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Asia and Europe have long influenced each other by means of international trade, technology transfer, and foreign policy. Today, Asian countries are searching for more competitive answers in an increasingly competitive world. Educational mobility among countries, especially between Asia and Europe, is the key to unlocking the answer. To achieve the desired educational mobility requires bilingualism (English as the common medium for learning and instruction) and quality education with internationally recognized diplomas and degrees in higher education. A future Asian/European Credit Transfer System is imminent and possible with the implementation of ERASMUS ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) and UCTS (UMAP Credit Transfer System) frameworks. The path to success hinges on the application of knowledge management and risk management to this international challenge for improved educational management. By this means, the prospects for greater understanding and greater economic potential and prosperity can be achieved for both Asian and European nations.  相似文献   

What will the supplementary school be like in 1990? Here are some unhedged predictions, and our reasons for them.  相似文献   


In a recent television feature for BBC'sPublic Eye—’Teacher Training: Back to the Classroom?‘—the hoary old issue of the proper balance of theory and practice in the professional preparation of teachers was aired yet again. During the ensuing debate the various distinguished contributors to the programme adopted one or the other of the two main positions—either that educational theory might well be dispensed with entirely in favour of some kind of direct school‐based initiation into the craft skills of teaching or that theory should be taken out of the colleges and into the schools in order to be more directly relevant or applicable to practice. The main argument of this paper is that both these positions are predicated on a common mistaken assumption that the theoretically informed practical discourse which underlies rational educational debate and discussion is essentially a kind of technical discourse concerned primarily with the largely pragmatic achievement of certain value‐neutral goals. Attempts to integrate theory with practice or to dispense with it altogether in favour of practice both miss the point that the heart of so‐called theoretical educational discourse is moral and evaluative in character and its proper concern is with the education rather than the practical training of teachers.  相似文献   

文化视域中的心理健康教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的心理具有文化属性。人的心理健康状况与社会文化影响息息相关。心理健康教育是文化与人的心理双向建构的过程,心理健康教育也具有文化性格。这主要表现在不同文化背景下,心理健康教育的理念、心理健康的标准、心理调适的技术和心理健康教育的模式等都存在文化差异。应重视中国传统文化在学校心理健康教育中的独特作用。  相似文献   

文章从经营教育的内涵谈起,分析了经营对于职业教育的重要意义,认为职业教育要实施经营教育,首先要转变观念,改变过去“等、靠、要”的办学方式,树立市场、质量、服务、效益的观念,从产品、市场、资产、产业、人才五个方面入手,提高经营的水平和质量。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着我国社会经济的快速发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,人们更加渴望享受高品质的家庭生活,关注个人生命的幸福和质量。通过大力发展家政服务行业,以适应当前社会对家政服务的迫切需要,是人们的共同愿望,而职业教育是培养家政人才的重要途径之一。本文从社会经济与发展、社会分工、生命质量和女性主义观点四个维度分析家政职业教育的发展,以期为我国家政职业教育的快速发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

高等教育机会均等问题是当前国人热议的一个问题,这一问题的出现与我国各地政治、经济、文化的差异关系密切,但社会主义社会的本质要求我们不能因为这一社会前提的差异而让其在高等教育领域内继续延续和扩大,社会的政策和制度可以为弥补高等教育机会不均做出贡献,对此可以采取以下策略:把区域人口和高校设置结合起来,在中央支持下发挥省级政府的积极性,合理确定招生对象的范围和比例;重视和大力推进中初等教育的机会均等;优化高等教育结构;加强高等教育相关法律建设。  相似文献   

多元视角下继续教育概念的重新界定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经过两个多世纪的发展,继续教育的内涵不断泛化,外延逐渐扩展,已经不可以与其肇始之初同日而语。从历史学、语义学、当事人、本质属性等多个角度重新归纳后认为,继续教育应该是指某种教育服务机构或者某类教育者向接受了某种教育后的某些特定人员进行知识、技能、社会规范或情感等方面的进一步的追加教育,而施教者、受教者和教育内容三个维度相互交织形成了继续教育的多种类型。  相似文献   

