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基础教育公平与均衡发展不仅关系着国民素质的基本保证、整体提升和社会的进步,同时也关系到个体学习与发展权利的实现。为了使教育事业得以良性循环和不断发展,就要求实现受教育者的人格完善及个人兴趣爱好受到充分的尊重,这不仅是全民素质得以整体发展和提升的基本需要,同时也是新的历史时期赋予的新的社会使命。面对这一新的教育课题,如何消融当前社会中出现的教育不公平现象和基础教育发展的不均衡弊端,就必须从政策学的宏观视角去进行深入的探索与研究。本文梳理了20世纪80年代以来各界学者对促进基础教育均衡发展、实现教育新的公平所作的政策探索,并从法学、伦理学、经济学、社会学和教育学等学科视角进行了综合分析和研究,以期为新时期基础教育公平和均衡发展政策和策略的提升提供可资参考的理论与实践基础。  相似文献   

我国从1985年开始在部分高校试运行国防教育,经过20多年的实践,取得了一定的成效,但仍存在着许多值得探讨和研究的问题。国防教育是高等教育的重要组成部分。国防教育的良好实施有利于高校对大学生的人才培育、素质培养及思想觉悟的提高。大学生作为党和人民事业发展朝气蓬勃的推动力量,也是国防建设的后备人才,必须具有正确的国防意识...  相似文献   

留学生教育服务具有显著的市场化特征,本文从供需的角度分析了留学生教育服务市场的均衡以及二者的变化对市场均衡的影响。研究发现,通过单纯扩大招生规模来移动需求曲线虽然可以提高均衡的数量,却会引起质量的下降,这不利于留学生教育的长远发展。基于此,我们认为,在未来的工作中需要抓住矛盾的主要方面:即权衡来华留学生的数量和质量,确定合理的招生规模;同时也要充分发挥我国在经济发展、文化和制度等方面的优势,通过多种方式促进来华留学生教育的发展。而为了实现留学生市场的可持续发展,从短期来看,需要调整来华留学生结构,加强对外交流,在巩固和加强既有优势的同时重点培育特色学科等;而从长远看,则需要为留学生教育服务市场提供足够的优质资源,从根本上提高我国的教育质量,建立起全方位的教育优势。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了比较教育研究国际视野和民族立场的关系问题.在全球化和本土化两大思潮博弈的背景下,这一问题渐渐凸显出来.我们认为,比较教育研究既要以国际视野为其研究的着眼点,强调以国际比较的视角研究和借鉴其他民族国家的教育,又要以民族立场作为其研究的立足点.一切研究都是为了本民族国家的教育实践,都要置于研究对象的传统文化语境下来进行.比较教育研究的国际视野和民族立场既对立又统一,它们是相反相成的两个概念.  相似文献   

来华留学研究生教育作为来华留学教育的重要组成部分,实现其内涵式发展是促进来华留学教育“提质增效”的必然选择,这对新时代“趋同化”治理模式下积极应对来华留学研究生教育面临的挑战提出了新要求。“趋同化”管理要求以“同中有异”的原则发展来华留学研究生教育,既要趋同管理,也要尊重差异。目前发展来华留学研究生教育存在整体生源质量有待提升、导师招收意愿不强、专业实践成效不明显及多部门联动机制尚未成熟等挑战,亟需从构建国际化来华留学研究生教育体系、发展具有中国特色的来华留学教育模式、强化质量保障体系几方面完善管理与部署,以期为实施“双一流”建设及“一带一路”倡议提供创新动力、智力支撑与决策支持。  相似文献   

民族教育质量评价体系的理论探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族教育质量评价标准应综合考虑我国民族构成和民族文化特征。民族教育质量评价要遵循目的性和规律性相统一的准则,以整合多样的教育需求和价值观念作为民族教育质量评价的依据。评价指标体系可设计四个板块:基础性保障指标、质量发展性指标、文化适切性指标、教育效益性指标。  相似文献   


