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大学生考试舞弊的成因及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大学生考试舞弊这一现象,文章从社会、学校、教师、大学生本人这四个视角,对考试舞弊原因进行了深入剖析,从而提出扼制大学生考试舞弊的有效管理对策。  相似文献   

当前高校结课考试中的作弊现象十分普遍,本文从一种新角度对该问题进行分析。首先将考试分为选拔性考试和通过性考试,将学生分为绩优学生和绩差学生。在分析不同考试背景下两类学生作弊心理基础上,提出重点监考绩差学生,采用开卷考试和提高试卷质量,监考教师认真监考,作弊处罚落到实处共4项应对考试作弊的对策。  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊,尤其是在英语考试中作弊,已成为大学校园里见怪不怪的现象,它不仅破坏了考试公平、公正的原则,而且败坏了良好的学风和校风。不健全的法律制度和不完善的考试管理机制是大学生考试作弊的主要原因之一。基于此,通过考试作弊开除学籍的法理分析,对大学依法治校、依法治考进行反思。在此基础上,建议建立健全大学生的诚信机制,建立学生诚信档案;改革教育评价体系,注重学生实际能力;通过立法形式规范考试管理,以期进一步净化大学考试环境。  相似文献   

Regrettably, cheating is widespread on all levels of our educational system. Effective monitoring and judicial review processes that ensure that students who cheat are subjected to appropriate disciplinary action are essential. However, policing is not enough. We must go beyond policing to change the culture of the classroom in ways that discourage cheating. This includes doing a better job of explaining why cheating is unacceptable, structuring exams and writing assignments in ways that make it difficult for students to cheat, and fostering an environment of mutual respect in the classroom that encourages students to buy into the educational process, rather than attempt to subvert it.  相似文献   

关于遏制高校学生考试作弊现象的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生考试作弊的方式和原因较多,管理中应着重从加强对学生的教育引导,努力打造他们诚信、自立的人品;实施教考分离,建立合理的考试模式;加强考务管理,严抓考场纪律等方面入手,最大限度地遏制考试作弊现象,提高考试的信度和效度,让考试发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

Results of a study to determine the extent to which teacher education students perceive their student peers to engage in various forms of academic misconduct are reported. A thirty-seven-item instrument was used to collect data from ninety-seven teacher education students at a southern comprehensive university. Items addressed the frequency of various cheating behaviors, the perceived maturity level of the persons most likely to cheat, and the degree to which respondents felt cheaters “neutralized” their cheating behaviors. Although cheating was not perceived as a major problem among teacher education students, a definite relationship between perceived neutralization and academic misconduct was noted.  相似文献   

高校课程考试改革的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考试改革是高等学校教学改革的重要内容之一。当前高等学校课程考试存在着考试管理制度执行力不够、考试形式单一、考试作弊现象屡禁不止等问题。高校应在考试管理制度、考试内容与形式,推行教考分离、在线考试等方面实行改革。  相似文献   

陈富 《考试研究》2014,(2):73-82
基于大学生考试作弊的现实演变,本文运用问卷调查和访谈的方法对西部某高校大学生作弊的现状、成因及行为发生机制进行了相关研究。结果表明:(1)大学生考试作弊具有普遍性,作弊行为已经进入到一些学生的基本价值体系,形成一种"作弊文化";(2)来自城乡的学生,在"对作弊的认识倾向"、"作弊动机"变量上有显著差异;(3)不同性别的学生,在"对作弊的认识倾向"、"作弊动机层面"、"管理制度层面"、"作弊原因"等方面有显著差异;(4)不同年级的学生,在"对作弊的认识和态度"上有显著差异;(5)不同专业的学生,在"作弊动机"变量上有显著差异;(6)作弊方式多样,并带有明显的时代技术特征;(7)学生对作弊的认识和态度有不同的倾向、攀比心理的影响、考试试题的结构与性质、教学管理过程的松懈、考试与评价方面的不合理性、教师监考的松懈等是促成学生作弊的重要因素。作者在指出作弊现状、分析作弊成因及其发生机制的基础上,提出了防止作弊或尽量减少作弊的干预性建议。  相似文献   

Using a factorial survey administered to college students at two Universities, this study examines students’ tendencies to engage in academic misconduct. The relation of strain, self-control, and deterrence theories to likelihood of cheating are further explored. The results suggest that increasing the severity of the punishment for cheating does not deter academic misconduct; however, several variables indicating an increased certainty of being caught did decrease the likelihood of cheating behaviors. Only the strain variables that indicated a student had an ill family member or that the student found the course difficult significantly increased academic misconduct. Although self-control did not have a direct effect on cheating it indirectly affected cheating behaviors through students’ perceptions of getting caught and their perception of wrongfulness of the cheating behavior. Policy and future research implications of the findings are further discussed.  相似文献   

近年来学生考试作弊现象屡有发生,作弊形式多样,严重影响了学校的学风建设,干扰了正常的教学秩序,造成不好的社会影响。学校有必要对其成因进行深入分析,加强对学生的诚信教育,积极探索有效的教学管理模式,改进考试形式,建立科学的评价体系,建立科学、完善可行的规章制度。  相似文献   

