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With an increasing number of students entering criminal justice programs across the country, the majority of students are looking to pursue a career in law enforcement. While many students graduate college equipped for the law enforcement job market, some are unprepared for the scrutiny and depth the law enforcement hiring process requires. Using LEMAS data and a content analysis, this article reviews local and federal law enforcement agency websites and investigates specific job requirements, as well as noted disqualifiers, for both local and federal law enforcement positions. Furthermore, this article offers suggestions to criminal justice educators for assisting students in being prepared for realistic employment opportunities in the criminal justice field upon graduation.  相似文献   


Four hundred undergraduate criminal justice students from twelve colleges and universities in seven states participated in an anonymous, written survey designed to determine career choices and expectations as well as other demographic information. Approximately half of the students surveyed indicated that they were pursuing a career in law enforcement. Almost one-third indicated that they had no career plans. We found that reasons for studying criminal justice vary by race and gender, as do career goals.  相似文献   

Career guide books and scholarly articles alike focus on courts, corrections, and law enforcement careers for criminal justice students. While those careers are noteworthy and popular among students, there are numerous professions available to criminal justice students in the private sector. This study outlines possible career choices outside of the criminal justice system as well as potential organizations for employment. Employment options are located in the fields of investigation, security, legal assistance, intelligence analysis, research and academia, and others with defense contractors, consulting firms, intelligence agencies, and Fortune 500 companies among additional private corporations.  相似文献   

Diversity in the field of law enforcement remains an issue, despite the popularity of the criminal justice degree. Prior research has typically been limited to surveying students from a single type of institution (historically black college & university, mixed-race institution, or predominately white institution). This is the first time a sample of students has been drawn from three different types of institutions. The current study examined whether institution type, race, gender, major, and perception of fair treatment were adequate predictors of a criminal justice student’s desire to pursue a career in law enforcement. Results revealed a significant interaction between the institution and gender. Academic major and perception of fair treatment produced significant main effects in the model. The theoretical and practical implications associated with these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite increasing acceptance of LGBTQ individuals in America, homophobia and homophobic attitudes among police officers are still a concern. Both LGBTQ individuals and LGBTQ officers report harassment and discrimination at the hands of police officers. Empirical evidence suggests that these homophobic attitudes are evident among students preparing for criminal justice careers. A number of studies have found that those who plan on law enforcement careers are significantly more homophobic. The current study sought to explore criminal justice students’ attitudes toward LGBTQ individual and LGBTQ police officers. Pursuant to a survey of criminal justice majors at a large public university, findings suggest that males pursuing a law enforcement track expressed the most homophobia and homophobic attitudes. Further statistical analysis indicated that gender, not the law enforcement track, predicts homophobia and homophobic attitudes.  相似文献   

To examine attitudes towards gays and lesbians in an undergraduate criminal justice sample and to test previous research suggesting that law enforcement students hold higher levels of homophobia, we surveyed 453 undergraduates. Results indicated higher levels of anti-gay attitudes in criminal justice majors compared to a small sample of non-criminal justice majors and similar levels of anti-gay attitudes between law enforcement and other criminal justice students. Gender, race, religion, gay/lesbian friends, patriarchal attitudes, and completing a social science minor outside of criminal justice were found to be significant predictors of attitudes toward gays and lesbians; while the number of courses in which homosexuality issues were included in discussion was not. These findings are discussed and we offer suggestions for criminal justice curriculum that may assist our students in maintaining and upholding a fair and just criminal justice system.  相似文献   


Many colleges and universities offer forensic science courses ranging from a single introductory class to majors. Previous research has not addressed how valuable these courses are to undergraduate criminal justice students who aspire to enter the law enforcement field. A random sample of law enforcement agencies in Michigan were surveyed. Seventy-eight percent of respondents agreed that knowledge of forensic science was important and 46% preferred that applicants have a forensic science background prior to hiring. The knowledge areas deemed most important were interviewing techniques, crime scene documentation, evidence collection, and latent fingerprint analysis.  相似文献   

In US, the political leadership draws disproportionately from lawyers, thus it is important to understand the political perspectives of students attending law schools across the nation. This study examines these variations in and across race and ethnicity. We ask, “How are student aspirations for careers in public interest law and government and political positions related to race, ethnicity, and social and political ideology?” Data for the study were collected in 2004 from 6,100 law students attending 64 US law schools. Results reveal significant differences in social and political ideologies by race and ethnicity and further demonstrate the correlation between race and ethnicity, political ideology, and career choice. We argue for greater representation of racial/ethnic minorities and individuals with a broad range of social-political ideologies in the nation’s public interest sector and political leadership class, and further, more studies examining the career path of lawyers and law students.  相似文献   

Historically, the provision of sign language interpreters to deaf suspects, defendants, and offenders has been a problematic issue in the criminal justice system. Inconsistency in the provision of interpreter services results largely from the ignorance of criminal justice professionals regarding deaf people's communication needs and accommodation options. Through analysis of 22 post-Americans with Disabilities Act cases and a survey of 46 professional sign language interpreters working in criminal justice settings, the present study considered access issues concerning sign language interpreters in law enforcement, courtrooms, and correctional settings. Recommendations to increase the accessibility of interpreting services include providing ongoing awareness training to criminal justice personnel, developing training programs for deaf legal advocates, and continuing access studies.  相似文献   