This paper examines how science education becomes institutionalized in Third World countries using Malaysia as a case study. The findings shows that the development of science education in Malaysia has been greatly influenced by international trends and the country's socio‐political development. Science gained a place in the school curriculum in the midst of British colonial rule. The strong colonial influence on school science continued throughout the early independence period but, in the 1980s, external influences on science education came from both Western and Islamic countries. In each of the historical periods, external world cultural forces interacted with internal socio‐political forces resulting in a national science curriculum which is in accord with world cultural rules but at the same time quite indigenous in character. This study also suggests that while each nation‐state aspires to develop an indigenous form of science education that would best suit the national context, the outcome tends to be more universalistic than particularistic due to global influences.  相似文献   

民族地区学前教育高质量发展是实现民族地区教育现代化的重要基点,也是激发民族地区内发动力的触点。从政策和理论视角出发以教育理念、资源供给、师资队伍、课程建设、监测体系五方面析出民族地区学前教育高质量发展的应然特征,可为民族地区经济社会发展注入新的活力。进入新时代,我国民族地区学前教育高质量发展进程加速,但同时也存在着观念、资金、师资、课程、监管方面的困境。突围以上困境,需由粗放式的基本普及转向内涵式的高质量发展,其实践路向包括:尊重不同民族的文化,促进民族间文化认同;加大学前教育财政投入,合理配置资源;加强师资队伍建设,提高教师专业化水平;构建优质课程体系,着力推动国家通用语言文字教育发展;提供高质量的学前教育监测体系等。  相似文献   

In this article, we quantitatively assess education policy change in OECD countries. While research has frequently underlined the importance of international exchange for national policy development, it is yet unclear whether resulting policies are converging. By distinguishing different kinds of education policy goals, we hypothesise that indicators related to macro-level goals are more likely to converge than those related to implementation. We then analyse the development of several education policies since the 1990s. We find strong convergence of some indicators and among some groups of countries, but no clear pattern emerges. Convergence is only partially influenced by the abstractness of education policy goals, and in particular the Scandinavian countries seem to pursue their own approaches in important education policy options.  相似文献   

知识经济时代的到来 ,国际间的激烈竞争 ,对传统教育观念提出了挑战。世界各国无不高度重视教育的改革 ,关注素质教育和国民素质的提高。在我国 ,自 2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,素质教育也引起党和国家的高度重视。然而 ,我国的教育 ,主要是基础教育 ,实施素质教育总体效果还不明显 ,“应试”教育还很有市场。因此 ,转变教育观念已成为全面推行素质教育的关键。我们需要新的教育观念 ,最基本的是 :育人为本 ,面向全体 ,终身学习 ,全面发展  相似文献   

Performance indicators are currently a vogue concept. In this paper some national and international perspectives on the term are described and an analysis made of recent Government publications on the topic. Two current attempts to use performance indicators in TVEI are discussed and a methodology for linking performance indicators to school development is described. The paper concludes that, in order to contribute to quality in education, performance indicators need to be linked to school development plans and to focus on student outcomes and the internal conditions of schools.  相似文献   

2004-2005年上海大学生发展报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于海 《复旦教育论坛》2006,4(2):49-54,65
如果未来的中国人不能在哲学思想、时代伦理、合作精神、国家意识、文化创造、人格素质上有优异的表现,我们甚至都不能保持中国已有的发展态势,更不必说提升其发展品质和大有贡献于世界了。本研究着眼的大学生价值观不只在于个人的修行,也在于由此而汇成的一个民族的精神和国民综合素质,这才是支持中国特色社会主义现代化事业在风云变幻的国际形势下永葆活力的根基。中国不仅要把“神7”、“神8”送上天,更要有能力为全球的可持续发展和公正的国际社会秩序提供更好的理念和价值观,中国的大学应该具有为提升未来一代中国公民软实力的国际竞争力而开创大学生德育工作新局面的志向和创意。  相似文献   


