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There is no learning without discernment. And there is no discernment without variation. If good teaching is about making learning possible, how do good teachers help students experience variation? In this paper, we argue that they constitute a space of learning which contains those aspects of the object of learning that are subject to variation simultaneously. For learning to occur, whether it be in the formal learning contexts established by these teachers, or in the less formal contexts of participation in social practices, there must necessarily be a certain pattern of variation present to experience, and this pattern must be experienced.  相似文献   

马登理论及其对数学教学的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马登理论的主要观点是:学习就是鉴别,鉴别依赖于差异的认识,教师应当通过变异维数的扩展引导学生更好地去认识对象的各个方面。马登理论对数学教学的启示为:要重视变式及策略性知识的教学等。  相似文献   

协同副词"一起"、"一齐"语义选择浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
协同副词“一起”、“一齐”是一对意义相近极易混淆的词,不过协同副词“一起”、“一齐”在语义选择上,既有相同的一面也有不同的一面。在单数复数、有指定指方面,“一起”、“一齐”都要求所指NP是复数,必须定指;在个体整体、时点时段方面“一起”倾向表整体,可以与表时点时段的时间词连用,而“一齐”倾向表个体,只能与表时点的时间词连用。  相似文献   

中西美学的三个主题是美、艺术和美感。在美的方面,中国古代的美是实用的美善和伦理道德的美善两个层次的,他们最终被定型为儒家的政治伦理模式和道家的自然宇宙论模式;古希腊的美是人体之美的观看对象,并将其提升到对上帝或彼岸的爱的追求。在艺术方面,中国古代的"艺"的地位一直不高,"乐通伦理"和"文以载道"成为中国艺术精神的主流;西方艺术精神的主流则是认识论意义上的模仿论。在美感方面,中国儒家归之于合乎礼教的"众乐",道家则归于与大自然相通的"至乐"和后来的妙悟、兴趣;西方则一方面有非理性的"诗的迷狂",另一方面有理性的"认识的快感"。在所有这些方面,中西美学都呈现出不同的面貌。  相似文献   

乌日乐  乔烨辛 《海外英语》2014,(14):283-284
Desperate Housewives is an American teleplay which was broadcast by American Broadcasting Company in 2004. It describes the married life and some humorous stories about housewives who live on Wisteria Lane. In this teleplay, the talk has its unique features during the housewives, so it is worthy of studying. The thesis takes the Desperate Housewives as an object of study and from stylistic aspect to analysis and study the female language. Though the analysis, the conclusion is following: females tend to use intensifiers words, in vocabulary aspects; and in syntactical aspects, females like to use hedges, tag questions. And in grammar aspect, elliptical sentences and inverted sentences are quite popular among females.  相似文献   

现代汉语“比”字句的句式义是谓词赋予两个同类事物在某一共同属性上呈现量级差异。典型的“比”字句的句法结构是“X比YR”,包括比较主体、比较标记、比较客体和比较结果四个要素,并具有“差比”的语义特征;非典型的“比”字句分别具有“胜过、等同、不及、极比、泛比”等语义特征,并且它们各自在句法结构上与典型的“比”字句都存在一定程度的偏离;句法结构中句法成分的语义性质制约着句式的语义特征。  相似文献   

分析了刘桥一矿Ⅱ62采区煤层底板突水原因,介绍了突水后的治理方案及注浆工艺;重点说明如何预防未开采区突水的方法:一边采取注浆加固煤层底板构造薄弱带,增大煤层底板有效隔水层厚度;一边将可能引起突水的高压水源用近位疏放的办法降低水压值,确保回采时突水系数比临界值低,从而达到安全回采的目的;对在同类地质条件下安全采煤具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to identify some necessary conditions of learning. To learn something, the learner must discern what is to be learned (the object of learning). Discerning the object of learning amounts to discerning its critical aspects. To discern an aspect, the learner must experience potential alternatives, that is, variation in a dimension corresponding to that aspect, against the background of invariance in other aspects of the same object of learning. (One could not discern the color of things, for instance, if there was only one color.) The study results illustrate that what students learn in a sequence of lessons is indeed a function of the pattern of variation and invariance constituted in that sequence. All teachers make use of variation and invariance in their teaching, but this study shows that teachers informed by a systematic framework do it more systematically, with striking effects on their students' learning.  相似文献   

本文在归纳目前学界关于思想政治教育学学科研究对象的主要观点的基础上,结合本学科的特点、特殊矛盾及其他学科研究对象的特征,提出了"思想政治教育学以思想政治教育及其规律为研究对象"的学术观点,并从四个角度加以论证。  相似文献   

澄海话的进行体和持续体所使用的情貌词相同,区分的标准是看情貌词的具体位置。当情貌词在动词前时,表示动作行为正在进行;当情貌词在动词后时,表示动作行为的持续。进行体搭配的动词是动态动词,持续体搭配的动词是状态动词。澄海话进行体和持续体的情貌词是由表示处所的介词短语演变而来的。但还没成为真正成熟的体标记。  相似文献   

谓词性宾语可以分成指称性宾语和陈述性宾语,文章定量考察了汉语中271个形宾动词所带形宾的表述功能,一共有四种情况。分别讨论这四种情况中形宾动词的特点,找出它们的区别所在。形容词性宾语的表述功能主要与前面的形宾动词的性质有关。  相似文献   

