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本文试图讨论教师身份研究的方法论问题.文章明晰了 teacher identity 一词的内涵,认为教师对自己身份的感知是教师于历经时空变化下在自我、人际群体及政策/制度对教师赋予的角色期待之间协商的结果.这个协商的过程亦是教师身份构建的过程.对该过程进行操作化研究可以甚至只能通过叙述来实现,为此作者进一步讨论了叙述与身份的关系以及如何运用叙述来进行身份研究.  相似文献   


This article illustrates the significance of teachers' emotions in the construction of teacher identity by invoking a poststructuralist lens in discussing the place of emotion in identity formation. In suggesting a poststructuralist perspective of emotions and teacher identity, it is argued that teacher identity is constantly becoming in a context embedded in power relations, ideology, and culture. In theorizing about teacher identity two ideas are developed: first, that the construction of teacher identity is at bottom affective, and is dependent upon power and agency, i.e., power is understood as forming the identity and providing the very condition of its trajectory; and second, that an investigation of the emotional components of teacher identity yields a richer understanding of the teacher self. This discussion is motivated by a desire to develop analyses that investigate how teachers' emotions can become sites of resistance and self-transformation. The emphasis on understanding the teacher-self through an exploration of emotion opens possibilities for the care and the self-knowledge of teachers and provides spaces for their transformation.  相似文献   

Mentored undergraduate research has been identified as a high-impact practice that enhances teaching and learning in higher education. It is reported to influence students’ academic, affective, and behavioral outcomes. However, there is only an emerging literature related to student outcomes associated with identity development, specifically students’ personal and professional identities. This integrative literature review examines the intersections and interrelationship across mentoring, undergraduate research, and student identity development. Its results uncover the complexity of the constructs, and their dynamic interrelationship, especially when viewed through the lenses of the sociocultural perspective grounded in the notion of mediated action. Two assumptions undergird this perspective: first, that all investigation takes place at the intersection of these constructs with mediated action, not individuals in isolation, as a unit of analysis; and, second, that any study of identity must focus on an understanding of identity as multiple, dynamic, and situated in personal and cultural contexts (institutional, disciplinary, and external community culture and values). Thus, the sociocultural perspective and its underlying assumptions shape the proposed research agenda. This research agenda has the potential to advance current knowledge related to mentored undergraduate research and the confluence of elements that contribute to student personal and cultural identities (academic, disciplinary, and professional). Findings from this work will inform our understanding of learning and knowledge construction in sociocultural context, and the trajectory of identity development of students engaged in high-impact learning experiences.  相似文献   

通过对“叙事作为表述教育现象的方式”和“叙事作为思考模式”以及“叙事作为研究方法”三方面的论述,探讨了教育叙事研究的内涵,揭示了教育叙事研究不仅仅为我们提供了一种有效的研究方法,还引导我们转换思考方法,抛弃迄今为止充斥头脑的以追求理论、普遍性为主的宏大叙事,回归教育实践,回归教育本质的内涵。  相似文献   

The last decade identity is often and very fruitfully conceptualized as “narrative identity.” Neither for individuals nor for groups is identity a given beforehand anymore. On the contrary, identity has to be constructed in an inductive way continuously. Three qualitative research methods are applied to explore in an inductive way the school's narrative identity, combining the individual and the group processes of narrative identity construction. Our data reveal a close relationship between autobiographical critical incidents in teachers' and principals' commitment to the school's identity.  相似文献   

姚石 《巢湖学院学报》2005,7(4):104-110
科技理性的发展冲淡了传统的宗教信仰,而玛丽身边的一些积极浪漫主义诗人或摒弃或无视传统宗教信仰.在个人与社会生活处于危机之时,玛丽对新思潮与传统文化进行了重新审视.此间他创作了<弗兰肯斯坦>,向人们揭示了传统宗教信仰的价值,它对规范和拯救人类灵魂的作用以及在理性所展现的光辉前景面前,人类皈依宗教的不易和认罪的艰难.  相似文献   

教育叙事研究:本质、特征与方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教育叙事研究是研究者通过描述个体教育生活,搜集和讲述个体教育故事,在解构和重构教育叙事材料过程中对个体行为和经验建构获得解释性理解的一种活动。教育叙事研究具有自己独特的研究思路和行动方式,主要特征表现为聚焦于个体经验,用年代学方法表述个体经验,搜集故事,重新讲述故事,编码并确定主题,描述情境与背景,与参与者全程合作。教育叙事研究的基本步骤包括确定所探究教育现象之中的研究问题,选择研究个体,从个体那里搜集故事建构现场文本,编码并重新讲述个体的故事,按照主题或类属解释个体的经验故事,撰写研究文本,确认与评估研究。教育叙事研究的每一个环节都有自己独特的操作过程、方法与技术。  相似文献   

《黄鸡白酒》为我们呈现出后现代社会中那些受欲求驱使而被扭曲、异化的灵魂,小说中的主人公春婆婆是异化世界里唯一能保持纯真之心,活在自己想象界中的逆行精灵。对于春婆婆的形象,迟子建倾注了自己心灵的过往、感悟和憧憬,或者可以说,春婆婆就是迟子建为自己构建在未来的一种影像。  相似文献   