A substantial proportion of university students report committing plagiarism and related forms of misconduct. An academic integrity-focused approach to addressing plagiarism emphasises the promotion of positive values alongside education of staff and students about good, and bad, practice in writing, studying and assessment design. The concept was developed many years ago and is seen as desirable, yet it is not clear whether academic integrity features prominently in the education of academics themselves. We analysed source texts for postgraduate certificates in higher education (or equivalent) at UK universities. Overall, academic integrity was poorly addressed in these texts, and the language used (‘cheating’, ‘plagiarism’) was not reflective of an academic integrity-based approach. Newer issues, such as the purchasing of custom written assignments (contract cheating), were barely addressed. We conclude that the concept of academic integrity needs to be integrated into mainstream discourse around teaching in UK higher education.  相似文献   

信息化的快速发展对学业评价造成了一定的负面影响,在我国高校中,运用高科技手段作弊以及论文抄袭等现象日益严重。本文通过对信息化过程中高校学业评价出现的种种问题的原因分析,提出了运用现代化信息技术手段防范和杜绝信息化时代各种学业评价不良行为发生的构想,即通过实施学术不端行为监测,提高教师的教育技术能力,强化评估反馈机制,建立起信息化教学评价新机制。  相似文献   

大学生的考试作弊违纪现象不容忽视,分析了大学生作弊原因、形式。提出了加强诚信教育、改进教学和考试方式、营造公平竞争环境、提高学生心理素质等防范考试作弊行为的教育对策。  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试存在着许多作弊现象,而造成这些现象的原因也是多方面的,其中主要有用人单位重学历轻能力、自考考试制度设计不合理、处理考试作弊的法律制度不完善以及考生缺乏诚信等原因。要解决这些弊端,应纠正用人单位唯学历是从的做法,完善高等教育自学考试制度,加快立法进度,加强道德教育,加大对高等教育自学考试作弊的打击力度。  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊问题日益凸显。运用质性研究方法探析个案大学本科生考试作弊根源,发现教师监考不严,考试内容偏重记忆性知识,学生学习投入不足是大学生考试作弊的直接原因。而学生的学业准备度低,自我管理能力不足,无法适应大学的学习要求是诱发大学生考试作弊的深刻原因。由此,该个案大学应通过加强教师应对学术诚信问题的培训,改革考试方式,为学生提供学业帮助和支持,完善学术诚信政策等一系列相应举措来消除学生考试作弊的根源,从根本上促进大学生的学习和发展。  相似文献   

While enrollment in online courses has tripled in ten years, little is known about the impact of different exam-taking environments on learning. A recent study of economics students found that online students taking un-proctored exams scored one letter grade higher than online students taking proctored exams. However, there were no apparent systematic safeguards against cheating in the un-proctored section. This study adds to the literature by comparing student’s performance in online classes with proctored exams to the performance of online students in a carefully controlled online testing environment (Respondus Lockdown Browser [RLB]). Methods: Data refer to 287 students enrolled in a criminology course at a Carnegie research-extensive university. The experimental group consisted of students in online sections who were called back to campus to take exams in a proctored environment. The control group took exams off campus using RLB. All sections were taught by the same instructor. The dependent variable is the score on the standardized final examination. The central independent variable is the type of exam environment: proctored vs. the RLB environment. Results: Controlling for other constructs, there was no significant difference between student exam scores in the proctored sections and the sections employing RLB. Conclusion: The results suggest that the judicious use of RLB can level the playing field between exam scores in proctored vs. nonproctored online sections. Technology such as RLB, which minimizes opportunities for cheating online, may provide tools for fairness in grading. Future work is needed for other courses, other fields, and other types of academic institutions.  相似文献   

Through the use of a 49-item questionnaire administered to 380 university students, we investigated student cheating on exams, quizzes, and homework assignments. More than half the students reported cheating during the academic year on at least one of the above. The purpose of this paper was to uncover fundamental factors underlying cheating behavior. Through the use of correlational and factor analysis, three primary factors were identified: student immaturity, lack of commitment to academics, and neutralization. We offer interpretations of these factors and suggestions for testing these and other factors in future research.  相似文献   

考试作弊的成本分析及其控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人是理性的利益行为者,人从事某种行为会考虑其相应的收益。目前考试作弊的现象愈演愈烈,是由于考生考试作弊的收益远远大于其所付出的成本。通过提高考试作弊的成本可以控制考试作弊行为的发生。  相似文献   

随着考试种类的不断增多,大学生考试作弊现象在各类高校中呈现高发趋势,考试作弊危害巨大,不仅践踏了公正原则,败坏了学习风气,毒害了青年大学生的心灵,更挫伤了部分学生和教师的积极性。导致大学生考试作弊的心理因素主要有以下几方面:投机心理、虚荣心理、不平衡心理、冒险心理、义气心理,以上种种心理都属大学生的认知偏差和心理误区。我们应该采取有效的措施,创造积极向上的育人环境,有效减少甚至杜绝作弊行为。  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊的本质是有意识的人的实践行为.行为的产生和发展是有其内在规律可循的.深入把握学生作弊的行为规律和影响因素是有效防治作弊的前提基础.作弊行为产生一般而言可分为考试期望形成、作弊意识形成、考试作弊策划和准备、实施作弊行为前的权衡、作弊行为实施以及作弊结果对价值观念影响等六个阶段.在各个阶段中,学生思想、行为和行为决策都是在各种主客观因素的综合影响下产生变化的.  相似文献   

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