety is protected. Ultimately, this study points to the necessity of research that is both self-reflective in its design as well as in its ability to make claims about youth experiences.  相似文献   

Storytelling has been shown to play a key role in transferring work experience from more experienced towards novices in a number of vocational educational practices, however previous studies have not to the same extent dealt with the role of students’ own storytelling practices for sensemaking of work experience. This study set out to examine police students’ storytelling of their first occupational experiences from a sensemaking perspective, with an analysis drawing on the concepts of enactment, selection, and retention. The study is based on participant observations of field training follow up sessions’ in the context of police education. Findings indicated that student storytelling of work experience tended to be geared towards action, extremeness and the telling of ‘war stories’. Furthermore, these type of stories functioned to enable student identification, self-enhancement and emotion management. These findings contribute to our current understanding of how students engage in sensemaking of work-based experiences and in extension how knowledge integration and learning from work placements can be structured pedagogically.  相似文献   

Despite increasing acceptance of LGBTQ individuals in America, homophobia and homophobic attitudes among police officers are still a concern. Both LGBTQ individuals and LGBTQ officers report harassment and discrimination at the hands of police officers. Empirical evidence suggests that these homophobic attitudes are evident among students preparing for criminal justice careers. A number of studies have found that those who plan on law enforcement careers are significantly more homophobic. The current study sought to explore criminal justice students’ attitudes toward LGBTQ individual and LGBTQ police officers. Pursuant to a survey of criminal justice majors at a large public university, findings suggest that males pursuing a law enforcement track expressed the most homophobia and homophobic attitudes. Further statistical analysis indicated that gender, not the law enforcement track, predicts homophobia and homophobic attitudes.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Separation of solids from suspending liquid plays a crucial role in a variety of processes, from nanomaterials synthesis to bio-processing. It often involves colloidal particles that need to be aggregated into more manageable sizes. Characteristics of these aggregates influence downstream solids recovery. For instance, aggregates with open configurations may settle slower than those with denser structures due to increasing fluid drag, although considerable flow- through could…  相似文献   

Teh Purpose of the teaching and the learning of English is to develop communicative competence.Pragmatics is one of the most essential parts of the communicative competence .It concerns the appropriate use of language.This paper aims to show the significant role of pragmatics in the teaching and learning of English and further explores the importance of cultivating students‘awareness to improve their pragmatic ability and communicative competence。  相似文献   

The purposeof the teaching and the learning of English is to develop communicative competence. Pragmatics is one of the most essential parts of the communicative competence .It concerns the appropriate use of language. This paper aims to show the significant role of pragmatics in the teaching and learning of English and further explores the importance of cultivating students' awareness to improve their pragmatic ability and communicative competence.  相似文献   

A woman and a man are involved in a car accident. Both of theircars are totally demolished( 毁坏) but amaz-ingly neither of them are hurt.After they crawl out of their cars, thewoman says, “So you?re a man, that?s interest-ing. I?m a woman. Wow, just loo…  相似文献   

In poetry, the device of ending two or more lines with words that sound alike is called end rhyming;end words that share a particular sound are end rhymes. When used in a poem,end rhymes set up a definite pattern of sounds-a rhyme scheme.  相似文献   

The e-book has many advantages over a paperbased product. You can store lots of books on one computer—in fact your entire library could be stored on the top of your desk. E-books also allow you to mark your page with an electronic bookmark and jump straight to it when you open the book.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAsasinkandaninnersourceofnutrients,sedimentsplayanimportantroleinlakeeutroph ication.TheeutrophicationstatusofWestLakeisstillcriticalinrecentyearsevenaftermostpollutionsourcesaroundWestLakehavebeencontrolled(Peietal.,1998) ,mainlythroughtherel…  相似文献   

Debates and policies in Europe as regards the diversity of higher education institutions and programmes have changed substantially over the years. When expansion of the rate of new entry students was expected to grow beyond 10%, diversification between types of higher education institutions became the most popular option, whereas no consensus emerged as far as the extent of diversity and the most desirable classifications are concerned. In the 1980s, attention shifted gradually towards “vertical” differences among institutions of formally the same type. Since the 1990s, more extreme modes of vertical diversity were more frequently advocated as options to embark into world-wide competition for “world-class university”. The concurrent popular debates are criticized as blaming moderate vertical inter-institutional diversity, emphasis on intra-institutional diversity, efforts to put prime emphasis on a variety of profiles of any model other than extreme vertical diversity as counteracting “quality”, although evidence for the superiority of the model praised is feeble.  相似文献   

The e-book has many advantages over a paper-based product. You .can store lots of books on one computer-in fact your entire library could be stored on the top of your desk. E-books also allow you to mark your page with an electronic bookmark and jump straight to it when you open the book.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The CUBE BY operator (Gray et al., 1996) is anessential facility for data warehousing and OLAP. Itis a multidimensional extension of the standardGROUP BY operator, computing all possible com-binations of the grouping attributes in the CUBE BYclause. A CUBE BY with N grouping attributes willcompute 2N group-bys. In the real world, a fact tableis often very large and sparse. In such cases, the sizeof a group-by is possibly close to the size of the facttable. So th…  相似文献   

e essence of sound, this paper discusses where the noises of the punch pressing machines mainly come from and their transmission methods. Furthermore, it discusses how to effectively control these noises.noise; punch pressing machine; impact; control0鄂州大学学报J  相似文献   

Listen,can you hear it?That sound of dial-upmodems echoing across the country...it's the sirencall of the World Wide Web,beckoning to millionsto enter the brave new worlds of e-commerce,e-news,e-trading,e-mail,e-everything.Including e-crime.As computer prices have dropped,computerownership has soared,and with it,computer  相似文献   

If A and B are two sets, A is said to be a subset of B if and only if every element of A is also an element of B. The subset relation is indicated by the symbolism  相似文献   

Preconceptions of first‐year university students of the constituents of matter and the notions of acids and bases were investigated on a total of 400 students. The procedure used consisted of free interviews, semi‐structured interviews and questionnaires.

It was found that the constituents of matter were well known to students, but that interactions between these constituents were either totally unknown or were the subject of severe misconceptions. The students’ knowledge tended to be qualitative and formal, with a worrying lack of connection with everyday life.  相似文献   

If A and B are two sets,A is said to be a subsetof B if and only if every element of A is also anelement of B.The subset relation is indicated by thesymbolismAB(or BA)which is read“A is a subset of B”or“A is includedin B”or“B includes A”.It is clear from the definition that every set A isa subset of itself.It is important to know that theempty setis the subset of any set A:A.(Wewill explain it in the logic part)Two sets A and B are said to be equal if and  相似文献   

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