高等教育全球化在教育价值上表现为人才培养工具化及培养模式标准化;在发展理念上表现为市场化,这限定了民族国家的高等教育制度;在技术形态上表现为贸易价值,这促进了跨境高等教育的繁荣。未来我国高等教育需要在自主与依附、移植与创新、竞争与合作等矛盾中进行抉择,以应对高等教育全球化的挑战。  相似文献   

<正>2019年1月24日,国务院印发《国家职业教育改革实施方案》;2月23日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《加快推进教育现代化实施方案(2018-2022年)》,职业教育在其中被多次提到;3月5日,李克强总理在政府工作报告中用前所未有的篇幅提及职业教育;4月3日,国家发改委、教育部联合印发《建设产教融合型企业实施办法(试行)》;4月4日,全国深化职业教育改革电视电话会议在北京召开,李克强总理作重要批示:"发展现代职业教育,是提升人力资源素质、稳定和扩大就业的现实需要,也是推动高质量发展、建设现代化强国的重  相似文献   

A number of significant international reports and journal articles have begun to refer to the importance of non-sectarian, spiritual values in educational planning (Carr, 1999; Rogers & Dantley, 2001). The writer firstly considers how the notion of secular spirituality might be understood and outlines some possible reasons for its upsurgeance. The potential for secular spiritual development from both global and international perspectives is explored with a particular focus upon cultural implications. The conclusion is drawn that communities need to be cautious about accepting at face value globalised notions of spirituality in educational development and that educators need to adopt an international perspective, characterised by ‘bottom-up’ community based initiatives.  相似文献   

Research has consistently found acute mental health treatment disparities among Asian Americans. One proposed reason for the underutilization of mental health services by Asian Americans is that available services are not culturally competent. This exploratory study presents qualitative data gathered from interviews with professional counselors who serve Asian American clients. Findings revealed significant barriers to counseling due to cultural stigma and shame, suppression of emotions, and communication gaps between clients and counselors. In response, clinicians frequently made adjustments to therapeutic approaches to accommodate the cultural beliefs and practices of clients and families. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper highlights how returnees and knowledge diaspora are important sources for China’s human resources development, identifying push and pull factors that also contribute significantly to innovation in the higher education sector. By outlining China’s key projects and schemes for recruiting international professional workers, the paper argues that bringing advanced knowledge and skills back to a country of origin through international education and experiences is neither new, nor limited to China. At the same time, the rise of a large, worldwide Chinese knowledge diaspora is now of global importance in promoting transnational scientific and business networks that underpin both research and development, and the quest for world-class universities. China’s size and weight, its determination to boost development and improve its higher education system, as well as the willingness of both diaspora and returnees to contribute, constitute its advantages. However, there remain limitations to its success, notably a lack of high-quality research, reservations regarding new ideas, low awareness of international collaborations, too much attention given to material rewards and quick results, corruption, and too many administrative controls and government regulations.  相似文献   


This article investigates the ways in which global art making and cultural practices have been conveyed in U.S. schools and considers questions about how art education can engage in decolonization. This special issue's theme of Diversity, Globalization, and Education is approached through the window of visual art by examining the work of three contemporary Senegalese artists and one U.S. artist in the sociopolitical contexts of history and current events, and asserting ways in which curriculum in U.S. schools may be considered with a decolonizing lens by integrating the artists’ perspectives.  相似文献   

素质教育在某种意义上是一种审美教育。它是自觉地探索和运用美的规律塑造新人的教育实践活动。文章论述如何自觉研究美育,系统实施美育,以促进素质教育的深入发展。  相似文献   

通识教育三论   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
通识教育是教育的理想,也是某种形式的课程实践。迄今为止,国内对通识教育的认识还存在很多误区。本文阐述了通识教育概念的内涵,辨析了相关概念,并主要从显性课程与隐蔽课程相结合,专门的通识课程和专业课程教学相结合的视角对通识教育进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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