对比和衬托作为隐喻艺术思维体系的重要组成部分,在艺术创作中具有其它方法不可替代的隐喻价值。对比是通过对相互对立的两种事物或同一事物中相互对立的两个方面的对照、比较,突出其中某一事物或某一方面的特点,鲜明地反映某种思想、突出某种主题,一般分为外部对比法和内部对比法。艺术衬托则是利用事物之间相近似或相对立的事物作陪衬,从而突出某一事物的特征,具体可以分为正衬和反衬。  相似文献   

古典主义、现代主义以及后现代主义之间相互交织的内容是纷繁复杂的,其中不仅存在着各种各样的联系,也有着很大的区别。由于建筑是最能体现历史文化发展阶段性的事物,所以选择以建筑作为分析对象,从美术形态学的角度对古典主义建筑、现代主义建筑和后现代主义建筑的风格特点进行分析,并以此揭示出蕴藏于不同形式中的具有传承性的历史文化与传统精神。  相似文献   

汉语动词的时间特征对其进行体产生明显的约束和影响。这种约束和影响在一定程度上说明了语法和语义的相互作用,语义在很大程度上决定了语法的形式和内涵。本文首先介绍了汉语动词在时间分类上的研究情况,然后从不同类型的动词出发,探讨动词时间特征对其进行体的约束和影响。时间特征对动词进行体的影响主要体现在两个方面,一方面是动词在进行体的表达方面受其时间特征的制约,另一方面动词进行体的语义也受到其时间特征的影响而发生语义上的改变。  相似文献   

环境伦理学是一门属于哲学范畴的新兴科学,对其研究对象及诸多理论问题,在认识上,国内外还存在着相当大的分歧,尤其是对关键的研究对象、学科的社会特性和人们争论较大的自然价值及三个"中心论"问题等方面,造成了严重妨碍学科本身发展的硬伤.  相似文献   

技术是技术的国际市场化传播系统中的核心要素,它昆连接传播主体与客体的纽带,是主体与客体实现其价值的载体;与此同时,技术传播渠道与媒体的平台的构筑也直接以现实技术为基础。现代技术的特点对技术的国际市场化传播产生影响。章从五个方面论述了现代技术的特点及其对当前技术的国际市场化传播的深刻影响。  相似文献   

创作过程是由动力情感、主体情感、体验情感、对象情感共同作用而完成的一个系统工程。动力情感具有偶发性、持续性、变化性、自控性的特征;主体情感具有稳定性、倾向性、理智性的特征;体验情感具有实践性、本真性、多样性、深刻性的特征;对象情感具有审美性、自主性、感染性的特征。动力情感推动主体情感和体验情感的活动,主体情感一方面融化在对象情感之中,一方面又跳出来,从理性角度对对象情感进行价值判断。在判断过程中,相互冲突,相互搏斗,相互突进。体验情感是主体情感和对象情感的中介。对象情感一方面接受主体情感的渗透,一方面反向刺激主体情感。  相似文献   

Infants as young as 3 months of age can encode the relations among object features. Because object recognition depends critically upon a match between perceived feature configurations and representations of the object in long-term memory, the present experiments focused on infants' long-term memory for feature correlations. In 3 experiments with 72 3-month-olds, we documented the forgetting functions of different feature correlations, examined their relation to infants' memory for individual features, and replicated the findings with different stimuli. Infants were trained to activate a mobile composed of two kinds of blocks that differed in color, the figures displayed on them, and the figures' colors and were tested after different delays with recombinations of either the block colors, the figures, or the figure colors. Infants remembered some of the original feature combinations for up to 3 days but forgot all of them after 4 days. Even after 4 days, however, infants remembered the individual features that had entered into the original combinations. These results demonstrate that very young infants not only encode the relations among object features but also remember them for several days. Moreover, there is a dissociation in memory between features and feature relations: Feature relations are forgotten sooner than the individual features that comprise those relations.  相似文献   

According to variation theory, it is essential to enable students to focus on the object of learning and discern its critical features, but the features that it is possible to discern often depend on the equipment used. Thus, in labs, the experimental technologies used may shape students’ experience of focal phenomena, in a humanmediating toolsworld manner, by placing some aspects of reality in the foreground, others in the background, and visualizing certain aspects that would otherwise be invisible. However, this mediating role is often neglected, and instruments and devices are often seen as having little cognitive value. Hence, the role of experimental technologies in labs as tools for learning is examined here through a case study, in which three sets of students investigated the same physical relationships (Newtonian motion in an inclined plane), but using different measurement technologies. The results demonstrate that what it is possible for students to experience in a laboratory is heavily influenced by the chosen technology. Some technologies do not afford the discernment of features regarded as crucial for students to learn. Furthermore, analysis of video recordings shows that the three sets of students’ discourses differed, although they studied the “same physics”. Hence, the role of experimental technologies in students’ learning in labs should not be neglected, and their courses of action should be seen as material-discursive practice. Moreover, general conclusions about learning in labs should be drawn cautiously, specifying the conditions and technology used, and discussions about learning technologies should not be limited to the use of computers.  相似文献   

讨论和研究了面向人造目标的遥感图像目标分层特征模型、基于目标分层特征的遥感图像属性以及目标关键特征属性的提取方法,并针对遥感图像中机场目标的检测与识别,提出了机场遥感图像的分层特征描述内容以及基于分层特征遥感图像机场目标检测识别系统的构架。  相似文献   

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