文章从"作为记忆的风景"与"作为文化表呈从而模塑个人身份认同感的风景"的角度开展文化风景研究。通过对明末流亡文人钱邦芑隐居贵州遵义市余庆县蒲村他山的个案考察,分析钱邦芑如何通过记忆的媒介连接过去和现在的风景,对风景行使命名、想像、挪用、再造、复制、书写和再现等权力,将江南家乡的园林风景移植到一个遥远的边陲之地,从而构成他表达个人身份认同感的特殊途径和对抗清朝政权的独特方式。  相似文献   

This article identifies various research characteristics of narrative inquiry including its holistic and creative approach and its emphases on experience, relationships and participation, subjectivity and consciousness-raising, commitment and resistance, ethical action, and claiming voice and power. The author suggests that these characteristics point to ways in which narrative inquiry is a spiritual and liberating research methodology that may offer a research practice aligned with the values of researchers in the field of Religion and Education.  相似文献   

黄艺聪 《海外英语》2014,(12):224-225,227
Chunibyo, a new Japanese slang term, which roughly translates to "fourteen sick", usually occurs among middle school students. Most of the"patients"are teenagers, who see themselves as grown adults and believe they have special power. According to Lacan's theory, this symptom would disappear when people enter the symbolic order. However, some remain"sick"even after they have grown up. In this essay, conceptual explanation will be given to this symptom based on the theory of"abjection",while linking Chunibyo to the epistemological process of paranoiac knowledge rooted in Lacan's psychic synthesis. Afterward,Chunibyo will be analyzed in terms of contemporaneity and spatiality. Some effective ways to treat Chunibyo will also be discussed in the last section.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,教育叙事研究不断地被定义、阐释与实践.它的产生受到教育学科发展、研究方法本土化、多元化和教师专业化等因素的影响,网络发展也为此提供了契机.宏观上有存在主义、解释学、批判理论和后现代主义等理论的支撑,微观上受杜威教育思想、扎根理论等理论的支撑.在发展中同时也暴露了概念界定不清晰、发展路向不明等问题.因此,只有不断整合新的研究范式,进行细致的主题分析,提高研究者的理论素养,不断反思、批判,教育叙事研究才能继续有所作为.  相似文献   

教育叙事研究最初在西方教育研究领域内率先兴起,20世纪90年代末引起了我国教育研究者的关注。我国学者从定义、特征、类型、理论基础、研究过程和路径等方面对教育叙事研究的关键问题进行了把握,在研究和论争中也对教育叙事研究进行了有益的反思。  相似文献   

This article is a review of Consultation: Practice and Practitioner, by Jonell Kirby, who is both editor of the book and a contributing author. In the preface of the book Kirby states that, “Consultation is replacing referrals for comprehensive treatment and services” (Kirby, 1985, p. vii). Kirby proposes that consultation will fill the gap between the general practitioner helper and the specialized expert. In the past, when a client required help outside of the specialist's expertise, the client was referred to another practitioner, creating a situation that often confused the client and caused the original service provider to worry about the client's welfare. This book is based on the beliefs and experiences of seven contributors. In the first two chapters the authors discuss the general nature of consultation; the remaining chapters focus on specific settings such as schools, hospitals, business settings, mental health centers, and police departments.  相似文献   

This study explored links between narrative identity, personality traits, and well‐being for 263 adolescents (age 12–21) from three New Zealand cultures: Māori, Chinese, and European. Turning‐point narratives were assessed for autobiographical reasoning (causal coherence), local thematic coherence, emotional expressivity, and topic. Across cultures, older adolescents with higher causal coherence reported better well‐being. Younger adolescents with higher causal coherence instead reported poorer well‐being. Personal development topics were positively linked to well‐being for New Zealand European adolescents only, and thematic coherence was positively linked to well‐being for Māori adolescents only. Negative expressivity, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and openness were also linked to well‐being. Implications of these cultural similarities and differences are considered for theories of narrative identity, personality, and adolescent well‐being.  相似文献   

近十年来,通过对国外研究成果的介绍与引进、对相关问题的争鸣与辨析,以及对理论与方法的实践运用与探索,国内教育叙事研究取得了较为丰硕的成果,但同时也存在着诸如内涵理解和视野上的局限、独特性尚需进一步确证、未能形成明确的评价标准等总体性的问题。在未来发展中,该研究领域不仅要深化发展已经厘清和形成的基本特质与规范,还应在着重培养跨学科的视野、凸显自身的研究特色、更多关注本土创新问题等方面谋求突破。  相似文献   

"叙事"有言语成品和言语过程两种含义,相应地"叙事研究"就有"对叙事研究"和"通过叙事研究"两层意蕴。教育技术领域讨论的叙事研究大都是"通过叙事研究",在讨论中要明确这种研究方法的背景以避免对叙事研究的矮化和泛化,同时应加强对叙事进行研究的实践形式。  相似文献   

《女勇士》将母亲的“讲古”与叙述者的想象巧妙结合在一起,以对话性叙事结构表现一个华裔少女寻求自我身份的过程。而叙述者主体身份的建构是在与现实和历史人物的对话中,对中国传统文化认同、抗拒的抉择中和中美文化的融合中完成的。这部作品开启了华裔文学与美国主流文学、文化的对话。  相似文献   

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