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加入博洛尼亚进程后,克罗地亚高等教育部门积极建立学生参与高等教育评估的机制.学生在高等教育评估中的作用得以切实体现。尽管克罗地亚高等教育部门确立了有效的学生参与网络,构建了多元利益相关者的合作平台,建立并完善了有效的国际合作机制,但在学生参与机制中仍存在一些亟待解决的问题,譬如法律制度的完善、活动经费的保障以及学生委员...  相似文献   


Assessing teacher job satisfaction is a recurrent theme in educational research. Given the forthcoming reform of the Croatian adult education system, a survey of teacher satisfaction in primary adult education was performed. Teachers exhibited two dimensions of satisfaction/dissatisfaction: one with the teaching programme and process, and the other with the attendees’ performance and support. Four clusters of teachers were identified with respect to their satisfaction levels regarding the two dimensions. Most teachers are dissatisfied with the teaching programme and process. This dissatisfaction is associated with higher experience, working only in adult education, delivering lessons based on periodical individual instruction, and having non-native speakers of Croatian in class. Satisfaction with attendees’ performance and support is more pronounced but is associated only with not having non-native speakers of Croatian in class. Existing theories explain the results well, considering the differences between the regular education system and that of adult education.  相似文献   

Whilst educational action research is not unknown in Croatia, its use is not widespread. In part, this might be because action research assumes a high level of autonomy for practitioner–researchers, and a constructivist view of knowledge, neither of which are traditional characteristics of the Croatian system. This article reports on a capacity building programme in which 18 senior advisers from the Education and Teacher Training Agency developed action research projects in Croatian schools. The article outlines the context of the programme, describes the programme itself, and presents an analysis of the advisers’ action research projects. This shows that action research was used by advisers, supporting teachers, to effect change in schools. The principles of action research were generally understood, and produced evidence of practical change, collaboration and mutual understanding. Although action research is generally understood as a ‘grassroots movement’ this article suggests that action research can lead to desirable change, even when imported from elsewhere. Thus action research holds one answer to the question, how to promote beneficial life‐long learning among education professionals.  相似文献   

随着高职院校质量诊断工作的推进,建立教学诊改评价指标体系,尤其是教案评价指标体系成为迫切要求。以高职“传感器技术”课程为例,建立基于工作过程导向的教案评价指标体系,对教师教学能力、学生学习能力的提高发挥了重要作用,也为其他课程教案评价指标体系的建立提供了参考。  相似文献   

宝力达 《职业技术教育》2006,27(26):118-120
加强和改进高职院校学生思想政治工作,要与高职院校中心工作紧密结合,与立足做好当前工作、尽快改善薄弱环节相结合,与深化学校教育教学改革相结合,与理顺工作机制、健全制度、强化管理相结合,与改善办学条件和硬件设施、优化育人环境、解决学生的实际问题相结合,与政府部门高度重视、全社会大力支持相结合;还要应扎实抓好思想建设、队伍建设、制度建设、校园文化建设、硬件设施建设等基础性工作。  相似文献   

运用ISO9000国际质量管理体系标准,构建高职院校的课程质量监控评价体系,形成目标明确、过程控制、动态管理、持续改进的具有创新意义的高职课程管理模式。在实施ISO9000高职课程评价体系过程中,要采取措施重点加强考核体系、持续改进机制和课程评审系统等方面的工作。  相似文献   

高职院校教育质量保障的内容和措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校的教育质量越来越受到人们的关注。本文从确立育人为本的教育理念、民主的科学管理、师资队伍建设、校园文化氛围营造、教学与课程改革和社区参与几方面来构建高职院校教育质量保障体系,它将通过持续改进、凸显特色、内部评价等措施来运行。  相似文献   

《教育信息化2.0行动计划》是推进教育信息化转段升级的具体实施计划,是顺应智能环境下教育发展的必然选择。它提出了全面提升教师信息化素养,培养教师信息技术创新发展能力的计划。为此,以高职院校教师信息化教育技术应用能力现状和存在的问题为切入点,从外部环境激励和内生动力驱动两个角度分析高职教师信息化素养的提升影响因素,提出了可持续提升高职院校教师信息化素养的有效路径。  相似文献   

职业教育教师培训体系是我国现代职业教育和培训体系的重要组成部分,广西民族地区职业教育综合改革试验区以职业院校教师素质提高计划为载体,通过师培制度的建立、常态化经费投入机制的建立、紧密对接产业的项目改革、服务体系的逐步建立、绩效考评的保障措施及扶持贫困教师的专项培训六大措施,有效提升职业院校教师队伍整体素质和建设水平。针对结构性供给机制不完善、产教融合不深入等问题,广西需进一步在师培制度体系、校企协同创新机制、监控考核、成果凝练宣传等方面不断创新,加快建成高素质专业化的“双师型”教师队伍。  相似文献   

