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The article undertakes a close analysis of the perceived weaknesses of Secondary teacher training in Greece. The analysis is based upon the criticisms of other observers and of the Greek Federation of Secondary Teachers, and especially upon an enquiry conducted of 233 Secondary teachers in May 1983 (approximately 2% of the cadre). The teachers concerned were invited to report upon their own perceptions of the training which they had undergone, and of its relevance to their later professional careers. The overall picture is one of considerable dissatisfaction with a training which is labelled, at one point, ‘anachronistic'; the view is expressed that the education given does not even attain its declared aim of instilling an understanding of scientific methodology.

There exists a strong demand for a greater emphasis upon pedagogy, with the approach through psycho‐pedagogics being much favoured; the author enters the reservation that the scepticism which begins to be shown in some European countries is not yet evident in Greece. There is also a demand for greater emphasis on practical training, though there exists a debate over the question of consecutive versus concurrent training, with the majority favouring the former.

Explanations for the present ‘disastrous’ situation in Greek teacher training are varied, ranging from the view that forces of political conservatism are at work to the view that Greek educational thinking is over‐dependent upon ideas brought in from other European countries. Certainly the author sees the Greek system as imposing a high level of conformity upon the beginning teacher, who is ill equipped to offer challenging ideas to existing practice. The climate, however, is one of change, and the author is finally optimistic about the growing contribution of educational sciences to Greek teacher training.  相似文献   

The author, drawing upon 37 years’ experience of the training of Secondary teachers in Belgium, offers a critical view of the present situation. His remarks bear upon training for the lower‐Secondary cycle, the system for which—though apparently simple— is in fact complex.

A 1981 reform extended the period of training to three years, but lower‐ and upper‐Secondary training, at University level, are still separate. A greater unity is desirable.

Three principles which should underpin all training are: a planned continuation into in‐service training, the development of practice‐oriented research, and (to allow of flexibility) a unit‐based approach. The length of study is important, since it has implications for maturation.

Finally, the author examines in turn each element in the range of skills, aptitudes and attitudes needed by the student teacher.  相似文献   

The author analyses the current situation of teacher education in Portugal. The structure of the education system is described, as is the training of teachers for the compulsory secondary cycle, special education, technical and vocational education and Higher education. The author then goes on to recall the changes which took place during the 70s and the context of discussion and reform of that time.

Changes in the school population have brought about an imbalance between pupil numbers and the availability of properly trained teachers. Untrained teachers have been recruited on a massive scale. Special measures have had to be taken in respect of teacher education, particularly for Secondary level. The article focuses on a recent and innovatory change model originally based on an inservice training model.

Despite current developments, it is the view of the author that a great deal remains to be done.  相似文献   

The article examines issues pertaining to the training of the ‘second degree’ in France—i.e. those who teach Secondary pupils aged 11 to 18. The different categories of suck teachers, and the different forms of training received, are identified, and the article focuses specifically on the situation of lycée (upper‐Secondary) teachers. Historically, the element of pedagogy has been undervalued in this area.

In‐service education is very important. Many courses are provided, although Secondary teachers do not have statutory rights to INSET release.

Recent examination of training for this sector has revealed a number of weaknesses, among them a tendency to compartmentalisation and the fact that university trainers themselves lack pedagogic background. The de Peretti Report is referred to.

The article concludes with a close examination of aspects of the theory‐practice issue, based on the writer's extensive experience.  相似文献   

For over 20 years applied linguistics has especially been engaged in problems connected with foreign language acquisition and learning. It appears as an inter‐discipline of psychology, pedagogics, sociology and linguistics. Gradually it is finding itself a place among the subjects taught in the university, forming its own cadre, defining its field and its research methods, and presenting results in the field of language learning. The moment has come for it to consider participation in the training of language teachers.

The author looks upon applied linguistics as an intermediary between the general psychological, pedagogical, methodological level of teaching and that of the special didactics of a language. In principle the contribution of the new discipline will be the teaching of everything the language teacher should know and be able to do, apart from what is required of every teacher and from what is specific for the teacher of a particular language.  相似文献   

As M. Belbenoit's contribution is much lengthier than the articles normally accepted for the ATEE‐journal, the Editorial Secretariat were at first inclined to try to condense it. We found, however, that condensation would not allow a fair representation of the author's views, so decided to publish it in two instalments, of which the first in this issue of the journal.

