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In a context where the role of the teacher and teacher education are undergoing considerable change, the role of educational psychology in teacher preparation is discussed within a new framework. Educational psychology is now perceived as an inherent component within teacher training and professional development, having previously been an additional course and often considered irrelevant to teaching practice. The current paper discusses the relationship between educational psychology and teacher preparation. Educational psychology's contribution to teachers' professional development is delineated through the constructs of teachers' prior beliefs about teaching, reflective practice and self‐efficacy, while its contribution to the improvement of teacher–pupil interaction is viewed through the lenses of instruction theories, social and emotional learning, special educational needs and classroom management. It is argued that through a productive dialectic dialogue between educational psychology and education, educational psychology provides the knowledge defined by its field to be utilized by teachers, whereas at the same time, teachers gain a wider reconceptualization of their practice.  相似文献   


Social justice has been suggested as a possible global moral framework for school psychology. It is, however, culturally understood and research suggests that the engagement with “social justice” in school psychology has been largely limited to a U.S. context. This project sought to extend international understandings and practices of social justice in school psychology. A thematic analysis of nine interviews with educational psychologists based in England was conducted. Social justice was defined as complex, and participants suggested it is important to educational psychology practice in part because of current cuts to public services and educational reforms. Findings also indicated a role for social justice consultation, building relationships, and engaging with broader macrolevel work to enact a social justice agenda. We discuss these findings in relation to previous literature, concluding that our research begins to document the seeds of a broader social justice agenda in school psychology.  相似文献   

在简要回顾教育心理学发展历史的基础上,分析了教育心理学两次发展高潮的契机,主要包括社会需要、学科本身发展的需要以及相关学科的推动作用。通过对发展契机的探讨,得到一些启示,以促进我国教育心理学的发展。  相似文献   

That happiness leads to lack of harm and suffering, representing both a good and a means to good, is promoted, for example, by educational philosophers such as Nel Noddings. But happiness should not be seen as an unproblematic goal, for education or otherwise. In this article, we critically investigate the importance of happiness in the educational context. More specifically, we emphasize the necessity of problematizing happiness as an emotional practice in social justice education. In order to contextualize our analysis, we enumerate two theoretical perspectives that endorse happiness in education. These are the educational philosophy of Noddings and the paradigm of positive psychology. After exploring how happiness is promoted theoretically and practically, we elaborate a critical perspective on happiness in relation to education. We use the work of Sara Ahmed, among others, to illustrate some ways in which happiness can function to serve unjust relations in education. We thus explore happiness as an intersubjective affect, as opposed to considering it as an intrasubjective feeling. We argue that educators who want to foster social justice in education need to consider the positive and the negative consequences of encouraging happiness in education. Fostering happiness can be progressive and empowering, but it can also be regressive and unjust.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the implications of some social anarchists’ views on education for thinking about authority, educational paternalism and compulsory schooling. In the first part of the paper, some key concepts in social anarchist theory will be introduced in order to demonstrate the importance of education for social anarchists. The paper then discusses anarchist educational ideas with regard to the content and process of education. Potential justifications of authority and educational paternalism receive special attention. The final part of the paper revolves around a discussion of compulsory schooling understood as a paternalist practice. It aims to contribute to ongoing debates by evaluating the educational institution of the school, and the practice of compulsory schooling, from a social anarchist perspective. The pragmatic character of this approach is reflected by some final remarks on the feasibility and desirability of compulsory schooling in imagined anarchist societies and our existing societies. This paper is aimed at anarchist and non-anarchist philosophers of education. Anarchist theory critically scrutinises all authority and hierarchy and takes no existing social structure, institution or practice in any area of life for granted. An engagement with anarchist thinking on educational issues such as authority, directiveness, educational paternalism and compulsory schooling may help anarchists and non-anarchists alike to enrich and deepen their own views on certain practices.  相似文献   