This is a report of an action-research project undertaken in tandem with the development of a new freshman seminar in criminology and criminal justice. In the freshman seminar the goal is to teach the research, critical thinking and writing skills that are the underpinnings of scholarship and good citizenship. Utilizing a unique approach, this class focuses on resources available through the University library and is taught by a professor, two librarians and a graduate teaching assistant. We hypothesize that freshmen who experience this seminar will show improvement in critical thinking skills, and that this will contribute to greater levels of academic success. This report describes the educational innovation (seminar) in sufficient detail to make replication possible, and presents preliminary findings that indicate the seminar enhances research and writing skills, fosters ability to think critically, and has a positive influence on students’ academic careers.  相似文献   

正确理解宽严相济刑事司法基本政策,对刑事法治的发展和司法实践具有重大意义。同惩办与宽大相结合政策、“严打”政策相比较,宽严相济刑事政策在执行主体、对象和手段方面都发生了转变。宽严相济刑事政策的出发点是有效率、有效益地防止犯罪;目标是实现法治国原则;得以实现的具体原则是比例原则。宽严相济刑事政策是以人权保障为政策界限的。宽严相济刑事政策的实现,表现为刑事政策的法制化和刑事法的刑事政策化。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to answer the following two questions: (1) Do significant differences exist in high-school learning experience, interests, self-efficacy, and career aspirations between male and female science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students? (2) Can high-school learning experiences, interests, and self-efficacy significantly predict career aspirations, and do differences exist between male and female STEM students? This study highlighted the gender gap between male and female university students who had already chosen STEM majors with similar academic ability. A total of 407 first-year students were surveyed at a 4-year research university in Taiwan. For the data analysis, a t-test and multiple regression analysis were used, and the findings indicated that male STEM students had greater family support than their female counterparts. The variable of task value could significantly predict STEM career aspirations for both male and female students, whereas the variable of STEM course self-efficacy could only significantly predict that of male students. In conclusion, the findings highlighted that the motivation of task value was a vital factor for predicting STEM career aspirations, whereas the factor of family support was the main gap between male and female STEM students in terms of their high-school learning experiences.  相似文献   

The authors reviewed 18 criminal justice and 13 policing texts published since 2000 to explore the amount of coverage these texts give to the relationship between slavery, slave patrols, and the early American criminal justice system. To provide a basis for comparison, 14 introductory texts published in the 1970s were also reviewed. We found coverage of topics related to slavery to be nearly nonexistent in the 1970s texts and to be perfunctory in the majority of the current texts. We argue that given slavery’s importance to American history, introduction to criminal justice and policing texts should be more comprehensive in their discussions regarding how this peculiar institution shaped American criminal justice and law enforcement.  相似文献   

在大数据背景下,信息网络与谣言的结合呈现新态势,如何规制网络谣言成为大数据时代的重要命题。网络谣言具有传播速度快、范围广、成本低、影响大的特点,而网络谣言治理机制则稍显落后。行政规制不足,刑法规范对集体法益的强调以及认定标准的模糊,行刑衔接不畅是导致治理困境的原因。通过科学立法源头治理、行政执法双向治理、刑事司法末端治理,是大数据时代规制网络谣言的现实路径。  相似文献   

食品安全关乎公众的生命和健康,食品安全问题是各国政府所共同关注的重大社会问题。当前,我国食品安全问题凸显,违法犯罪频发。然而,由于立法衔接不到位、以罚代刑、检察机关监督不力、执法者认识偏差等原因,阻碍了食品安全案件行政执法和刑事司法的有效对接,从而抑制了刑法的惩罚犯罪功能的发挥。维持和改善食品安全状况,必须从立法和制度两个层面展开,建立相应的完善机制。  相似文献   

本文参阅围绕当前司法实践中正在强调的坚持保障人权、司法程序公正、公开审理原则,提高刑事审判文书的说服力以及公正、果断执法等一系列法律问题,提出了改革现行法院刑事判决书结构的观点和建议,同时进行了法律分析。  相似文献   

学界关于国家工作人员涵义的争论由来已久 ,新刑法的出台部分地化解了某些分歧 ,但在另一些地方新刑法用语简略模糊 ,于是引发了新的争论。要准确理解国家工作人员的涵义 ,必须从弄清其本质特征入手 ,阐明其构成要件 :身份性、意志性、管理性、公共事务性  相似文献   

绝对的规则导致绝对的专制,司法裁判只有打上正义的烙印才能被信仰和遵从。在法治进程深入推进,民权意义不断增强的年代里,过分强调形式推理会损害司法的根基。但由于历史和现实的原因,刑事司法一味追求司法的形式公平,造成了法官思维与公众正义的摩擦和对撞。刑法的安定性和正当性之间的紧张关系,需要通过实质推理来消灭,刑事司法应当顺应时代发展潮流,以实质推理为必要调剂,克服矫枉过正的司法积弊,让公平正义在具体的案件中得到实现。在揭示形式主义推理危害的基础上,对形式正义与实质正义关系重新思考和定位,并就推动实质理性的构建作了环境、机制和节点层面的探讨,以期有助于改善当下的司法风气。  相似文献   

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