Puisque I'article de M. Belbenoit est plus long que les articles normalement acceptés par le ATEE Journal, le Bureau de la Rédaction avait pensé en premier lieu à condenser l'article. Cependant nous avons jugé que cette procédure né permettait pas une représentation juste des opinions de l'auteur. Nous avons alors décidée de le publier en deux parties dont voici la premiè're.  相似文献   

The strongpoints on which to plan the initial education and training of teachers are dealt with. On the training side two elements are considered: that part of training linked to learning processes, and the other part facing the social life of classroom and school, social and affective growth, civic education. It is advocated that the interaction between subject‐matter and its construction/transmission could take place through practical experimental paths within the actual work of school.  相似文献   

As M. Belbenoit's contribution was much lengthier than the articles normally accepted for the “revue ATEE journal”, the Editorial Secretariat were at first inclined to try to condense it. We found, however, that condensation would not allow a fair representation of the author's views, and so decided to publish it in two instalments, of which the first in the preceeding issue (p. 127‐150). This is the second instalment.  相似文献   

Fauquet, M. “Pour une formation des enseignants à et par l'audiovisuel,” Revue ATEE Journal 3 (1980) 7‐23.

Teacher education geared to modern times has to deal with a new and double demand. The development of audiovisual educational technologies demands from an institution that it “educates” a teacher capable of incorporating these innovations into his practice. A training for the educational use of audio visuals presupposes an initiation into the production of audiovisual aids. It implies even more the study of semiology as well as that of psychological and sociological factors in the learning processes and communication aimed at the achievement of educational goals. This training has to be embedded in an education through the considered use of audiovisual aids. In a world where conditioning forces are ever increasing in strength it is essential that the teacher “educates himself” in such a way that he ensures his autonomy and favours that of his pupils. The strategy defined here makes possible a formative evaluation of the teacher training process. It takes as a starting point the awareness brought about by a supervised autoscopy and by discontinued teacher‐training‐periods inspires by micro‐teaching techniques which are themselves improved by sequential training techniques.  相似文献   

Selon la Loi-cadre de l'enseignement supérieur de la République Fédérale d'Allemagne, les universités doivent encourager la coopération universitaire internationale, et notamment européenne, ainsi que les échanges entre les universités allemandes et étrangères.  相似文献   

Résumé La formation des personnes âgées se trouve présentement fortement influencée par le modèle de l'acquisition des compétences qui prévaut dans la culture pédagogique. L'auteure de cet article expose et illustre le modèle dans sa forme première et sa direction actuelle, puis elle cherche à voir s'il convient de le retenir pour la formation des personnes âgées.
The training of the elderly is at present strongly influenced by the competence acquisition model that currently prevails in pedagogical culture. The author of this article examines and illustrates this model in its original form and its current direction. She then addresses the question of whether it is appropriate to retain this model for training elderly people.

Zusammenfassung Die Seniorenfortbildung wird von dem zur Zeit in der pädagogischen Kultur vorherrschenden Modell des Erwerbs von Kompetenzen sehr beeinflußt. Die Autorin dieses Artikels untersucht und beleuchtet dieses Modell in seiner ursprünglichen Form und der gegenwärtigen Zielsetzung. Sie diskutiert anschließend die Frage, ob eine Aufrechterhaltung dieser Art von Fortbildung für Ältere sinnvoll ist.

Resumen La formación de personas mayores está fuertemente influenciada por el modelo de adquisición de competencias que suele prevalecer en la cultura pedagógica. La autora de este artículo examina e ilustra este mdoelo en cuanto a su forma original y a la dirección que actualmente toma. Finalmente, plantea el interrogante de si es apropiado o no mantener este modelo para la formación de personas mayores.

Cet article développe les thèmes d'une communication intitulée Les lecompétences et l'éducation des personnes âgées,présentée lors de la 22e réunion scientifique et éducative annuelle de l'Association canadienne de gérontologie, Montréal, 30 octobre 1993.  相似文献   

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