Recent decades have witnessed a growing number of global campaigns on girls’ and women’s education, including major global policy initiatives such as the MDGs and the SDGs. While scholars have critically analysed the conceptualisations of gender, equality and development in such campaigns, and their significance for national level policy and practice, less has been written about why and how girls’ education came to be such a high profile feature of international policy frameworks. This paper draws on perspectives from transnational social movement theory, which has been used by gender scholars to explore the activities and significance of non-governmental organisations for agenda-setting at the global level. In this paper these perspectives are applied to the field of global education policy, through an analysis of evidence from international conferences, data on aid flows and interviews with key policy actors, to explore the factors behind rise of the global agenda on gender equality in education. In doing so, it suggests that the current dominant framing around girls’ education, access and quality, may be explained by the relatively weak involvement of non-governmental women’s groups in proportion to the strong involvement of multilaterals, bilateral agencies, national governments and more recently, private sector organisations.  相似文献   

当前世界各国的基础教育质量监测目标越来越指向国际竞争;监测内容转向学生能力的发掘;监测方法与技术日渐科学化;突出和强调监测的反拨作用。而我国的基础教育监测普遍存在着监测内容不全面、监测机构不独立、监测范围不广等问题。借鉴国际经验,立足本国国情,我国的基础教育质量监测应进一步加强国际交流与合作、建立独立于教育行政体系的监测中介机构、深化评价制度改革、制订教育质量国家标准,从而推动国家基础教育的改革与发展,抢占国家未来发展的战略先机。  相似文献   

为了提高幼儿教育与保育质量,2019年芬兰出台了《幼儿教育与保育评价的指南与建议》(以下简称《指南与建议》)。《指南与建议》提出幼儿教育与保育评价指标,包括过程质量指标和结构质量指标,评价主体包括国家、地区和教学活动三级;在评价过程中秉持系统性评价原则、以提高为导向的原则和质量管理原则。《指南与建议》的实施使得芬兰幼儿教育与保育评价体系更加系统化。借鉴芬兰幼儿教育与保育评价的做法,我国学前教育质量评价体系应强调结构质量指标和过程质量指标,丰富结构质量指标的构成要素,改进学前教育过程质量评价观,转变学前教育质量评价的价值取向。  相似文献   

运用"四梁八柱"的思维方法并借鉴CIPP评价模型的结构逻辑,按照循序循证的五步研究路径对中国学前教育指标体系进行现状分析、国际比较、理论构想、实证建构和政策建议。首先选取目前在中国具有较大影响力的学前教育政策文本进行内容分析以结构性描述中国学前教育指标体系的现状;进而将当今中国与国外学前教育指标体系的结构性框架和具体指标进行并置、比较以分析中国现行学前教育指标体系的结构性和内容性问题;随后构想出包括背景、投入、过程和成果4个一级指标,13个二级指标及其下设的55个三级指标的高质量学前教育指标体系的结构框架和具体内容;再后基于实证研究建构出新时代中国高质量学前教育指标体系的"四梁八柱"和关键指标,形成包括价值质量、条件质量、过程质量、结果质量4个一级指标,涵盖价值取向、社会背景、体制机制、资源配置、保育教育、园所管理、普及普惠、安全优质8个二级指标及其下设的57个三级指标的中国高质量学前教育指标体系的基础框架和基本样态;最后提出中国高质量学前教育指标体系建设的5条政策建议,分别是积极构建结构框架以确保对系统性质量的统筹关注、特别重视背景因素以确保对价值性质量的优先关注、持续关注输入因素以...  相似文献   