发挥中央和地方两个积极性是我国职业教育治理改革的关键问题.从改革开放以来职业教育政策及发展情况来看,中央与地方关系处于不断简政放权、权力重心下移的过程,分权治理取得了良好成效,但也存在省级主体作用未能充分激发等主要问题.2020年9月,教育部等九部门联合出台的《职业教育提质培优行动计划(2020-2023年)》,将职业...  相似文献   

全程性教学质量评价模式的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高等教育大众化、师资相对紧张的条件下,高等学校可以借鉴企业管理中的全程性质量管理理念,实行全程性的教学质量评价,通过不断对教学目标的达成情况和教学质量的动态评估,进行持续不断的改进,促进教学质量的不断提高。  相似文献   

教学管理工作是高职学院管理工作的重要组成部分,是实现培养目标,建立正常的教育、教学秩序,提高教学质量的保障。教学管理组织系统的建设、教师和管理人员素质的提高、教学运行管理、教学计划管理、教学质量管理与评估等方面是教学管理工作的重要部分,加强教学管理工作是高职教育过程中的关键所在。  相似文献   

Continuous improvement initiatives are of increasing importance due to the high operating risks of engineering, procurement, and construction management (EPCM) firms in the oil and gas sector ($188 billion worth of oil and gas projects in 2008). This article describes a continuous improvement framework that translates performance problems into an action plan and helps to prevent their recurrence.  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断完善和高校教育体制改革的不断深化,高校学生就业面临新的挑战。高校应以科学发展观为指导,构建以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展的学生工作体系,促进高等教育的发展。  相似文献   

The paper presents the progress of the action plan for the improvement of the ICT usage at the Helen Parkhurst Dalton School for secondary education in the Netherlands. At the start of the described action period in 2007, the ICT-usage in education was assessed through a review performed by a group of European inspectors. This assessment formed the basis for a continuous development in the school for promoting and improving the usage of ICT to improve the effectiveness of education. We did this by addressing the observed weaknesses with special measures, and continuing the action plans which were already put in place. We kept loyal to our starting point that technology use has to be determined through a strong vision of education and not that technology determines our philosophy as is sometimes the case. It was determined that the curriculum that should drive the learning, not the technology. In 2009 we carried out an intermediate self-evaluation. We established a new vision for school development for the near future. In this vision there was much room for a growing role of ICT usage. Concrete plans for the future were made. In this paper, the third in a row, we will try to assess the full impact of this implementation for teachers, learners and the quality of the teaching and learning process by comparing the assessment of 2007 with a self evaluation on the same indicators in 2011.  相似文献   

学位制度的完善关系到我国人才强国战略的实施,关系到整个教育的可持续发展。但是随着高职教育的不断发展,社会对人才类型的需求不断变化,我国现有的学位制度渐渐显露其弊端。为了适应我国对高级应用型人才的需要,要构建灵活畅通的教育体系,要在高等职业院校内建立学位制度,加强职业教育课程衔接,完善质量保障体系,加强"普"与"职"的融通。  相似文献   

为建设中国特色现代高等教育体系,本科教学自我评估得到越来越多的重视。 作为高等教育质量保障体系的两个取向,外部评估与内部评估存在差异与联系,外部评估与内部评估结合已成为发展趋势。 以上海应用技术大学为例,基于 PDCA 循环的多重闭环教学质量保障体系结构,构建与外部评估结合的本科教学自我评估体系,确保应用型本科高校教学质量的持续改进。  相似文献   

OBE是一种先进的教育理念,在工程教育专业广泛应用。高校思想政治理论课应针对传统教育教学存在的弊端,引入OBE理念,坚持目标导向、问题导向、行动导向、以学生为中心和持续改进等原则,从明确学习成果、设计课程内容、选择方式方法、创新考评体系等方面进行教育教学改革与实践。  相似文献   

重庆市特殊幼儿融合教育行动研究报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于重庆市特殊幼儿入学的困境,由家长发起融合教育行动计划,联系特殊教育教师与大学生、研究生等组成特教老师团进入普通幼儿园实际场景中,运用个案研究法与行动研究法,对已入园但亟需特殊教育干预的特殊幼儿实施融合教育方案,最后根据结果提出完善融合教育实施策略与方法的建议:法律与体制的保障;详尽的融合教育实施计划;融合教育专业人士介入;普通幼儿园教师培训;加大特殊教育宣传力度;专业团队的整合。  相似文献   

随着职业教育规模的不断扩大与高校扶贫制度的不断完善,高职院校家庭经济困难学生比例不断上升。以“主观社会经济地位”这一经济学、社会学与心理学的交叉概念为视角,对高职院校心理健康教育模式的构建进行探讨,以期推动高职院校“心理扶贫”体系不断完善。  相似文献   

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