The present paper is concerned with processes of 'change' and 'continuity' and their application to educational psychology. It argues that educational psychologists (EPs) need to be aware of and reflect regularly about 'change' and 'continuity' in their profession as a means of evaluating their own short- and long-term development. Such examination includes assessing the impact of external changes on EP practice. In identifying conceptual features of 'change' and 'continuity', the paper claims that 'change' is 'learning', and suggests a list of prerequisites if change is considered. The paper also provides the foundation for the presentation of an exploratory research project into 'change' and 'continuity' in educational psychology, discussed in Part II.  相似文献   

Present standards include creative and critical thinking among dispositions essential for the teaching profession. While teaching introductory courses in educational psychology, I have noticed that even though students can easily describe critical thinking in the abstract, they rarely and reluctantly engage in thinking critically about their own educational experiences. Emphasis on assessment of critical thinking dispositions and skills requires students to demonstrate “the right way to think.” This emphasis, I argue, decreases students' inclination to practice critical inquiry and to feel this experience as intrinsically rewarding. Exploration of socio-cultural contexts of my own and my students' upbringing helps understand how such contexts condition the critical thinking practice. I offer the cultural-historical theory of Lev Vygotsky as an alternative frame of reference that will help students practice critical thinking in an educational psychology classroom.  相似文献   

源头为何非正源—教育心理学诞生的历史反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者从历史反思的视点出发,分析了教育心理学诞生之际中西方社会背景的差异,并着重从影响教育心理学诞生的直接因素-哲学思想、主流文化取向、民族心理和心理学等相关学科的发展方面探讨中西方的差异,找寻教育心理学最先诞生于西方的原因以及对发展我国教育心理学的启示。  相似文献   

An unfortunate lack of communication mars the relationship between educational psychology and philosophy. This state of affairs is magnified by the need for scholars of education to come forth in addressing broad ranging political issues surrounding contemporary American public education. It seems that although the very scholars who are needed for enlightened dialogue on these matters are, instead, only talking within tight discipline-bounded circles. This work seeks to jump start the wavering cross-discipline conversation, particularly between educational psychology and philosophy, by proposing pragmatic philosophy as an intellectual and visceral counterpart to the social science inquiry that is the province of our field.  相似文献   

通过对当前音乐教育心理学的发展现状的分析指出,音乐教育心理学已经成为音乐心理学的一个重要组成部分,对音乐教育心理学研究方法的思考具有现实意义。当今我国音乐教育心理学研究一方面亟需加强“量的研究”,另一方面必须重视“质的研究”,在教育实践中采用行动研究模式将两者有机地结合是实际有效的研究方法。  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential of neuroscience for improving educational practice by describing the perspective of educational psychology as a linking science; providing historical context showing educational psychology’s 100-year search for an educationally relevant neuroscience; offering a conceptual framework for the connections among neuroscience, cognitive science, educational psychology, and educational practice; and laying out a research agenda for the emerging field of educational neuroscience.  相似文献   


This paper is an analysis of the potential that action research theory and practice hold for educating preservice teachers to become more critically reflective. First, action research theory, especially as it informs current notions of educational research and practice, is reviewed. Then critically reflective teaching is described by grounding the term in critical social science views supportive of the social reconstructionist reform tradition in teacher education. Special attention is given in this review to the claims made by action research advocates regarding the power of action research to promote critically reflective teaching. Finally, to examine the empirical basis for these claims, a brief survey is made of several reports of the use of action research by teacher educators. The analysis reveals cautious optimism for the promise action research holds for critically reflective teacher education.  相似文献   

This paper examines the need for gatekeeping within social work education. It examines the processes within the university, social work educational programs, and the practice community. It highlights concerns about gatekeeping's implementation. Suggestions are made for quality control in classroom instruction, field education, and student evaluation.  相似文献   