It has been a global trend, since the 1980s, that the process of marketisation has been influential in the decision making of social policies around the world, and that this tidal wave is now crossing over to the Asia-Pacific region as well. Education policy, as one of the important social policies for many developing countries, has been influential in the forefront of national development in terms of manpower training, as well as in other arenas of economic and social developments. In this way, these countries are trying to improve the quality of their educational services so that they can be more competitive in order to cater for the demands in the international markets. One of the outcomes of this global trend is the international quality assurance movement in streamlining the educational institutions as well as in using different coping strategies to promote quality education for all concerned. For the Chinese mainland, it seems that the central government is adopting a policy of decentralisation in getting local governments to use multiple channels of resources and other methods to provide for their own educational services. Hong Kong as a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China, however, has adopted quite a different approach by employing the principle of managerialism in order to enhance its competitiveness in providing quality education to meet the increasing market demands. Hence, the present study is to compare and contrast the educational reforms and coping strategies that have been adopted by the socialist mainland, on the one hand, and the capitalist Hong Kong SAR, on the other hand, in order to face this new challenge of marketisation.  相似文献   

2019年11月30日,《大学教育科学》编辑部结合教育部《关于加强新时代教育科学研究工作的意见》,就“新时代高等教育科学研究的使命担当”的主题对潘懋元先生进行了专访。潘先生认为,该《意见》的颁发体现了国家对教育科研工作的高度重视,意义重大。改革开放以后,教育科研工作为我国高等教育的改革发展作出了突出贡献,但也存在着脱离实际和中国国情等问题。新时代的高等教育科研,应该推动建设具有中国特色、世界水平的教育科学理论体系,不断提升教育科学研究质量和服务水平,为加快推进教育现代化、建设教育强国、办好人民满意的教育提供有力的智力支持和知识贡献。高等教育研究工作者应当立足中国国情,增强文化自信,努力建立具有中国特色的社会主义高等教育学,使中国高等教育在世界上拥有更大话语权。潘先生认为,“一枝独放不是春”,学术研究和学科发展必须百花齐放才能春色满园。教育理论学术期刊应该有自己的职业操守和学术品格,办出特色,注重办刊质量和水平。潘先生寄语年轻的高等教育研究工作者,既要仰望星空,也要脚踏实地。  相似文献   

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the world struggled to address growing educational inequalities and fulfil the commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 4, which seeks to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The pandemic has exacerbated these inequalities and changed how education functions, moving to online and hybrid methods. The challenges in global education highlighted and worsened by the pandemic make it necessary to re-evaluate education systems and the policies in place to support access, quality and equal opportunity. This article focuses on analysing education policies at a national level. It tests a pilot policy analysis tool, the International Education Index (IEI), developed as a starting point to begin this reconsideration and create an accessible and comprehensive way to evaluate national education systems to inform decision-making and policies in the new context. This research uses Ireland and Northern Ireland to test the IEI pilot tool. The IEI consists of 54 questions across nine indicators, including institutional frameworks, education strategies, digital skills and infrastructure, twenty-first century skills, access to basic social services, adherence to international standards, legal frameworks, data gathering and availability and international partnerships. Countries can score 108 points to be categorised as having developed, emerging or nascent national education systems. Ireland scored 94 and Northern Ireland 81, indicating that they have developed national education systems.  相似文献   

高等教育国际化作为发展高等教育的重要内容,始终是研究者关注的重点。为厘清新中国成立以来高等教育国际化研究的发展状况,运用CiteSpace软件对CNKI数据库中1949—2019年相关文献进行可视化分析,发现70年来高等教育国际化研究产生了数量可观的研究者;研究机构以教育类机构为主,高校是主要阵地;研究热点关注人才培养、留学生、经济体制、中外合作等;研究热点大体经历了五个不同发展阶段,主要是从单向学习借鉴模式为主演变为双向互惠、均衡流动为主;但机构间和作者间的合作程度不高。新时代中国高等教育国际化发展应更加注重机构和人员之间的深度合作、更加聚焦国际化的内涵发展和质量提升、追求更高水平更可持续发展方向,为做强中国高等教育、服务国家现代化建设、提升中国国际影响力,更好助力服务人的全面发展、民族复兴、强国建设和文明互鉴、人类进步作出新贡献。  相似文献   

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