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《陈寅恪的最后二十年》一书与其说是一部陈寅恪的人物传记,还不如说是一部反映大学理念的岁月散记。这些理念体现在大学校长“为教授服务”的实际行动上、“老古董”式教授的学术精神上以及学生尊师的“执弟子礼”上……概言之,大学理念形成的奥秘就在于文化的传递和学业的承袭,即大学的精魂。当下,如何延续这一“精魂”,更值得思考的则是如何借助现代大学制度以及如何把握其建设的本真意义。  相似文献   

改革开放以来大学生的学习心理历史,从社会变革和校园文化嬗变的角度看,大体分为追回青春的读书热、发展自我的第地二课堂热、关注社会改革的西方文化热、反思后的实用主义学习热、以实效学习为主的创新热五个阶段。从中可以看出,青年大学生的学习心理在经历“两极钟摆”之后,逐渐趋于冷静与平稳,从盲目追随社会而逐渐趋于成熟和理智。  相似文献   


It is salutary to be reminded that in some countries the struggle to establish the study of the media has a much longer history than we sometimes imagine. Here Rosemarie Meyer of the Institut National de Recherche Pedagogique in France looks back over the growth of media studies and traces its roots.  相似文献   


This article investigates the effect of the raters' perception of a given topic on students' writing scores. Three raters, who were teachers in TEFL with backgrounds in teaching essay and letter writing in English, scored the compositions. The means of the three sets of scores by three raters were compared using the two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Concerning the hypothesis of the study that states “raters' perception has no effect on writers' composition scores,” the result of ANOVA was nonsignificant, meaning that there are other factors such as students' attitude and cognitive ability that may affect raters' judgments on student writing performance.  相似文献   

近 2 0年来“说文学”研究取得了长足发展和丰硕成果 ,既具有鲜明的特点 ,又存在许多不足。今后“说文学”研究必须加强系统性和专题性研究 ,与古文字学相结合 ,重视理论性和实用 ,建立计算机辅助研究系统 ,从而让“说文学”真正成为一门独立的令人瞩目的国际化学科  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,我国高等教育界展开了一场持久的多主体参与、多维度推进人才培养模式改革的教育探索。杨叔子以科学与人文相交相融为主旨的文化素质教育、甘阳以核心课程和助教制度为中心的通识教育、汪丁丁以知识与价值的重构为根基的跨学科教育,分别从不同侧面展示了培养"通才"的教育诉求,这些诉求集中体现了通才教育展开的三个基本理路。  相似文献   

After the formative period of China's educational sociology between 1922 and 1949, beginning with the publication of Tao Menghe's Society and Education,1 the first work in Chinese on educational sociology published in 1922, the discipline went into a thirty-year period of stagnation. Starting in 1979, educational sociology in mainland China entered a period of reconstruction. The focus of my reflection here is the period between 1979 to the present.  相似文献   

An encouraging proportion of studies of science in recent decades involve close attention to experiment. This article is mainly concerned with the implications of those studies for philosophy of science. It is argued that the results that are produced by experimental activity are practical productions that embody a practical solution to some of the key problems that have worried philosophers, such as the problem of induction and the nature of the relationship between scientific claims and the material world that those claims refer to. Appreciating the nature of these solutions provides a secure ground for confounding the sceptics. In the final section, it is argued that the nature of experiment points to the need to understand the world in terms of an ontology of powers, dispositions and other ontological categories unjustly given a bad name by Humeans.  相似文献   

从自然科学的认识过程中人的主体性地位 ,感性认识和理性认识的关系 ,本体论和认识论的关系 ,以及科学理论的构成、科学知识的增长及科学理论的价值等十个方面阐发了自己的观点。而这些重要的科学哲学问题 ,在 2 0年后的今天 ,大都已取得正确的认识和理解  相似文献   

In pausing to reflect on twenty years service tending the fragile vineyards of higher education reform as president and one of the founders of the National Association of Scholars, Stephen H. Balch stops to toast his hardy fellow vintners. Dr. Balch raises a weary but wiser glass to those who across the years and in many states have braved harsh academic climes and hostile intellectual winds to safeguard the tender fruits of reform. The vines remain tenuous and the atmosphere continues to prove largely forbidding, leaving reformers much more often with the bitter taste of vinegar than wine. Dr. Balch shares a cautionary cup. But through the sturdy dedication of vintners like the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, the Center for Equal Opportunity, and the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, who can say what worthy wine the press of the next twenty years will yield?  相似文献   

近二十年关于梁漱溟的研究主要涉及其思想渊源和归属、文化思想、新儒学思想、乡村建设的理论与实践等,总的来说是朝着精细化的方向发展;精细化的研究固然可使我们获得对于梁漱溟思想的更为准确的理解,但也容易陷入见木不见林的窘境;避免窘境的途径在于抓住梁漱溟思想的根本即人生问题,并将它与其生命践行联系起来加以考察.  相似文献   

就目前市场上常见的电脑主板,按照主板分类和发布年代的先后顺序,详尽描述了电脑主板20年所经历的风风雨雨和结构的演变历程.读者了解这个演变历程,对更好地理解PC和使用PC将有很大的帮助.  相似文献   

香港文学研究二十年   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会的改革带动了学术的开放。香港学研究不仅在弥利、我国的学研究空白中占有不同寻常的地位,而且还承担着开拓内地学研究视野和整合两岸三地学这一重任。它尽管取得了一定成绩,但目前仍属“试写”的草创阶段。正如全球化不会使香港学失却自己的特色一样,新世纪的香港学研究在一国两制背景下仍可成为世界华学研究的一个独特分支。  相似文献   

近二十年,徐灿得到了学术界的广泛关注,研究者们不仅对其作品进行了校注,还利用文献研究、比较研究等方法对其生平思想、诗词特点等进行了深入探讨,取得了丰硕的成果,但同时也存在一定的局限性。对这些研究成果进行客观的梳理批评,学者不仅可以全面了解徐灿的研究现状,还可对今后的创新研究加以合理展望。  相似文献   

近20年来国外有关青少年同伴关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过回溯近20年来国外有关青少年同伴关系的研究,在总结其在同伴关系类型、同伴关系与家庭关系、同伴地位三方面研究成果的同时,也指出了目前仍未得到解决的一些基本问题,并在此基础上对未来同伴关系领域的研究做出了展望。  相似文献   

20年来中国文学思潮   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
最近20年来的中国文字思潮既是社会生活的历史见证,同时又以文学的方式呈现出作家对生活的想象和感受。20年来的文学是一个不断演进的过程,同时因社会形态和文学形态的变化关系,而形成了“新时期”文学与如年代文学两个呈现出对照的发展时期。前一个阶段,人道主义文学或人的文学构成了主潮,后一个时期在商品经济影响下世俗化倾向成为文学的潮流。  相似文献   

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