咨询心理学的科学性和科学地位在中国遭到了严重的挑战和威胁,原因是一段时期以来,我国的心理咨询和心理治疗被定位在“医学模式”的范畴。这种医学模式的咨询心理学没给中国的心理咨询业带来繁荣却带来了灾难。应当重新检讨我国的咨询心理学的理论和实践的历史,反思我们的工作,使我国的咨询心理学重新回到科学的轨道,回到“教育模式”上来。使咨询心理学能够真正地为社会文明和进步服务。  相似文献   

约翰·杜威是实用主义的集大成者,在哲学、心理学、教育学诸领域均有创造性的见解和理论,尤其在教育和社会政治生活领域中享有世界声誉。杜威教育理论不仅源于20世纪美国社会历史文化大背景,而且与其社会实践、教育实践等有着内在本质的联系。杜威原创性教育理论,是特定的社会历史文化环境的产物,是在吸收前贤思想精华基础上批判继承的结晶.是杜威肩负巨大社会责任感基础上亲身实践的成果。  相似文献   

The positive psychological research underpinning the strength-based approach makes two important claims of relevance to the practice of educational psychologists (EPs): (1) there are key, ubiquitous strengths, some of which are more worthy of development and amplification than others; and (2) this approach could resolve some of the issues associated with the traditional deficit model, by moving practice away from problem-focused language, negative labelling and within-person hypotheses. This paper aims to explore these two claims from social constructionist and systemic perspectives, respectively. It is argued that it is imperative for EPs to critically reflect on the research underpinning this approach and to consider how the principles of social constructionism and systemic thinking may facilitate its application in practice. It is concluded that, in order to move the approach forward, it will be essential for personalised strength-based approaches, which consider an individual’s strengths contextually, to be developed and utilised.  相似文献   

目前高师院校应用心理学专业培养方向不明确,理论对实践的指导不够,没有形成完整的实践能力培养模式。导致实践能力培养模式存在问题的原因在于理论指导不够和教育参与者重视不够。学生实践能力培养模式创建策略包括完善实践教学体系和扩展社会实践内容两个方面。  相似文献   

This paper describes a survey of psychology undergraduates' perceptions of educational psychology, and the factors most likely to motivate or deter them from joining the profession. Results suggest that interest in educational psychology as a career option is at its lowest level for thirty years or more. The paper presents evidence that the current recruitment crisis within the profession needs to be addressed at a number of levels, including: the promotion within first degree programmes of improved understanding of educational psychology as a discipline and a profession, and of the links between basic research and its applicability to educational psychology in practice; the further development of the role which educational psychologists (EPs) fulfil, and the accurate dissemination of information about the profession; stream-lining and rationalising post-graduate training routes for psychology graduates, in order to offer a more accessible career route, and maximising its direct relevance in supporting the acquisition of core professional skills; and attenting to pay and conditions within the profession, so that it competes on more equal terms with other career destinations considered by undergraduates.  相似文献   

自闭症干预的SCERTS模式以家庭生活中的人际交流、儿童情绪情感的自我调节、交往支持作为三个主要的干预维度,注重运用象征手段实现功能性的社会交往,为直接处理自闭症儿童的主要问题提供了一个综合的心理-教育干预的框架,反映了一些新的研究动向和实践策略,对于解决当前的一些实践问题和确定未来的研究取向有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Despite an underlying inclusion agenda, sexuality equality remains a low priority in education. Review of literature suggests the marginalization of sexual minority young people (SMYP) in schools. This study explores educational psychologists’ (EPs’) constructions of sexuality and the implications for practice. Discursive psychology was used to analyse semi-structured interview data from seven EPs. Multiple and context-dependent constructions of sexuality emerged from the study. The research suggested that participants oriented to the need to maintain a non-prejudiced position and managed tensions of accountability using rhetorical strategies and interpretive repertoires. Conclusions centre on the need for reflexive practice to challenge taken for granted assumptions regarding sexuality in education and psychology communities.  相似文献   

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