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美国远程教育的前车之鉴   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
美国的远程教育以其多样的媒体手段、广大的生源及其成熟的商业化服务为教育界关注,更成为我国远程教育界研究和学习的对象(朱雪文,2002).然而,在美国远程教育的历史上,网络教育只是一种近期的现象,它的成败得失尚有待于时间的考验.特别是当商业的动机和行为介入远程教育之后,结果往往与期待不尽相符.本文试对美国远程教育从函授教育到网络教育发展过程中的一些案例,略加思考和评论,以为中国方兴未艾的网络教育提供一点前车之鉴.  相似文献   

美国远程教育政策和原则的分析与启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过对美国有关远程教育政策、原则的分析,对其特点进行了归纳和总结,并论述了对我国制定远程 教育政策和原则有借鉴意义的启示。  相似文献   

美国远程教育的发展现状、挑战及策略   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
大多数美国高等院校目前都提供部分远程学习课程,其中大多包含在线成分.远程学习的快速发展产生了综合而复杂的影响,虽然有更多的远程学生可以接受高等教育,但同时政府和院校也不得不重新审查其相关政策以适应新的教学实践.本文回顾了美国远程教育的发展以及面临的主要问题,这些问题现实地摆在那些试图改变由于快速发展而产生的混乱状态的人们面前.  相似文献   

美国虽然不是世界上最先发展研究生教育的国家,但却是20世纪以来研究生教育最为发达的国家。从19世纪中期现代研究生教育在国内落地生根开始,美国就在业内讨论发展研究生教育的目的,并很快得到各大学的认同及长期落实;在确定目标的基础上,美国大学成为研究生教育发展的主体,它们从理想和现实层面落实研究生教育的目标;与研究生教育相关的其他利益群体,也从维护自身利益出发,积极参与大学关于研究生教育发展方向的讨论。有目标、有行动、有监督的美国研究生教育体系很快就得到了社会各界的认可,并成为世界研究生教育发展的典范。  相似文献   


Critical race theory (CRT) views education as one of the principal means by which white supremacy is maintained and presented as normal in society. The article applies CRT to two real-world case studies: changes to education statutes in the state of Arizona (USA) and the introduction of a new measure of educational success in England, the English baccalaureate. The analysis highlights the globalized nature of neoliberal education reform and its fundamentally raced and racist character.  相似文献   

Educational values in both the United States and in China have suffered from the social and political reach of economic markets in each society. The models for counteracting the marketization of values in higher education can however be found in each country’s past educational traditions. Surprisingly, the developmental values inherent in small liberal arts college teaching dovetail easily with the personal developmental benefits in the pedagogy of classical Confucian academies, as both center on the validation of the process by which students learn for themselves.  相似文献   

一、美国远程教育发展状况简介   人类已进入信息文明时代,以电子计算机、现代通信技术为代表的高新技术突飞猛进,深刻地改变着人类的工作和生活.信息技术在对教育产生巨大冲击的同时,也带来了前所未有的挑战和机遇.   ……  相似文献   

This article makes predictions about the long‐term integration of distance education teaching into face‐to‐face institutions; with specialist distance education institutions becoming centres of specialist teaching and research. As life‐long learning becomes more a pressing social demand, so courses will be offered more at national levels ‐‐ state boundaries will pale into insignificance as communications technology facilitates national and international access. Local courses will prevail only in areas of intense public demand and will tend to be low‐level courses. Most teachers de facto will become distance educators of sorts.  相似文献   

美国现行的教育体制构建在两个理想的前提上,一是必须保证所有的人接受基础教育,但由于各州经济状况的不同而导致基础教育发展不平衡;一是必须保证所有人都有接受高等教育的权利和机会。美国教育体制下存在公助和私助两种办学模武,他们更强调教会学生创新和独立思考,一些学校正进行改革试验,并取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

Governing boards have a long tradition and prominent role in U.S. higher education. The diversity of institutional types, and thus governing boards, represents a multifaceted tapestry of functions, roles, and responsibilities. This paper will attempt to define the parameters of public higher education governing boards in the USA and offer critical insights into their degree of effectiveness. It is the author’s position that both positive and negative lessons can be learned through an examination of these public governing boards in the USA. The recent emergence of university boards in Europe is examined and their characteristics are compared against the characteristics of public and private boards in the USA.  相似文献   


Governing boards have a long tradition and prominent role in U.S. higher education. The diversity of institutional types, and thus governing boards, represents a multifaceted tapestry of functions, roles, and responsibilities. This paper will attempt to define the parameters of public higher education governing boards in the USA and offer critical insights into their degree of effectiveness. It is the author’s position that both positive and negative lessons can be learned through an examination of these public governing boards in the USA. The recent emergence of university boards in Europe is examined and their characteristics are compared against the characteristics of public and private boards in the USA.


美国远程职业技术教育的现状与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,美国的许多机构都开始探索通过远程教育方式来开展职业技术教育,为社会培养了大量的应用型人才;研究者们也从不同的角度积极对其进行研究.因此,无论是实践方面,还是研究方面,美国都取得了丰富的经验和成果.为给我国远程职业教育的开展和研究提供一定的借鉴,本文对美国远程职业技术教育的相关文献进行了调研,从美国远程职业技术教育的实施现状、研究现状以及它们的特点进行了分析,最后从学历与非学历课程相结合、合理选择技术、关注教育质量、注意研究方法、把握研究方向几个方面提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

美国早期教育的不公平现象至今依然存在,着重表现为早期教育可获得性不公平、早期教育项目质量不公平以及资金投入不公平等方面。早期教育不公平问题的产生有复杂的历史和文化原因。美国政府和学界一直致力于解决教育不公平问题。美国经验的启示是,要进一步加强对教育公平问题的科学研究,把教育公平问题作为深化早期教育改革与发展需要解决的核心问题来考虑,通过解决教育公平问题推动社会发展。  相似文献   

美国品格教育实践与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“我们留下一个什么样的世界给子孙后代,在很大程度上取决于我们给世界留下什么样的子孙后代”。这话出自联合国教科文组织总干事马约尔之口,它反映了处于世纪之交的人们对教育寄予深切厚望的战略远见。这一战略远见造就了新旧世纪之交世界教育领域的一个亮点,那就是已日益成为全球趋势的、旨在培养适应新世纪人才的学校教育改革运动。  相似文献   

美国硕士研究生教育的类型分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据美国研究生院协会1989~1991年对美国硕士研究生教育的大规模调查和研究结果,介绍了美国四种不同类型的硕士研究生教育的目的、特点和各方面的综合评价情况,以期对我国研究生教育的发展有所启发。  相似文献   


With the increased societal awareness of environmental issues, social scientists have expanded their examination of environmentally related topics. One component of this expansion has been the generation and growth of social theory which has the human-environment relationship at its core. This study is a further test of one of these theories, the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP). Using survey data, the relationship of the NEP to knowledge of environmentally relevant issues is examined. The results show ecological worldview as measured by the NEP scale has an independent influence on net environmental knowledge of other sociodemographic characteristics.  相似文献   


The status of the environmental education component of preservice teacher education programs is unknown nationally. This study surveyed 715 institutions of teacher education using a mail questionnaire. The response rate was approximately 63%. The results indicate that most schools have few requirements related to environmental education, and in the majority of schools environmental education is not institutionalized.  相似文献   

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